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Hotel pee fun has gone mainstream!

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29 minutes ago, beachmom said:

So for those of you who've been following me, I'm a 57 year old married mom of three now grown boys. As you may know I'm quite open-minded about where I pee and also I've always been quite suggestive to my boys, who've become very bold about peeing anywhere. My husband however has never really been very interested in peeing wherever. Now with that said, he's quite reasonable when we're outdoors, hiking, boating, ect, but not at all naughty. A couple years ago he and I along with my mother were driving halfway across the country for a family event. I can't drive for long, so my husband drives as long as he can and then we'll find some cheap motel along the highway to get a few hours rest. My mom, like me is quite open minded and has no problem with my boys conduct, but she's always been critical of everything my husband does and his hesitance to pee in public is one of those things. So we get to the room and while it was late, a group of young people were gathered around the cars parked near our door, smoking and drinking. He opened the room and went back to grab our overnight bags. My mom slipped into the bathroom and as usual was taking he sweet time. I was looking over this very nasty room when my husband came in with the bags. He obviously needed to pee urgently and realized my mom was in the bathroom already and would likely be a while. He gave a bit of a grumble and went back out the door for a moment. He came back in and complained, "there's to many people around outside and I'm dying to pee." Seeing the old carpet covered in stains I said to him, "this place is a dump and we're only going to stay a few hours, just pee along the side of our bed, we can climb in from the center aisle." It wasn't at all like him, but he was desperate and immediately walked to the foot of the bed and started pissing down that narrow strip of carpet toward the night stand, spraying the wall and bedspread a bit as he did so. To both of our surprise, as he did my mom stepped out of the bathroom, hurrying up a bit after hearing him complain that she was in there. When she noticed him she retorted, "I don't know why you couldn't have done that in the first place and let me take my time," I think my husband my have secretly enjoyed doing so, but he'd never admit it and he later commented that he felt guilty about having done so.

Skip forward to last weekend when we went off just the 2 of us to a resort hotel to celebrate our anniversary for a week. Unlike the roadside motel, this was a very nice place with a sitting room and bedroom suite. We drank quite a bit that night and having the place to ourselves completely we had sex literally everywhere in the suite, ending up near the entrance and bathroom, bent over a dressing table. I'd walked that way because I was dying to pee, but was sidetracked again by my husband. At some point I couldn't take it anymore and started squirting. Noticing, my husband stepped back to let me out, but having already leaked some I just forcefully let it all out on the carpet, leaving a large puddle under me and a trail sprayed 4 or 5 feet back into the room. It was late and we were drunk, so we crashed out thinking we'd deal with the mess in the morning. We slept in a bit and looked over to see the spot still clearly there. I said I'd work on hiding it for now, thinking to myself I'd put up the "do not disturb" sign until tomorrow.  I sent my husband down to get us some coffee. When he was returning the older cleaning woman was about to knock on our door, holding fresh towels, which he knew we needed. My husband wasn't thinking and opened the door allowing her to follow him in and put the towels in the bathroom. Seeing her in the room I grabbed a old towel and was heading over to toss it over our obvious stain, but she came out too quickly. She noticed the stain and understood I was trying to conceal it. I said to her, "I'm sorry, we had a little accident with the champagne." She just smiled and said, "no problem, it happens all the time, you wouldn't believe how many of our guests pee in the rooms, as long as nothing gets ruined, it's easily cleaned." We were both stunned, not only had she clearly seen it was a pee puddle and didn't mind, but she basically told us it was normal. She said on her way out "if you're going out soon I can come back with the steam cleaner and freshen the room up a bit for you or I could just do the whole room tomorrow after you check out, in case you have more accidents tonight." I was again rather stunned she was so nonchalant about it but replied, "oh, don't bother yourself today, I'm just rather embarrassed about it." Again she commented softly to me on the way out, "it's not a problem, we clean the carpet, wipe anything off the walls and wash the bedding anyway, as long as the mattress's and chair cushions don't get soaked it's not a problem," That night both my husband and I for the first time ever had a fun night in the hotel, knowing the cleaning woman didn't have a problem with us doing so! 

Nice hearing you had a great anniversary celebration.  So what if there was a little spilled, er, champagne?

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Amazing story. I guess more expensive hotels have the money and resources for clean up. What a night of freedom. Glad you both got into it. Very nice cleaner. Hopefully she will be there next time you stay. I guess she has seen it all. Perhaps it is mainstream, but its still behind closed doors. I am sure they prefer that to people breaking or stealing stuff from the hotel. Thanks for sharing your adventures. 

