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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. Laptops are tethered here too, have a 3 port wall plate embedded in the floor, as weird as sounds, the cables don't get in the way, lappie bricks are plugged into power anyway. We do have wifi but its for the phones only, has a range of about 50 meters, no problem there.

    You can turn off all the options for sending info to Microsoft, but guess what? ........ Windows resets the ID that you used to install Windows in the first place. No wonder this was given away, MS must be making a mint from advertising companies.

  2. Lol, this is one competition we have no hope in. We cannot hold anything, and when we do pee, it's only about a water glass (375 ml, about as much as a can of coke) if that. However, we can do this every 15 minutes :)

    Doing what we do over the years seems to have "conditioned" our bodies, it's a pain in the butt when we go out anywhere, if we know we are going out, we drink nothing before we leave, not even a wake up coffee. Accidents have happened, some rather public ones, walking 20 city blocks in wet jeans leaves a bit of a rash, but a jacket tied around her waist hid most of the damage, lol.

  3. One of the worst things I have heard is the lack of privacy and the collection of private information by win 10, and the difficulty of changing all the settings needed to protect yourself. I have mostly windows XP still, I have one laptop that has 8.1 (which I hate and despise, and will be changing to Win 7 as soon as I am sure that 10 is as bad as I think.

    Yeah, I have since found this out, pretty much wants to know what brand and colour jocks you have on.

    There are some web pages popping up the walk you through the privacy options, I just hope turning all of these off don't degrade windows too much. I have found searching for options is a lot quicker than trying to find them in some obscure menu, the settings tab has a search bar, very quick and handy. Some things I used a lot (cmd prompt and Powershell) don't have a start menu entry, but you can still find them.

    Running it through the FreeBSD box shows that there is a lot less network traffic than Windows 7 generated, it's fairly quiet in that regard. This is still on a pretty bare system, just Windows 10, avast antivirus, and a couple of apps, will be doing some software reinstalling over the weekend, trying to keep them off the boot drive where I can.

    I will keep posting on what I find.

  4. Any chance you can hibernate instead? I know it'll suspend to disk so it won't be as fast but surely it'll still be quicker than a standard boot.

    Sleep mode does this, after a few minutes, all the fans and hd's power down, and it sleeps until you touch the keyboard, not a bad option, turn on the PC, sleep when I go do something, and power it down over night.

  5. I want a remote version, like a button on my keys, get them to wear them out, shopping for example, then play merry hell with them.

    Only problem is that when Maigh comes hard, after the second one, she's asleep, lol.

  6. Anyone seen these on Chaturbate?

    Apparently, when you tip, it sets off the vibrator. The girls and I were in stitches the other night, a poor girl was getting hammered with tips, she was flopping about the bed like a stabbed fish, in the end, she ripped the thing out and collapsed in a heap. Another girl had the same hilarity happening in her room, this one looked more like a fit, eyes unfocused, hair like a decaying haystack, sweat pouring off her, a real sexy look.

    Looks like wholesome family fun, where can we get some? ........ rofl

  7. Lol, I know 8.1 is nuts, suspend to ram or something, this is an I7 - 3770k, 10 hd's, 16gig of ram, 3 monitors.

    I've used the sleep mode on Win10 and it's pretty much instant, quicker than the ipad, but the thing is still on, being noisy.

  8. You do know that Chuck Berry was a bad man, right?

    Kind of like a "Watch Girls Peeing" dude in the 60's and 70's.

    Google "The Southern Air" a restaurant that Berry owned, he recorded women in change rooms and on potty, 200 women filed a class action lawsuit, with Berry eventually settling for a $1.3 million settlement. This was around 1989 with the settlement happening in 1994.

    • Like 1
  9. Windows 10 looks like Windows 7, cleaner interface, just looks smoother.

    Only issue that I ran into was nvidia drivers, they would not install, no error message, just failed. Windows update found the drivers and installed it fine. Run 3 monitors, one on the onboard Intel graphics, and 2 of them from the nvidia card.

  10. Oh yeah, some have been rather intense, and the people that's in them is kinda scary, rofl.

    Just an example:

    Taylor Swift, I know I know, only a kid, basically, but in my dream, pee apparently "conditioned" her throat before she went on stage.

