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Pee Senses!

The Pee Senses   

66 members have voted

  1. 1. Apart from anything with the actual act of peeing and the person doing it, which sense do you like the most about peeing (whether naughty peeing, golden showers, voyeur, etc)

    • Smell
    • Sound
    • Taste
    • Sight (so not of the person or their act, more like puddles etc)
    • Touch

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2 hours ago, sd91 said:

As someone who's about Naughty Peeing (watching or doing), my overall favourite is the sound. I love hearing the pee hiss out of my vagina and splash over my chosen surface.

I particularly love the sound of hissing as a full bladdered woman pees, along with the sound of it splashing down onto carpet. These sounds greatly augment the actual beautiful sight of it happening.

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2 hours ago, sd91 said:

As someone who's about Naughty Peeing (watching or doing), my overall favourite is the sound. I love hearing the pee hiss out of my vagina and splash over my chosen surface.

So hot, @sd91 The bright hiss of a woman's strong stream combined with either the sound of resultant pavement splattering, carpet spattering, or the increasing pitch of a plastic cup filling are the best sounds.

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I guess touch is the only one that really applies for me. I enjoy the feeling of going, the warmth, the wetness etc. I have also enjoyed the feeling of being felt up while I pee. The other things don’t do much for me. 

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It's a difficult choice. I'm a very visual person so the sight of peeing is what most does it fit me. And while I very much understand the sound thing, in the end I went for touch. I love how pee feels, both the warmth and wetness, and the way it can enhance physical touch either during solo play or with another person. In my fantasies I get covered with pee from multiple sources, and contribute to making many other people wet and slippy so we can all have a lovely feel of each other.

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I went for smell, while I love everything about pee, I love to smell it where it shouldn't be. I once had a shirt I let girls pee on, 6 different ladies did it (in different occasions) without me washing it in between. In the end it was all spotted with dark yellow patches and it smelled like a public toilet. I loved to wear it.

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Since direct contact with the person doing the peeing is off-limits for this survey, then the touch of feeling hot pee trickling through my fingertips direct from source, or feeling pee splattering on my skin at close range is out then.  Similarly having a first hand view of its release.

Instead then it has to be sound - whether that be the gentle melodic tinkling of liquid hitting liquid or the powerful gush of a desperate stream against porcelain.  Ideally too the messy splatter of a naughty or unavoidable release onto concrete, grass or wherever.

(Since direct contact with the person is out, then I guess hearing them describe the urgent desperation or talking about their pee is off the agenda too?)

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57 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Since direct contact with the person doing the peeing is off-limits for this survey, then the touch of feeling hot pee trickling through my fingertips direct from source, or feeling pee splattering on my skin at close range is out then.  Similarly having a first hand view of its release.

Oh ... I hadn't interpreted the instructions quite as carefully as you have. I suppose @sd91 must be thinking about, say, touching a puddle after the event (or hearing things from a distance, or in a recording, without ever being able to know more about the person peeing) 😞  

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As I'm single I don't have any direct experience of other people peeing, apart from living vicariously through the lovely people here 🙂  It was a difficult choice for me as sight, touch and smell are all very enjoyable to me.

Sight - a wet patch on a pair of panties is just lovely to see and watching it grow as they get wetter is a wonderful sight. Also a puddle of my own making somewhere naughty is fun.

Touch - I only have experience of my own pee so it has to be from source, I love the trickling sensation when I let spurts of pee out in what I'm wearing, or the feeling of peeing on my hand either on the toilet or in the shower.

Smell - I find the smell of pee on clothing that's been peed on or in and then dried and wet again repeatedly so nice.  Not the super strong smell of morning pee or the ammonia type smell you get if wet clothes have been left for a while, but a much more delicate smell

Taste does nothing for me and neither, unlike the majority by the look of it, does sound.  I went for smell in the end but on any given day it could have been a different decision 😄



Edited by mickymoist
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I love hearing the sound the best when hearing women pee. Knowing she letting go a long pee out of her she been holding. I love the sound of peeing the toilet and like the speed of peeing coming out.

I love women taking long pees sounds. 

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Touch has got to be my favourite. I've wet myself at home occasionally and I just love the warm and wet feeling. Also used to pee in pools every single time. Too bad I was only ever able to feel my own pee tho.

Smell is probably the second best. There has only ever been one single time where I've been lucky enough to be able to smell other guys' pee, in the stairwell of a parking garage in Cologne, but I vividly remember it becoming one of my favourite smells instantly.

