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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. Only Mary goes through this, Maigh has most of the associated plumbing removed (butchered by in inept Dr when she had a baby before I met her). Mary sleeps in a back bedroom when she has hers, but it only lasts 3 days, and she comes out sexier than ever. Sorry you're "out of action" and feeling bad, you'll be good as new in a few days.

  2. I'm still on Destiny too, bought The Dark Below, ($25) finished it in about 5 hours, now stuck on Level 34. I have to buy The House of Wolves now to progress. Then buy The Taken King add on to keep in the game ....... Is Fallout 4 going down this path?

    Project Cars is ok so far, it's not asked for more money, yet. Drive Club is now dumping a multitude of add ons, you could easily run up $100 on the thing.

  3. Omg.. okay some pee must be gross.. just to see the color is comvincing.. no wonder it becomes a bad experience. Most of the showers or measuring cups i filled, my urine is very transparent with a touch of light yellow which does not smell. Please.. make it a good experience for the other and keep your self hydrated. Not with beer or softdrinks. Water and healthy foods. I have never had someone turn their head.. unless they got flooded, and it was enjoyable.

    Lol, yes, some pee is gross, but, or the rare occasion, someone likes it bad. Most times we are hydrated so all we pee out is warm water, not even a hint of yellow, but this takes some planning. Morning pee also gets done by one of the girls, as Sally mentioned, the expected smell and taste is what gets her going. We don't really like doing it to her, she calls it battery acid, but when she wants it, we accomodate and clean the mess up when she's done. Think about it :meh:

    Make it enjoyable, or you may find that the experience won't be repeated.

  4. Scot_Lover ,

    I t would be very nice if one / both of your Lovely ladies would do just nicely if they would send a pix of theirs on here to post on this thread . For all to enjoy in viewing such Beauty, Please :wink:

    Kevin, please don't, our rules are for no pics, don't push us on this, we left a previous forum over something much the same.

    Mary and I will find something that looks like us, that will be the best we can do. Sorry to everyone else too, we just can't do it.

    Maigh and Mary

  5. Yes, you do have the right to be pissed off. I posted about my threesome relationship once, without my girls permission, and they left for 3 days. The came around eventually but it caused some considerable tension for a while. Everything I do now is run by them, if they don't like a part of it, it gets changed until they are happy to post it. As for talking to anyone outside of our relationship, this is as far as it gets. None of our friends know, none of my family know, except for an estranged sister, (and she only knows of the 2 girls, nothing about the other) but she is out of the country for months at a time.

    I would have the same reaction that you're having, you wouldn't be alone in this either.

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  6. We found something fun, a Nuru Massage Slide, it has inflatable sides 5 1/2 inches high when inflated, made of vinyl, and has incredible possibilities. Only downside is that it's a little small for 3 bodies. We tested it the other night, this is what happened.

    Maigh, Mary and I were fairly tipsy having unwrapped this black monster, and inflated it as per instructions, and propped it on the bed to use later, and use it we did, lol. Maigh was at the head of the bed, the raised edge across the small of her back, Mary was on her elbows, enthusisatically licking away, her gorgeous butt sticking up in the air, never a more tasty sight was ever seen.

    Maigh had a handful of Mary's hair, and was grinding her pussy into Mary's mouth, and I heard Mary gagging before I realised Maigh was pissing hard, Mary struggling with it, and the sound of piss splattering on the sheet was fairly amazing. Mary was grinding her behind into my face, and I soon got a mouthful of her sweet fluids, pissing pretty much straight down, easy to access. This left a reasonable sized puddle in the bottom of this thing, and Mary lay down in it, rolling around, getting shiny wet with piss, Maigh sliding down the join in. I couldn't resist and added my share onto the two of them, watching as they spit mouthfuls of pee onto and into each other.

    We haven't used it again, cleanup was something we didn't think about, and since I was the driest person there, had to get some towels to enable them to get out of the thing and into the shower. Just one pee each and there was an inch of pee slopping around the bottom of it. How do you get it out? 3 or 4 large towels and a bucket got it dry enough to move, and I left it on the balcony overnight, cleaned it up next morning. After I had cleaned up, and we had all gotten into bed, Maigh got my pointy end, and Mary was being eaten alive as I was getting into her. This was one of the sexist nights we have had in a while.

    We are already thinking of using this in other places where pee fun is not done, lounge room floor, in the kitchen, on the balcony, best $120 odd that I've ever spent. Love this thing.


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  7. We don't have much to do with Halloween either, no trick or treaters come down my 2km drive way. I do like to imagine it though, car pulls up, kids get out, mum and dad say see you in 2 hours, rofl. We did see it all over the supermarket, stuff getting sold everywhere, I think stores here are making a loss on it really.

    Christmas stuff is already on display, getting in early this year.

  8. I've noticed a couple of times now, that where pee and eyeshadow / mascara get together, the poor girl ends up looking like Alice Cooper.

    Had this happen the other night, went out for dinner, movies (The Martian, nicely done) and got into some pee fun when we got home. Not sure why, but they like to get down and dirty in their good clothes, Maigh sez it's part of the pee thing, trashing the dress, so to speak, I don't mind (well, I do have to buy more if it is stuffed) but it is fun. Seeing both their faces splashed with pee, soaking into a satin shirt or dress, and watch them turn almost transparent is such a turn on. Then the Alice Cooper look happens, I had them in stitches when I told them, and they were up off the floor looking in a mirror.

    The base of mascara is some kind of wax, and carbon black is for the color, so something in pee obviously dissolves this giving the black tears look, it cleans up ok, but if it gets into clothing, see ya.

  9. If I had a choice and someone was there laying on the floor and said use me, my comfort level would not be there. If I really had no choice, then I would apologize deeply about it and just squat and pee on him. The thing I I can't just randomly pee on someone I hardly know. For me, there must be a connection unless I am tied to a chair with no place to move, then I am sorry for what I am about to do.

    We didn't mean anyone laying on the floor, this was aimed at Mary and I, one of us at home, in our bathroom. They couldn't do it to some random person either.

    • Like 1
  10. Nope, my ladies say it's not going to be done here, laundry sink is a great stainless steel thing, you could have a bath in it, but you need a ladder. The kitchen is off limits to pee, just don't go there, and the bathroom sink is for washing up and shaving various body parts. I was bluntly told, that if there was a choice between the sink or the floor, the floor would get it, preferably with someone laying on it. I was also told not to get any ideas about trying to sneak one in, lol.

    Speaking of the bathroom floor, I had to get some drain cleaner into it, something smelled stale and musty, couldn't find where it came from, eventually tracking it down to the waste in the floor, a liberal dose of the old Drano cleaned it up nicely, so I guess pee smells can hang around even if we do clean up after.

  11. All 3 of us went to Marsille maybe 2 years ago, spur of the moment thing, and we found out that we are getting a little old to do things quickly.

    While we were lining up to go through the screening we were amazed that the people in full Burkas were just waved passed the X-ray scanners, while everyone else was practically cavity searched in comparison. Maigh commented on this to the girl who X rayed our carry ons and was basically told that they can't do a thing. It could be anyone under that and not allowed to touch them. When the body pat down was being done, and Mary embarrassed the poor chick who did it (oh yeah, feels good, more here, mmmm, you left a bit, god yes) we were kind of glad that none of these people were on our flight.

    In London, we saw many of these walking about, but Paris had none, didn't see any, not even in Marsille which is fairly close to countries in that region, so someone in France is doing something right.

    There is already mutterings of Sharia Law being introduced here, quiet at the moment, but the Islam community, who were given a second chance in our country, is attemtping to force their views on the Aussie Spirit.

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