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7 hours ago, beachmom said:

She just smiled and said, "no problem, it happens all the time, you wouldn't believe how many of our guests pee in the rooms, as long as nothing gets ruined, it's easily cleaned." We were both stunned, not only had she clearly seen it was a pee puddle and didn't mind, but she basically told us it was normal. She said on her way out "if you're going out soon I can come back with the steam cleaner and freshen the room up a bit for you or I could just do the whole room tomorrow after you check out, in case you have more accidents tonight." I was again rather stunned she was so nonchalant about it but replied, "oh, don't bother yourself today, I'm just rather embarrassed about it." Again she commented softly to me on the way out, "it's not a problem, we clean the carpet, wipe anything off the walls and wash the bedding anyway, as long as the mattress's and chair cushions don't get soaked it's not a problem," That night both my husband and I for the first time ever had a fun night in the hotel, knowing the cleaning woman didn't have a problem with us doing so! 

They should put this on their "about us" page and sell it like some kind of event vacation xD. 

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Sounds like a great hotel and an even better cleaning lady.  I've always wondered about their perspective on this and I hope (but sadly doubt) that many more share her viewpoint. I have a feeling that this lady may have left a few puddles of her own in various places.

For now, I'm going to keep my own hotel adventures discreet.  That would obviously change given this type of encouragement.   😉

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1 hour ago, Sexismygod said:

Sounds like a great hotel and an even better cleaning lady.  I've always wondered about their perspective on this and I hope (but sadly doubt) that many more share her viewpoint. I have a feeling that this lady may have left a few puddles of her own in various places.

For now, I'm going to keep my own hotel adventures discreet.  That would obviously change given this type of encouragement.   😉

You should share your experiences, I am sure many of us would be interested in reading what you got up to.

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On 1/4/2022 at 7:01 AM, beachmom said:

It was really the best anniversary ever for me. My husband's always been so shy about even peeing in places like locker rooms and group showers where everyone pees, so for him to do so in a nice hotel room was certain never expected. We both looked at one another and asked each other if we understood her right, she was telling us it's alright to pee in the room, just don't soak the mattress or chairs. Before we left to go out I peed from the bed into the carpet and my husband sprayed it randomly around the sitting room. Again when we arrived back that evening I backed up to a wall mirror and wet the mirror and wall while my husband again sprayed the floor. In the morning I took a final pee as my husband was fetching coffee and when he returned he was in the middle of his farewell pee when the housekeeper knocked on our door. I opened the door slowly, just enough to reveal a couple of puddles as my husband was finishing up off out of view. The housekeeper smiled and commented, "I see you two were able to have some fun." To which I commented, "still having fun," as she walked in far enough to notice my husbands stream hitting the carpet around the corner. When she realized she stepped back and said, "I'll give you two a minute and I handed her a nice tip and thanked her for allowing us a bit of fun." Was a great week.

I can't believe it. It's been bounding around in my head ever since I read it, it's just so incredible.

I believe it was about 10 years ago that I read about a study which had found that no matter the hotel standing, there were trace amounts of virtually every body fluid (sweat, urine, semen, and vaginal discharges) on amount every surface you could find in a hotel room, as a result of people having sex all over the place, or being drunk. As a result, I always expect that hotel cleaning staff would be aware of it, and expecting it to a degree.

I had never in my life expected that a housekeeper would all but encourage guests to just let loose in the room, even if advising to keep to the easily washed stuff.

I of course realize she may not be the average housekeeper. Still, I cannot help but wonder if most housekeepers that have been around for awhile are just so blase about it all (having seen far worse) that they do not care, at all.

Did you ever take a photograph of the room before leaving?

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9 hours ago, daemoniak said:

I can't believe it. It's been bounding around in my head ever since I read it, it's just so incredible.

I believe it was about 10 years ago that I read about a study which had found that no matter the hotel standing, there were trace amounts of virtually every body fluid (sweat, urine, semen, and vaginal discharges) on amount every surface you could find in a hotel room, as a result of people having sex all over the place, or being drunk. As a result, I always expect that hotel cleaning staff would be aware of it, and expecting it to a degree.

I had never in my life expected that a housekeeper would all but encourage guests to just let loose in the room, even if advising to keep to the easily washed stuff.

I of course realize she may not be the average housekeeper. Still, I cannot help but wonder if most housekeepers that have been around for awhile are just so blase about it all (having seen far worse) that they do not care, at all.

Did you ever take a photograph of the room before leaving?

As you say, I've seen several investigative reports about hotel rooms, cheap through 5 star doesn't seem to matter. I did have that experience a few years back with my husband in a rather nasty motel and we never heard anything about it. I was rather embarrassed at first, but the woman was so nonchalant about it. As I've pondered how she reacted and spoke about it I thought to myself the mess was made, whether she made a big production about it or not she'd still have to clean the mess eventually and receive nothing extra for doing so. Apparently it's not the first time she'd been in that situation and I'm now guessing that by making guests feel comfortable about it and allowing them to have a good time with her assurance it wasn't a problem, I rather imagine that like with us those guest would tip her generously for being so cooperative. As we've all read and seen, quite a few guests leave a mess and if a housekeepers going to have to clean up the room anyway, she may as well set herself up for a nice tip for doing so, that's my after the fact thoughts about it.

