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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. We done something like this for a University study several years ago, under the proviso that it was completely anonymous, and we told them everything, lol. Never knew what came of it, may have just been read, decided it was too weird, and was binned.

    Was that the actual title? Will have a look around, see if can find it.

  2. Ok, so if I was a 3rd party, offshore, and accepted credit card payments, say for instance, Kink.com, with no info on what was bought, who bought it and where they lived, then paid the bank, would I then be an unacceptable business because I disclosed nothing?

    We use these here, it works quite well, nothing glaring obvious appears on your statement and you get what you paid for.

    I had one example a week ago, some guy tried to "fix" a company server, pretty much walked over it with steel capped boots, he hired me to fix it, and to cover it up, we used ozbill as a "miscellaneous debit", charged to his credit card, not his company's.

  3. Unbelievable, so the freedoms of the USA are being held to ransom by credit card companies. In a country that has more privately owned weapons than the entire population of Asia, you can't buy something fairly harmless that will never hurt anyone. Where will this stop? I can see credit card companies stopping you from buying Japanese made products next, it's made here, you buy it here. How could this be suffered in this day and age,? did everyone just roll over and accept it?

    Sorry, this just goes into the "only in America" fun bag.

  4. Did the US of A sneak this one in?

    All the Pee content from Kink.com (Kink Raw) and LegalPorno seems to have disappeared.

    I've previously bought some of these, and had no problems downloading the titles.

    Now appear to be gone with the wind, can someone check any US based sites with pee?


  5. On February 22nd in 1940, Soviet forces began to occupy the Finnish islands in the Gulf of Finland

    In 1942, Arthur Harris became the leader of RAF Bomber Command

    In 1943, the Germans launched a counter-attack on the eastern front, aiming to retake Kharkov

    In 1945, British forces landed on Kangaw Island off the west coast of Burma

    In 1942, General MacArthur was ordered to leave the Philipines and set up base in Australia.

  6. I think we all need to remember what actually happened there, and how it came to happen, as a reminder of where hate leads.....

    I wonder if it's the same book that's helping me out sometimes? :wink: :laugh:

    The Almanac of World War II, 1982. Think I picked it up at a rummage sale in Dumphries, name on the inside is a Mr Colin Murphy.

  7. On this date in 1940, General Falkenhorst was appointed to command the planned German invasion of Norway

    On this date in 1942, Arthur Harris became the leader of RAF Bomber Command

    On this date in 1945, US forces completed the liberation of the Bataan Peninsular on Luzon

    Construction began on the Auschwitz concentration camp too, guess no one needs to remember this ........

  8. Scot_Lover,

    The issue does not effect the individual using a credit or debit card to make a purchase. It is the government trying to keep the business from having banking services, and making it difficult for them to accept credit card payments.

    Thanks, another insight that makes no sense at all, lol. Why not use a 3rd party like Ozbill or CCBill then? This separates the buyer from the bank, people pay Ozbill, Ozbill take a 1% fee then pay the bank, 3rd party does not pass on the buyers info. I've used this service myself, it's easy. I even looked into making money off a similar idea but the regulations were a bit too dark for me.

    I've said this before, it's a weird, strange world we live in.

  9. Ok, we live a sheltered life in the sticks. Payday lenders got a shake up here, government enforced guidelines on how much interest was allowed (used to be 30%) and made the lending companies accountable for bad lending choices. Several banks who bankrolled a few of these pulled the cash pool from under them, and they quietly went away in the night.

    A few people have questioned my way of life (me and the ladies have enough to last) and basically said get a bigger house, a better car, be a party animal, but we are happy as we are. Our philosophy is if we don't need it, we don't buy it. (Tax is a nightmare, trust me, lol)

    The Master Card and the Visa cards we use are technically Debit cards, it's our money, would that make a difference on buying online?

  10. The German dialogue if that's what you call that god awful noise, lol.

    Most things I don't like have been mentioned, still camera sounds, flashing in the background, the girls evident disgust .......

    If you get paid for doing it, at least look like you're enjoying it, it's called acting for a reason.

