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💚A love letter to PeeFans and why I am addicted to this place 💚 (and have you ever been caught out?)

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1 hour ago, Kupar said:

What a lovely post! And so many questions!

It is frighteningly easy to get addicted to looking at the site, isn't it? And yes, there are times when I need to take a few days away. I am very lucky that more of my time is my own to choose how to spend than is the case for many members. I know some members take longer breaks than that and then return - some even cancel their membership, only to pop up again later. I think you hit the nail on the head with this: "people here on PF are not afraid to be their true selves".

I would certainly miss the companionship and comforting fellowship of the site if it weren't here, even though a few good friendships have spilled out of PF into other places.

One thing you don't mention is how eclectic a group of people we are: there is no way that I would have met the diversity of people (in terms of age, geography, ethnicity, religion, profession, gender identity, sexual orientation) IRL or on any other platform. It has truly broadened and improved my understanding of the world and of people in many ways and I am a better person for it. And when you think of it like that, it's not such a bad place to be addicted to. Plus, there are super-hot photos, videos and stories that help give me the most tremendous orgasms. What's not to like?!

It's been said before by several people that pee-fun-related and sexual urges wax and wane but PF always has the companionship as well. That is its USP.

K knows about PF because notifications used to make a sound, and it was an obvious pee-into-a-toilet sound. It went off and she heard it, and I told her what it was. She was cool about it (she surprises me often, even after 32 years of marriage) and as you know is comfortable with some posts being about her. But I know this is unusual, even for members whose partners indulge their kink.

I don't know if I could give up PF. I suppose I could. I gave up smoking cigarettes.

Thanks again for this lovely post @MidoriLemonade85

Thank you, Kupar. Beautiful reply. 💚

It is so true, we meet people from all over the world here, all connected by this multi-faceted kink. 

Yes, PF has a great USP and attracts and retains the most amazing members!  There is nowhere else like it! 

Oh! What a funny notification sound to have! I am sure most members prefer no sound so as not to get “caught out”!!!! Glad that changed! More discrete the better, as there are real consequences for those of us with non-kink partners. 

Well, you very obviously married the coolest girl in England. 😉🙂 


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I have times when I get bored of it, it just seems to be the same threads over n over again that I have little to no interest in so I think, 'why bother' then I see a new thread that captures my interest. 

I'm not lucky enough to have the time to spend on here like some others do so I haven't made any real connections like a lot you guys have. I have tried the chat rooms and also received some nice messages and sent a few too put neither ever became of it so I don't have an emotional connection to the site. 

It has help me understand that I'm not weird for liking what I like and I have enjoyed sharing with you all, but I am considering logging out for a while. 

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4 minutes ago, likesToLick said:

I've been a member here for 8 years now,  and I've seen the site go through some troubled times.  A rogue moderator for one,  and later a threat of complete shutdown,  with the site being rescued by @Admin with help from a few friends.  It actually did vanish for a few days that time, and the grief was real.

Some members have left in that time,  and some have died,  while others have simply "gone dark" without ever saying goodbye.  It does make me sad when a member drops out because someone in their life has shamed them over it.  It does happen, sometimes for religious reasons,  and other times just social pressure.  It feels like a wound when I hear of that being done to one of our community. 

I don't think I'm addicted,  and I'm often away from the forum for days at a time, but I have no desire to give it up either.   I don't explain it to others, because it is a private part of my life,  but now that I am retired and happily single,  there is no-one in the world who has the right to ask me to justify it.  I've been an atheist since the age of seven,  so I have no concept of "sin."  My ethics centre on being kind to others and doing them no harm.  There is not the slightest harm in this site,  and there is much kindness.

So thank you @MidoriLemonade85 for the love.  May it come back to you a thousand fold. 💖

That's such a lovely response, and sort of sums up the site ❤️

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14 hours ago, Peenicks said:

Despite making my account a year or two ago, I didn't really engross myself in the community until fairly recently. I only ever came here to check out the fiction section because most fanfic or erotica sites I was on didn't have many pee-related stories that were easy to find.

During this summer I've fallen into a sort of funk: Outta college, not knowing what I wanna make of myself, stuck in my itty bitty hometown with my hectic family, unable to get a car or job, and rarely ever stepping out the front door much less meeting new people. On top of all this I was starting to grapple even more with my sexuality and gender identity, a fact I didn't really have a healthy or safe outlet for (like I said, itty bitty town)

I spent most of my time in my room on the computer and that was how I came into the fold. I saw that the stories I had wrote were gaining traction, more than I was used to getting on social media platforms. I started to interact with community members and answer questions in the discussion threads and it felt nice to talk so freely about such an oddly specific sexual topic, hell I even started to become engrossed in the non-peeing and non-sexual topics. While the site isn't perfect, it's still a great community if you know where to look!

