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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. Same kind of situation here, a lot of people do good in our society, it's just one or two in each community that start to agitate the others. The police jump on these nutters fairly quickly, several have been deported, one that managed to avoid being deported went on to hold up the Lindt Cafe in Martin Place. As you no doubt saw, this was also dealt with, unfortunately with a couple of people killed in the police raid.

    We don't have a lot issues with "cleanskins", most of it comes from people who were let into the country, given a place to live, handed $12,000 aud, and set up with social benefits that don't require them to work. The Australian population get a little pissed that these people are allowed to protest all they get for nothing, demanding 'halal' certification, and try to implement "sharia law". Watch a video of a halal killed animal, or read up on sharia law, both of them are ugly and both are barbaric.

    There was a video posted a while back, wasn't YouTube, about 2 women who walked the streets of Al Raqqa when Isis was ruling the city. When you see church officials carrying machine guns to keep the law, that is no church I want to be part of. The harshest part was the women back at their house, removing the double layer of clothing they had to wear. They told the camera "we just want to live again, take these things off and be a woman again".

  2. Both girls here say knees together too, just feels more natural, and yeah, if knees are apart a mess is usually made. Maigh also said that she hisses out hard, tends to make a fair bit of noise. In a public potties this makes her a little self conscious when all conversation stops to listen, lol.

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  3. Probably too late, and it may not have the same effect on you, but I use a plastic sheet on my bed, will even put a normal sheet over it and chuck it in the wash when slippery fun is over. My ladies don't like to mess up floors or furniture, and I know that a lot of people like this being done, but leave it a while and the smell is obvious. Some clothes will be washed a second time, first wash sometimes leaves a faint smell to them. We also have a "massage slide" that we can inflate and use anywhere, again, wiped down and put away when done, no evidence of any perversion left behind.

  4. Not sure what the issue is, Government hates the things, maybe just a scare tactic to stop people putting their own up. Origin Energy never said anything, we had the option of renting the land it was on, or taking power from it. It's 50 meters away (30 if you take in the blade arc) and we can barely hear it, only makes noise when it cycles (feathers and shuts down for 15 min of every hour) and we have an app on the phone that monitors the thing. The 2 battery packs I put in are deep cycle things but I can run the house for 2 days, I should have waited for the Tesla Power Wall, much more efficient. We don't glow in the dark, lol

  5. This is not as easy as it seemed, apparently, I can't just set a price and walk away. Have an appointment with some lawyers today, already seen them once, they need to put a value on everything I've done here, solar panels of the roof, 2 battery plants, the fire service I put in, the contract with the power company that owns the turbine in the yard and so on, it's nuts. Everything needs to be certified by an engineer and electricians, the approval I had when the installs were done are not good enough, has to be done again. Someone even tried to measure some obscure radiation that supposedly comes from the turbine, never got a reading. Tried to tell me the things are dangerous, I laughed at the clown, the only danger is if the thing fell on you. There are a hundred of the things spotted along this part of the coast, and the worst I've seen is a hapless seagull that got slapped by a blade. Argh, can't wait until June 25, this is madness.

  6. Although I have never had any real life experiences with partners, I don't think I'd love being peed on.

    One thing I have always wanted to do was to pee on a guys lap. In my fantasy he would make me drink a bunch of liquid and not let me go to the bathroom. When I'm starting to get super desperate and uncomfortable he would make me sit on his lap in just my panties, slowly feeling and putting pressure my full bladder until I lost control and peed all over his lap and felt his erection through my soaked panties

    Yes, had this done to me several times. It's even better when it's not expected and you still have keys and wallet in your pocket. Think I've destroyed 3 remotes for my car so far, rofl.

  7. Maigh is my wife, and Mary is our live in gf, she loves Maigh, will do anything for her. Both of them a bi, makes for an amazing 3some. When I met Maigh, it didn't take long to find that she was just as perverted as I was, maybe even more. After 10 years, she can still surprise me with something.

    Mary was a sweet young girl in a dead end life in South West Scotland, meeting Maigh was love at first sight, all 3 of us hit it off from the start, and we gradually got her into our perversion. When Maigh and I were married, we asked Mary to move from Scotland, she didn't have to think about it. She has never said no to anything either. We do have our ups and downs, but very rare, it's amazing being so compatible with each other.

    I'm writing this on an iPad, in a king size bed, with two girls spooned together beside me. You have no idea how warm a bed gets with 3 people in it, electric blankets are not required even in winter.


    Maigh sez the post wasn't meant to be taken as "hot" lol. She hates it, but it happens.

  8. The only vomit I've been exposed to, Mary as well, is when Maigh chugs too much pee. Mostly morning pee, she just tells us that she has to have it. Cant explain it better than that. Sometimes she can hold it down for a while, and her body sez "uh uh, out with it" ....... she hates the chucking up part, and we hate it when we cause it, but she gets so turned on there is no stopping her. When she does throw up, we just clean her up, hose down the shower and continue on. Mary and I don't drink much, a mouthful maybe, but Maigh will take all of what we both have. This is not something done often, only on odd occasions will she want so much, it just happens.