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12 hours ago, puddyls said:

i'm not sure if touch is referring to like the physical aspect of having pee on you (as in golden shower), or like in the sensation of it leaving you. maybe i should have voted for that instead. lol. i voted for sight because it always intrigues me to see things and wonder how it came about. like if a puddle that resembles pee is really that, and who did it, and why. but, i would say that i am more aligned with the feelings i get from peeing. like in a more emotional than physical aspect. though, that feeling of it escaping me and when i wet, definitely love the feeling of the dampness i make. 💕💋

Pee leaving you as part of touch is something I was thinking about when trying to decide actually!

I kinda assumed that the emotional aspect is the biggest part for most people, but maybe I'm wrong. That's why I got curious about the physical only aspect and made the poll 🙂 

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A close call between sound and sight. Like seeing the puddle on the carpet grow larger or seeing some girl squatting between cars like in those voyeur vids and as her pee hits the ground you see it splashing everywhere. It contaminates a much larger area than just the puddle on the ground. Even if we dismiss the actual act...a nice large pee puddle with some splash marks is so hot to me. If i go on hard surfaces myself i always love seeing the splash marks surrounding the puddle and the little pee flows slowly flowing away from it so that i sometimes snap a picture. 

But the sound of a hard pee stream hitting something is also very hot. Its always a nice bonus if a vid has good sound and even the sound itself, knowing what creates it and what the stream is hitting, is exciting to think about. Carpets and how the sound changes the wetter it gets, hard surfaces and even the sound of pee splashing into water.

Its really close. Seeing the nice aftermath of some girl peeing behind something on a nightout after she just pulled her pants up a few moments ago and left versus walking by whatever she is peeing behind not being able to stop and look unconspiciously but clearly hearing her piss hit the ground? Almost too close to call.

Changed my vote a few times, could be both really.

The other ones are harder to grasp for me and even if they can be exciting given the right context they don't come close. Taste, not so much for me. Touch...when you feel the warmth of it, your own or someone elses maybe, can be exciting but more as an addition. Never had someone pee on me though so maybe there could be more excitement to it than i think now.

Smell...given the right context. For example in a naughty aspect i like the thought, and i think i once succeeded in reality, of peeing in a place so often that it starts to smell a bit like pee. Scenting, the next level marking. And if a girl tells me she always pees on some concrete stairs behind a building after partying and i walk past those one day and smell pee...i'd be turned on much more i bet.

Tldr: Sight followed by sound. Or maybe the other way around 😜

Edited by Remi
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Peewee123 wrote
“I guess touch is the only one that really applies for me. I enjoy the feeling of going, the warmth, the wetness etc. I have also enjoyed the feeling of
being felt up while I pee. The other things don’t do much for me.”
If you were near me I would very gladly offer to feel you when peeing. Since I am totally blind this is something I would like to do to learn about stream size and pressure.


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20 hours ago, BlindListener said:

Peewee123 wrote
“I guess touch is the only one that really applies for me. I enjoy the feeling of going, the warmth, the wetness etc. I have also enjoyed the feeling of
being felt up while I pee. The other things don’t do much for me.”
If you were near me I would very gladly offer to feel you when peeing. Since I am totally blind this is something I would like to do to learn about stream size and pressure.


I dont mean to hijack this thread, but you can definitely help me in figuring out how much my bladder bulges when I am full 😍 its something that others and myself have been wondering about but I haven't been able to see a difference. I'm sorry this just sounds so intimate I had to throw my two cents in too lol! 

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18 minutes ago, Bacardi said:

I dont mean to hijack this thread, but you can definitely help me in figuring out how much my bladder bulges when I am full 😍 its something that others and myself have been wondering about but I haven't been able to see a difference. I'm sorry this just sounds so intimate I had to throw my two cents in too lol! 

So - if one of us were to cuddle up behind you, kissing gently and sensually on the back of your neck, and then slip an arm around your waist to suddenly squeeze on the general area of your bladder - we'd be able to tell the fullness by the volume of the squeals and the speed of the squirming.  Is that right?

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55 minutes ago, Bacardi said:

I dont mean to hijack this thread, but you can definitely help me in figuring out how much my bladder bulges when I am full 😍 its something that others and myself have been wondering about but I haven't been able to see a difference. I'm sorry this just sounds so intimate I had to throw my two cents in too lol! 

I would definitely volunteer to help you with this.  I'd do a gentle massage over the entire pelvic and pubic area feeling for an area that is a little distended and more firm than the rest.  I'd carefully massage around the edges to get a good idea of the fullness and volume.  Of course at that point, I'd offer to massage anything else that you need help with. LOL.

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2 hours ago, Bacardi said:

its something that others and myself have been wondering about but I haven't been able to see a difference

It's really obvious on me! My abdomen really bulges and then when i pee the bulge goes and you can see my stomach deflate! haha

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