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I found some pics of someone I know - now what?


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Recently I was trying to help out someone who was having problems with lack of space on their laptop.   I won't bore you with the details, but I found that the photos directory on the PC was quite large.   In order to help create working space whilst I cleaned up the PC, I moved the contents of that directory to an external drive, intending to put it back when I was done.   I dragged the folder across to the external drive without looking in it (I wasn't there to snoop) However, no sooner had I moved the folder and created about 3GB of space, the space just started filling up again.  I found that the folder had filled with more photos.   It was then that I realised that the directory was synchronising with her OneDrive account.   As the new pics came into the directory, I was seeing them as thumbnail views.  In amongst the typical family photos, a few jumped out to my attention.   They were pics of the owner of the laptop in various states of undress.   Nothing too racy, but several underwear shots, a  few topless with her arm covering her boobs, a couple taken in the shower and a few more revealing again - shall I just say I now know how much hair she has down below and what fills her ample sized bra on a daily basis.  There were also a couple of pics of her boyfriend in revealing situations and a few videos that she had presumably downloaded from the internet.  I obviously can't unsee these pictures, but it is what I do now that is at question.

Now, this lady is an employee of my wife's business and is someone I see regularly when I go to help my wife with stuff at work.  We chat quite a lot and get on well but I don't see her outside of the workplace. When I took the laptop back to her at the workplace, I didn't mention that I had seen the photos but I did explain that OneDrive was hogging all the disk space with her photos that were synchronising with her phone and that I had turned off the sync for that folder which had resulted in her photos being removed from the laptop but that they would still be on her phone and OneDrive account.  She was over the moon that her laptop had space again and she said that she didn't even know that there were any photos on the laptop.  As I was talking to her, I couldn't help but picture in my mind the views that I had seen of her naked, but I didn't mention anything.  Then today, I rang the business to pass on a message and she answered - again, whilst I was on the phone, the pictures came into my head.  As I said, I can't simply unsee them.

So, I'm now in two minds - should I let her know that I've seen the pics?  Should I tell my wife that I've seen the pics of her employee?   I am strongly thinking that I should just be professional and save her embarrassment, move on, say nothing and just enjoy the pics in my minds eye when I see her (I won't be able to forget them or at least not for a while anyway).  But just a nagging bit of me says that I should come clean and let her know that she might want to be a little more careful about the pics and where she saves them - especially as she has a young daughter who no doubt might see her phone and probably knows more about to operate it than her mum does!

She would probably be super embarrassed if she knew I had seen them - although I'm wondering if she is also sat there wondering how much I saw being as I mentioned her photo album from her phone.   In some ways it was nice to learn a little bit about another side of her - she is a church going nice as pie type of lady (although I found out recently that was in part just to get her daughter into a particular school), but she has pics and videos that indicate another side to her life, which just goes to prove we are the same underneath.   

I was not setting out to find these pics and I was very surprised when they appeared on my screen.   I can't say that I didn't enjoy seeing them and I must admit that I was a little disappointed, but not surprised, that there were no pee pics!  I'd love to catch her popping a squat outside, which I'm sure she does as she has talked about staying out all day in the summer going for long walks.

I felt that if I don't tell her, I had to tell someone, hence the post!!

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Guest UnabashedUser

Purge your memory of what you thought you saw or what you might remember.

It's for the best. 

There's a country song title:  "I forgot to remember to forget".

Peace out.

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Part of being professional is being able to forget what you saw in public even if you remember it in private.

The lady trusted you with a problem and you solved it. Job done.

No need to discuss it further.

I know you will do the right thing.

You can still remember in private and smile!



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Yes. As everyone else has said, it's probably for the best that you say nothing. For one thing, you would embarrass the client in question and for another, it could cause a rift between your two families. Or G-d forbid, you and Mrs Alfresco. You know that you didn't go looking for the images in question but it's probably not a good idea to bring it up. Some partners might see this as you being "psychology unfaithful" to them if you get what I'm saying. I know from the way you occasionally discuss Mrs Alfresco that you love her very much. No doubt at all about that. 

