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Kupar's Peeing Exploits

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4 hours ago, MidoriLemonade85 said:

Oooooooh I can so relate to this! I spend three hours a day in my car. Yes, I religiously use the bathroom before I get in, but, I dunno, being female being in a car just makes you wonder where the next toilet is on the drive….maybe the engine vibration activates the bladder or something? You guys with wives and girlfriends know what I mean, don’t you? We always need a pee stop.  And getting caught behind slow drivers is the worst! I LOVE the true desperation in this video! I have driven my car with this level (or maybe close) and seriously considered stopping in a dark sidestreet and wetting my leggings there. Then I can just take them off and drive with a long skirt, nice and practical. It will happen one day. Usually, I can just make it home, wet a little on the run from the car to the bathroom, trying to dodge the kids and husband! But fuck, Kupar, this was super hot, and certainly no epic fail. The realism was sooooo good. You captured the emotion and relief of the moment perfectly. Hope that filthy jumper got a good wash though…😆

😃 Well, that's my old painting sweatshirt, so it's clean but paint-splashed lol. Thanks for your lovely comments Midori - it makes the trouble of capturing the video worthwhile ❤️

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On 7/27/2022 at 1:35 PM, Kupar said:

'Nonchalant' garden wetting

Encouraged by a conversation with the lovely @lillefisse in the chatroom this morning, I had a little fun in the garden 'accidentally / nonchalantly' wetting a pair of jeans - realising what had happened, having a little play, and wetting some more. Hope you like.



Garden fun 1.jpg

Garden fun 2.jpg

Yet again a great adition to your vids! Love to see you in action

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On 5/31/2022 at 10:46 PM, Kupar said:

Hotel pee fun

I was so bad last Friday evening.

I was staying away on my own in a hotel. About 6:30pm I went out to try out three of the pubs in the village I am staying at. I had a pint of beer in each with a very nice pulled-brisket burger and chips in the last one. By the time I walked back to my hotel I was starting to feel the first pint making its presence known, but I carried on drinking – a little water, and a little more beer from a can I’d brought with me.

I knew I wanted to be naughty – how often does one get the chance? – and I knew the bathroom was fair game because I would clean up after myself (I can’t bear the idea that someone else has to do it if I have made a big wet mess).

So part one for the evening was to stand in the bath tub and spray down the toilet and floor and some of the bathroom walls. Wow – it felt *so* good to release that recycled beer – I really needed to go! And it was such fun to see my pee spraying everywhere. I knew there would be more to come, so I just left everything dripping, and splashed back to the bedroom, shutting the door behind me. I tried to make a video of it, but capturing pee against white bathroom tiles is not easy and it was rubbish.

Thirty minutes later, and half way through the can, the second pint was definitely wanting to make a reappearance. By this time, I was chatting and messaging on this site, and generally starting to feel mellow and naughty all at the same time. So I peed on the mirror that was screwed to the bathroom door – how much fun is it to pee against a mirror?! Amazing! You get to see your stream from two angles, and experience the splash back as well as the delightful relief – it’s all wonderful 😊



More chatting, messaging and drinking and the final pee before bedtime – one of my PF friends demanded that I just walk up to the bathroom and pee on the floor … so that’s what I did. It felt so wicked knowing that this wasn’t where I was supposed to empty my pee, and that I had been instructed to do it, when there is a perfectly good toilet just for that purpose!



And afterwards, because I have to, I cleaned up – sacrificing my tee shirt, mopping up and wringing out what seemed like pints of dilute, near-odourless pee from the floor, then wiping down every affected surface with clean water on a towel and leaving the bathroom clean for the morning.

Was I tempted to just pee on the bathroom floor if I wake in the night? Or first thing in the morning? Yes of course! But I didn’t. So enjoy the pics and videos (if that’s your thing) - and apologies for the poor quality this time.

What a thorough, magnificent soaking. And such a gentleman, Kupar, cleaning up so well. So glad you enjoyed yourself! 

