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Estimates of the percentage of women into pee?

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Just some questions for everyone.  I know everyone on this website is into it, but what percentage of the population of women are into pee (secretly of not).

I'll ask in 3 separate questions:

Percentage of women into self pee fun (holding, naughty peeing solo peeing, wetting, enjoy peeing fun alone)? - My guess is ~50%

Percentage into watching others (such as friends or partners)? - My guess is ~60%

Percentage into participating in pee play with friends or partners? - My guess is 20-30%

Thoughts?  Estimates?

I ask, because I feel nobody admits to it, but there are so many women self-posting pics of themselves peeing (or peeing+masturbating) and nobody is holding the camera. They all don't appear to be doing it for ad. "clicks" or money.


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Where are you getting your estimates from? I would say its inconclusive until proven otherwise, and since I'm not a statistics buff, I wouldn't know if there was a proper way of phrasing the question and getting responses indicative of the entire population. Seems like a tall ask there...

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It's the sort of thing you're unlikely to ever get reliable statistical information on, due to the reluctance of people admit their preferences.  I did read a statistic some years ago which appeared to suggest that it was thought 2.5 people (of all sexes) were turned on by pee/watersports.  Another estimate was, I think, that ten per cent of the population was gay.  Of course such estimates can be wildly inaccurate.  For example there might be higher numbers of apparent pee lovers uncovered in urban areas which tend to be more cosmopolitan and younger in terms of their populations, than rural ones.  Women are likely to be under represented on pee forums such as this and, indeed on other fetish forums, simply for societal reasons around how they're brought up and what they believe is 'expected' of them.  However is perfectly likely that the numbers of women and men turned on by pee are pretty much equal.   

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Very interesting, and very difficult questions to answer, thanks to DoctorDoctor. Some of his categories may overlap, in the sense that one individual may fit into more than one, or even in all three. And I would add another, "Percentage of women who enjoy being watched, peeing." Of course, this could be considered a subset of participation in pee play with others, but I think it shows a more limited, exhibitionist streak, which may not extend to physical interaction.

For actual statistics, I'll start with my own, lifetime experiences with women I have been close enough to talk with, about peeing: casual g.f.'s, close g.f.'s, and one wife, a total of 12. Of these, 5, or 42% had no erotic interest in pee, at all, and may have been hostile to such interests. I am uncertain about the interests of one other (8%), but she did show me a unique feature of her toilet, in her basement apartment, with a wink and a grin: It was raised up more than a foot off of the floor, to prevent overflow, during heavy rains, in the Midwestern U.S. Of the remaining 6, 3, or 25% had experimented with pee, by themselves, naughty peeing, wetting, etc. One (8%) was intensely curious about, and interested in watching men pee. Finally, at least 2 (16%) were interested in being watched peeing. Two more liked being watched, and heard peeing, but already fit, in other categories, like self peeing.  

Based on these experiences, I am guessing that the estimates of DoctorDoctor are on the high side, in most categories, particularly the second one, watching others pee, where I would guess 10-20%. Of all of the women I've talked to, this is the category about which they profess to know the least. Some will describe their own behavior, in detail, but claim to know nothing about the behavior of other women, in similar situations. Admittedly, I am viewing things through the lens of a much earlier time, and a much older generation, which was more repressed by society, with regard to women peeing. With regard to urban/rural differences, mentioned by Adyguy6970, they may be different now, than they were in my generation, when rural girls were more "earthy" and comfortable with their bodily functions, than "proper" city girls.  

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Percentage of women into self pee fun (holding, naughty peeing solo peeing, wetting, enjoy peeing fun alone)? - My guess is 35 %

Percentage into watching others (such as friends or partners)? - My guess is 80 %

Percentage into participating in pee play with friends or partners? - My guess is 20 %

These percentages were just based off of my experience and what I know about my female friends. Most of my friends admitted to enjoying watching other people pee.

