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Question for the males on here?


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So I was reading weird things online and came across this article of a guy that thought that if he did anything near his butt he was gay. Like soap or wiping after going poop etc.. I looked more into it and I found several guys saying they felt this way. Does anyone on here feel this way?

My personal question is why would washing your butt or anything like that make you gay? Is being clean gay? I'm sorry I'm just confusedπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

I love you all so much!!!❀️❀️❀️


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7 hours ago, Riley said:

So I was reading weird things online and came across this article of a guy that thought that if he did anything near his butt he was gay. Like soap or wiping after going poop etc.. I looked more into it and I found several guys saying they felt this way. Does anyone on here feel this way?

My personal question is why would washing your butt or anything like that make you gay? Is being clean gay? I'm sorry I'm just confusedπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

I love you all so much!!!❀️❀️❀️


Asked my man who's the thoughest guy I know of

He just shook his shoulders and said "ridiculous" without even looking at me

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3 minutes ago, fannywatcher said:

Erm....no i wipe my bum 100% clean and have never felt gay.I think we guys would be pretty high after so many years NOT cleaning our butts.Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww

A clean man is a pleasurable man!!!

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15 hours ago, Riley said:

So I was reading weird things online and came across this article of a guy that thought that if he did anything near his butt he was gay. Like soap or wiping after going poop etc.. I looked more into it and I found several guys saying they felt this way.







I actually would like to know HOW EXACTLY people are comming to this conclusions. A step-by-step explanation, please... at this point I am actually rather curious. o_0


P.S.: Oh, I just forgot to answer your actual question: I don't know if there is anyone one here that feels this way. if there is, it's not me. -_-

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Guest UnabashedUser

Heh... you can read just about any damn thing on line if you look hard enough.

Ive never felt gay about assplay at all and in fact enjoy a bit of light stimulation in that area.

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30 minutes ago, LukeDZ said:

I suppose it all depends on what you are washing it with, using another naked guy to clean it may be considered a little guy. 😁

But no wiping my backside doesn't make me feel gay.

Or happy, or glad, or any other synonym.Β Β  Sounds like the individual in question may have some potty training issues of a very non-pleasurable kind, dating back a ways.Β 

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Yeah, complete moron. It's basic hygiene to clean your butt, just like you do every other part of your body. His logic is that touching his own ass is gay, so how is masturbating not gay? You're touching a penis, even though it's yours, it's still you as a man touching penis. So since gay guys like penises, how are you not gay in that case? If as a guy you workout because it's appealing to women, it's also appealing to gay guys, therefore having a muscular body is gay. A baby's ass should be cleaned to avoid infection, so then is it gay to clean a baby boy's ass? The logic is beyond stupid, different dimension stupid.

I bet this guy also believes the moon is fake, or the Holocaust never happened. How such dumbasses were the best combination of sperm and eggs that their parents had available is beyond me.

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You are not gay when you clean your butt - you are just clean.

You are not gay when you shave yourself more than just on your face, meaning your butt, chest, legs or whatever - you are just....less hairy

You are not gay when you wear fancy dresses and act flamboyant - you are just flamboyant with a passion for fancy clothes.

When you are attracted to other men, that's when you are gay.

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18 minutes ago, Remi said:

Youο»Ώ ο»Ώare not gay ο»Ώwhen you wearο»Ώ fancy dressesο»Ώ and act flamboyant - you are just flamboyant with a passion for fancy clothes.

What straight men who aren't crazy do this though? What straight women date a man that wears dresses and acts flamboyant?

A man who wears dresses and acts flamboyant should expect to be considered gay or at the very least deeply emasculated.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just how the FUCK can you come to that idea? With 3‰? Or a fucking kilogram of cocaine or speed or meth in your body? Or just an IQ that goes around 7?

you are not gay when you touch YOURSELFΒ 

you are not even gay when you touch another male, for example your small child or your ill father you have to take care of and wash him. Or you work as caretaker and have to wash other men fucking frequently every day, what’s gay about that? NOTHING!!

it would be gay if you ENJOY washing and touching these men, that’s the one and only caseΒ 

the others are simply hygiene and nothing more

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Definitely not.Β Β  I am not in the slightest bit gay, but I certainly wipe my backside and give it a good clean in the shower.Β  I even enjoy being touched around the backside - but only by myself or a woman.Β  I have absolutely no desire to touch another blokes arse or have them touch mine.

So to me the definitition of being gay is that you are turned on by or enjoy sexual encounters with people of the same sex.Β Β  Nothing to do with what you do to yourself.

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Maybe there’s some parallel universe built on last century cliches where bending over and soaping your bum in a prison shower may excite an unwanted response from Big Bubba. Maybe it happens in this universe, I wouldn’t know.Β 

In my universe though I can’t fathom this guy’s logic. I can’t see any linkage between hygiene and orientation. Again stereotypically maybe exessive male grooming may be a β€˜gay’ trait, but I wouldn’t consider that to be the issue in question here.Β 

Nope - he’s lost me.Β 

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1 hour ago, Alfresco said:

Definitely not.Β Β  I am not in the slightest bit gay, but I certainly wipe my backside and give it a good clean in the shower.Β  I even enjoy being touched around the backside - but only by myself or a woman.Β  I have absolutely no desire to touch another blokes arse or have them touch mine.

So to me the definitition of being gay is that you are turned on by or enjoy sexual encounters with people of the same sex.Β Β  Nothing to do with what you do to yourself.

Yes, Alfresco.Β  I am totally in unison with you on all your points. :)

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