It's embarrassing to say but I think the thing that kept me coming back (other than your usual "watch the numbers go up" feeling you get on every social media) was people finding me hot. In my utterly sex starved brain, being the object of some rando on the internet's desire is thrilling to me. Before long I became more flirty, I wanted to please my followers, I felt more comfortable presenting femininely to members on the site, I came out as gender-fluid to the forum, and I even started posting nudes! It felt nice to be such an active member of a relatively relaxed and respectful community.

As of late I feel I've become dependent on it in a way and it's become an issue in its own right. I started prioritizing it more, started spending less time with family and offline friends, started to get anxious in public spaces, wondering if I got a notification or DM I missed.

All this is to say, the experience of getting addicted to PF is new to me too. I'm hoping I can ween myself off of it by taking up further hobbies and occupying myself with other things. I've had a great many positive experiences here and I wouldn't trade some of the connections I've got here for the world (you know who you are 💌). But frankly, being on here as frequently as I am isn't that healthy. I don't think I'll ever cut this site out of my life entirely, nor do I want to, but I hope I can strike a healthier balance.

I have faith you can find your balance too, @MidoriLemonade85 

Take care of yourselves, everybody ❤️

Oh Peenicks….big love to you. 💜

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On 10/7/2022 at 8:46 PM, LovesToWet said:

I have times when I get bored of it, it just seems to be the same threads over n over again that I have little to no interest in so I think, 'why bother' then I see a new thread that captures my interest. 

I'm not lucky enough to have the time to spend on here like some others do so I haven't made any real connections like a lot you guys have. I have tried the chat rooms and also received some nice messages and sent a few too put neither ever became of it so I don't have an emotional connection to the site. 

It has help me understand that I'm not weird for liking what I like and I have enjoyed sharing with you all, but I am considering logging out for a while. 

I think it is definitely helpful to have a site like this to connect to others who have the same kink, and know that it is not only you. 
Sometimes you do need a little time away, and to start afresh again when you return. 
You will always be welcomed back. 💚

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On 10/7/2022 at 9:23 PM, Bacardi said:

Aw bestie, we all love you here. 

I think I started to become more emotionally invested in 2020 or 2021 or so. That's when I started opening myself up to more friendships with people on here and got to know people a little more intimately. I gave a little more to myself to the forum than just the fetish aspect of my life, and in turn I started getting that from other people as well. Then logging in became checking in on my friends more than it did getting off, and peefans felt more like family than anything.

There have been some times that I've felt addicted. Sometimes, and it doesn't happen often, I log in and do nothing but refresh the homepage to see if I got a new message, or if any of the threads got updated. It's just not healthy for me so I try to take a few days off.

Then there was last month when I had my episode and I went through a deep depressive phase. I logged onto here and didn't see much that appealed to me (in fact there was a lot that put me off greatly during those weeks), so I had to take a break until I was feeling better. That thread that I put up announcing my departure filled my cup with so much love. I came back every so often and saw so much support from people I didn't even know, and I really did cry over it. I say it all the time: came for the pee, stayed for the loving community. These people dont even know me or my situation, but they still wished me the best. I didn't even find too much in my friend group or family outside of the site. 

I think i especially love my friends that I've made on here, friends that I've allowed to connect off the site in the various ways, because I can see that they are normal people just like me that survive with the fetish just like any other person. I grew up extremely conservative Christian who thought anything but missionary sex between married couples was perverse and not pleasing to the lord. That coupled with the fact that I was shamed so horribly for the fetish by my ex left me with the perception that the pee fetish made me a vile person that didn't deserve the things that I had, like family, money, acceptance, and stuff. Even just seeing people live their lives through here, hearing about their lives outside of peefans, their family, friends, and so on, it changed my mindset in such a positive way.

That is why, I think, I would not be able to give up peefans even if I tried. Unless the forum got taken down or a complete lawless place full of nothing but disrespectful individuals, I am comfortable here and, other than a few short hiatuses I've needed for self care in the past, i dont plan on going anywhere!

Stay cool, bestie. Never, ever change. I love you. 

Oh! Beautiful Bacardi. Aww you make me blush. ☺️ I am just so glad people are nice to me here, you know. On other sites people want to argue or talk shit about religion or politics or whatever, and here, people are so chilled and accepting, and we can talk about anything, within reason. So, in turn, it makes me feel relaxed and open with my heart and mind. 
Well, 2020, and Covid, brought us all together here more, I guess, being stuck at home and craving some form of human contact! 
Yes, it does feel like a family, and I like to see how my favourite people are doing and who has written me.  
I think at times when I am bored or lonely or perhaps sad I login hoping for some sweetness from this site. That is the addiction aspect.  Sometimes it is quiet, and sometimes it has lots of energy! You never know what you will get, or who will be on. And at certain times of my day I look at my watch to see if UK is getting up, or if it is morning in USA yet. 
Yes, of course, when you go through a hard time, there are genuinely caring people on here. You know who I mean specifically, but yes, there are others here that don’t know us that offer care too, and it is so beautiful. 

