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Any men ever peed off a building?

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As a kid approximately 10 years old, I sometimes climbed on our roof and peed off the gable end two stories off the ground. Just for doing something different. Also peed on the roof and watched it go down into the gutters. Cheap thrills for a kid.

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Did it off a tall building hotel window doesn't open wide enough for me to see where it landed but it was in the middle of the city late evening so it was dark, and across the road from a train station. It just the risk trill that gets me and I have no idea if anyone saw it. :D

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When I was a student I lived on the 8th floor of some halls of residence.   I peed out of my window several times.

I have also peed out of upstairs windows in my house, off multi storey car parks (both over the side and down stairwells) and from hotel room windows and balconies.

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I never, but I remember a very, very long time ago when I was in the 5th year of middle school we had a school trip to Florence in Italy. You are 15-16 years old in that year, back then that was a very acceptable age to start drinking here. 

Our hotel in Florence was really crappy, they advertised themselves as being a half a star so that says enough. The hotel was in an apartment building. The first 5 floors were apartments and the 6th floor was the hotel. There also was no elevator. Needless to say, a bunch of 16 year olds were not very excited by this. Also needless to say, in the evenings after the excursions we had enormous amount of beer and other liquors. 

Good thing was, this hotel did have a roof top terrace. We made great use of it by sitting on it, loudly singing songs, gulping beer after beer and so on. At that age you became drunk fast, which led to the fact that a lot of guys just drunkenly pissed of this roof top onto the (pretty busy) street below. Some of them even held contests to see who could pee the furthest. 

Myself, I wasn't a very comfortable pee-er (nor drinker!) back then so even though I was tipsy I wasn't drunk and just walked back to the toilets in my room. Bit of a shame I think now 2 decades later! Although the bigger shame was the teachers put the girls in another hotel so I know nothing of the peeing escapades of the drunk girls, because I'm pretty sure they weren't exactly sober either.. 

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On 4/25/2024 at 4:43 PM, DoctorDoctor said:

That was always my goal in owning a big enough piece of land - That I can walk outside and pee off my back porch/deck anytime without worrying about my neighbors seeing.

We have at least 2 neighbors who could see our back deck, so I never would have considered peeing off of it, but a while ago my mom mentioned that my dad used to do so all the time years ago when he was still around. I brought up that our neighbors could easily see someone doing so, but my mom retorted "who cares" nothing to be worried about.

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Not exactly a building but... 

As a kid my friends and I frequently played a game which was a cross between duck-duck-goose and truth-or-dare (dares involving peeing weren't unusual: generally one or two per game); I was dared to pee out of a treehouse.  The floor was perhaps 8 feet above the ground: did it and never before or since got such distance.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/1/2024 at 10:57 AM, PeeNymph said:

I find this so hot. I would love to spend a night with a guy in a hotel on a high floor, and have him simply piss off the balcony and onto the street below when he feels so inclined, not giving a care as to who or what is down there or who might see. I wish there were more videos like the circulating!

I used to piss off the balcony of my old apartment. Except I could only do it on rainy nights. I didn't want to risk eviction by pissing off (or pissing on) the downstairs neighbor. 

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Since my early days of experimenting with pee play I have always wanted to pee off of a high place to see my long stream pour down a long distance . I rarely are in a tall building , but much more important I don't want to get arrested. 

I have fantasized about peeing off a bridge over a nearby river, but there are CCTV cameras all over up there.

I do look for other high places, in a secluded place to pee from, and enjoyed doing it a few times.

So, technically not a traditional building I discovered a abandoned railroad trestle over a creak in the woods. For me to enjoy pee play I have to be really desperate . Especially this time I wanted a long ( in time) and forceful pee .  Therefore , I held my pee until I my bladder was full, and I had to go really badly, a bit to bad as it turned out. I didn't account for my needing to climb up a steep embankment with a bursting bladder, which made the climb more difficult. Also, there was the factor of the rushing water in the stream.

Halfway up I realized I was in trouble. Feeling about to pee in my pants with the exercertion  of  climbing I had to stop and hold myself. But, I could not climb doing that. I needed both my hands, so I had to release my hand and resume climbing. I went back and forth holding and climbing , but eventually I leaked , creating a quarter sized wet spot in my jeans. I had a couple more leaks before I reached the top.  

There was no longer any rails nor anything to grab onto , just the rail ties. I had to walk very slowly and carefully to keep from falling. I wanted to reach the middle and pee into the water. But the rushing water was too much for my overfull bladder. I started leaking again, but this time I couldn't stop it even with my hand . I was just wetting my pants, which I did not want to do.  Unable to stop the flow, I just had to whip out my dick and pee where I was. Some of it landed in the stream the rest on the ground. I realized that it didn't matter because I couldn't hear it above the roar of the stream. Still I enjoyed watching my stream of pee pour down at least 20 feet, which was nice.

The only problem now was I had to return to my girlfriend's house with obviously wet pants in front down to my crotch. She did not approve any part of my pee fetish. She knew I had held it for my experiment  just looked at my peed in  pants, and smiled and shook her head.

Despite all this I enjoyed myself.

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I used to go to parties at this amazing loft space in a converted warehouse with just one tiny bathroom for hundreds of guests. The building had a huge patio with a cantilevered roof that hung over an alley which the male guests would use as a substitute urinal. During the bigger parties it would become the primary men's room. And just like any party restroom it was constantly in use. Over the many years of reveling there, I peed off that roof more times than I can remember.

Since I was standing over 100 feet above the alley, I always peed from the end of the roof. That way I could hold on to the gutter of the roof next door. As exhilarating as it was, it was also extremely dangerous. I love peeing off roofs but that was not how I wanted to die. 

Sometimes I would aim my stream up in the air like a grown up version of a pissing boy statue. I loved watching my urine hang in the air like an arch of transcendence, reflecting off the city lights before splattering down on the pavement below. 


*sigh* I miss those days.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/15/2024 at 3:59 AM, overcaffeinated said:

In my 20's, I lived in an 11th floor apartment.  I would at least once a week piss out the window or off the balcony onto the sidewalk below. Definitely something I enjoyed and would do again

Ever had some "accidental" hits down below ?

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A favorite fantasy I often jack-off to is of a seaside bar on stilts with an outdoor porch overlooking the ocean. In the darkness of night, I’m sitting on a towel in the sand below as men urinate through the porch’s railing and it rains down upon me! 🤪

And imagining how my wife might react if she only knew what I fantasize about while we’re having sexual intercourse gets me all the more aroused! 

Whle I’ve not urinated from buildings, I’ve done so into bathtubs, sinks, clothing hampers and beds among other things. It feels so naughty! But, nothing compares to the thrill of being urinated on by anyone and everyone! 🙂

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