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Why do you enjoy watching porn?


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I think you’ve said it all for me - not much to add (although that normally doesn’t stop me). 

It’s very rare I’ll watch a guy peeing, even rarer I’ll watch a guy peeing on a girl. Occasionally a girl peeing on a guy - which definitely works for me. Generally for me it’s all about girls peeing. I’m never going to be a girl, never going to know how it feels to be desperately full, or to let myself lose it. Never going to know how it feels as a girl to experience those things and the subtle ways pee flows depending on angle, pressure, opening and individual anatomy. 

However watching a girl experience and demonstrate all of those things gives me a feel that I can by proxy - almost good enough. Even better when it’s a girl describing it all and drawing me in all the more. 

Hope that makes sense!

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.... and an afterthought, as you’ve summarised it there @Sophie - also explains how much ‘realism’ plays a role in the impact. 

Seeing Becky Le Sabre trying to put off releasing a desperately full bladder until she’s brought herself to a screaming orgasm gets me every single time, yet other videos (oh there’s someone in the toilet so I’ll take off all my clothes here) are take or leave moments. 

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For me it is very much about imagining myself taking part in the scene. If there is a male actor doing something I want to do, I imagine myself in his place.  If he is giving cunnilingus to a woman,  I also imagine the parts that video can't supply, such as the taste of her labia, their texture and her scent.  The feeling of her skin under my fingertips.  The little quivers in the muscles under her skin as she reacts to what I am doing.

If she is peeing on him I imagine the warm, slippery feeling of it on my skin, or on my lips and tongue.  I try to imagine the smell and taste of it.   I don't imagine myself in her place or experience her feelings directly,  it's more about having the feeling of me being close to her,  learning how her body responds and discovering what makes her feel good. I think I am what is called a "pleaser".  The thing that excites me about sex is the thought of giving pleasure to the woman, so the parts of pornography that excite me are those that concentrate on her enjoyment.

In the case of lesbian porn,  I am a sort of disembodied male presence in the room.  When one woman is actively pleasing the other,  I sometimes imagine myself taking her place at the pleasure giving.  When two women are peeing on each other I am wishing I could be kissing and tasting the wet parts of their skin.

When I see a solo woman peeing,  especially somewhere naughty, like on a sofa or in a public stairwell, or a car,  I enjoy it in multiple ways.  First I am thinking of her excitement. I imagine her heart racing and her breathless feeling at the illicit thing she is doing, and the feeling of sexual arousal that it gives her.  I also imagine how it would feel to kiss her vulva while she is in that excited, aroused state, completing her experience by bringing her to orgasm.  There is also the sensual delight of knowing that that place is going to retain the strong, feminine smell of her urine and imagining myself being there later and enjoying that intimate scent in the air.

There is a "behind the scenes" type video of an American porn actress who sits on a toilet but releases her pee all over the bathroom floor while bantering with the director and camera crew.  She is clearly aroused by it. The camera keeps running after she has finished and records her telling the crew that her legs are wet and inviting them to come to her and lick the pee off her thighs. (They don't do it, but I certainly imagined myself responding to her request.)

In the final analysis though, for me, porn is only a limited substitute for real life.  If I am having frequent sex I tend to lose interest in porn,  unless I am watching it with a female sex partner for our mutual enjoyment.

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I feel like I do watch a lot of porn but it is mainly because I have never had sex and it’s something I desperately want so bad. Haven’t really had that much relationship experience either so that’s touchy as well. I watch so that I can at least have some form of practice for the real thing.

As for the pee related porn, I just love describing what I’m seeing as I’m seeing it which makes me harder and makes me move faster. It’s because I have not really seen people in front of me do what they do in the videos so I wish I could see it happen live. I like the nude pissing because (and yes it’s still embarrassing), I have not seen a girl fully naked other than on the internet and in movies/tv. I’ve been with a girl and we did cool around and I got her almost naked but not quite. Idk, I feel embarrassed saying all this but at the same time I figure I’m not the only one with this kind of struggle so maybe someone here can offer some new insight and I can just let it out a bit (not urine unfortunately 😂)

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I watch a little bit for the visuals but I find it don’t necessarily get turned on just by those. I like stuff to be a little bit raw and real, as if it’s really happening and not deliberate for the camera. 

I really enjoy seeing the reactions of people when something significant happens (eg, i watch her reaction when he cums and vice versa) or the moment he slides inside I tend to watch her face rather than him. 

it’s always nice to imagine I’m there too of course 😉

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Yes, for me it's the visuals but I'd be lying if I didn't admit to fantasizing about being a part of whatever action I happen to be watching and get lost in the session. Especially if I'm masturbating. I now, however, no longer, have at my age any interest in the gorgeous 20-something models that seem to permeate even the so-called "amateur" genre. I MUCH more prefer older REAL amateur people- wrinkles, flaws, and all. It's much easier for me to fantasize myself taking part in that action  rather than the 23 year-old professional model pretending to be a librarian without underwear. Sure they are beautiful but I can relate sexually so much better to people closer to my age therefore I prefer my porn participants to match closer to my own generation.