    To some extent she agrees with Mishu420, that the pee comes from inside of the person you care about.

  9. No pee in this, but this happened yesterday, my girls had a little fun with this and handled it well.

    We had some transparent blinds put up yesterday, big heavy duty things that zip together, effectively enclosing the rear deck. The guy that came out to install them was of some vague European, one big muscle type person. He unloaded everything and was setting up on the deck when he noticed Maigh and Mary watching him from the kitchen. Weather was fine and sunny, but 12 c not a bad time of year, but still cool to be outside. Anyway, he disappears for a minute and I hear Mary mutter "oh for fucks sake" under her breath and turned to look. He had taken off his jacket, shirt and tee shirt and was flexing and posing on the deck.

    Kitchen doors were closed, heater was still on, we had just finished breakfast and sat there watching this guys antics. Girls had dressing gowns on with not much on under them, and they quietly picked up their coffees and went into the bedroom. He was watching them and saw them leave, and he looked so sad, and went back to measuring and fixing these things to the walls and rails. I got the Alienware luggable from the lounge and propped it on the kitchen counter and started the VPN into the Melbourne Azure Data Centre, checked on the work I'm slowly winding down.

    I heard the girls giggling and watched them come back into the kitchen, and I was impressed, short skirts (the pleated Scotland tartan ones I love), stockings, high heels, tight little midriff sweaters, just wonderful to look at. The meathead out on the deck was in awe, like he had found a jackpot, and was flexing and strutting around as he worked. The girls ignored him, sat on the kitchen stools, their backs to him as the giggled and muttered to each other. This was obviously not what he wanted, and started making more noise, clattering about, to no avail. Mary looked over her shoulder once, then ignored him again.

    This poor guy was doing everything to get their attention, even while I was working on the laptop, and it was killing him that it wasn't working. Mary winked at me, then nudged Maigh, and I had an idea on what was going to happen. They made sure they had his attention, then stepped into each other's arms and started a full on pash, tongue kissing, hand on bums, grabbing breasts, full lesbian look. I just worked away, smiling, and the guy outside was dumbfounded, stopped working and just gawked. It just seemed like it was something beyond him, he just couldn't believe it. After a few minutes of this teasing, Maigh and Mary walked into the bedroom, arms around each other, while he watched them go. He finished up the install with a deflated looked about him, and when he finished and wanted a sign off, I let him into the kitchen.

    He was obviously looking for the girls, and when I heard the soft moans coming from the bedroom, I knew the girls were still on his case. I saw him looking into the house, listening, and told him not to worry about them, said that they would be busy in there for a while, trying not to laugh. He was trying to hear what was going on, and the girls done an admiral job, suitable lustful moans were heard easily. He was done, looked rather dejected, and left soon after.

    We had a laugh over this, the poor guy looked so sad. The girls told me that they did have fun in bed, but only after they heard him drive off.

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  10. My girls hate the thought of having a visible accident in public, yet they will happily soak anything at home, and enjoy watching each other (or me). It's not getting wet that bothers them, it's the idea of being seen that's hard to take. I suppose I'm the same, I don't mind watching at home, but wouldn't be impressed seeing the reaction of people to my ladies in public.

    We take care not to get into this situation in the first place, don't drink alcohol when we are out, know where to go if needed, and on rare occasions, they can sweet talk a check out chick into using store facilities. What we do to and for each other is a private thing, we are keeping it that way.

  11. Thanks ....... some places we've looked are just rubbish, we may buy a block and build a new one. We can add anything to the basic plan, the bathroom will get loving attention to detail.

  12. I have sold my house, we are moving further inland, something smaller with less maintenance and without the grief the Department of Sustainability keep dumping on us. My backup diesel generator for instance, is now a pollution issue, they don't seem to care that it runs my sprinkler system.

    The summer bush fires also contributed to this, my ladies don't find this forest so appealing anymore.

    Will let you know how we go, things may go pretty quick, people that want this place are eager beavers. The work I have done has paid off, they never even blinked at the asking price, just said "do it"

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  13. My girls have been kind of caught too, we had a night in the city once, went to the football, and instead of waiting hours for a taxi, we decided to walk the 20 city blocks to the hotel. Within 5 blocks, Mary was getting uncomfortable, and she said she had to go, with nothing available she had no alternative. She was wearing black jeans which don't show very much when wet, so she just did it as she walked. She tells me that this takes practice, to pee while walking, Maigh can't do it, she has to stop, but Mary just keeps going. I was walking behind her and I saw it happening, the jeans got the shiny wet look, which faded quickly, then I noticed the drippy trail she was leaving, her little white Bobby socks were soaked. While waiting at a crossing it was noticeable, she did smell a little, and some people were tittering to each other, so I gave her my jacket to tie around her waist. She made the other 10 blocks in silence, with a look in her eye, I didn't know if she was angry or horny, lol.

