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In Canada we have a welfare system. It pays you if your unemployed for whatever reason. Also the more kids you have the more money you receive from the system. Well to many people are having kids that shouldn't just to collect money from the goverment. Now I'm all for getting as much back from the goverment that iam allowed, but not at the cost of having kids and being unable to raise them properly 

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7 hours ago, likesToLick said:

Well,  I've done my part.  Made a deliberate choice to have no children.


Witches are committed not to breed nor to adopt for a lot of complicated reasons

But I would never dare ripping away from a couple the marvel of having a son

I would just invite humanity to be happy with one, just for a generation or two, to decrease numbers...

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I would also like to add that if happens that a couple filled with love have more than one son, then ok, I just say stop producing them in a row like too many families that got 5 sons

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13 hours ago, speedy3471 said:

In Canada we have a welfare system. It pays you if your unemployed for whatever reason. Also the more kids you have the more money you receive from the system. Well to many people are having kids that shouldn't just to collect money from the goverment. Now I'm all for getting as much back from the goverment that iam allowed, but not at the cost of having kids and being unable to raise them properly 

This is a deep reflection because you are a marvellous father

What I wrote just up in the previous post was indeed inspired by you

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4 hours ago, spywareonya said:

This is a deep reflection because you are a marvellous father

What I wrote just up in the previous post was indeed inspired by you

Thank you for that. I don't bash loving parents who have 2 kids, but 3 and 4 is getting to be a financial burden for one and a small step to over population. People are living longer as well and we are running out of room to farm and help feed the world as the cities keep expanding 

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Adverts that are stupid,in that they go way over the top to be "woke".

On TV ive just seen an advert(i cant even remember what is was because my brain was frazzled),in which a woman is pregnant,and needs to get to hospital.So far so good.Then another girl turns up,in which she is playing the "father".....How did this happen?How does a girl get another girl pregnant?Why is this freak of nature portrayed as normal,the worried Dad running his wife to maternity,but a woman?
Drives me mad,all this political correctness,and inclusivity,the portrayal of the abnormal as a given.That right now,millions of women across the world are taking their expectant girlfriends to maternity.Ridiculous.


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On ‎4‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 10:47 PM, F.W said:

Adverts that are stupid,in that they go way over the top to be "woke".

On TV ive just seen an advert(i cant even remember what is was because my brain was frazzled),in which a woman is pregnant,and needs to get to hospital.So far so good.Then another girl turns up,in which she is playing the "father".....How did this happen?How does a girl get another girl pregnant?Why is this freak of nature portrayed as normal,the worried Dad running his wife to maternity,but a woman?
Drives me mad,all this political correctness,and inclusivity,the portrayal of the abnormal as a given.That right now,millions of women across the world are taking their expectant girlfriends to maternity.Ridiculous.


I understand your concern but I suppose it is some kind of political message

There are people out there who would do much worse than simply disagreeing with a girl taking her expectant girlfriend to maternity

That kind of TV adverts are about that, to ease the wall between new typologies of family and people much much more headlong than you are

Disagreeing is a polite action

There are some people out there that would jail (or beat) girls like that

They shut up to avoid social shaming but inside their privacy they really hate diversity


So these adverts are made to slowly introduce these news


They don't wanna corner what is natural

I stand with you on this, Fanny, even more than what is embarassing to say, since Witches are committed to a merciful attitude in life, but we also are a bit strict about the abuses of free will that some people mistake for freedom and self-determination, and this is also the reason why we have difficulties in Politic, as we are too welcoming and progressive to be Conservative, but believe me we are way too conservative to feel serene among plainly "Progressive" people


I will never stop a human from following his own path, but the core of our belief is to "master one's lot"... and this implies that we consider fitting to change it only in very rare cases and only after very, very well pondered reflections


Beside them… Nature must be obeyed... and eventually transcended through Science... but transcended... not warped

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  • 1 month later...

Movie remakes.


The "Men in Black" films were pretty good sci-fi fun.

Of course,now there is a "remake"of "MEN in Black"....only thing is-one of these "men" is actually-wait for it,you guessed-A WOMAN!I think this is still a fairly profound biological identification point.

Why not "Man and Woman in Black"?Is it in fact MORE insulting to women,to have a female character,yet this is not remarked upon?Like,"oh yah,we got a girl,to play Will Smiths role,so what"?

Save me from the 21st Century.When i was a kid,i thought it would be all flying cars,and space travel.Instead we live in the era of confused sexuality.

