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Cut or uncut guys?


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I was cut when I got into a relationship with my now ex gf. It was my first relationship and so the first person I had sex with. I then and only then realised my foreskin was way and way too tight as having sex hurt a lot (I masturbated in a certain special way). The head was still fully covered in foreskin when having an erection and it just hurt to move it. So I got cut on medical grounds and I couldn't be happier with it. 

I am European by the way and it's not a standard act here, unless needed medically. Very surprised to read in this topic how common it is across the pond! 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/10/2023 at 5:41 AM, InOddPlaces said:

Uncut here.

My Dad was cut but for whatever reasons my parents didn't have me cut, and I'm very grateful to them for not doing so...

I wouldn't remove my foreskin as it plays a significant part of my masturbation pleasure, but it's impossible to experience what it would like to be cut so there's no way of comparing.

Uncut here also. So happy I wasn't subjected to that operation when I was younger. The foreskin absolutely plays a roll in masturbation. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm uncut, fortunately. My parents didn't see a need for it, unlike my dad's parents who did get him circumcised.

I got unlucky and have phimosis, though, so in my childhood they told me I needed to work on stretching it and pulling it down. It hurt like hell, though, and my pain tolerance as a child was low, so given I didn't really understand why it was needed I just stopped trying (and apparently this isn't recommended anymore anyway).

But as a teen, after discovering masturbation I started learning more about the human body through a combination of Wikipedia and a sex manual that was sitting out in the living room bookcase, so I started pulling it down again and eventually got to the point where the head could come out fully and it looked like what the guys in the book had. Then my stupid ass left it retracted for several hours straight  and it got stuck (fun little hospital visit right there), but nowadays it's loose enough to where I can pull it back easily. Not loose enough to pull itself back during an erection, but enough to where masturbation is nice and smooth. 

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12 hours ago, Schmungle said:

I'm uncut, fortunately. My parents didn't see a need for it, unlike my dad's parents who did get him circumcised.

I got unlucky and have phimosis, though, so in my childhood they told me I needed to work on stretching it and pulling it down. It hurt like hell, though, and my pain tolerance as a child was low, so given I didn't really understand why it was needed I just stopped trying (and apparently this isn't recommended anymore anyway).

But as a teen, after discovering masturbation I started learning more about the human body through a combination of Wikipedia and a sex manual that was sitting out in the living room bookcase, so I started pulling it down again and eventually got to the point where the head could come out fully and it looked like what the guys in the book had. Then my stupid ass left it retracted for several hours straight  and it got stuck (fun little hospital visit right there), but nowadays it's loose enough to where I can pull it back easily. Not loose enough to pull itself back during an erection, but enough to where masturbation is nice and smooth. 

Can relate x

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  • 2 months later...

I am uncircumcised / uncut. My father was circumcised. I have been able to draw my foreskin back from an early age, to pee. Interestingly, both my father and mother encouraged me to draw it back at toilet and bath time, I can actually remember this and I'm 60 now! I used to play with my younger sister in a bush before puberty, we used to from time to time examine each others genitals, I had seen her clitoris etc and she my penis well before we had sex education, our dad used to bath us together, I was taught to draw back the skin and clean the glans of my penis and she would have seen this. We have never ever discussed this since, she is 58 and we are still close and see each other quite often. God knows what would happen if I broached her with a 'can you remember when..." 😊🤣

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On 3/12/2023 at 4:30 PM, kinkyplaypal said:

I didn’t realise until recently that most men in the US are circumcised (I live in Europe). Came up in conversation with my wife and I didn’t believe it at first.



It is true. I am not but I have not met many other men IRL who are uncut. It is kind of fucked here, most women here prefer cut dicks so they cut their sons. Never mind the fact cutting the tip off a baby boys dick irreversible and non-consensually is honestly gentile mutilation.  I doubt any grown uncut man would ever volunteer to have himself sliced. (baring converts and similar)

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On 5/18/2023 at 10:33 AM, Johnboy777 said:

Uncut here also. So happy I wasn't subjected to that operation when I was younger. The foreskin absolutely plays a roll in masturbation. 

Cut here so obviously I have no idea what it is like. What role does it play in masturbation?

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Cut here, and like others who have responded I think I'd rather not be.  It is aggravating that parents make such a decision for their sons, usually with no good reason.

Being American, I've had little experience with uncut guys, but I generally think uncut cocks look better, and I've enjoyed playing with foreskins on the few occasions it was an option.

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