    Shirley Manson, from Garbage, she soaked me anytime, anywhere, lol

    Charlize Theron, no need to say anything on that one, lol.

    The poor sweet girl at our nearest KFC, don't know why, but I got her hooked on pee sex, woke up in a sweat over that one.

    Dreams got to the point where I was waking at 4.00 am every night, my ladies wanted me to see a Dr, but how would you explain it?

    Thankfully, this seems to have been a phase, I still have the odd dream, just as intense but nowhere near as frequent.

    • Like 1
  11. Strangely enough, I don't have any, lol

    2 girls peeing on me at the same time? Done it, wrung out the soaked tee shirt.

    Me peeing on 2 girls? Done that too.

    Watching while one girl hoses another girl down? Been there.

    Getting eaten while I eat out another girl? God yes, done that the other night.

    I think my life is over, rofl, no mortal man can suffer this decadence and hope to live.

    Behind me, my 2 ladies are in each others arms, I'll be snuggling into their warmth soon, already getting grumbles from the light this lappie is making, but damn, I am singularly fortunate to be me, truly in hog heaven.

    • Like 3
  12. Still on XP here. I suppose I will have to buy W10 eventually because XP is starting to get flaky and you can't buy W7 any more.

    Perhaps I will finally get around to moving to linux.

    I hear that if you have 7 and upgrade to 10, some of your media playing features will disappear.

    I have found nothing that has not worked, but I am running VLC, media player works fine.

    I thought Windows 7 was the best Microsoft had done to date, this could change that.

  13. The only files you can attach in here are small image files, max size is 2.1 meg.

    Allowed file types are: zip, txt, PDF, jpg, JPEG, gif, flv.

    Unless you can make an animated gif under 2.1 meg, or convert it to an .flv file, same size, then you can't do it.

    These options are shown when you select "Upload a File"

  14. Has anyone else got this yet?

    What did you think? On my not so standard desktop beast, it works fine, not running it on the Alienware Luggable yet, not to sure on the driver support (and the update failed to install)

  15. Been 2 weeks with this damned flu now, and finally feeling a lot better. Last night my girls cheered me up, in the most delightfully sexy way.

    We had dinner and were sitting around looking untidy in the lounge room, girls were on their favourite fruit drink and i was lamenting the fact that nothing was done while I've been sick. They looked at each other and had a laugh over this, and was told that they had fun most nights, just nothing with pee in it. Couldn't help it, Mary smiled, in bed with a female body with interesting bits to play with, it just happened they both said, laughing. "Poor wee laddie," they murmured and snuggled me one on each side. "None of that either," I said sadly, getting gales of laughter. This may have started the whole night off, but soon after it got very interesting.

    An hour and a half later, think they had 3 bottles of Rekorderlig each, plus water, they were ready and dragged me off the couch and into the bathroom. They had jeans off rather quickly, and when I started to undress, Maigh told me to leave my clothes on, she wanted to soak me she said sexily, and gently pushed me toward the floor. I was kneeling, my back resting against the toilet, with Maigh and Mary on each side, a knicker covered pussy beside each ear, both had one leg propped on the toilet seat, and an arm over each shoulder, steadying themselves. Slowly, knickers were pulled aside, I didn't know which one to look at, and then both of them were hosing away. God it felt so hot, hitting each side of my neck, feeling the warmth seep down my back and chest, soaking me thoroughly. I had missed this so much, I had to have some, filling my mouth with one and then the other, tasting the subtle differences between them. When it was finally done, I was a mess, my shirt and jumper, were soaked, even my jeans were wet, and a trickle of pee was making its way to the drain in the floor. The ladies had a quick wipe then helped me up, Maigh pushing me into the shower while Mary scuttled out into the bedroom. Maigh sighed as she watched me under the shower, a hand in her knickers as the shower soaked me completely, I could hear her enjoying herself, gasping a little, and then was gone. Seeing someone get wet turns her on, she can't explain it, just loves it.