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  • 1 year later...

I find people of all types beautiful. There are so many different kinds of porn out there, that I can experience so many different forms of beauty.

Lately I am mostly turned on by mature actors. 
There is just something so real about watching a 50-70 year old woman having sex (and a good pee as well).

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This is a superb thread! Thank you, Sophie.

The first time I saw any actual hard core porn, my reaction was a mixture of shock and delight. It was in a small format magazine, probably from Denmark, which had three full-colour sections: 1. A very attractive girl masturbating; 2. Two women licking each others' pussies; 3. A man and a woman fucking. None of those subjects is at all unusual nowadays, but my first thought was: "Are they really doing that!?"

I was brought up believing that, while boys had all sorts of disgusting thoughts (and habits), women and girls were 'pure'. Of course that's ridiculous but it was at the centre of my early conditioning about sex. Consequently, I was amazed and excited when I saw women performing sexually transgressive acts. I thought they were 'bad' girls, of course, but I loved them for it. Of course, the 'bad' girl idea is simply nonsense, but I was conditioned to that judgment as well. 

And piss porn, when I discovered it, was the most transgressive, taboo-breaking set of behaviours I'd ever seen up to that point. It gave me an enormous erotic jolt - sexual shock. 

I accept that, even now, there's a lot of guilt associated with watching porn. But that's because porn watching, like performing in porn, is a transgressive activity. I don't think it would work for me if there wasn't a background of guilt - however stupid that is.

The best thing about the Internet is that it provided a platform for women to admit to their sexuality, including the simple fact that they masturbate. That delights me and excites me.

Although I don't find it very often any more, I crave erotic shock from porn.

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Apologies to moderators if I've put this in the wrong place, but it seems relevant to this topic. As the introductory note says, I first posted it on Literotica in 2011 (though I've since had all my stories taken down, because Literotica's grading system annoyed me). I now post all my erotic writing here: https://fetlife.com/users/11311939 - where I'm wjimmyredux.

Porn Shock

This is a short memoir rather than a story. It's about my first exposure to real, 'hard' porn. My responses to pornography have definitely changed over time. The early experiences were electric - and complex because they were mixed up with guilt and shame. I tried to catch some of that feeling in this piece.

I first posted it on Literotica, as polynices, in 2011.


The impact of porn – porn images, anyway – changes over time. That is, habituation reduces the impact of the image.

I'd seen a little porn while I was growing up in England in the sixties, but it was mostly just Playboy-style pictures. In the early seventies, however, I did manage to get hold of a hard-core magazine, though it would seem very tame nowadays. I remember it started with pictures of a pink-and-blonde girl masturbating in a red armchair. That was the first time I'd ever seen a dildo. There was a second section with a pair of lesbians, and the final pages showed a man and a woman – real fucking! Wow! I don't remember a cum-shot, though, and I don't think there was one. As I said, it was all pretty tame by modern standards.

I didn't see any porn on film until I visited Germany and the Netherlands in, I think, 1976.

I know now that the porn industry was still in its infancy in the mid-seventies, though I didn't realise it then. I'd come into Munich on a long train journey from Turkey, and I had about ten hours to kill before I caught my next connection to Amsterdam. So, of course, I went exploring. There was a longish street leading away from the side entrance to the station, and I discovered, to my delight, that it was full of sleazy bars. And, even more amazingly, there was a sex shop! When I saw it, the blood rushed to my head. I was trembling with excitement. I walked straight past and went on walking for about five minutes. Me, go into a place like that? Never! I was respectable! Then I turned right round and went straight back again. And, feeling furtive, guilty and indescribably excited, I went inside.

As I said, the porn industry was in its infancy. The shop was a big barn of a place, but it was mostly empty, with just one row of trestle tables towards the back, which had porn magazines spread all over them. There were two or three middle-aged women behind the tables. I think the shop must just have been getting started. It was a bit like a church jumble sale.

It was busy, though. On my side of the tables – the customers' side – there were about fifteen men all feverishly thumbing through the glossy magazines. I pushed in among them and started thumbing through them myself. The pictures were amazing! The one I remember now showed a naked blonde woman sitting on the floor with her legs spread wide apart and a broad grin on her face. She was pushing a beer bottle deep into her cunt - thick end first! It felt very weird to be looking at that picture while the women behind the counter stood waiting for somebody to buy something. It was almost like wanking in public.

I didn't stay there long, though I wanted to. I knew I couldn't buy anything because I was going to cross borders on the train that night. And, anyway, I had nowhere to go to look at a magazine in private. So I left the shop and went further down the street.