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On 7/27/2022 at 9:05 PM, Kupar said:

'Nonchalant' garden wetting

Encouraged by a conversation with the lovely @lillefisse in the chatroom this morning, I had a little fun in the garden 'accidentally / nonchalantly' wetting a pair of jeans - realising what had happened, having a little play, and wetting some more. Hope you like.



Garden fun 1.jpg

Garden fun 2.jpg

The symmetry of it appeals to me. You wet one leg, so the other leg had to have it too. And having a tee shirt wet with pee must be a great way to keep cool while working outside in summer! Love the already peeing cock being shoved back into the jeans.💖  I am so envious that you guys can use your cock as a plaything like that, and aim it anywhere you like. For us, it is usually just straight downwards. Except for the super talented ladies among us who have learned to get around that. If I had a choice I would be born as a man so I can aim my pee. I have had dreams about it. It is just the sexiest thing. Thank you so much, Kupar, for all your creative and hot ideas, but done so gracefully and artistically. you put a lot of thought into them, and we all appreciate! 🙏💜

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4 hours ago, MidoriLemonade85 said:

The symmetry of it appeals to me. You wet one leg, so the other leg had to have it too. And having a tee shirt wet with pee must be a great way to keep cool while working outside in summer! Love the already peeing cock being shoved back into the jeans.💖  I am so envious that you guys can use your cock as a plaything like that, and aim it anywhere you like. For us, it is usually just straight downwards. Except for the super talented ladies among us who have learned to get around that. If I had a choice I would be born as a man so I can aim my pee. I have had dreams about it. It is just the sexiest thing. Thank you so much, Kupar, for all your creative and hot ideas, but done so gracefully and artistically. you put a lot of thought into them, and we all appreciate! 🙏💜

You are so kind @MidoriLemonade85! Thank you for all your lovely comments 💕

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 4/6/2021 at 3:15 AM, Kupar said:

It was a lovely sunny day last Tuesday so I spent some time naked in the garden trying to get some warm sunshine to my body. But there were chores to do, as there always are. I knew I needed a pee while the washing was spinning in the machine, so I thought it might be fun to capture on video a pee while hanging it out (as it were). I know some PF people like the nonchalant peeing genre. It didn't work out quite as well as I had hoped: the stream isn't particularly visible. But hey ho. Here it is:



So beautiful. 💖

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On 4/16/2021 at 5:55 AM, Kupar said:

So I am on my home alone for a couple of days, which gives me a little more scope to try a few things. But one needs to be in the mood, yes? 

I sort of have been. Last night I put a bucket by the side of my bed: I had no intention of using the toilet during the night or first thing in the morning. And ... I didn't wake in the night for a pee. What!? That hardly ever happens these days. But in the morning, the plan worked fine - it was easy to roll over, sit up a bit and pee off the side of the bed right into the bucket, then roll back into bed, reach over to put the radio on and come to gradually before getting up and dressed.

During the rest of the day I have peed in the compost bin outside (twice), on the patio slabs (once), into the bucket on the kitchen floor (once) and, err, into a cardboard box on the kitchen floor as I was heating some soup up for lunch. That's the one I set up the camera for:


A 'sort of nonchalant' pee. It'll be the bucket again tonight. Sleep tight!

Kitchen box nonchalant 1a.jpg

Kitchen box nonchalant 2a.jpg

I love this bucket by the bed business. That sure gave me tingles. 💖Might be harder for a female but I am willing to try. Easier than my jar idea anyway. 

