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Sorry for everything, here is the truth.


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Raven - Not sure whether you'd call it luck, fate, whatever that I happened to log on nine minutes after your post and the 'recent posts' happened to be the first thing I saw.  Whatever, there's a few things I can't leave unsaid.

Firstly a big thank you and a hug for your honesty. There's a large number of people on this forum who care about you far more than is logical for someone we've never met, far more than you realise and probably far more than any popular social channel.  We don't just care because of what you post, we (on the whole) don't have expectations or criticisms of what you post - we're just happy that you're here and that you do contribute (both in posting and in responding to others' posts).

It's not really relevant to compare others' content with your own - we all know you're not going to post selfies or body parts. That's a given and accepted. Neither do I, nor most others. Some do and we appreciate them, many don't and we appreciate them just as much.  Most of what you post is incredible - personally your 'slits' and 'sexy nudes' threads are one of the first places I look, eagerly hoping for new content.

So Raven, what I'm rambling on trying to say is there is no mould that you have to fit in here - we love you for who you are, whether you're quietly sitting online observing and reacting to posts, whether you're sharing your experiences (which are by no means lame) or whether you're sharing internet finds with us. You are valued.  Any hobby or pastime can easily turn from a thing of love to being a chore. There's definitely no harm in taking time out now and then for as long as you need. 


As far as the rest of life goes, it sounds like it's been a peak of stress with college, finals, thoughts for the future and all that going on. There's nothing wrong with having a meltdown every now and then, the body and mind can only take so much. People around you possibly won't know how to deal with it, or possibly will think it's just 'for attention' - which anyone who's dealt with depression knows couldn't be further from the truth. When it seems like everyone takes a step back, it's not because they don't care - it's that they don't realise how much you need the care. That and we are crap at flitting from one thing to the next without multitasking ourselves to given Raven a call and check she's ok.

I'm glad to hear you are feeling a little better - it will be a long road, but there are lots of people WHO DO CARE and want to be there.  Feel free to DM me if you want to chat, whether it is random crap or something particular.  As you know I'm online usually at least once most days, so it won't be an instant response, but if it helps....


Talking of help - I know you love The Beatles...   go and get some Beatles playing, force yourself to sing along.  It is a long and winding road, but you will get by with a little help from your friends.

xxx. Stu

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Sorry to here you've been going through a rough time,  I think @gldenwetgoose has put it perfectly above,  there's no obligations on what you post, you do things your way...the way you enjoy and are comfortable with and that's how it should be. I'm sure there are many people who like to read a nice descriptive story just as much as seeing close up pics,  I love to read and use my imagination so I flit between written stories a lot.

Its a problem with the digital life we lead these days, we dip in and out in between all the other things in our lives and often have no clue what's going on in the lives of online friends,   I hope you feel better soon and keep coming here to chat, but don't ever feel you're letting anyone down...you're not.

Take care


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Riley you have been here as long as i can remember you have always been liked there is NO NEED to try to push things if you don't feel like posting then don't if you feel like it then do it your life is more important then the site and my tip is to take a break and come back when you WANT TO not when you feel like you have to and if you have depression problems mabe you should get a dog? They are great friends and always make you happy but this is a close community so i know me and the other members will be there for you even tho i don't know you at all take care raven 

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Very sound angle great advice from everyone so far. I can understand the stress from finals and stress from life in general. Life is way more stressful and complicated than it used to be. Take time for yourself and hangout with friends, take a walk, enjoy nature anything you enjoy doing

As far as your posts go, I was really nervous about posting my first pic of me on here. It was a scary step lol. Don't let anyone pressure you into doing anything you don't want to do. If you never post pics here that's fine. All your posts are great, your stories, pics of slits, etc.

Take care of yourself first, if you need a break from here take it, just be sure to come back hahaha

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Riley! Hugs! You and I are kinda similar in our 'tameness' and struggle with low self esteem and depression. You've always been so kind to me and everyone here. I rarely do 'pee' stuff. Haven't done that much in the last 10 years and i'm okay with that. There are plenty that are far more adventurous than us on here and I'm happy for them but i do understand how it could make you feel out of place. I don't pee in public and honestly feel a bit uneasy at the thought of that. But there is a variety of people here. I am not sure if you've seen my blog post that i posted in another thread but I've struggled with depression/bullying for many, many years. I take things to heart. Judgments especially negative ones really seem to shatter me. I struggle to feel motivated to take care of myself. https://starwhisper30.wixsite.com/alicesworld/blog  here is my blog if you want to check it out Riley. I think you'll be able to relate to some of the posts I made. 

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Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your contributions here.  You are one of my favorites (no "u" where I live).  One of the nice things about this site is that there are no expectations or obligations to live up do - everything you do is appreciated, just as you are appreciated as someone special to this forum.  Please don't feel that you're in some kind of contest.  No need to live up to any kind of standards or requirements.  There is nothing to be sorry about, and everything you do here is a gift to us.  I really, really hope you can be happy here sharing whatever you feel like sharing with us for a very long time to come.   Just having you here makes this a better place for all of us.



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