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Psychology of the fetish

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I have been doing a lot of pondering lately and am kinda interested in what others may have to add.

There seem to be more an more girls on sites like PH adding pee content. How many do you suppose really enjoy it vs. are doing it for views? Not judging because as "performers and content creators" they have to do what gets the views. 

I feel like its exceedingly rare that women are into pee stuff. There are some here that seem to genuinely be into it, but this forum covers the globe and we have maybe a few dozen or so women who are active?

How many women (and men for that matter) are out there who enjoy the fetish and just choose to not be on a public platform of some type about it? I have thought about this a lot lately too. To me it seems like it takes both an interest in peeing and exhibitionism to want to make videos or share stories. I personally only like to see women pee. Doing it does nothing for me, but even if I did enjoy doing it, I don't even like to see my face on video. Its exceedingly unlikely I would want to make videos for the enjoyment of others.

Also, I have noticed it seems like a passing phase for many. So many pop up with a couple amazing videos and then poof. gone forever within a few months or even weeks. This could be that they tried it for views and it wasn't worth it or tried it for pleasure and just got bored.



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My only experiences in real life are with two women who just enjoyed turning men on (but not into it themselves), another woman who (yes I did this) did it for money, and finally a woman who was really into it and peed on me before incredible sex.  Numerous phonesex sharing occurrences before any of the above.

Edited by LoveTheTinkle
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29 minutes ago, weequeen said:

i'm a woman and i'm truly into it. i too would like to post content here but i'm paranoid and worried to do so. but i like talking about my thoughts about it and experiences. so far there haven't been too many people bothering me on here. so that's good.

When you say not too many bothering you, do you mean not too many messaging you, or not too many that have been annoying?

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3 minutes ago, DrownMeQuick said:

When you say not too many bothering you, do you mean not too many messaging you, or not too many that have been annoying?

messaging - i would pm back more with people but ahhhh anxious you know (which is silly since i'm freely posting on a forum where literally anyone could read it lol) 

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I am a male who mainly enjoys male content, but only amateur 

I started sharing my videos about 9 years ago after deliberating abort it for a long time. Initially it was from a perspective of: if other people didn’t share there stuff then there would be nothing for me to enjoy!!

once I realised my content was popular ( not expected) I began to enjoy the attention 😀

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1 hour ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Group 1 - For some I know it's a personal enjoyment / excitement around personally performing the act - whatever that act may be - holding, releasing, wetting, peeing in unconventional or naughty places...   In those cases I can completely understand that it may not even be sexual - perhaps a personal comfort thing, a feeling of warmth and security maybe.

Group 2 - For others of course is extremely sexual - maybe only practiced during sex, or always leading to arousal. It could be the case that the individual has no desire to participate themselves, but very much is aroused by seeing, fantasising about or participating with another of their chosen sexual preference.

I reckon you've got it right, @gldenwetgoose. Though as many of us have commented in various places, one of the amazing things about this kink is its variety, and that probably extends to motivations. One could probably cut the members into other groups too, but yours seem to be a *helpful* way to look at things, and that's important. Thanks for doing the thinking 🙂 

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Interesting topic and associated thoughts- however also somewhat disconcerting. First, inline with the thread topic, I'm a male whose first pee fetish/kink experience occurred because it was a female who initiated it. That suggests to me that there are more females at least interested in pee activities than I or many of us males care to believe.

What's bothersome to me, however, is this chronic yet consistent, as evidenced by previous female responses, complaint from the ladies that some guys (enough of them in fact) harass them enough to the point that it inhibits the gals from contributing (pics or conversation). From a selfish standpoint, that takes away great FEMALE content (again pics and conversation) from me.  I wish I had the solution...

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33 minutes ago, Theo said:

Interesting topic and associated thoughts- however also somewhat disconcerting. First, inline with the thread topic, I'm a male whose first pee fetish/kink experience occurred because it was a female who initiated it. That suggests to me that there are more females at least interested in pee activities than I or many of us males care to believe.

What's bothersome to me, however, is this chronic yet consistent, as evidenced by previous female responses, complaint from the ladies that some guys (enough of them in fact) harass them enough to the point that it inhibits the gals from contributing (pics or conversation). From a selfish standpoint, that takes away great FEMALE content (again pics and conversation) from me.  I wish I had the solution...

I think we can perhaps best just lead by example, and trust in, and support, the moderators, who do a fantastic job.

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On 2/21/2021 at 11:37 PM, weequeen said:

messaging - i would pm back more with people but ahhhh anxious you know (which is silly since i'm freely posting on a forum where literally anyone could read it lol) 

That's when you just ask people to continue a conversation in a thread and if someone isn't willing, they usually aren't worth the effort of trying aha

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1 hour ago, Relevantcucumber said:

I'm a woman who just recently leaned into my pee kink after many years of suppression. 

I enjoy sharing it, and make content for paid sites as well as dropping free clips here and there. 

For me the "problem" is that it's a bit of a gateway and many people expect me to go into other toilet activities, which have never interested me. 

Also how because I'm into something "taboo" I should constantly enjoy being degraded etc 

However I cant see myself stopping making content or filming myself until I have no new ideas. 

Of course, you shouldn't have to put up on this site with anything that makes you uncomfortable - and there are, of course, rules 3 and 5 here that if breached should probably trigger a report to staff  


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On 2/24/2021 at 4:41 AM, gldenwetgoose said:


Group 1 - For some I know it's a personal enjoyment / excitement around personally performing the act - whatever that act may be - holding, releasing, wetting, peeing in unconventional or naughty places...   In those cases I can completely understand that it may not even be sexual - perhaps a personal comfort thing, a feeling of warmth and security maybe.







I have somehow never considered that for some it may be a non-sexual pleasure. I feel dense for this. Its valid. 100%. For me its a sexual thrill, and is usually presented and glorified as such and I never was aware enough to pause and think about that aspect.

This would dramatically shift how it would feel to share stories and experiences if for the author it is NOT a sexual thrill, or not the type of sexual thrill that is complimented by horny people hounding and being pushy and rude.

Thank you for that post.


Is there anyone here that likes the idea of something, and likes it in videos, stories and fantasy but would be less turned on or even not turned on at all if that experienced it first hand?



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2 hours ago, johnare said:

Is there anyone here that likes the idea of something, and likes it in videos, stories and fantasy but would be less turned on or even not turned on at all if that experienced it first hand?

I think that would apply to some of my fantasies. In the past I have tried putting real people into my fantasies, and it just doesn’t work. I prefer my faceless, nameless fantasy people, and my own fantasy worlds. I think it’s because I have full control over everyone and everything in my fantasies.
Adding reality puts it out of my control and adds things I don’t want, because real people have their own desires and dislikes which don’t necessarily align with mine, and I can’t really think of real people in any other way than themselves.

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