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On 4/25/2021 at 6:01 AM, Kupar said:

I am staying away from home on my own for a couple of days. On Friday I went for a longish walk and peed a couple of times against a tree and a hedge while I was out. I thought I would then hold for a while so I could enjoy the relief when I got to the place I was saying late-afternoon. I wanted to pick up a few things from the little local supermarket before checking in, but there was a queue to go in (Covid restrictions) and then another queue at the checkout … I was tapping my foot, almost dancing, and truth be told, I had to let a little go – I don’t think I have ever done that in a public place before! I was wearing black shorts and I don’t *think* anything was visible, but I held my shopping bag strategically just in case. I felt so bad – but in a good way. The pressure eased and I managed to hold on while walking carefully round the corner to where I was staying, and being handed the key by the owner. Once safely established, I stripped off and stepped into the shower straight away, releasing a *lot* of pee, very happily indeed.

The layout of the place I stayed at is interesting: there’s a little bedroom up a very steep, narrow cast-iron spiral staircase. The shower room / toilet is downstairs, off the little kitchen. My caring wife K insisted that I take away with me a bucket that I could put next to the bed. I am not in the first flush of youth, and I generally need to go in the middle of the night: she had visions of me lying dead at the foot of the staircase in the morning (presumably in a puddle of pee).

This arrangement worked really well on Friday night. I woke in the small hours, sat on the edge of the bed and peed in the bucket – very convenient. The first pee of the next morning was added to the bucket before I got up, had breakfast and headed out for another long walk.

I’d had a big mug of coffee with breakfast and after I’d been walking for an hour or so, I opened my thermos flask and had another mug and a half of coffee. I walked for about another hour and I was starting to really need to go. I was on a path that went straight across a field, so I decided I’d just pee in the middle of the field and spray it about a bit. It was extremely satisfying, and I managed to stay upwind so avoided any splashback. I like to think I was doing my bit to water the wheat that had been planted in that field.

After a pint in a pub around lunchtime, the inevitable urge returned a few miles later. By this point I was walking round a large reservoir on a perimeter path that is very well used by walkers, runners and cyclists. It is also well supplied with benches to sit on and admire the view of the lake. I settled down on a bench between the path and the water, unzipped my shorts and just let go on to the ground in front of me. A couple of cyclists passed by behind me, but I don’t think they saw anything. The element of risk was very exciting.

Later in the afternoon, on the homeward stretch of the walk and after I’d finished my bottle of water, I needed one more pee, but I was walking through the middle of a village at the time, so held on for another 30 minutes or so until I was back out in the countryside on a narrow path along a field edge. I thought I would see if it was possible to pee while walking along, so unzipped and took out my cock and yes, it is possible – and I could even avoid wetting my legs and shoes by walking carefully: I wouldn’t say I was swinging it (I’m not really well-endowed enough to claim that), but hip movement can be your friend as you stroll along.

I didn’t take any photos or videos of these outdoor pees I’m afraid, but there was one more fun time to have, back at the place I was staying. Remember that bucket, and the spiral staircase? Well, I reckoned it should be possible to pee from upstairs straight down into the bucket placed on the (laminate) floor below. And it sort of was, but it wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be.

I had got the bucket in the right place. I’d mentally calculated the parabolic trajectory pretty accurately, but I didn’t take into account the instinctive way that I (perhaps all people with a penis) tend to not hold it still. There wasn’t any splash back out of the bucket, but some of the stream didn’t go straight in.

It wasn’t a long pee – about 15 seconds – but it felt longer because I was worrying all the time about whether something would go wrong. And it felt excitingly naughty, but after I’d finished I knew I had to clean up straight away, so there wasn’t any follow-up. It’s a nice place I am staying in and I would be mortified to think that the owners would be able to tell what I’d done. But it was a peeing highlight of my couple of days away.

I took two videos: one from below and one from above. In the one from below, it’s really hard to see the stream (I think dark background work best), but the sound is great! It’s easier to see me pee in the other video. The photos are captures from each of the videos. Hope you enjoy!



Stairs from above pic.jpg

Stairs from bleow pic.jpg

What an adventure this was for you! So many things. We don’t need photos with your detailed descriptions, though photos and videos are always appreciated and treasured of course! You make the naughty fun. And you make the fun naughty! 