You will always be accepted here for who you are, Bacardi. 💚 I love you too, thank you for being here, hanging with our cool little gang. 

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On 10/7/2022 at 11:35 PM, likesToLick said:

I've been a member here for 8 years now,  and I've seen the site go through some troubled times.  A rogue moderator for one,  and later a threat of complete shutdown,  with the site being rescued by @Admin with help from a few friends.  It actually did vanish for a few days that time, and the grief was real.

Some members have left in that time,  and some have died,  while others have simply "gone dark" without ever saying goodbye.  It does make me sad when a member drops out because someone in their life has shamed them over it.  It does happen, sometimes for religious reasons,  and other times just social pressure.  It feels like a wound when I hear of that being done to one of our community. 

I don't think I'm addicted,  and I'm often away from the forum for days at a time, but I have no desire to give it up either.   I don't explain it to others, because it is a private part of my life,  but now that I am retired and happily single,  there is no-one in the world who has the right to ask me to justify it.  I've been an atheist since the age of seven,  so I have no concept of "sin."  My ethics centre on being kind to others and doing them no harm.  There is not the slightest harm in this site,  and there is much kindness.

So thank you @MidoriLemonade85 for the love.  May it come back to you a thousand fold. 💖

I think I did hear about that….the site being shut down and rescued. Wow! 
Yes, we do genuinely care about each other and it hurts if someone is shamed just for being themselves.
I fear it too.

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17 hours ago, Takashi96 said:

I love the warmth and sincerity of your posts and responses. You just strike me as a person with a big heart. It's nice to share this forum with you. 

I do have a big heart and lots of love to give when things or people make me happy. You are all worth it and so glad that we can all hang out together here without judgement. 🙂

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1 hour ago, MidoriLemonade85 said:

I think I did hear about that….the site being shut down and rescued. Wow! 

People who took part in the rescue were given the letters "VIP" on their membership status,  which I think was a really nice gesture by Admin.  It always gives me a good feeling when I see that at the left of someone's post.

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8 minutes ago, likesToLick said:

People who took part in the rescue were given the letters "VIP" on their membership status,  which I think was a really nice gesture by Admin.  It always gives me a good feeling when I see that at the left of someone's post.

That is great to know! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a similar story to others. I like it here cause I like the pictures and the stories but most of all the people. I never thought I could make long distance friendships with people I will never meet, but I did. And we talk about everything and anything. I truly feel closer to people here than I do to most people. Am I addicted? I love looking at the pictures and I check to see who's chatting every day, so maybe. There's a fine line between enjoyment and addiction and I keep crossing and recrossing it. I suppose that if I keep this site as a lesser requirement than life responsibilities I will be ok.

As for getting caught I use this site with my wife in the room. She's not into pee, but she doesn't mind my being into it and even participate every once in a while. I do not do anything in front of my son has seen me on the site before and he knows what a pervert I am!

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  • 3 weeks later...
21 hours ago, Simpfan said:

I have to leave again because being here compromises my faith.

And if you are reading this before you leave @Simpfan - we understand, but we will miss you.   You are always welcome to pop back in for a civilised chat and a coffee in the Peefans Pub.

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Wow, thank you for this amazing post. 

I’m not here as much as I’d like, I’m semi retired, just work a 2 and a half day week, and surprisingly, don’t have a lot of free time. I mostly do things with M, we are so close, it’s hard to do anything without her, I can’t even sleep if she is not beside me. And yes, she reads this over my shoulder, we have no secrets with our online activity. 

I have been on site since the beginning, even the previous versions and was one of the people that helped get the site back when it was abandoned. 

Addicted? I’m not sure if that’s the right word, I come here for the community, the friendliness of everyone that shares a similar interest. Even though our mutual interests vary greatly, we are all still here for the one purpose.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I also initially came here for the stories - but fell in love with the community.

I haven’t been caught (yet). 

I don’t consider myself addicted- but I am a little heartbroken every time I see someone ask to have their accounts deleted - even if it is someone I’ve never seen a post from before.

 I have noticed my fetish has morphed over the years. I originally only liked pics/stories of women peeing. When I was younger I was 100% straight.  As I grew older- I have started to see all bodies as beautiful: women and men, middle aged/older aged/elderly aged.

so instead of only looking at 20-something women peeing, now I’m turned on by 70 year old women and men, men only/women only, and everything in between.

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