Nothing to stop you enjoying those images (if you wish to do so) in the privacy of your own mind, of course. 

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I have been in the awkward situation that whilst browsing amateur pee porn pics I encountered one of a younger version of my sister in law squatting and peeing in a car park, presumably taken by my brother! 

I thought it far wiser and less embarrassing for all to say nothing.

@Alfresco, that you are so concerned about the pics you saw says a lot of good about your character. But if you were to say anything you'd just make the young lady concerned feel very embarrassed and uncomfortable, as well as adding to your own embarrassment. Sometimes the kindest and most honourable thing to do is to say nothing. Saying nothing is I think the right thing for you to do in this case. You cannot unsee what you saw but try and dismiss it from your mind as much as possible. Gradually it will recede into the background of your consciousness.

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9 hours ago, steve25805 said:

I have been in the awkward situation that whilst browsing amateur pee porn pics I encountered one of a younger version of my sister in law squatting and peeing in a car park, presumably taken by my brother! 

Presumably that was in the public domain, so that must have shocked you a bit.   Definitely again better to say nothing - otherwise you get the "where did you see it?" and "why were you looking there?" questions which opens up another can of worms, not to mention that she may not even know that it is out there and could cause her distress to find out.

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2 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

Presumably that was in the public domain, so that must have shocked you a bit. 

A little shocked and very surprised is what I recall of my immediate reaction, lol

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9 hours ago, steve25805 said:

I have been in the awkward situation that whilst browsing amateur pee porn pics I encountered one of a younger version of my sister in law squatting and peeing in a car park, presumably taken by my brother! 

Score one for the idea that this kink runs in families...

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16 minutes ago, oliver2 said:

Score one for the idea that this kink runs in families...

That was my first thought as well - maybe your brother has the same or at least related interest.  

Also, I often suspected that my Dad had at least a passing interest as when we used to go out for a long walk my mum would often pee outside and he used to pay a bit of interest also, one time we were watching a village carnival from the upstairs window.  Immediately below us, we had a vehicle parked outside our house on our drive.  A girl came off the street and ducked behind our vehicle and pulled down her trousers.  I (this was before my interest) was about to shout out the window at her, but my dad quietly pulled me back and said "Leave her be, it isn't doing any harm".

Once my interest developed I never really had a situation where I saw his interest significantly to ask him about it.  Sometimes I wished I had, but the opportunity has now passed as he is not here to ask any more. 


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Just now, Alfresco said:

That was my first thought as well - maybe your brother has the same or at least related interest.  

Also, I often suspected that my Dad had at least a passing interest as when we used to go out for a long walk my mum would often pee outside and he used to pay a bit of interest also, one time we were watching a village carnival from the upstairs window.  Immediately below us, we had a vehicle parked outside our house on our drive.  A girl came off the street and ducked behind our vehicle and pulled down her trousers.  I (this was before my interest) was about to shout out the window at her, but my dad quietly pulled me back and said "Leave her be, it isn't doing any harm".

Once my interest developed I never really had a situation where I saw his interest significantly to ask him about it.  Sometimes I wished I had, but the opportunity has now passed as he is not here to ask any more. 


That's a really interesting story @Alfresco - thanks for sharing it.

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  • 1 month later...

As a photographer myself who has had to deal with when to/not to be professional. I fully agree with what those before me have said.  Don't bring it up.  The fact you are worrying shows your classiness, but unless she brings something up, don't mention anything. Just go on and think about like ice cream or something else random instead.  Don't sweat over it as stuff happens, but life will just keep going on regardless. 

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  • 2 years later...

Resurrecting an older thread to share a few similar experiences. 

1.) One time while browsing "nude amateur" porn, i came across some nude pics of my (female) cousin! I was very conflicted because she's hot, but she's my cousin! Like Alfresco, I now know how much hair she has down below (none!). It was a long time ago (probably 15 years ago), so although I see her occasionally at family get-togethers, I don't really give it too much thought nowadays.

