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Preferred piss stream

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I’m curious what preferences are in general. I’m not sure if I can make a poll, so I’ll just throw out the question. 

When watching someone piss do you prefer strong quick stream, long slower stream, marking dribbles around, or no visible stream (like pissing directly into or behind something)

If you’re the one pissing for fun (rather than watching porn) does your preference change?

Edited by InsertName
Putting my preference into the response section
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Dribbling/marking videos feel like a tease to me  I love longer videos, but I prefer the both watching and experiencing a hard, steady stream all in one spot which means I watch a lot of 1.5 minute videos with an ad between each. When I’m pissing for fun, the sensation of a pressured stream, the sound, splashing, and rush is the best but I settle for an (attempting to be quiet) slower stream for discretion.

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21 hours ago, InsertName said:

or no visible stream (like pissing directly into or behind something)

Yes, I like that too, there is also something exciting about it when a woman pisses, but her stream is not visible, but heard. For example, when a woman pisses while sitting on the toilet bowl or in a bucket, bin or something else and only a sound is heard, a splash, a hiss of her stream, and from these sounds one can conclude about the power of the stream. And also sometimes very sexy and exciting just to hear only one sound. When, in general, you can't even see the pissing woman, but you can hear how she pisses, for example, when she is behind a closed door in the toilet or behind something, for example, behind a bush, around a corner, behind a car or behind some other object and you can only hear what how her stream hits the ground or something else. And if at the same time, in addition, her stream is hisses and this hissing is loud and can be clearly heard, then this gives even more intense excitement and pleasure. So, yes, when can't see the stream or even the woman is not visible at all, but only one sound of the stream is heard, I really like that too. But most of all, of course, I still prefer to see the pissing woman, personally, directly see how she pisses and see her stream.

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15 hours ago, swekiss said:

Pretty much nails the way I feel. I wanna see the source and see where it ends up. And it has to be a proper pee. Not just two seconds for the sake of it or walking around to mark different things in the  process. Pick one location and pee in it. It feels more realistic, regardless of if it's done in a naughty place or somewhere "normal".

Completely. I really like to see someone just commit to the piss and make a lovely visible spot or stream as their piss floods out

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I like it when women is doing a full squat with thwir knees apart and is pissing in strong streams for a long time and it ends up forming a massive puddle underneath them. It kind of makes you wonder how long they were holding for and how much more they can hold.

When I pee I prefer to pee in spurts because that way I can pee for longer and my stream is also much stronger 

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37 minutes ago, Mattew said:

I like it when women is doing a full squat with thwir knees apart and is pissing in strong streams for a long time and it ends up forming a massive puddle underneath them.

That is my favorite to watch and my favorite to do. Just a simple, low crouch strong piss

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3 hours ago, InsertName said:

This is so funny to me because I definitely resemble this and thought it would universally be the least preferred but still put some vids online.  Every time I post one I wonder why I’m doing so since it’s not What “anyone” would seek out  I am larger than chubby, but I certainly make messy pees sometimes 🤣

It's certainly what I love to seek out and watch. And I love larger than chubby too, I just generally say chubby cause it sounds nice.

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On 2/25/2024 at 10:31 AM, swekiss said:

Pretty much nails the way I feel. I wanna see the source and see where it ends up. And it has to be a proper pee. Not just two seconds for the sake of it or walking around to mark different things in the  process. Pick one location and pee in it. It feels more realistic, regardless of if it's done in a naughty place or somewhere "normal".


10 hours ago, InsertName said:

Completely. I really like to see someone just commit to the piss and make a lovely visible spot or stream as their piss floods out

Yes, and exactly that's I love too! I like it when a woman just squatted down or standing in high/semi squat, releases a continuous, steady stream and pisses from beginning to end in one place or on one thing, completely emptying her bladder into that place or on the one thing, creating a puddle or soaking thing. I really like to see puddles of piss on the ground, or if a woman has pissed on some thing, then I really like to see how wet and soaked is pissed thing has become. I like to see pee stains and feel smell. I also really like to watch when a couple or a group of girls, sitting next to each other, simultaneously piss together, making choral hisses and splashing sound and creating several puddles, also gives me great pleasure and excitement when two, three or more girls piss in the same place, summarily making one huge puddle, flooding everything around or if the girls take turns pissing on some thing, I like to see how they all together soak the same one thing with their piss and see what a pissed thing eventually became after several girls, what it turned into and how much wet, soaked and destroyed become this thing is a pissed by several girls.
So to see a woman pissing from beginning and to end in one place and to see the aftermath in the form of puddles, rivulets, floods, wet and soaked things that were pissed and stains of piss is very hot and exciting, it gives me
special pleasure.