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4 hours ago, pguy2981 said:

Where are you getting your estimates from? I would say its inconclusive until proven otherwise, and since I'm not a statistics buff, I wouldn't know if there was a proper way of phrasing the question and getting responses indicative of the entire population. Seems like a tall ask there...

Maybe we should make a poll for the ladies of the forum 🤔 and draw from there. At least it could be a start!

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5 hours ago, Bacardi said:

Maybe we should make a poll for the ladies of the forum 🤔 and draw from there. At least it could be a start!

My first thought was "good idea", then my second thoughts chimed in noting that "well, this is a Pee-Forum, so ALL the ladies here are into it somehow - can't get a more skewed result if you had to make that up".

Well, you can only find out what specifically the ladies here are into, not THAt they are somehow into it. 😉


Sorry that I can't add anything helpfull.

Yes, I am ~totally~ fun at parties. 😛



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10 hours ago, Dr.P said:

Based on these experiences, I am guessing that the estimates of DoctorDoctor are on the high side, in most categories, particularly the second one, watching others pee, where I would guess 10-20%. Of all of the women I've talked to, this is the category about which they profess to know the least. Some will describe their own behavior, in detail, but claim to know nothing about the behavior of other women, in similar situations. Admittedly, I am viewing things through the lens of a much earlier time, and a much older generation, which was more repressed by society, with regard to women peeing. With regard to urban/rural differences, mentioned by Adyguy6970, they may be different now, than they were in my generation, when rural girls were more "earthy" and comfortable with their bodily functions, than "proper" city girls.  

Thanks for the response and information.  I just believe there are a lot more out there that do these activities in private and would never admit it.  I have had GFs that stand behind me when I pee, who didn't appear to be into pee, but then again I don't know what was running through their head.

Or, do any women secretly hold for pleasure, while home alone?

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10 hours ago, Bacardi said:

Percentage of women into self pee fun (holding, naughty peeing solo peeing, wetting, enjoy peeing fun alone)? - My guess is 35 %

Percentage into watching others (such as friends or partners)? - My guess is 80 %

Percentage into participating in pee play with friends or partners? - My guess is 20 %

These percentages were just based off of my experience and what I know about my female friends. Most of my friends admitted to enjoying watching other people pee.

Thank you, @Bacardi.

I saw an article about 6 months ago about women discussing "peegasms," which fits the definition of holding, and other women commentng that they go turned on while holding, so maybe it is even unconscious.

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7 hours ago, WantonLee said:

My first thought was "good idea", then my second thoughts chimed in noting that "well, this is a Pee-Forum, so ALL the ladies here are into it somehow - can't get a more skewed result if you had to make that up".

Well, you can only find out what specifically the ladies here are into, not THAt they are somehow into it. 😉


Sorry that I can't add anything helpfull.

Yes, I am ~totally~ fun at parties. 😛



Well these are more specific aspects of the fetish. Not every woman is into peeing with a partner, or peeing solo. Right? Maybe I was being too optimistic lol. I just really love voting in polls.

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Wow! I'm surprised at your estimates, and @Dr.P has run into a very interesting subset of woman during his life! I'm very interested in this question and would love to see what scientific studies found out (those that do a full scope analysis of what people are into) - haven't found any proper sources yet.

From an internet poll I once ran, my results were far less exciting: I received about 10% of male respondents who somehow enjoyed peeing and only about 1% of female respondents. So more in line with @Adyguy6970's source of 2.5% overall. I was somewhat disappointed by the proportions, with one woman per ten guys for the kink. Does anyone explain that? My guestimate was that men grow up more positively with pee like boys being taught to pee standing up, aiming far, trying to hit something..., whilst girls hear all day "don't touch yourself down there", "it's dirty", "don't make a mess", "don't use the public toilet, it's disgusting"... But then, women seem to be better at fitting into society's rules without necessarily being conforming when out of sight.

Also, I once read that women do seem to change their preference all along their lifetime, whilst men seem to be stuck in adolescent phantasies for the rest of their lives. Which would explain why female partners of forum members are so much more likely to enjoy it - if your partner enjoys it, it can be a strong motivation to investigate the fun side of things.