2.) When I was in college, I stumbled across a "strip tease" video that my college rommate's girlfriend had made for him. These were the days of VHS tapes, mind you. It was on a tape with a movie or something. I didn't feel too guilty about it, and enjoyed watching it every now and then. It was amateur quality, but to me that made it all the hotter.

3.) My wife is a Nurse Practitioner, and for a while she worked in Women's Health (OB/GYN). Because of that, her friends often ask her personal medical questions. One time a friend of hers had a specific medical problem with her vagina (it was a mild distension, I think). The friend texted a photo of the issue (a photo of her vagina) to my wife. I wasn't trying to be nosy, but I definitely got a quick glimpse of it before my wife deleted the photo.

I just consider all of these occurrences dumb luck, and I've never felt guilty over them.


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  • 3 months later...

I have recently been told by the male participant that he and a former girlfriend who is currently a work colleague of mine participated in an onlyfans video. I have not sought it out and in any case the material is supposedly very vanilla and non-fetish. Naturally I will not mention it to anyone in work including the female colleague herself. I do worry about her though because if someone in work should stumble across it and recognise her, unless she is lucky in who it is it could spread like wildfire around the workplace and I know she could never handle that.

But I guess there is nothing constructive or helpful I can do beyond keeping it to myself. And hope for the best in regards to everyone else.

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8 hours ago, steve25805 said:

I have recently been told by the male participant that he and a former girlfriend who is currently a work colleague of mine participated in an onlyfans video. I have not sought it out and in any case the material is supposedly very vanilla and non-fetish. Naturally I will not mention it to anyone in work including the female colleague herself. I do worry about her though because if someone in work should stumble across it and recognise her, unless she is lucky in who it is it could spread like wildfire around the workplace and I know she could never handle that.

But I guess there is nothing constructive or helpful I can do beyond keeping it to myself. And hope for the best in regards to everyone else.

I guess if the worst happened you would be there for her as a good colleague and friend Steve.

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I love Peefans for these sorts of posts and comments - yes we're a bunch of complete perverts, but we care morally about the rights and feelings of people in these sorts of situations.

Although reading back highlights quite a few different scenarios, there is a common set of themes going on.   Someone has chosen to / allowed a recording to take place of them in a compromising position.  At the time that's what they wanted to do and they did it willingly.   Maybe it was intended only for their partner or maybe it's that their circumstances have changed now.  So now we're considering their feelings in the event their previous actions come back to bite them.

In the first instance, there's the factor of their choice to create that content.  I'm guessing most people in that situation would at least have a flicker of thought they may be at risk of wider 'exposure' somewhere down the line.   In my mind it's vaguely similar to the public festival pee and security camera pee clips.  You'll see plenty on this site and the net where the subjects have been in a semi-public place and chosen to pee.  Very different from the unwilling hidden camera voyeurism.

 And we're generally considering how we act in that person's best interests - should they know that we know?  Should we do something to stop anyone else finding their pics on the hard drive?

Of course every case is different and we'd all arrive at different thoughts of how best to act.

Final thought from me, try not to apply gender stereotypes - the examples above are all from us guys and are all considering cases of ladies in compromising positions.  Now that's maybe not a big surprise when 80% of the membership are male, and a large proportion focussed on female nudity and pee.  But hopefully the idea of the man being a hero porn star and the woman being an exploited weak victim have died out many decades ago.  

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Indeed... Very well said... Perverts, but we care about other people and have some respect.

In general I believe that it is best to keep such things discrete. If it's not getting out out control: keep it that way. I think it's better for both.

For example: if a colleague is a member of peefans and enjoys my pictures it should be fine.

But don't take it to the workplace! Keep it private.

Something like: what happens in Peefans community, stays in Peefans community

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@steve25805, I think in the case of finding out about a work colleague in that way, it is definitely better to keep quiet about it out of respect for the person.   I think that you probably don't need to worry too much about other people finding out and causing her distress though because firstly there are so many videos out there that the chances of stumbling across that one are probably slim and if they did happen to see it, most people wouldn't shout about it as they wouldn't want to admit to what they are looking at in the first place (despite the fact that probably a very high percentage of your colleagues are looking at porn at some point or another).


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