I put my head into a couple of dive bars along the way. They were obviously clip joints, blaring loud music but almost empty, with just a few bored-looking whores hopefully waiting for custom. I didn't stay.

But then I found a bar with a difference. It was another dive but, when I got to the bottom of the stairs, I found a fairly ordinary-looking bar with chairs and tables lined up in rows. But there was a screen on the back wall with a porn film playing on it. The film was only Super-8, I think - in grainy, fuzzy colour – but it was porn for fuck's sake! I rushed to the bar to buy a drink, then sat down at a table and took it all in.

I think I watched four or five short films there - though, surprisingly, I only remember one of them in any detail. I think that's because I've seen so much porn since. Everything gets mixed up. But I know I was transfixed for the hour or so that I spent there. And the film I do remember is still clear in my memory.

It was called 'Air Sex' and it was very simple. A man and a woman climbed into the cockpit of a light aeroplane in a hangar. They chatted – in German, of course - for a while. Then the woman leant over, got the man's cock out, and put it in her mouth.

It astounded me. I'd heard of oral sex, or course, but I'd never seen it (or had it, come to that). I don't think the man in the film even came, but the image of that woman sucking his cock was incredible.

I can't remember what I did for the rest of my afternoon in Munich, but I know I went back to the film bar later that evening. It was busier now, with films still playing. When I went to buy my beer, the sexy girl behind the counter, who was wearing a very short shawl and little else, turned her back on me, bent over and flipped the shawl up, showing her bum. I was thrilled by the blatant invitation and, looking round, I saw other women drifting about between the tables. This was obviously a knocking shop! I went and sat down and watched the films until I'd finished my beer. Then, believing that buying booze was payment for the film show, I went back to the bar to get another drink. But the barmaid had disappeared, as had all the other women. They were all, presumably, fucking in a back room somewhere. So I returned to my seat and watched porn for free until it was time to go and catch my train to the Netherlands.

I don't remember if it was on that trip to Amsterdam or during my next visit there that I had my biggest porn shock ever. I went to an upstairs cinema in Nieuwendijk, the pedestrian street that runs parallel with Damrak. There were no 'peep shows' with video booths back then, of course, so the place was crowded. I found myself a seat and settled down to watch the show.

As in the bar in Munich, the films were only 8 mm (or, possibly 16 mm, at the very most) but the quality was better. And the film I remember from that visit was actually very well photographed and well directed. It was easily the best porn I'd seen to date.

It started with a shot of an attractive mixed-race woman with long frizzy hair, standing on a dock in the early morning. The woman had her coat collar buttoned up tightly around her throat, and the light was steely blue. It was obviously cold, probably just after dawn.

The film switched to a second shot. A young man in a pea-jacket was walking down the gang-plank of a ship. He was obviously a sailor, just back from a stint at sea. The film showed his delighted reaction when he saw the girl – obviously his girlfriend. He rushed to meet her. They hugged and kissed. Then they hurried away. They were obviously eager to go home after being so long apart.

So far, so romantic. But ... The second scene opened with the couple going through the door of a flat. They were in a feverish hurry. As soon as the door was shut behind them, the girl dropped to her knees and got the man's cock out. She sucked it fiercely. It didn't take very long. After what seemed like only a few seconds, he came copiously – all over her pretty light-brown face!

The camera lingered on that cum shot - with the spunk all over her, on her cheeks and lips and dripping from her chin - forever. And I was horrified. Horrified and delighted; excited and appalled. I had to look away – it was so disgusting. I remember I fumbled in my pocket to get my handkerchief out because I thought I was going to be sick. But I kept peeping back at the screen as well because the image of the smiling girl with her face drenched in cum drew me back again and again.

And that was the first time I ever saw what's now known as a 'facial'. I was shocked – and I was hooked. I can't remember how long I stayed in Amsterdam that trip – it was probably only a couple of days - but I spent the rest of my time there going from cinema to cinema trying to repeat the experience.

But I never did – not quite. I found a few more films with facials, though not nearly as many as I would nowadays. (Cumming in the face wasn't a porno standard back then.) The thing was, I quickly became habituated to images of women with spunk on their faces. They still turned me on – they still do now – but they lost that first impact, that first overwhelming shock that I felt in the sex cinema in Nieuwendijk.

And I miss it. I miss the feeling of overwhelming excitement mixed with horror – that almost-nausea with a tight chest and a pounding heart. I don't think I'll ever have that intensity of porno-experience again, but I long for it.


Edited by wjimmy
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22 minutes ago, wjimmy said:

even more amazingly, there was a sex shop! When I saw it, the blood rushed to my head. I was trembling with excitement. I walked straight past and went on walking for about five minutes. Me, go into a place like that? Never! I was respectable! Then I turned right round and went straight back again. And, feeling furtive, guilty and indescribably excited, I went inside.

