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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. Damn dude ..... lol

    We do nothing in our cars, I have an AMG A45, wife has a GM Barina, and by general consensus, no pee is done in the car. Ever.

    Some accidents have happened outside of the car, requiring someone to sit on a plastic bag, but never in it, not even on leather.

    Was it a recent Merc? ...... Whatever, I still feel your pain, lol.

  2. Only a short one, but it was fun ......

    Been away for a few days, expected to be away longer but we got a little bored, you realize how big this country is when you drive for hours and not see anyone, not even a farm house. Anyway, you have to pee in those hours and all the water we drank did not help, so we pulled over halfway between Broken Hill and Adelaide, a little place called Olary, 4 houses and a pub, and a roadside toilet block.

    These toilets are like military bunkers, round cinderblock constructions with whirly fan thing on top, but they did have lockable doors. We hit the store first, stocked up on munchies and more water (dry air makes you drink lots) and parked around the back out of the way. The ladies made for the toilet as soon as I stopped the car, and I followed after locking up, hearing them giggling and laughing as I got closer. I was grabbed and dragged into the ladies loo, Maigh whispering to me that I was looking dry, Mary nodding solemnly, a sexy grin on her face. She dropped her shorts, noticing she forgot to put knickers on, and perched her bum on the wash basin, opened herself to me, and groaned deeply. Mary, helpfully, held her other leg and watched as Maigh poured forth. Surprisingly, it felt cool, but still thoroughly wet, and I was soaked, clear pee splattering all over the place. When I leaned forward to taste a little I got some "ahhs" from both of them.

    Maigh finished pretty quickly, and hustled her shorts back on, not even wiping, and went outside, Mary locking the door behind her, then turned to me, smiling as she lifted her skirt. No knickers again, I saw, and moved under her gorgeous pussy. She started peeing, looking down at me, biting her lip in that way she does, moving her hips slowly, dancing her stream around, soaking me more. "Taste me," she whispered, "have some pee."

    I looked up and opened my mouth and managed a mouthful before she stopped, getting a lustful sigh, and a look at her slipping a finger inside, then licking it clean.

    I wondered what I was going to do about my soaked clothes, when Maigh returned, banging on the door. She had gone to the car, and bought my bag back, so I managed to change, and dry off a little. There is a change of men's clothes in a Ladies toilet, soaked in pee, about 400km from Adelaide. We had a laugh over whoever found them would think. I think this pee stop kind of convinced the girls to come home again, I know I had to wait to return the favour, but I made up for it, more than a couple of times.

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  3. Are we talking history of the internet or history of Porn? Didn't porn make the internet as it is now?

    My first connection was a 300 baud acoustic coupler, connected to a university over a unix shell account. From there it just had me hooked, BBS's took a fair bit of time, then I bought my first 14k modem. The speed of the thing, we gave each other hi-fives each time we got over 5k d/l speed. Being the first in our group at the time we had lots of visitors, checking out this new fangled Internet. I got in on the ground floor, and made a fair bit, then saw the way it was going and sold the lot, making a fair bit more as a bonus, lol, a true child of the 80's. My latest infatuation is the Dark Web, I have a dedicated pc for it's use only, it's fun popping up in Delhi, Amsterdam, Berlin, even old London Town has a link I can run out of. This is for finding information, lots of stuff out there, just knowing where to look is the challenge.

  4. I think the site is fine, but I'm not here a lot, time zone and a country person's sedimentary life conspire against me. Please keep it this way, some other sites are so busy, so much stuff in your face, i like the smooth clean lines in here, no garish colors, no frantically flashing banners, just a nice place to chill.

  5. Does a 3 person spa count as a bath? It's not used that often, takes a lot of water to fill it properly, but when we do use it, pee fun is usually a part of it. Our daily wash is usually in the shower, and yeah, pee happens in there too, as glad1 mentioned, can't help it.

    Spa is fun when 3 of us are full, but you would never know that pee was in the water, never measured it, but probably an easy 200 litres of water, anything that goes in is pretty well watered down.

  6. Just to take this thread in a slightly different direction, here's another question for everyone: would you find the idea of someone pleasuring themselves over something you've done/said, a turn on?

    This is a tough one, but the short answer is "We don't want to know", lol.

