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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. There are a couple of threads on this, and being a willing recipient, I know it's mostly pee.

    Taste is a little different, there is not a lot, and it just happens as she has a climax, if I keep going and she has a second or third, you can taste the subtle difference each time. When I do this to her when she has a full tank, she tells me that letting go after her orgasm feels incredible, either way, I love it when it happens. She does tend to fall asleep after 3 or 4 though, lol.

    The posted pic looks like a pee fountain, and the bowl on the floor is kind of a dead give away.

  2. I've invested more than every earned penny in a new 4k cam, a Sony FDR-AX33 that will replace my old Canon HDV cam.

    I wanted a Sony Alpha A7 S2 with a good lens because of it's low light sensitivity, but it's too expensive for us:


    If someone is rich enough to buy it for us :

    1. You'll get a life time access to all our clips present and future
    2. I come to pick-it up with Naomi, for a weekend, wherever you're, and she'll pee wherever you want :wink: You're living room carpets, your car, your bed, ....

    I don't know how much it is where you are, but here this camera is $2995, compatible lens is another $1299. This is $AUD. Airfares alone are more than this, lol.

  3. No, we are disgustingly healthy, no medication, not even a contraceptive (we decided years ago to not have kids so I got snipped). The most we take is panadol / aspirin for any mild pain relief. Weight is no problem either, I've been 75 kg forever, Maigh is 60kg, Mary is 50kg, can we use pee as a weight loss product? I'm out a lot, doing what I need to keep the place safe, Dr may think it could be pollen related. I can't really tell her that we pee all over each other, lol.

    The eye drops work, when I feel it starting, I use them, and never gets any worse, usually gone in a day.

    The fire is still burning, the meeting yesterday indicated that it will be under control by the end of the month, but it is a long way to the east of us, no smoke in the air at this time.

  4. Has pee in anyway made you sick?

    I seem to get "pink eye" fairly easily, not sure where it's coming from ....... Dr indicates that I'm not washing up after potty, but I always do. As for naked romps here at home, we all have a shower first, pretty much engraved in granite. Sweaty, smelly bodies don't do anything for us, need to be clean before we fool about. Is there anything in pee that can do this? As you can probably read into this, I don't care where pee goes, neither do the girls. Just coincidence that it's only me?

    Eye drops from our Dr gets it cleaned up in a day or two, just the itching of it bugs me. Another thing too, no anal at all here, nothing, it has no interest to any of us.

  5. Not me either, Land of Aus, 23 hours away even on the best flight.

    I'm committed here anyway, this kind of meet up would not even be considered even though it's our thing.

    Girls have said that that is the point, it is our thing and it stays ours, sorry. Being on here is the closest we get to interacting with anyone else.

    Wish you all the best in trying to get something together.

  6. Would you do all those things for a guy as well? Just curious, I don't want to derail the topic :)

    Yes, you need to care for everyone ....... although in a few cases I've been ripped up and thought why bother? One lady gave me an ear bashing once for holding a door open, screaming at me that I didn't think she could manage, another one was blind guy trying to cross a city street, thought I was going to wear his white cane on that one ....... but doing good outweighs the bad, it was the way I was bought up, to always show respect to who ever you met. Can't explain it really, as Steve has said, it's just me.

  7. My response is borne of an intense desire to help those who are hurting or in a bad place, and a desire to believe that such help is possible, that a little kindness and virtue can go a long way. Naive perhaps, but I guess that says more about me than it does about prostitution.

    This the way I am too, maybe old fashioned, open doors for women, stand up on a crowded train, tram or bus, or even to get shopping for a single mum because her kids are sick. Women are people too, mutual respect goes a long way. Great thread guys, best I've seen in a while.

  8. You should find a research website, find out how many tests consists of a proper survey and then keep wetting jeans until you have some proper scientific evidence.

    Post pictures along the way as proof.

    Lol, because of the sheer randomness, the pics would never end, which maybe a good thing. We just did it as a bit of fun, just to see what would happen.

  9. Hmmmm, the oldest profession on the planet .......

    I've had no need of these services, but I do have respect for them, and the service they provide. Not to sure on the rest of the world, but here it's legalized and regulated, err, kind of. The State Government make over $1 Million AUD in licencing fees alone. It's kind of a dirty secret, the girls are there but you cant talk about them, they work in nicely appointed and discreet places, but you cant advertise what you do in there. Most of the established ones here are in Industrial Estates, hidden away from the normal people, so people are not offended. The following link will give you a current idea on where the Land of Aus is at.


    Err, kind of got in the shit over this, I had that page open when Maigh bought dinner in, and she instantly jumped to the wrong conclusion, I had to sit her down and made her read the thread. A nice apology was gratefully accepted, lol.