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1 hour ago, F0rester said:

Loud, strong, and controlled.

By the way, it seems to me exactly is uncontrolled streams that become really strong, powerful and loudly hissing. Especially when a woman is bursted, when she needs to piss so bad and urgently and at such moments, it seems to me, when she starts to piss, the stream simply cannot be controlled, the woman does not try to restrain it or, conversely, push it out with effort and because of the strong pressure in the bladder, her stream itself comes out with a high pressure and it turns out to be incredibly powerful and loud.

As far as I know, women can piss especially powerfully if, for example, they drink a lot of beer and if it gets to the point that after a beer they need to piss so bad that a woman is ready to burst, then as soon as she go, her stream turns out to be just incredibly powerful, hard and strong. At such moments, the stream is absolutely impossible to control and woman pisses like from a fire hose, like a race horse, and the hissing is deafening. That's why I so very love videos where women piss at festivals. At the sight of such a stream, I become incredibly excited and hard as a rock, and if at this moment I cum, especially if I have had at least about a week of abstinence, then I spurted with a very massive, abundant, huge, thick and sticky cum load 💦 💦 💦 💦 💦

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3 hours ago, Sophie said:

Like she clearly needs to pee, but she's not bursting and she's not in a rush either.

Oh yes, she releases a lot of piss, so she definitely had to go. A beautiful girl, a cute smile and a very cute and sweet pussy. I see that she is holding a tissue in her hand, which is going to wiping, but I can tell for sure if she was pissing like that in front of me, she definitely wouldn't need this tissue, I would love to lick her sweet pussy dry 😍

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Given a choice, I prefer a strong stream to weaker dribble, even though the latter might be a good bit longer. But, more than anything it depends upon the circumstances.  If I'm out with someone and they're desperate, whatever they're about to do is probably going to be exciting.

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My personal favourite is wetting so the stream strength isn't as important but definitely like to watch a nice medium power controlled stream. As for myself I do like to pee hard sometimes if Im not just letting little spurts out in what I'm wearing.  When I'm feeling playful and using a toilet I do like to back away from the bowl further and further to see how far away I can hit it from. I know ...I need to get out more 😁

Edited by mickymoist
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Can I be a bit awkward and say 'all'

Apart from those ridiculous scripted videos where a girl dances around outside a door for five minutes complaining she's bursting.  All the time in the world to find somewhere else, or just to undress and pee on the carpet, but instead pees a tiny obviously forced dribble and grumbles like it wasn't expected.

But in real cases, I really don't mind - just however it comes.    My last real life sighting was a very brash young lady with the aid of alcohol who pissed a pretty gushing stream from a high squat.  Hers wasn't slow and deliberate, she was getting plenty of negative attention so perhaps best she didn't take long.   Equally I'd be more than happy to stand guard and support someone in a long, lingering nervous slow dribble.

It's all wondrous and magical.

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When I watch women pee, I like solid, clear streams. Not forced out but firm, steadily and maybe slightly arched streams. I call them soda streams. Because they look like a stream of sprite coming out of a refilling machine. 😅

But honestly I'm okay with all streams, as long as they are visible and I can enjoy watching them.

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43 minutes ago, Anya said:

I like long slower streams. And ideally yellow.

By the way, I also really like the yellow stream when a woman pisses and her stream has a pronounced yellow color and the piss itself is very yellow. The stream can also be cloudy, where the piss is also quite yellow, but when the strream has a pronounced yellow color, the piss is even more yellow, dark yellow and this is great! I really love it when a woman unleashes strong, potent, smelly and destructive piss, and yellow piss exactly this is.

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