    I post on what happens here with my girls permission, we all agree, or it doesn't go up, and there are a fair few that don't make it, depending on how they feel at the time. A couple of years ago, I posted something without their permission, and they left for 3 days, and it took a while to get over that, believe me, it took a while. They came around by reading other people's posts and responses, and by being more active online, under my account.

    If you feel the need to do wierd things over them, we don't need to know really, it doesn't turn us on. In fact, this may have a detrimental effect by making us not post knowing what people were doing with it. Does this make sense?

  7. No, I prefer to think of the girls and ladies on here as friends, not as just something for my gratification. My ladies could look at the girls all day, and will point out any tasty ones, but as for getting off over it, no. We have enough variety in our lives and do just fine, besides, I have two of them to keep happy, not as easy as you might think, lol.

    We do appreciate what you do on here, don't get us wrong, it takes a special person to take a pic and post it, and for sharing this part of you, we truly thank you. On the odd times I do talk to a lady in chat, all I need to know is that she is into some kind of pee fun, I don't ask, don't get in anyone's face about it, just knowing does it for me.

  8. No, too dangerous, lol.

    I have one lesbian friend that I visit, sometimes sleep over, the unashamed nakedness is a bonus, she does not care if I ogle her body parts, but that's it. She is fun, loves PC games, and we have some mad gaming sessions together, but unfortunately, my ladies hate her and vice versa, can't stand the sight of each other. This brings a little tension to the party when I do stay at her place, and no, I tell them, I don't hide anything. This does not happen often, most times I'm at her place, she's in another country, works as a travel consultant or some such thing but a key to a City apartment is always a bonus.

    None of our other friends would fit in with sexy fun times either, just wouldn't work.

  9. Facebook, mostly, me and the ladies, but they are treated as a seperate entity, seen so many fights over who said what on FB.

    This mostly personal and family contacts, I don't even think we are on each other's Facebook, it's just overkill when we live together.

    The phone has Instagram, snapchat and messenger (FB version), again, just personal use, no pics or anything rude, lots of websites devoted to images and video found on lost/ stolen phones, my phone will not be one of them, lol.

  10. I have to say no, Mary definitely sez no, and Maigh doesn't get it, most of her "plumbing" has been removed for medical reasons.

    Mary hibernates for 3 days, sleeps in the spare room, then emerges as horny as a rabbit. While she has it, she doesn't feel sexy, but when it stops, she'll jump anyone. Just think of Christina Ricci in Black Snake Moan, and you'll get the idea. We love her when she gets this way, drives her nuts when Maigh and I hammer her at the same time.

  11. We found a slightly disturbing one last night, Netflix has started here, kind of, and in a new series called Sense8, a guy is at his fathers funeral, and gets told to pay his respects. Wanders around to the grave, pulls his willy out and pisses on it. The 3 of us just looked at each other.

    Not very nice.

    Orange is The New Black has a few too, one we got a laugh out of was when Piper (female lead) was transported by airplane. She said she was bursting, and eventually a male guard takes her to the toilet. He stands outside the open door, listening to her tiny dribble, and tells her it didn't sound like she was bursting. Piper looks at him, and you hear her pee get louder. He smiles and sez " better"

    Is this a new trend, or is there others out there that we don't know about?

  12. We had a further chat about this, and decided to post on what we've found so far.

    Cheap runners from Kmart / Walmart tend to outlast expensive up market things, no idea why, they just seem to handle repeated washing and drying better then expensive ones. Leather does a reasonable job, again, depending on quality. Some have just turned dark, and dried out fine, while others have turned white, or gone hard and brittle. Delaminating of the leather surface also happens and looks ugly, this happened with a pair of high heels, fairly expensive and Maigh managed to bamboozle the poor sales girl into returning them and getting another pair (not used for wetting, she likes them).

    There was, thankfully, a passing phase where they would deliberately set out to trash expensive items, kind of a pee version of "Trash the Dress", even some of my clothes were used. They got bored with it, much to my relief, bought so much stuff only to see it all fall to bits. I get in enough trouble washing delicate things incorrectly, only I can turn a pair of lace knickers into something that feels like barbed wire. I replace them if I wreck them, but it's funny at times.

  13. If you want averages, then between the time they get up until dinner time, maybe 5 each, not constant but close enough for government work.