  10. Everyone take care, seen the weather reports for some of the world, current floods in the UK, USA is about cop it too, the Missisippi is due to flood, possibly affecting 14 million people. Here at home Qld and and the Northern Territory are flooded, the storm cell is state wide, and to add to the fun, there is a 26 car train wreck with 200000 litres of sulfuric acid onboard (outback NT).

    We're up for 40c temps again, with several hundred fire crew on standby, the worlds weather is getting crazy.

    Enjoy your NYE celebrations, stay safe, I don't want to miss anyone in the New Year.

  11. The other problem with the Dark Web, and all the associated bad stuff on there, is that if anyone was crazy enough to buy something illegal, how do you get it into the country? Everything mailed, packaged or freighted into this country is scanned and checked, from sniffer dogs (drugs, explosives and food) through to X-ray. Not even a simple flick knife is allowed in.

    I made the effort a few years ago of getting a life size replica of William Wallace's sword, the amount of drama I had in getting it into the country was unbelievable, had to go to the airport, was interviewed by Australian Federal Police, and Border Security, then left to marinate for a day while they decided. Eventually it was allowed, but it didn't end there, some chicky babe come out to examine the case it was displayed in, just to make sure. This thing weighs 25kg, I can barely lift it overhead, the girls can't lift it at all.

    There is nothing I would buy from the Dark Web, just not worth it.

  12. Have you ever noticed the randomness when you or someone else pees their jeans or pants? I mean every time it goes downward (apart from the zero G thread) but there is no 2 times that its alike. We done several tests during the day, purely in the interest of science (and it's filthy hot again) and we found out bugger all.

    Lacoste jeans, bought in Marseille, keep it in, all you see is pee dripping from the cuff, bummer, cross that one off. Yoga pants, make a small wet spot, then the pee beads and runs down a shapely leg. Nope, not sexy enough, but it did dry in 5 min. Boring, plain old jeans from Target (Walmart, Kmart or whatever) had the best result, it went everywhere, these soak up pee avidly, it migrates up to the zipper, both front pockets get wet, and the rear view, almost to the waist band. The legs look pretty spectacular too, shiny to the knees. According to my crash test beauties, these felt the "wettest".

    11 pairs of jeans, wet from the inside, then washed and dried all in about 3 hours, was a fun day, and appears to be a fun night in the making. It's 10.20 pm, and still 28c outside, love it here.

    • Like 1
  13. Yeah, I know, but Amazon and Apple appear to be run by church type people, all I can find on Marquis De Sade is Justine.

    Dear old Donatien Alphonse François de Sade wrote a lot more than this epic. Anyway, I did pretty good out of it ....... even found an original old French version.

  14. Legality is a grey area, our pee secret is kept secret, not because our law are loosely based on UK, but because my best mate is a Senior Sergeant in the Highway Patrol. What ever happens inside your home is no ones business but your own, but if law enforcement noticed it, not sure what would happen. Even our relationship with Mary is kept quiet, when the Sarge and his wife come over, Mary's bed in the spare room is even rumpled. Sux to be so devious and careful. I'm sure Teri, his wife has noticed our interaction though, she pretty much knows, me thinks, women always seem to know.

    As for the Dark Side, I've not really looked for any kind of porn, although I did search for Erotic Literature, seems like a taboo area for a book store no matter how much history is behind it.

  15. Happy New Year one and all.

    I don't do resolutions either, I just want to be the same person in the same relationship, I am truly in hog heaven, why complicate things?

    New Years Eve will be at home, Hogmanay rules this year, just us, the girls want to let their hair down.

    It will be an epic end to 2015.

  16. 26 aircraft were used, mostly helicopters with the bucket type. They were constantly dipping into the ocean. Chemical airdrops were rare, because of distance to nearest airport. 600 ground firefighters also worked hard and are slowly getting it contained. A fire this big can make its own weather and while water was dropped constantly, very little reached the ground, most evaporated in the heat generated.

    Roads are now open, we need to get some shopping done before the intense weather returns on Wednesday.

  17. I agree with Egwalrus on this one, this pic depicts a dominant female over a submissive male. I know a few man hating lesbians that would do this, and in some of those relationships, one of them is dominant.

    We do what we do for love, it is the intimacy of it, not controlling someone, not crushing someone's spirit, but all equal and all equally sexy. Some people have hinted, that in my relationship, I'm the one being controlled, being manipulated by my 2 ladies. This is definitely not the case, we are 3, and 3 we will remain. Pee fun is something we enjoy, and it does not happen everyday, we can just feel a little off, or it's too hot, or we've not had enough to drink, it is not all the time. The pic you have shown us makes it look like a punishment.

    Maigh adds, if the guy wasn't into this, how long would he stick around? Both girls agree that being treated this way would quickly end any relationship.

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