Or the way Disney is now "re-imagining" its classics,into more live action,CGI effects..in fact simply adding or altering old characters in order to make them more "diverse" or "inclusive".

A bit like having someone re-write Harper Lees classic "To kill a Mockingbird",but now make the assault suspect a white man,and have the lawyer a black man.I bet this will be re-made as a movie,you mark my words.

These are my own opinions.If you dont like them,im sorry.Please move on.

Edited by F.W
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On 6/13/2019 at 6:10 AM, F.W said:

Save me from the 21st Century.When i was a kid,i thought it would be all flying cars,and space travel.Instead we live in the era of confused sexuality.

People of different sexuality were always there, the only difference is that we are not allowed to be cruel to them any more.

Personally I think that's an improvement.

If two women want to be together I can easily understand that, because I like women too.   It's actually more difficult for me to understand why women like men 🤔, although I was always pleased if one liked me. 🥰

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This thread is for those things that piss you off, right?  I have one.  It's those who refuse to accept the FACT that global warming is REAL and that MAN HAS CAUSED MOST OF IT!  To deny this is pure stupidity, not just ignorance.  The evidence is overwhelming!

In the not-too-distant future we will be forced to use less power.  Only when governments get off of their greedy, stupid butts will things change.  Fossil fuels must be totally eliminated.  For those who think it's not possible to replace our current fuels with alternative sources, think about this.  Once upon a time, we rode horses and had no indoor plumbing.  Radio, TV, and microwave ovens were pipe dreams.  It will be the same with energy.  Speaking of which, even the energy companies accept this fact and are working hard to go to renewable forms of energy.  The state of Texas, known for oil, has invested $42 billion in wind power alone! 

Check out this link:  USA States Ranked for Wind Power

The scientific community has determined that these are the facts.  Only nutters on the fringe disagree. 

Sleep well...

Edited by 2prnot2p
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You know what pisses me off?

Those poor people who are stupid enough to blame those even poorer than themselves for all their problems instead of the rich dudes actually in charge. They often let the latter tell them what to think via their propaganda sheets, aka tabloid newspapers.

I don't get the stupidity involved in blaming the powerless guy at the bottom instead of the powerful one at the top. Do they not realise that the fact he is rich and powerful, and they are poor, might well be because they believe too much of his self-serving shite?

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1 hour ago, steve25805 said:

You know what pisses me off?

Those poor people who are stupid enough to blame those even poorer than themselves for all their problems instead of the rich dudes actually in charge. They often let the latter tell them what to think via their propaganda sheets, aka tabloid newspapers.

I don't get the stupidity involved in blaming the powerless guy at the bottom instead of the powerful one at the top. Do they not realise that the fact he is rich and powerful, and they are poor, might well be because they believe too much of his self-serving shite?

I won't add a word.  You said it all.  Well done!

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  • 8 months later...
On 4/19/2019 at 1:49 PM, spywareonya said:

I would also like to add that if happens that a couple filled with love have more than one son, then ok, I just say stop producing them in a row like too many families that got 5 sons

I agree people should think about the population boom which isn’t sustainable the planet can’t cope with more and more

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On 8/1/2018 at 12:52 AM, F.W said:

What things annoy you so much you would like to see them banished?Or aspects of some human behaviour irritate you to distraction?

Heres a few of mine......i have a lot..

1.Those vaping pipe things that people seem to be endlessly sucking on.Whats the point?Either smoke or dont smoke?

2.Pedestrians who when crossing roads,seem more concerned with tuning in their smartphones than looking out for traffic.They get annoyed with you when you toot at them because youre about to hit them as they absent mindedly just step into the road.Id like to see those stupid headphones banned outdoors.Get your heads out of your arses people!

3 This current trend for perfectly nice looking folk to uglyfy themselves with hideous tattoos,and metal through their faces.Often coupled in men with a kind of facial doormat.Get a shave guys...

Those are a few of mine.....

Or maybe just tell people to be more responsible in public AKA not having your headphones on so damn loud and look both ways before crossing the street 

Like me. Cuz I'm not an idiot. 

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Where do I start?

1: People who are stuck in their old ways, I.E. "Caucasian and African American people shouldn't be couples, men and women shouldn't be with the same sex, you're still a man or woman if you're transgender." etc.

2: Corrupt authority figures. (Note: I have no issue with good cops or soldiers, just the bad ones that make the good ones look bad)

3: People who won't take care of their kids or raise them right.

