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Everything posted by vpw

  1. I sorely miss those good days, it was normal to see ladies at the beach with their strands of their pubic hair peek out from their bikinis sometimes and then their large full bush if you caught them peeing outside.
  2. Sometimes it would span all the way to the lower belly and spread across the inner thighs.
  3. Favorite fascination as a kid, hearing our female guests do a hissy pee in the toilet. I realized who would come in real desperate ask for the toilet as soon as they entered the house. I would follow them and keep my ears open hearing them the rustle of their clothes and finally their stream that would turn to a loud hiss as they would moan.
  4. She must have been desperate to wait any longer to find a spot, great catch there.
  5. Very common, especially if it's within a familiar circle, with ladies its more a sense of camaraderie.
  6. Both, have a apartment in Brooklyn heights where I go during the week and a house at Shokan, Upstate.
  7. I am from NY and here ladies pee freely and openly behind cars, bushes, alleys and even peeing in the subway is overlooked after late hours. Across US I regularly see ladies squatting on highways and parking lots next to their cars fully exposed, however depending on which state you are in the law can be very tough and unfair on peeing men who can be charged with public indecency and put on sexual offenders list but this is ignored at large gatherings etc.
  8. What I can't figure out is in this case involving drive ins from my experience ladies drink bug gulps of soda and when they need to empty their bladders its usually besides the car or behind so why would they vandalize the car I wonder. Growing up would see this behavior quite commonly till the drive ins died out in my neck of the woods.
  9. Since it was 70s and the German mom peed right in front of you it must have made for quite a sight with her squatting low, her full natural blond pubic hair exposed along with her slit, you were truly a lucky young man to have witnessed this slice of heaven there.
  10. Actually age as in my case makes it harmless for them as long as you don't stare at them when they are peeing or try and go near them. They would in fact relax and shed their inhibitions and pee when they need to.
  11. I see many desperate ladies squat in parking lots or other public places giving a damn about any privacy. Parking lot pees are so common nowadays that one manages to get regular sightings of ladies having unabashed pees next to their cars. Also, subway stations weekend nights are commonplace to observe ladies having a non-discrete pee.
  12. I would always make it a point to go to the bushes and many a times I have been rewarded with ladies squatting there as well and usually none get flustered and in fact they relax and this has always given me chance to engage them in small talk or just steal a discreet look It also gets better when ladies in your own group accompany you to the bushes to relieve their bladders. In that case its absolutely more fun.
  13. The long dark pubic hair made my day for sure.
  14. If she grew up in India, this is a very common technique for ladies to pee outdoor and they develop good control to release their pee in a controlled fashion. As long as they are not exposed they are comfortable doing this in public.
  15. Don't ignore small town festivals. Usually, their resources are low so less toilets so when the crowd builds up its usually behind the porta potties or nearest perimeter wall or a fence. The best part being since its not a mass event most ladies are comfortable relieving themselves in the open. Usually any shrubs or wooded areas and even parking lots see the maximum pee action. Many ladies take a quick squat by their vehicles before hitting the road.
  16. At wine festivals ladies are always peeing in the vineyard regularly. Within hours one can observe ladies leaving their tables as they go into the field between the grapevines. From what I understand, it's a common and accepted activity, one that's basically ignored by the organizers. Many a time I have come across a group of ladies squatted and releasing their fluids. The best part is that none feel threatened and nonchalantly go about their business before they join the tables. The facilities are usually far off and always few in numbers so the urgency prevails. The best sighting was a
  17. Have to hang out during particular hours to do so, also many areas the groceries toilets are not that clean and many ladies make the decision to do it outside.
  18. If you mean a pregnant young lady, I think I have the video where she looses control in front of everyone and wets the floor and laughs it off.
  19. Speaking of supermarkets over the years I see women squatting at supermarket parking lots getting common. Most come with their groceries and load up their vehicles and before hitting the road they take a quick squat by their vehicles. Earlier they would try and be discrete, so you had to catch them at it but now it's like a normal act and ladies don't bother with privacy and one can regularly see nice examples of milf squatting showing all their charms.
  20. The chubby girl view is quite rare but truly a gift when it happens. You had some great sightings for sure.
  21. Nice sighting report as usual BB, were you able to ascertain if she was a true redhead there?
  22. They wipe or wash when they have the facility to do so, they shake to let the drops off. Been watching women pee outdoor for long to notice this behavior.
  23. I guess the instinct to shake comes from days when women would have full bush and it was easy to shake off the pee clinging to all the hair but I guess a women would answer that better.
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