    Maigh seen one of these and asked what did she do it for if she didn't like it? We have our odd bad tastes every now and then, you just go with the flow then get told it tasted like shit later, lol.

  11. Can someone explain the bank / credit card issue? I have never had anything refused, ever, I buy from Hightide with no problem, Chaturbate and MFC happily accept anything I throw at them, and I'm just using a normal MasterCard and a Visa card. Maigh and Mary have bought stuff on their cards too, I'm kept in the dark there though, until DHL or UPS knock on the door.

  12. Have you ever seen The Battle of Chernobyl?

    It's a documentary on the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, Gorbachev was interviewed later, and he said it scared the shit out of him, wanted to completely wipe nuclear weapons from the Soviet Arsenal. He never wanted anyone to go through that ever again. If the little known second explosion had of happened, half of Europe including the UK would have been rendered uninhabitable.

    Look it up, think it's on youtube now, scariest 90 min I've ever seen.

  13. The girls sprung a nice on me during the week regarding a day at the tennis. Now I did give them a couple of storm tech poncho's to wear if it rained, but I never told them to hang the bac of the pinch over the back of the seat, as predictable, they were caught in a thunderstorm while up in the stands at an outside court. Within minutes, they were both sitting in puddles of water, and rather leave they both decided to warm it up, by peeing where they sat. This apparently felt so good and daring that they had another couple of goes at it enforce having to leave when it was abbandoned. Most people were wet to some degree, my two squished back to the hotel and had a sexy time cleaning up. This was one night the hotel wifi couldn't cope, and it was all a giggly hit and miss. Sorry, no further details are to be added, will be discussed some more, at some time

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  14. I use MFC too, but I negotiate with the girl, then meet up on Skype, this gets around her limitation of a no pee policy, it's one on one, no one else needs to know. This does take some work, you need to get the idea to grow, and only once has a girl taken the credits and buggered off. This was reported to the MFC gods and was dealt with. One hot blondie from St Petersburg drank a full water glass of her pee one night.

    Love the closed eyes.


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  15. I apologised for not making myself clear, but this content, in this country is "technically" illegal. As for the Chinese type firewall, it was tried here, catchingly titled Cleanfeed. Sanity prevailed and it was declared a flop, and the whole thing was quietly dropped. There is still a content filter in place, but it needs to be reported, and to date, I've not seen anything gone missing. All torrent sites were supposed to be blocked, guess what? Still there, still alive.

    Another reason I'm careful is the threesome relationship, (and the copious amounts of pee) when anyone is around, its everyone act normal. Mary, on the weekend, summed it up perfectly with a "Thank fuck they've gone" comment. One of my mates (who was here for dinner on Saturday) is a Senior Sergeant with the state Highway Patrol, I'll let you think about that and draw your own conclusions. I think his wife suspects something, but she's cool, women always know.

    Like I said in the original post, what you do in your own place is usually left alone, unless it hurts someone. It's a strange world we live in.

    Has anyone else got any Censorship issues?

  16. Technically, everything on here (and what we do at home) is illegal but the authorities in power tend to turn a blind eye. What you do in the privacy of your own home is usually left to slide. Any other dubious activities as mentioned would get a more negative approach with possible ramifications for the site owner.

    As the rules stand, I agree on them all, Admin has done a good job with them without needing a sitewide poll, and i'm with you on the bestiality addition.

    Just a question on the Political / Free Speech thread, would it still be moderated? Would someone be in control to put out bushfires from the flame wars?

  17. I may have been guilty on a couple of points, but now I just leave it. Think about what I'm going to say before I post. If it is going to upset someone? Just let it go. The good thing about 3 people here is that you get 2 other opinions before you do anything dumb.

    I have also noticed that a few people "have taken their ball, and gone home", surprised really, that people just up and leave because something was said, or someone disagreed on what they said. This is an adult forum, adult things are said, live with it and your actions.

    Steve, sorry you resigned, I thought you did a great job, from what we could see anyway, I don't think the post that caused all this wasn't seen by us. Please don't leave over this, you've been here since we joined, you would be missed not just by us, but by everyone on here.

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