4: People who abuse others, animals or insects in anyway. 

5: People who never grew out of their bullying phase, be it on the internet or outside of it.

6: Shamers of any kind. Be it body shamers, kink shamers, etc. I've had my fill of shamers.

7: People who deem any issues, such as autism, dissociative identity disorder, etc. as a disease, and firmly believe that anyone suffering from such issues should be given the Hitler treatment and wiped out.

8: Racists. What can I say that hasn't already been said?

9: Donald Trump. I won't get political here, but you can probably guess where I'm going with this.

10: Spoiled people who have been in a privileged position for far too long (Courtesy of their parents) and think they can get away with anything and always have their way.

If I listed anything else, we'd be here until next year.

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Here is my succinct 10 of pet hates.

1. Narrowminds. These go around being all negative about other people just because they do, or are into, things that they don't like.

2. Judgementalists. These go around judging people for liking things they don't like, and arrogantly assuming the right to chastise them in an effort to make them feel bad.

3. Rude people. Manners cost nothing. There is no excuse for being rude and obnoxious.

4. Selfishness. This is an ugly trait borne of a usually undeserved sense of entitlement. Selfishness is ugly.

5. Cruelty. People being cruel to each other and to animals is totally unacceptable to me. I'd like to give them a taste of their own medicine.

6 . Greed. Greed is ugly. There is something highly obnoxious to me about those who already have far more than their fair share of something, wanting even more at the expense of those already less fortunate.

7. Bigotry. Whether it be racism, homophobia, misogyny, or whatever, bigotry of any kind is both morally senseless and abhorrent. Judging others based on their skin colour, or gender, or sexual orientation is both morally twisted and utterly stupid. All that should matter is the content of someone's character.

8. Hypocrisy. Those who condemn and judge others for things they do themselves are particularly deserving of contempt.

9. Arrogance. This is an ugly trait which some are prone to, usually based upon an over-inflated ego compensating - at least in men - for a tiny penis.

10. Bullying. Bullying is a terrible thing and often perpetrated by those who have power over weaker people, whether it be those lower down in heirarchies or those physically smaller or whatever. Most bullies are essentially cowards who never pick on anyone their own size or in an equal position, let alone someone bigger. They are contemptible.

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56 minutes ago, Simpfan said:

My pet peeves:

Dudes with sagging pants. The one we saw at Walmart the other day, I was dying to snap his pic, when the joker whirled around with his unlit cigarette already in his mouth, posing/representing whatever he thought looked tough (it didn't in comparison to my biker fiancé). And no, he wasn't Black.

Current slang: "Nome sane?" aka "Know what I'm saying?".  OMG and worse yet OMFG on social media sites and chats. Learn to enunciate. Maybe that isn't taught in schools anymore. 

I'm one of those annoying people who can spot typos a mile off. It's instantaneous for me; I don't feel as though I need to correct everyone, but my mind does it as I read it, if it's not completely illegible. 

As a writer and editor, I hate witnessing the decline of the English language.

Not only learn to enunciate, learn to spell and write a complete sentence. It might not help if all the ones you ever need to use are "Welcome to Wal-Mart" or "Would you like fries with that?" But, maybe in the next life.

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12 minutes ago, Simpfan said:

I know it's easier for me because I was reading two years before I started grade school. The teachers were so impressed that they had first-grade me read a book to the second-grade class. The other kids were pretty resentful that a younger kid was showing them how to read. Then there were the puzzles in the Weekly Reader. Once finished with them, I started making up my own. Puzzle books became an addiction when I was 10, and still are. When my guy buys a newspaper, I get to solve the New York Times crossword puzzle. That's as big a thrill for me as some other things. 

Nothing wrong with that!

Always remember, the most erogenous organ in the human body is the brain.

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18 hours ago, Simpfan said:


Dudes with sagging pants.

Current slang: "Nome sane?" aka "Know what I'm saying?".  OMG and worse yet OMFG on social media sites and chats. Learn to enunciate. Maybe that isn't taught in schools anymore. 


These two things are on my pet peeve list as well. Pull your pants up, turn your hat around and wear it properly and remove it when sitting at a supper table and or indoors

Social media has totally destroyed the english language as well. Hell kids nowadays use slang and shorthand that I sure don't understand lol

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2 hours ago, speedy3471 said:

Social media has totally destroyed the english language as well. Hell kids nowadays use slang and shorthand that I sure don't understand lol


(ducks, runs away)

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