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Everything posted by vpw

  1. The variety of female pee can't ever me matched by male pee, once you have seen a dick, its all the same and most redundant and boring.
  2. I vaguely remember there was a old law probably in UK that made it fully legal for a pregnant woman to pee in public and it seems your mom executed that well.
  3. People who claim that that outdoor peeing never happened live in a well literally. I have seen it all over the world and not just today but for long. The degree of maturity and confidence level has gone up today as compared to the past and ladies are not concerned with privacy of their genitals as long as they are not being leered at by jerks. Also today you see far more ladies who have managed to wet themselves but thats probably due to sociological changes as in the early days if a woman managed to wet herself outdoors for some reasons she would make an effort to leave the venue whereas toda
  4. Incidentally its the younger one that tend to stare more than the older ones who am sure stare as well but far more discreetly, the younger ones would giggle and depending on their state would watch directly sometimes enough to make things uncomfortable if you know what I mean 😉
  5. In my case I am uncircumcised so when peeing with the ladies around I get some good glances from ladies young and old alike.
  6. Seems you have come across a treasure trove of outdoor female pee, just keep your heads down and exert caution and we expect many more sighting reports from you.
  7. Just incredible with your vivid sighting reports, seems like you are right there experiencing these sightings. Thank you for wonderfully recreating these amazing sightings of yours.
  8. Their consolation being that its in front of strangers so it doesn't really matter and this is worldwide in most societies from east to west. However in so called male dominated society its the male who imposes that sense of shame on the poor women.
  9. Interesting point here that reflects my own experience, as long as the ladies are in comfort zone and not threatened when they are caught peeing I have never ever come across any sort of reaction apart from the early surprise. In fact in my experience none ever made any effort to hide their intimate bits and many would even establish a conversation once the threat perception was neutralized.
  10. During school picnics growing up peeping on teachers peeing was one of the highlights for me but had to be super careful or else face severe reprimand.
  11. Nice sighting one thats quite common if you do a lot of driving on roads and highways. Another common sighting specially after covid is ladies relieving themselves by the side of their vehicles in parking lots. Absolutely arousing especially when you get to see them bent over from the back with all their intimate bits showing in full light.
  12. I just asked them for their individual experiences that can then be collated and posted here. As it is there has not been much activity relating to pee in India so I thought this would get this topic going but if that means I have broken rules, I apologize and feel free to delete my post.
  13. Having lived in the US for the last forty years, its a mixed bag and either one stumbles on mass peeing depending on the place and time or else its pretty much non existent but one trend that has been going on for long is at these events parking lot pee have been common and for long.
  14. Yes but it was so nice to see ladies of all age groups peeing openly along the fence or any other spots they could find. Sometimes among other men peeing and best of all some of them would hold a casual chat as they peed. None per pee or pussy shy.
  15. Actually I attended Roskilde as well as quite a few other similar European events but in the nineties and let me tell you, it was far more open and casual for ladies to pee. Most didn't even bother with any privacy nor made any issue, if they had to pee, they would simply move to the fence and squat down in full view. I was chatting with a group of what appeared to be a mixed crowd of university students. We were seated on the ground and I observed that from time to time girls and boys from our group would get up and just walk a few feet to the fence and relieve themselves. Girls would drop th
  16. Its part of the physiology of female pee and always appreciated here. The fact is that female anus is as varied as their vagina and all leads to extreme viewing pleasure for us.
  17. So do I specially when it distends and does a trumpet act.
  18. Very nice sighting report and description. Everyone hypes the front view but there is a certain charm in rear view with the butthole proving all the entertainment with its winking action. One question was the mother's butthole a long slit type or the usual wrinkled round type?
  19. Actually I am seeing more and more ladies peeing next to their cars in parking lots as they get out after their shopping and its far more frequent and casual than ever before.
  20. Most likely using the shewee but damn hot sighting nonetheless.
  21. https://www.glamour.com/story/women-facing-closed-bathrooms-and-fearing-the-virus-embrace-peeing-outside I would like to officially declare this the age of women peeing outside, social norms be damned. Internet evidence suggests that this is very much a thing. On July 23, Amy Schumer squatted just outside a car in a prairie dress, a black band of underwear strapped around her kneecaps, confidently peeing into the night. The “pee-your-pants” challenge has, nonsensically, become a mini-trend on TikTok. “Pandemic Spike in Public Urination Turns NYC Into the Big Toilet,” the New York Post re
  22. Actually India has regressed into dark ages, it was always stuck on Victorian era morality but now its enforced beyond reproach. Peeing was left alone earlier and folks had a very mature attitude towards it, ladies relieved themselves freely whenever they got the urge with bit of discretion if it was there but now no more.
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