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Everything posted by Darlene

  1. I normally don't do this. It happened like a few days ago, when I first figured out that I had an UTI. Earlier today, It happened earlier this morning again until, I forced the rest out into the bathtub.
  2. I do prefer using either the paper towels if tissue isn't there over shaking myself dry. Public restrooms should really be better stocked, especially in the women's at that. We use toilet tissue whether we have to pee or poop.
  3. I’ve had this happen to me before. I couldn’t stop pissing for nothing. I even thought I was finished until piss started to drip from my pussy onto the floor. This went on for 10 minutes.
  4. I used to be really good at peeing standing up but, now not so much. I often will miss because I have to hold my lips a certain way to do it, It’s kinda difficult. But, I do keep the same in my car.
  5. It really is. I try my best to carry some tissues with me for situations like these but it's the worse when you have to piss and there is nothing to wipe with. I have definitely put the pissy paper towels in their trash bin even if there is a lot of trash in it to make it overflow with paper towels. Along with pissing all over the toilet seat, I stayed doing things like this when I was in my late teens. Especially if I felt some kind of way about the service I was receiving. I'd piss literally everywhere but the toilet and miss putting my tissue into the bowl. 😈
  6. I usually lightly shake myself dry before pulling up my panties or if I am in a restroom that's just a toilet and one sink, I usually take their paper towels but throw them in the trash bin. It's usually the worse thing of all time to wipe with but, it's better than walking around with a pissy coochie.
  7. Mine isn’t covered up but still fat asf.
  8. I believe in this maybe I was about to spread it open for my boyfriend. He says my ass is fat y’all.
  9. Not wearing a bra at all! Letting them hang out! 😌
  10. You ever get to a toilet to pee, yet nothing hardly comes out. This was me earlier last evening, I finally got to a clean stall and unbuttoned my jeans along with pulling my panties down and went ahead sat down letting out a spurt or two before pushing out the rest and eventually back to a slow stream that wouldn’t stop. But, when I thought that was it.. more came out when I pulled back up my panties.. So, immediately I am taking a UTI tablet where it provides some relief until I can get to a doctor.
  11. I love seeing mines go down after measuring. Like a food baby, well I often have a liquid baby if that is even a thing. Especially if I am drinking beer as I am emptying it out into my container.
  12. I usually carry my own wipes and tissues in my purse. I have seasonal allergies and they strike at any time. But, also because I often pee a lot too and need to wipe.
  13. Just adding a little of chocolate to this thread. These are mines.
  14. Not me. I would actually hate it because I’d always wipe after peeing.
  15. I usually hold it for 3 hours max.
  16. Thank you. I do appreciate the advice. All I got him to enjoyed were getting my feet and nails done. I think he low key likes it when I fart for him.
  17. I was blessed with an abnormal bladder. You probably could increase your capacity but, I wouldn’t want you to get a possible UTI, if it begins to hurt.. I wouldn’t risk it.
  18. He hasn’t asked as of yet but I know he is into feet. So, he stays getting my pedicure and making sure they stay on point. I even threw in full set of acrylic, he chooses what I get done and likes for me to grab his dick with them on. It’s a win-win for everyone.
  19. Never had a golden shower or gave one. Even in my current relationship but of course I have kept contact with a friend who also happens to be a male in his late 30's would be down with the idea of giving me my first one and then in turn I give him a good shower. Now, I am only 25.. I never been with someone or talked to anyone over 32 and to me that's pushing it. I chickened out and was nervous because we met on a site kinda like this one.
  20. It was better than sex actually. I actually saw MY bladder go down as I continued peeing, I wish I could do it again honestly.
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