Ain't there anyone in this forum who's working in social sciences and could set up a project?

Edited by Alpian
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I think you overestimate you numbers a lot. Or we need to separate 'being into' and 'not fully against if asked' here, where being into is about 5% for the first two and around 1% for the last category. But these are just my guesses.

For years I was using the opening line 'How do you feel about pee sex?' in a local chat site where you could talk to strangers anonymously, and sometimes hours passed before I got into a conversation with anyone, most of them left right away. 

I think it would be very hard to measure anyway: any women willingly participate in even in an anonymous internet poll is already more open-minded like the others and so on.

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I think it would depend upon what you define as into peeing. As for those with a real fetish, I wouldn't think that to be more than 10% and those into watching or doing so publicly probably not much higher. Now if you include those who privately do an occasional naughty pee or tolerate others doing so I'd imagine it's more like 50%. It's hard to get a true poll of random unbiased people, but there are places where you'll find them. Glamor Magazine did a poll asking women "do you pee in the shower" to which 79% said they do. A travel site asked "do you pee in pools" to which 54% of women said yes, vs 39% of men. A parenting site discussed boys peeing in the backyard. Of the moms who responded 74% thought it was fine to do so and 28% said ought to pee outside rather than track in. So I'd think it would depend upon what you call naughty, as peeing in pools, showers and in nature seem to be quite widely acceptable to most women. 

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Very interesting discussion, so far. Alpian says  "I'm surprised at your estimates, and @Dr.P has run into a very interesting subset of woman during his life!"  I was aware of that probability, when I posted my experiences, which is the reason that I pointed out the conditions under which they occurred, some years ago, in the US. My statistics on the total percentage of women who are not into pee at all, 40%-50%, are in substantial agreement with several other posts, here, while some of my other experiences are probably unusual, or at least less common.

As noted by others, obtaining honest, unbiased answers in this area is very difficult. beachmom's  statistic, indicating that 79% of women admit to peeing in the shower, is in accord with an episode of the "Today" show, from about 10 years ago, in which most of the female anchors admitted to peeing in the shower, including Tamron Hall, who commented on the feeling of immense relief that doing it gave her.  Since these are very professional women, who are in the public eye, I was surprised by their honesty.  Other anchors, Hoda Kotb, and Kathie Lee Gifford, in particular, have been surprisingly open about their experiences in public bathroom facilities, accidentally wetting clothing, etc. So the experiences are out there, but they are not necessarily being revealed, in public forums or surveys. 

I think it would take a very cleverly designed survey to obtain reliable information in the general population, as compared to the ladies who post in these forums, on Pee Fans. Maybe Alpian is right, and a person trained in the social sciences could devise such a survey, in the present time. I believe that attitudes toward female peeing have relaxed, substantially, with the commonality of "bladder leak" underwear commercials on mainstream TV, in the US. But that conditioning is very strong, among women as Alpian notes. I still have strong memories of conversations with women, in the 1970's and 1980's, at the height of the "sexual revolution," when they would discuss their sexual feelings, orgasms, menstrual periods, etc., in great detail, but would become evasive, and lapse into awkward silence, when asked about their peeing. I'm hoping that has changed, in the general population, by now.      

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For what it's worth, I lurk on sites related to another fetish of mine (male and female feet, if you must know), and the pattern is much the same on there. Hundreds of horny men to every shy woman brave enough to admit her fetish. 

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15 hours ago, Eliminature said:

As for me, I will say that first lurking then joining this forum has certainly developed my interests. I would never have dreamed that I'd get pleasure from golden showers before.

Eliminature, I was truly fascinated to read you 'learned' assessment of this subject, especially so from the woman's perspective, which we males need to understand if we are to approach our ladies in the right way. I take what you say as being very likely the case.