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On 4/25/2021 at 6:01 AM, Kupar said:

I am staying away from home on my own for a couple of days. On Friday I went for a longish walk and peed a couple of times against a tree and a hedge while I was out. I thought I would then hold for a while so I could enjoy the relief when I got to the place I was saying late-afternoon. I wanted to pick up a few things from the little local supermarket before checking in, but there was a queue to go in (Covid restrictions) and then another queue at the checkout … I was tapping my foot, almost dancing, and truth be told, I had to let a little go – I don’t think I have ever done that in a public place before! I was wearing black shorts and I don’t *think* anything was visible, but I held my shopping bag strategically just in case. I felt so bad – but in a good way. The pressure eased and I managed to hold on while walking carefully round the corner to where I was staying, and being handed the key by the owner. Once safely established, I stripped off and stepped into the shower straight away, releasing a *lot* of pee, very happily indeed.

The layout of the place I stayed at is interesting: there’s a little bedroom up a very steep, narrow cast-iron spiral staircase. The shower room / toilet is downstairs, off the little kitchen. My caring wife K insisted that I take away with me a bucket that I could put next to the bed. I am not in the first flush of youth, and I generally need to go in the middle of the night: she had visions of me lying dead at the foot of the staircase in the morning (presumably in a puddle of pee).

This arrangement worked really well on Friday night. I woke in the small hours, sat on the edge of the bed and peed in the bucket – very convenient. The first pee of the next morning was added to the bucket before I got up, had breakfast and headed out for another long walk.

I’d had a big mug of coffee with breakfast and after I’d been walking for an hour or so, I opened my thermos flask and had another mug and a half of coffee. I walked for about another hour and I was starting to really need to go. I was on a path that went straight across a field, so I decided I’d just pee in the middle of the field and spray it about a bit. It was extremely satisfying, and I managed to stay upwind so avoided any splashback. I like to think I was doing my bit to water the wheat that had been planted in that field.

After a pint in a pub around lunchtime, the inevitable urge returned a few miles later. By this point I was walking round a large reservoir on a perimeter path that is very well used by walkers, runners and cyclists. It is also well supplied with benches to sit on and admire the view of the lake. I settled down on a bench between the path and the water, unzipped my shorts and just let go on to the ground in front of me. A couple of cyclists passed by behind me, but I don’t think they saw anything. The element of risk was very exciting.

Later in the afternoon, on the homeward stretch of the walk and after I’d finished my bottle of water, I needed one more pee, but I was walking through the middle of a village at the time, so held on for another 30 minutes or so until I was back out in the countryside on a narrow path along a field edge. I thought I would see if it was possible to pee while walking along, so unzipped and took out my cock and yes, it is possible – and I could even avoid wetting my legs and shoes by walking carefully: I wouldn’t say I was swinging it (I’m not really well-endowed enough to claim that), but hip movement can be your friend as you stroll along.

I didn’t take any photos or videos of these outdoor pees I’m afraid, but there was one more fun time to have, back at the place I was staying. Remember that bucket, and the spiral staircase? Well, I reckoned it should be possible to pee from upstairs straight down into the bucket placed on the (laminate) floor below. And it sort of was, but it wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be.

I had got the bucket in the right place. I’d mentally calculated the parabolic trajectory pretty accurately, but I didn’t take into account the instinctive way that I (perhaps all people with a penis) tend to not hold it still. There wasn’t any splash back out of the bucket, but some of the stream didn’t go straight in.

It wasn’t a long pee – about 15 seconds – but it felt longer because I was worrying all the time about whether something would go wrong. And it felt excitingly naughty, but after I’d finished I knew I had to clean up straight away, so there wasn’t any follow-up. It’s a nice place I am staying in and I would be mortified to think that the owners would be able to tell what I’d done. But it was a peeing highlight of my couple of days away.

I took two videos: one from below and one from above. In the one from below, it’s really hard to see the stream (I think dark background work best), but the sound is great! It’s easier to see me pee in the other video. The photos are captures from each of the videos. Hope you enjoy!