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On 1/4/2022 at 12:01 AM, beachmom said:

It was really the best anniversary ever for me. My husband's always been so shy about even peeing in places like locker rooms and group showers where everyone pees, so for him to do so in a nice hotel room was certain never expected. We both looked at one another and asked each other if we understood her right, she was telling us it's alright to pee in the room, just don't soak the mattress or chairs. Before we left to go out I peed from the bed into the carpet and my husband sprayed it randomly around the sitting room. Again when we arrived back that evening I backed up to a wall mirror and wet the mirror and wall while my husband again sprayed the floor. In the morning I took a final pee as my husband was fetching coffee and when he returned he was in the middle of his farewell pee when the housekeeper knocked on our door. I opened the door slowly, just enough to reveal a couple of puddles as my husband was finishing up off out of view. The housekeeper smiled and commented, "I see you two were able to have some fun." To which I commented, "still having fun," as she walked in far enough to notice my husbands stream hitting the carpet around the corner. When she realized she stepped back and said, "I'll give you two a minute and I handed her a nice tip and thanked her for allowing us a bit of fun." Was a great week.

What an awesome anniversary. That's good that your husband has come out of his shell to partake in the fun. It does leave me to wonder if the housekeeper might have shared the same passion for peeing since she was encouraging it to happen.

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4 hours ago, Sandman033 said:

What an awesome anniversary. That's good that your husband has come out of his shell to partake in the fun. It does leave me to wonder if the housekeeper might have shared the same passion for peeing since she was encouraging it to happen.

Besides the obvious motivation of getting a good tip mentioned by beachmom, this is another motivation I was thinking about.

It's relatively common for firefighters to be fascinated by fire, though I do not know whether they join firefighting because they are fascinated, or become fascinated over time. I could imagine both applying, both for firefighter and housekeepers. Maybe she lives vicariously through the naughty exploits of others?

I do admit, though, that my favorite motivation would be pure damage control: the ultra-pragmatic blase housekeeper. Imagine you're a housekeeper and discover a couple of guests have left a massive puddle on the carpet as part of their fun, do you want to play cat and mouse, or accept it and make your job easier?

If you were to reprimand or threaten them, then you may trigger a cat and mouse situation, where they'll attempt to have their fun yet stay under the radar. They may take it outside their room where it may bother other guests. Or they may be sneaky in their room going under of behind furniture, under cushions, on the mattress and re-wrapping it in the mattress protector. Imagine the nightmare of the housekeeper second-guessing the guests in the morrow, and the management being unhappy when a few days later a guest complain about a pissy smell which emanates from an unknown location and requires double-checking everything. Or even imagine the failed attempts, like a guest attempting to pee in a drawer, and while leaving a visible puddle, having the urine seeping everywhere in the cracks.

Or... you can make your job easier. Most people are considerate even when naughty, after all, so encouraging them to go in plain sight where you can't miss the aftermath and calling to their attention the things that'll make your life hell hoping they'll avoid them is a very pragmatic thing to do. This way they can still have fun (and maybe tip you as a reward) whilst at the same time you still have a relatively easy time cleaning up.

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That makes perfect sense @daemoniak.   In the career of a housekeeper I'd guess it doesn't take many working shifts to realise that there really can't be so many clumsy people spilling drinks on the floor, bed, chair or wherever else.  That and towels with yellow tainted wetness when the shower runs clear. That sort of thing.

And then as you say, rather than drive the issue underground - like legalising prostitution in many countries - accepting it happens and allowing it in sensible ways makes life easier for all concerned. 

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1 hour ago, beachmom said:


This photo was part of "The Standard Hotels" advertising campaign a few years back.

Why do you suppose they seem to be encouraging naughty behavior in hotels?

I wrote a little bit of fiction about that picture, I just love it, and the context of it being a hotel campaign:-


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On 1/4/2022 at 1:01 AM, beachmom said:

It was really the best anniversary ever for me. My husband's always been so shy about even peeing in places like locker rooms and group showers where everyone pees, so for him to do so in a nice hotel room was certain never expected. We both looked at one another and asked each other if we understood her right, she was telling us it's alright to pee in the room, just don't soak the mattress or chairs. Before we left to go out I peed from the bed into the carpet and my husband sprayed it randomly around the sitting room. Again when we arrived back that evening I backed up to a wall mirror and wet the mirror and wall while my husband again sprayed the floor. In the morning I took a final pee as my husband was fetching coffee and when he returned he was in the middle of his farewell pee when the housekeeper knocked on our door. I opened the door slowly, just enough to reveal a couple of puddles as my husband was finishing up off out of view. The housekeeper smiled and commented, "I see you two were able to have some fun." To which I commented, "still having fun," as she walked in far enough to notice my husbands stream hitting the carpet around the corner. When she realized she stepped back and said, "I'll give you two a minute and I handed her a nice tip and thanked her for allowing us a bit of fun." Was a great week.

She probably has that fetish too! Could have been hidden cameras and she's going to taste a sample! She made out like a bandit as well.

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