    Anyway, I finished up in the shower, struggling to get heavy wet clothing off, then went into the bedroom. Another surprise, a mutual 69 is not something you see everyday, both of them naked, both laying on their side and both licking away lustily. I'm kind of out of action, so much penicillin has gone through me that my yeast balance is all out of whack, think about it ....... I could still have a bite or two, very tasty, although Mary got a little peeved when I mentioned her prickles. She wants to attack my weeping willie with a wire brush and dettol, but I'm on a course of probiotics, will be good to go again in a couple of days. Just feels so good to be in bed with them again, snuggling one hot butt, with a pair of equally hot boobies against my back.

  16. I've seen this a couple of times now, a whole web site that has moved from a Subscription to a clips for sale type membership. The main advantage is that I can get the content I want, not join the entire thing just on the off chance that they have what I want. The price structure would probably be based on your costs for bandwidth, one site I download from has a set $5 admin fee, then something like 10c per meg for the file you are buying. Think the most I've paid for in this scenario was $15, these are in AUD, but you get the idea.

  17. This is fantastic, watching a new person come to life. We are really enjoying the way you are doing this, watching your new experiences unfold.

    Don't worry about posting pics, only you can decide if you want to do this. I post nothing either, I did have an avatar with my ladies, but even this was too much. My wife had a rather unpleasant experience on the Internet, never again, we keep her safe now, lol.

    Keep posting, we love it.

  18. Sephora, I can only agree with what everyone else has posted, you and your partner need to discover this together.

    My wife and I have a 3rd person in our relationship, and when we first met her, her reaction to pee was "disgusting and gross". When she saw what we did with it, she was close to walking away. With patience and lots of love, she overcame all her inhibitions, and is now as "perverted" as anyone could want. This was 10 years ago, we are still together, and still going strong.

    Maigh and Mary are happy for you, the only thing they add is to know your limits, be comfortable in what you do, and never lose respect for each other.

    Welcome to the site, hope you will stay and keep your interest alive.

    • Like 1
  19. Thredbo, ski resort in NSW, you can imagine everyone in ski pants, right?

    The toilet block is a shared affair, males and females all share this thing, individual lockable cubicles, common wash area, you get the idea.

    Maigh and Mary had scuttled off into one of the first available, while I waited for the next. When I got one, I was getting my gear off, take off the jacket, undo the ski pants, push everything down ....... While I was doing my thing, a couple of giggling girls entered the cubicle next to me, and I sat back to listen to the fun. One of them must have been desperate, frantic may have been a better description, asking the other girl to help her, get her boots off, get her pants off, lots of giggling and hurry the fuck up. The long drawn out "ahhhh" said it all.

    When they changed places, the second girl apparently took a dump with the other girl still in there, all the happy fun evaporated, and the first girl was giving the other one brain damage over her protests that she couldn't help it ........

    I was out soon after, and hung around long enough to see them come out, they didn't talk much, lol.

    We saw them during day, and they had resolved their differences, looked happy enough. Maigh and Mary had a laugh over it, basically said when ya gotta go, ya gotta go.

  20. Hi Scot , it's a 2011 c350 amg sport and I love it , my local Merc' dealer valeted the car after its service (£900!!) and it seems fine but as you say next time it's not in the car ,

    My service was $2200 AUD, but I did get a free engine remap, added about 20hp so no complaints here, only thing that irked me was the sales chick, kept asking me to upgrade, the next gen version is out soon, just wouldn't leave me alone.

  21. Not sure on this one, so many variables .......

    If we have a drinks session (not often, and usually planned) I have 355ml bottles and the ladies have 500ml, but I have 2 to one of theirs, as well as a glass of water between them. When we are suitably lubricated (inebriated, lol) we can all do pee every 15 min, and quantity is about even, as far as I can tell without measuring. It's enough to soak you, put it that way. During normal times, if you can call us normal, we don't actually ask each other how much we pass ...... but if the moment takes you, and you manage to wear it it some way, you just enjoy it.

    As for body size, I'm 80kg, 34 inch waist, Maigh is 60kg and Mary comes in last, at a petite 45kg, yeah, she is only little. It just maybe that we pee proportionately per body size if that sounds reasonable.

    Does it really matter one way or the other ? Are you going to be on the receiving end and ask if that's it ?

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