Stairs from above pic.jpg

Stairs from bleow pic.jpg

A comforting sound, like rain on a roof at night. 

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3 hours ago, MidoriLemonade85 said:

I love this bucket by the bed business. That sure gave me tingles. 💖Might be harder for a female but I am willing to try. Easier than my jar idea anyway. 

Go for it! It's only like chamber pots that people used before everyone had a WC. But because we all have toilets now it feels just a little naughty ... and that's got to be a good thing, right?

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4 minutes ago, Kupar said:

Go for it! It's only like chamber pots that people used before everyone had a WC. But because we all have toilets now it feels just a little naughty ... and that's got to be a good thing, right?

Oh most definitely! I live for naughty. And I hate getting outta bed, and though peeing in bed sounds like fun, it also creates more washing and work for me. Much quicker to empty a bucket! And then I can roll over and sleep in another half an hour! Genius idea! Wonder how hubby will feel….I will put it on the agenda to get his views on this when we have our big meeting next month! 

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Just now, MidoriLemonade85 said:

Wonder how hubby will feel….I will put it on the agenda to get his views on this when we have our big meeting next month! 

Hope that works out. One thing about the pee kink is that some aspects of it are quite easy for partners to go along with - if they see what pleasure it brings. The simple act of watching a partner pee is quite wonderful, and I would imagine pretty easy for many non-kink partners to do. Then there's a scale of things that can be passive or mildly active ... I know your conversation will range more widely than just pee play, but in any case, you have my very best wishes for a happy outcome xxx

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1 minute ago, Kupar said:

Hope that works out. One thing about the pee kink is that some aspects of it are quite easy for partners to go along with - if they see what pleasure it brings. The simple act of watching a partner pee is quite wonderful, and I would imagine pretty easy for many non-kink partners to do. Then there's a scale of things that can be passive or mildly active ... I know your conversation will range more widely than just pee play, but in any case, you have my very best wishes for a happy outcome xxx

Thank you, Kupar. 🙏We will see how brave I end up being. I have kept my kink hidden for ages, and only revealed a small percentage to him over time, so don’t want to overwhelm him, so I will be gentle! And if it doesn’t go to plan, at least there is always you and my PeeFans friends to be my authentic self with, thank goodness. 🥰

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@Kupar I am slowing working my way through the massive amount of great content on this site and got round to going though this thread in full.

I have to say that this is just an incredible thread. Your dedication to getting a great shot, doing something creative and your eloquent  descriptions of each situation and surrounding story makes this entire thread a joy to read and watch. 

I am so glad you get so much pleasure out of sharing this with us because it gives me, and clearly a lot of others too, a great amount of pleasure as well. 

All the best. 


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37 minutes ago, Pontepee said:

@Kupar I am slowing working my way through the massive amount of great content on this site and got round to going though this thread in full.

I have to say that this is just an incredible thread. Your dedication to getting a great shot, doing something creative and your eloquent  descriptions of each situation and surrounding story makes this entire thread a joy to read and watch. 

I am so glad you get so much pleasure out of sharing this with us because it gives me, and clearly a lot of others too, a great amount of pleasure as well. 

All the best. 


Wow! Thank you so much! I'm so pleased you have enjoyed the thread 🙂. I'll try to keep making new stuff when the mood strikes me ❤️

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/9/2022 at 5:31 PM, Kupar said:

It's been a while since I posted here, so here's a little video and a couple of pictures I made this week. It's another back garden pee - nothing particularly adventurous, but it was lovely, and for @Eliminature and anyone else who likes to see jeans and underwear come down (even in 'private'), hands-free peeing and waving it about a bit, this video does all that 🙂 



Very, very nice. Your beautiful body, beautiful cock, beautiful stream. The only way it could be even more perfect is to see the beautiful puddle too. 🙏💚 Thank you, wonderful Kupar.

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  • 1 month later...

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