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Is there a place that men can pee but women can't?

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I think women can owe anywhere that a man can pee, but many women wouldn’t do so.  Thankfully we have plenty of ladies here who show that it can be done.

I think the only place that ladies can’t pee that men can would be a place where women were not permitted to be such as a men’s changing room - however even that isn’t true because women can go into those places if they are bold enough.  They may get funny looks or resistance, but physically there is nothing stopping them.  These days all a woman has to do is say that they identify as a man (even if they don’t) and not a lot can be said.  

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On 6/4/2022 at 5:15 PM, Alfresco said:

 These days all a woman has to do is say that they identify as a man (even if they don’t) and not a lot can be said.  

I doubt you'd get away with that whilst wearing a minidress! 😂😉

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To answer the initial question: I'd probably say through the flies of trousers - assuming they are the classic style modelled after men's trousers rather than a specially made trouserfly for the female form. 

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On 6/4/2022 at 5:15 PM, Alfresco said:

These days all a woman has to do is say that they identify as a man (even if they don’t) and not a lot can be said.  

NONBINARY/TRANS PERSON I don’t feel like I fit my birth gender

SOCIETY Cool! Would you like a culture war brushfire with that?

N-B/T PERSON Actually no I wouldn’t

SOCIETY Here you go then [flaming dumpster falls from sky in style of slapstick grand piano]

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On 6/8/2022 at 6:30 PM, Eliminature said:

I'd probably say through the flies of trousers - assuming they are the classic style modelled after men's trousers rather than a specially made trouserfly for the female form. 

Yes, that is probably true as they don’t usually undo far enough, although is that a how rather than where question?

On 6/8/2022 at 6:22 PM, Eliminature said:

I doubt you'd get away with that whilst wearing a minidress! 😂😉

Would certainly attract a few queries and looks, but these days it seems you can get away with a lot of you are bold enough!

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