For my own view I should say here that I do often intentionally chat to girls on certain websites, quite cautiously but quite openly too. I look first carefully at the nature and character of the lady and make assessments of the likelihood of a lady possibly being receptive to ideas of pee related chat. I prefer to chat to respectable looking 'mature' ladies rather than confessed 'fetish' girls. I would expect most fetish girls to be into pee fun anyway with many different degrees of enthusiasm. My opening conversations with the lovely lady are always warm and friendly, as is my nature, but later in conversation in a very gentle way I will ask if they have any interest in the subject of 'pee fun'. Without a word of a lie, 8 times out of 10 I find that they genuinely do have that interest, even if, as many of them admit, they have never had that conversation before. That fact actually makes the conversation more exciting for me to have opened up  a new pleasure for that lady. We often go on to have the most amazing conversations and experiences, and I do genuinely feel their real enjoyment and pleasure, nothing faked about it.

So my own assessment is that most females take peeing as a matter of routine without any sexual connotations but when invited to think about it in a sexual way, and sharing it with a like minded male, they will actually delight and become excited in going along with it, and look for more. This experience is of course on websites where ladies are already looking for sexual experiences and are open minded, so it works. It won't happen as easily in real life situations I feel sure, although I can claim to have enjoyed a few successes there too over the years! 

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19 hours ago, Eliminature said:

Going back to "don't touch yourself down there," please also understand that many women's magazines have published articles that teach women how to masturbate. Can you imagine that for men? No, of course not. Because it's obvious - no man needs to be taught how to induce pleasure in himself. THAT is how much society has repressed female sexuality. 

Lots to chew on here, but it reminded me of this quote from Gillian “Gone Girl” Flynn:


these childhood rites of passage — the rough-housing, the precocious sexuality, the first bloom of power plays — really don’t make it into the oral history of most women. Men speak fondly of those strange bursts of childhood aggression, their disastrous immature sexuality. They have a vocabulary for sex and violence that women just don’t. Even as adults. I don’t recall any women talking with real pleasure about masturbating or orgasms until Sex and the City offered its clever, cutie-pie spin, presenting the phrases to us in a pre-approved package with a polka-dot bow

“How did you learn to masturbate?” would also be a fascinating question to throw open over in the appropriate forum, assuming it wouldn’t keep generating answers that push things over the line of acceptable topics like a mischievous cat pushing things off a table

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Id say these percentages are crazy high and probably I flue fed by the fact you are into it and can’t see how others couldn’t be, also being here makes us all think it’s more normal than perhaps it’s actually is. When you think of the world population and how many per sites there are (or aren’t), and then how many members are here and how many active, I think it points somewhat to the lower end of percentages. I would expect it is in the SINGLE digits possibly the lower double digits for the more normal aspects of it. 

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A reaallllllyyyyyy expansive definition (“my boyfriend pees in front of me and I like watching him do it”) would get some higher numbers I suspect. The recent youtube thing where a couple pee in the sea together has her saying to him that it turns her on when his dick moves (well, it would, wouldn’t it?)

”I love drinking my bf’s piss” would get a much much much lower number

Edit: Oh, I see I’ve just expanded on what @Peewee123 said (“the more normal aspects of it”) without reading it properly. Sorry!

Edited by oliver2
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On 6/8/2022 at 7:18 PM, Eliminature said:

For what it's worth, I lurk on sites related to another fetish of mine (male and female feet, if you must know), and the pattern is much the same on there. Hundreds of horny men to every shy woman brave enough to admit her fetish. 

I like feet too, but only women's feet. Even so, I'm curious what this page is. If you want, I can send you a picture of my feet.

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Let me clarify a little.  My guestimates, were for simply into "pee," not in a sexual or shared manner.

I think @beachmom has the idea of what I was thinking about.  Not necessarily into touching their pussy or peeing in naughty places, but even holding, because they think it feels good or enjoying quick pee somewhere out of the ordinary.

Mild pee fun, not necessarily sexual.

Do girls/women have pee solo experimentation or contests for holding, distance, or aim.  Boys sure do growing up.

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