    When pee fun is planned, we drink lots, girls on Apple or pear cider, and I'm on mid strength beer, usually with a glass of water between each one. After a couple of hours, and usually after the first pee "breaks the seal" we can easily pee 4 times an hour, pretty much every 15min. With three of us mucking about like this, equates to every 5 min. This makes a lot more pee than you may imagine and sometimes goes on way longer than planned. This only happens on a weekend or weekdays if we miss it too much, not every day and not every week.

  14. Why not just ask to use the stores facilities? We have, several times, no one has turned us down when they see a girl in obvious distress. We don't mess up any of these though, we may need to use them again a some point. I should point out that we are hopeless at holding, can't do desperation to save our lives, or anyone else's for that matter, and when we are out, we need to know where to go.

    This brings us back to the lady in question, she was messing up the stock on display, why?

    Some petty disagreement with the store?

    Did she ask to use a toilet and was refused?

    Or, was she one of us, getting off on that kind of naughty behaviour (cue the "one of us" chant in the background)

  15. Scot,even in"Oz",i bet you can feel our jealousy!:wink:

    Lol, well I can't share my pain, seem to have a mouthful of ulcers, absolute misery, don't know if they are pee related, or it's stress and bugger all sleep. Girls say it's stress and a Vitamin B deficiency, i'll be watching for a day or two until it clears up.

  16. My ladies say no, does nothing for them, peeing itself is the turn on, desperation doesn't.

    The randomness and variation of Maigh and Mary, even after 8 years still amazes me, some of the things they do: clothed pee, wetting, naked pissing on each other, peeing 69 or self peeing while the other "helps' and watches, is just outstanding, I'm truly in hog heaven. I'm in the middle of most of these too, so maybe my opinion is biased.

    • Like 1
  17. There have been a few, lol.

    On a train to Marsille we kind of dislocated an arm and leg to get into the tiny toilet together, very cramped and uncomfortable, but Maigh did rather well, right pleased with herself. We got sprung coming out, don't know what the lady was saying but was obviously berating us loudly in French, followed us back to our seat, still jabbering away.

    A couple of times in Scotland, very public, but in crappy weather, we were soaked anyway, people just didn't know it was pee.

    One memorable time at The Melbourne Cup (biggest horse race in the country) with over 100,000 in the place, you almost have to buy a ticket to the toilet, lines are massive. Maigh and Mary were wearing long gowns, ankle length, and had done some sneaky pees on the grass, they say that holding thighs together just makes pee run down their legs, no obvious signs that it has been done. I had to check this out, and found a secluded spot in some flower garden, and was checking Mary's butt out, when we noticed a steward sitting on a horse watching. Mary's dress was up around her waist, she kind of smiled sweetly, and dropped it down again, "adjusting" it slightly. The steward, Maigh called him "a damned redcoat" smiled and shook his head, and just rode away slowly.

    The ladies will cuddle and kiss in public, this gets lots of looks, I think they like messing with people's heads, nothing rube, not openly groping each other, but it is still fun to watch. Sometimes they involve me, and this gets even more looks, seen people just shake thier heads at us. The beaches near us are abandoned, we never see anyone for kilometres, admittedly, it's a 100 meter climb down a cliff, and you can only do this death defying climb at low tide, but most times it's worth something special.

  18. Hightide, Newsgroups were another. Also found a Japanese site, videos were called Giga Mania, 50 guys, a clothed Japanese honey in a bath and everyone had a go on her, it was non stop, 3 inches of pee in the bath before it was done. Cant find them anymore, think censorship gods killed the site. Patches Place too was also great, finding them was hit and miss.

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  19. Scot_Lover ,

    I thought you enjoy getting a Golden Shower at times . From your Lovely Ladies you have there . Though I do understand there are times when you would like to be pre - warned of an approaching Golden Waterfall from above . So that you are well suited for it to happen for the wetness to come down upon you from above :wink: :wink:

    Yeah, I love them all, but when you get hit with a stinging bitter one, and you're standing there going "gah" the peals of laughter that result make it sound like it was deliberate. Payback is truly satisfying, but then get vigorously abused. We all have fun, nothing nasty or vindictive, just sexy fine times.

  20. We found and old Fire bucket at a Trash & Treasure that was used a few times. Well, until it was knocked over one night, now it's living it's life as a Strawberry Planter, makes big fat juicy strawberries. We were asked once if the things were genetically modified, made us laugh, but the poor girl didn't know why we were laughing.

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