    When we got the hotel, she was into the shower, clothes and all, when she was done, both of them giggling and laughing trying to get her wet clothes off, we found out she was horny, and she had us both, when she gets like this she is brilliant, holds nothing back.

    The second time wasn't exactly noticed by anyone, but it still made them horny. They walked around the Public Gallery of the Melbourne Cup, wearing long ankle length dresses, tinkling as they walked about the grassed area, thick with people, just the thought of peeing with so many people around them had them both a little flustered. They were stopped and interviewed by some obscure news team, smiling sweetly with soaked knickers and stockings. They eventually waited in line to get into a toilet for some mutual relief, and I'm not talking pee here, lol.

    Most times we are careful, but our inability to hold anything can get us in trouble. We need to know where conveniences are at all times. It's turning into a curse, but we love every minute of it.

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  14. I've spoken to my ladies, and we have all decided to give this away, not accepting any new work, and delegating the 5 Servers that I'm currently working on. Someone else can deal with these visionary lacking fools. They ask for a Server Solution, we go to all the time and effort to get it up and running, only to see it torn down and trashed into something barely functional. Strangely, or predictably, it's my fault that the thing is stuffed, all because the business owner hands out his admin password to anyone. These things are all on an Azure Datacentre, cant help thinking of the System Admins in hysterics over all the mismanagement that goes on. I'm out of it and I feel better already, lol.

  15. Does anyone do things to burn off stress and to just get away from things?

    I will, occasionally, just get in the car and belt along a favorite bit of twisty country road, windows down, listening to the howls of protest from the tyres, the angry growl of the engine and the banging crackle of the exhaust, 20 minutes of this, and I'm calm, ready to take on anyone.

    This has nothing to do with my ladies, they are a calming influence too.

    When I do my server work, I'm amazed at the stupidity that some admins have implemented, breaking the thing horribly and expect me to fix it in a couple of hours. One server I had to repair had all users with access to company finances and payrolls. Or I do 6 hours of work on something, and the owner with admin access completely trashes it.

    Is it wrong to push a car so hard that the tyres have balls of rubber on them ? (Yeah, been out this morning)

    I started this work out of boredom, starting to think that boredom is a lot more attractive, $100 per hour is just not worth the agro.

    End of rant, I'm ok now :wink:

  16. I would never use this word, not even think it if I saw someone on the street. Mary has some interesting clothes she sometimes wears about the house, you know, high heels, seamed stockings, garter belt and corset ....... it's sexy, not that other derogatory word.

    As for banner ads and suchlike, meh, if that's what they want to be known as, fine.

  17. From what you've said, she seems open minded enough to just ask. Just do it carefully, in a fun way, don't demand it and don't be pissed off with her when she can't do it straight away. You have to find out what she is willing to do, peeing on a carpet for instance, may gross her out. We have set rules here, where pee happens and where it does not, I'm not about to push any limits beyond what I have now.

  18. Mine has to be the night I met Maigh, at the Gretna Chase Hotel.

    I was in the Bar and a few locals were laughing over a girl that had not made it home, apparently made a mess of herself, I kind of indicated that she sounded like a fun girl and got some weird looks so I left them there and went back to my table. After I had downed a few beers, I noticed that the place had fallen silent, the rowdies at the bar were quiet, their attention on a girl who had just come in. I was immediately impressed, gorgeous red hair, jeans that fit like a glove and a fantastic looking body under her red pullover. I wandered over to the bar and got another beer, and a better look. She knew I was an outlander, and got a shy half smile as I left and went back to the table. She mingled with the loud talking mob, obviously knowing each other, and I just listened and looked out of the window.

    I looked up to see someone standing at my table and was surprised that it was her, an unreadable expression on her pretty face. The people at the bar were watching, expecting something, and they weren't disappointed. She told me that I heard about her 'accident' last night, watching me closely. I replied that I didn't think it was an accident and got an amazing smile, and she eased out a chair and sat down. She asked if I knew what she did, and though I didn't know, I could guess, and was rewarded with another smile. We drank more as the night progressed and she showed me her 'accident', peeing an extraordinary amount in her jeans in the carpark. She got me to shower her down too, to complete her 'wetness' then left me a little shaken in the carpark. She returned later that night, and the rest is history, 11 years worth, not stopping now.

    The next highlight was 52 miles away, at Kirkcudbright (Kir-coo-bree) where Maigh met Mary, or Mary met Maigh, but it was love at first sight for Mary, we stayed with her and eventually all 3 of us toured the West Coast. I married Maigh about a year later, and 6 months after that, we moved Mary out, and we've been together ever since.

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  19. Yes! Finally someone else who well, is kind of a 3some. You sound like us, very similar arrangement. We all live here though, one large king size bed, all very warm and cosy. We do a lot more than just wet though, and jeans are our favourite, nothing like the old stiff legged walk, lol.

    Welcome Grace, you will love it here.

    Scot_Lover, Maigh and Mary

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