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Everything posted by Peevert

  1. I asked one of the Mods if I could post a "selfie" video of me masrurbating, he said yes, if I posted it here, and clearly labeled it as male masturbation. I enjoy exhibitionism, and it's sometimes helpful to see the technique used by other guys. https://www.eroprofile.com/m/videos/view/MVI_0270-10-Squirts-2-pass-ps-removed
  2. I was thinking of posting a cum video of myself, but I'm not sure if it's permitted here.
  3. I would pee anywhere but it in the port-a-potty. Those things are disgusting.
  4. "Had to" is not the issue. If I'm outside at night and I have to pee, I pee. I will sometimes do it during the day but I never hesitate at night. Usually somewhat discreet about it (like leaning against the hood of my car and peeing in the tire well). But, when I leave a stripper bar and have to pee, I just stand parallel to my car and let go a nice long stream. Guess I don't feel a need for discretion around all that nudity. :)
  5. Not at all. Everybody says that. And then pees their pants in the hot tub. :D
  6. Exactly. I’ve always just peed in my bathing shorts. Rules were never discussed. I assume others think you will get out and pee in the bathroom. WRONG! 😆
  7. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/leaky-spacex-toilet-problem-will-force-astronauts-to-use-backup-undergarments/ar-AAQcdYg
  8. I didn’t know about that. I’ll have to check it out. Thank you!
  9. I've always felt that things like homosexuality and fetishes are caused by things that occur early in life. Maybe I took one too many psychology classes. :)
  10. Just a thought: it would be nice to be able to put the pictures and videos in slideshow mode. Particularly convenient when one of your hands is busy. 😄 There may already be a browser plug-in that can do this, I’m really not sure. It would be easy Enough to include some math that would filter out very small pictures, like icons, and rectangular pictures, like banner ads.
  11. Oh yes! I started peeing my pants at movies about 5 years ago. Of course, haven't done it recently since theaters are just now starting to reopen. I'm leaning toward not doing it in theaters with cushion seats in the future, even though it has overnight to dry, it still might be wet when the next customer sits there. These damn electric recliner seats are starting to be a problem, I needed to pee soooooo badly when I saw "The Irishman" 2 years ago (3 1/2 hours long). I would have loved to have peed my pants,, but I was a little concerned about peeing my pants in an electric seat! "Sout
  12. One of his assistants uploaded a photoset. You could barely see the hose. But upon close examination, it was there.
  13. There’s a book called “the joy of bedwetting”? what a pleasant surprise! The topic of your question reminded me of a favorite fantasy. I would love to get peed on by large group of women, maybe six or eight women covering me in their sweet warm champagne. Maybe I could even lick each one clean when she’s done. 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦
  14. Couldn't get then here in the US. IIRC, I had to order them directly from Color Climax in Denmark and hope they got past customs. Reagan actually confiscated a couple of mine. You would get a notice that the magazine was confiscated, and an offer to go to court to recover your magazine. Of course, no one would spend thousands on attorney fees to recover a $10 magazine. That prick was probably jerking off to MY PEE PORN!!!
  15. Tam Tam!! I thought of her last night!! Pretty girl with some sexy pee scenes. I think I've lost all that I saved.
  16. I agree that the open approach to various topics is a good thing. I’m very much into naughty peeing, and I love women who pee in pull ups / diapers, both of which are controversial for some people. But, since this is a pee forum, we should all feel free to discuss our preferences as long as it’s nothing abusive.
  17. My first pee story was in Penthouse Forum's "Variations" magazine. I think the first I saw was in Nugget magazine. Maybe "Suzie". Looking back, she may have been a guy. Definitely had man hands and never peed naked.
  18. THAT seems like the best solution. Peeing in a pullup and just leaking a little is not the same feeling as a true bed wetting. Just tell her you came. A LOT. ☺️ I cum a lot, I wonder if I could pull that off? :P
  19. He got caught once putting water hoses in his model's panties to fake wetting. I hope he's finished.
  20. When I was a teenager, my family had just moved into a new neighborhood with a lot of houses under construction. Once the cinder blocks went up, providing minimal privacy, me and my friends would pee in the unfinished houses. I remember one house where I particularly loved peeing in the bathroom, where the bathtub would eventually be. I can't believe all my male friends were pee pervs, I guess just teenage boys being boys. It was quite fun for us to pee together on a wall or on the floor. :)
  21. Being peed on is the best. To misquote an old expression, It is better to receive them to give. 😛
  22. I don’t think I’ve stained anything I own, because I wash things like pants and sheets before they dry. As long as you wash while the item is still wet, staining seems very very unlikely. Now I have probably done some naughty peeing that may have left a stain.
  23. I left a stain on the carpeting at a stripper bar, long story short, after they overcharged me. With a drink in one hand and my cock in the other, I Peed and Peed and Peed while leaning against the bar.
  24. I may have to try that. 😁 maybe be distracted for a moment before handing the pretty girl in the window my debit card. And then say “I’m sorry, I was peeing my pants“. I’m not sure I’d be able to take it quite that far, but it would be fun.
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