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Everything posted by Darlene

  1. https://soundgasm.net/u/darla98/UTI-morning-piss I had to copy/paste the link from my phone instead. I appreciate you for telling me.
  2. Earlier last week, I had a really bad UTI and a case of BV along with a potential yeast infection. So, I began treating the UTI first because I was getting pretty tired of pissing every 10 minutes. Drinking plenty of water probably help to flush the bad bacteria out too but I still should eat some yogurt as well for another part of the problem I've been having. I recorded one of my morning pees and made it this time to the toilet. I wanted to share it and see what everyone thoughts were about it. Now, I just have to treat the BV/yeast infection, I will be so relived when this part is over. I w
  3. I have done it before, didn't think it was weird either. I plan on doing some more for soundgasm.
  4. Thank you. I appreciate the compliment.
  5. Thank you. I gained a little more weight since this photo was taken though.
  6. I like how things gotten messy quick. 😉
  7. Thank you. You have an amazing day as well. 😁
  8. Only when practicing my aim/distance/power. I don’t like being exposed to others so this is only being done where I can’t be seen. What about you? Do you prefer to go inside or outside?
  9. Definitely as a preteen and at the time, there wasn’t any sources to an actual clean restroom/working one and this was a squat over the ant hill. Sandals/Flip flops are the worse to wear to an event that’s mainly outside and yes, I’ve gotten bitten before. I try not to leave the house without my feet being properly protected nowadays.
  10. Definitely the couch, bonus points if it’s leather. Coffee table where you can see through the bottom for obvious reasons and the bed. I literally pull back the covers and make sure to give them a good soaking. I always tips and is very generous with both money/piss. Especially after not breaking the seal that particular night.
  11. I pissed over an ant hill before. Soaked it really good too practicing my aim. They definitely deserve it too, I shook the drops from my pussy before sliding my underwear back into place. A little piss/spit never hurt anyone.
  12. My mom. Squating over a toilet is very similar to popping a squat against a very woody bushy area and I was 4-5 years when I learned to piss outside. Done it a couple of times and nobody cared. The worst part is not having anything to wipe with. However.. I knew how to piss standing under around 10/11 and had pretty good aim. Now I can barely piss in a cup for labs.. lol
  13. I have a vibrator that is a clit sucker as well and usually I just move it around wherever that gets me off.
  14. I think parking decks are one of the best places to not be noticed when trying to find a place to piss. I had a flashback earlier today when I seen a guy trying to hurry up and finish up pissing before I passed through. It looks like he wasn't done yet but didn't want to be caught as he quickly stop mid-stream putting his dick back up. It reminded me of a time when I left a nightclub and realized how badly I had to go myself, I ended up going behind the building in a small alleyway pulling my thong to the side with my dress pulled up slightly. I pissed for almost three minutes! Which wasn't sh
  15. I loved the wet spot on your briefs before you took it out.. I am kinda curious now, was it from your edging session or did you have a couple of spurts?
  16. T-shirt and pyjamas bottoms with socks. I just bought a night gown last Monday though. It’s yellow and covered in teddy bears along with stars!
  17. Darlene


    Here’s my slit.
  18. I will probably vote hairy on this one. I don’t really have to shave as much since I stopped growing as much pubic hair and the fact that I couldn’t hover over a public toilet seat without pee going every which direction. I think it looks better although I do like bare the look at times. Just not dealing with ingrown hairs and razor cuts.
  19. It’s just I wouldn’t want to be the only person making a lot of noise in public, at home is different because I am by myself on the toilet with the door closed.
  20. If it’s in a public setting, I am more nervous and will put some toilet tissue in first before I pee.
  21. Okay, I will probably make an account on there and see how it goes.
  22. Well, once I figure it out. I will PM you the link.
  23. I need to figure out how to just get the audio from these videos first. I wouldn’t mind sharing, just beware of hearing me blow my nose after peeing or unexpected farts before/after.
  24. I do. I definitely don’t want to be noisy in a public restroom. Especially if it’s just me, If it’s a lot going on. Making noise in a stall would be the last of my worries. But I try not to wait until the last minute to go as if I were home. My favorite pees to do are the one after cumming. They’re usually the best ones to afterwards and naturally you’re supposed to pee after those activities anyway. I try to make sure to stay hydrated at all times.
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