As I said, the porn industry was in its infancy. The shop was a big barn of a place, but it was mostly empty, with just one row of trestle tables towards the back, which had porn magazines spread all over them. There were two or three middle-aged women behind the tables. I think the shop must just have been getting started. It was a bit like a church jumble sale.

It was busy, though. On my side of the tables – the customers' side – there were about fifteen men all feverishly thumbing through the glossy magazines. I pushed in among them and started thumbing through them myself. The pictures were amazing! The one I remember now showed a naked blonde woman sitting on the floor with her legs spread wide apart and a broad grin on her face. She was pushing a beer bottle deep into her cunt - thick end first! It felt very weird to be looking at that picture while the women behind the counter stood waiting for somebody to buy something. It was almost like wanking in public.

Excellent description @wjimmy.  I remember my first visit to a shop like that, in the 1980s in my case, and those sensations - the racing heart,  breathlessness and feeling of illicit pleasure at seeing all the material on display.  It's an experience that today's young people will never have,  I guess,  because they have had unlimited access to online porn,  starting at whatever age they first became interested in sex.

The shop I went to had the magazines all sealed in plastic bags,  arranged on shelves around the walls.  You could see the covers, and nothing else, but those European glossy magazine covers left nothing to the imagination.   The first thing I saw was a wall covered in lesbian magazines,  with women sucking nipples and licking pussy on the covers.   I was very nervous that other people in the shop would notice the tent pole that was suddenly stretching the front of my pants. 😄

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Good question,  mainly to relieve some sexual tension. 

What do I like about porn is probably a better question. That would be seeing beautiful woman enjoying themselves and dreaming that it was me in the videos,  especially the pee ones.  Oh well,  maybe 1 day I'll l have someone piss all over me

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When it comes to porn, I enjoy reading more than watching. I have some favorite stories that I'll always go to when I'm ready for an O, but I do from time to time get a hankering for visual stimulation. 

There are a few videos that I seem to gravitate to, and I don't usually like to fish for new content if I don't have to. Most of the time if I look for something new I end up picking through videos and finding some that aren't to my taste and I just get exhausted after a while and head back here for a story haha. But my favorite videos give me give me great audio and visual stimulation and usually I'll place the person peeing in my own type of situations in my head, sometimes meshing them with the stories I read. 

In short: just like everyone I watch and read porn so I can get off lol. I'm just a little bit pickier than most. 

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On 10/18/2020 at 5:05 PM, Sophie said:

What do you enjoy about watching porn? Is it the visuals? Is it imagining you are there in the action or perhaps you are the actor themselves? or is it something else?

Sometimes the anticipation is as hot and stimulating as the actual event, the forethought and planning, going over it again and again in your mind's eye, becoming aroused at the thought of going through with it, your brain adding tiny erotic details as how that first spurt sounded when it penetrated the filmy fabric of the panty, flowed past the flapping lips gurgling on it's way down leg across an open vagina which adds it's own fluid.  The scents of both those events spurring your senses,  Any sensuous moanings from either yourself or a spectator . 

All add up to the final thunderous climax as wetness merge during the last stages of an orgasm.

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4 hours ago, Bacardi said:

When it comes to porn, I enjoy reading more than watching. I have some favorite stories that I'll always go to when I'm ready for an O, but I do from time to time get a hankering for visual stimulation. 

There are a few videos that I seem to gravitate to, and I don't usually like to fish for new content if I don't have to. Most of the time if I look for something new I end up picking through videos and finding some that aren't to my taste and I just get exhausted after a while and head back here for a story haha. But my favorite videos give me give me great audio and visual stimulation and usually I'll place the person peeing in my own type of situations in my head, sometimes meshing them with the stories I read. 

In short: just like everyone I watch and read porn so I can get off lol. I'm just a little bit pickier than most. 

I also enjoy reading more than pics/videos (I do still love pics/videos- but just love reading more).

The short stories in the forums (peeing near an RV, peeing with family, peeing in public) are much hotter than the scripted videos that the professionals produce.

Any added amateur pics or videos to these stories certainly adds to the hotness!

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  • 2 months later...

I am 26, and I don't enjoy it anymore. It's an addiction, I guess. It was enjoyable in the beginning. Now, I have a set of videos I like the most, and whenever I am horny, I watch one. I can't say that I enjoy it, as there is nothing new to them. It was medically proven that porn is an addiction. It doesn't affect physical health much, but the mental one definitely suffers. I have a girlfriend I like and haven't watched porn for a couple of months. It calls to me in another way now - https://adent.io/blog/how-to-make-money-by-uploading-porn-videos/ I am thinking of making money with it :).

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