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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. All of us went out last night, invited to mates place for dinner and drinks, he is the local Police and Highway Patrol Sarg, and his wife is truly stunning. Anyway, Maigh was the designated driver, and had nothing alcoholic all night, Pepsi and coffee was about it. He is on call and just kept cool with Maigh, watching the rest of us self destruct.

    Mary and I, on the other hand, got into it, with the lovely Teresa, and was pleasantly pissed when leaving, giggling and falling over each other as Maigh got us into her car. Mary complained loudly that I was falling on her, just to cop a feel, never mind that she had a handful of me ....... You just had to be there, lol.

    An hour later, we were home and made the easy job of getting up the stairs into an epic, Maigh swearing at us in her Scot way that only she can do, and finally got us into the house. She got one of her Rekorderligs and looked at us, sprawled on the couch, Mary still chuckling, and said that she needed a drink. Mary jumped at this, and was up and dragging Maigh into the bathroom. I got up and followed, when they go somewhere and anything remotely sexy is possible, I follow.

    Mary was pushing Maigh down onto the floor, and then wriggled her tight skirt up around her waist, moved aside what knickers she was wearing and just started hosing away onto Maigh. Maigh was dressed in tight jeans, a pale blue shirt with a short sleeved jumper over the top. All of these rapidly got darker as Mary, who usually doesn't hold much, kept on peeing. Pee was splattering onto Maigh's upturned face, most of what went into her pretty mouth came out again, but I did hear a couple of gulps.

    I moved in closer as Mary squirted out her last and was ready to have my turn as she finished. Maigh was in her private place again, and when I started on her she sighed and leaned back a little, wanting me to soak her even more. I happily complied, Mary watching, even helping me aim as I hosed her chest, sometimes splashing her face (Mary done a cople of those, didn't have much choice) and as I started to slow, she quickly knelt beside me and took the last mouthful, sucking me nicely.

    Maigh was a mess, soaked from pretty much her knees the her neck, even her hair was dripping pee, and she looked up at us from the floor, smiling sexily. She still had the cider, and had a couple of swigs from it, then got us to help her up. She started the shower and when it was hot enough, stepped into it, dragging a squealing Mary in with her. I left them to their shower, and went for some water, the rest of the night was pretty intense, all boobies and bums, but this mornings hangover was worth it. Maigh is up already washing her car, Mary is beside me, her warmth feels nice, and the bathroom is a mess.

    A brilliant night, drank more than we usually do, but nice to get a little bent.

    We did go out in the Highway Patrol car to get some supplies, 220kph with lights blazing and siren screaming seems to clear the way. Too scary for me, not in a GTS Holden.

    • Like 2
  2. Here's a thing, been dabbling in writing, and one plot revolves around time travel, I know, it's been done before.

    But, what would you do if you went back to a supposedly historical event, and found nothing?

    Say you went back to witness some of the juicy parts of the Bible, if you could even find where they occurred, and found nothing? Would you come back to the present time and tell everyone?

    They way my time machine works is like a "window" into that time, you can only observe not interfere, and no one in that time knew you were "peeping" on them.

    The great thing about 3 people so close together is that you get some pretty intense conversations going, so what do you think? Mary sez if I publish anything like this, I'll end up dead somewhere, that's if the flat earthers don't throw me off the edge first.

  3. I would love to pee on persons leg in public without them knowing it. bwahaaha Then as soon as they feel the warm sensation they would see what is going on. I think that would be hilarious to record the sneaky act that leads up to it then finally capture their expression on video. Places I would love to make this happen would be on the Las Vegas Strip or at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco.

    Lol, reminds me of The Green Mile - "son of a bitch pissed on me" and the priceless outraged expression on the poor old guys face.

  4. Looks like I'm the odd one out again ....... Love it, all over me, hair, face and in mouth, girls are the same. We just taste each other mostly, not a lot of drinking it. The best position I love watching is when Maigh has Mary under her looking up, and lets loose. The way her pee drips from Mary's soaking hair always gets me going. Laying on the floor while both of them have a go on me makes a nice mess too. Most times it's fine, we drink lots of water so not to harsh on the eyes, but it's better to wash off pretty much straight away. If you and your willing partner are well hydrated it's almost tasteless, like warm water.

    • Like 1
  5. G'day

    The girls pointed out something interesting, doesn't worry us, but to people who share a pc with family or friends it maybe an issue. When you "watch" a thread you get emailed updates on posts to that thread. When you click on view thread, it takes you to the site and logs you on, no Username / Password required.

    I know the email option can be turned off, but I like to follow the threads I start or contribute to.

    Is there another option I am missing ?

  6. This is a few things that heppened over the week, no particular order, just things we did.

    Maigh in the bath, me kind of awkwardly, kneeling over her breasts, my dick an inch from her open mouth with her telling me to piss, urging me the fill her up, make her taste me. This kind of got me hard, but I managed to pee in her mouth, Maigh moaned a little and just let it fill, leaning back, eyes closed. When I was done, she stroked me gently, looking up with such a sexy grin, that I lost it, and came on her nose and chin. As she cleaned it up, she laughed and told me I should have done that first, then I could have hosed it off.

    Watching Maigh and Mary in the shower, Maigh was hungry for some morning pee, and although Mary doesn't like doing it, allowed herself to be talked into it one morning. When Mary agreed, Maigh was under her like a shot, licking and slurping, something the Mary really gets off on, and whispered to Maigh to "cover her." What this means is that Maigh opens her mouth wide, and then literally covers Mary's hot little snatch with her mouth and just holds it there. When you hear the gulping sounds, you know Maigh is getting it, if it's battery acid, there is usually some gagging to go with it, but this time Maigh got it all down.

    We've had fire plan sent to us early this year, and all 3 of us have been out working on the property, mowing, clearing long grass from access gates, clearing broken tree branches from forest tracks, usual thing we do before summer. Seeing a petite Mary wielding a chain saw, or Maigh getting stuck into a tree branch with a hefty axe is still something I find amazing. Such a change from sweet innocent indoor girls to hard sweaty outdoor workers. We are usually out most of the day doing this, taking lunch and lots of water to get us through the day, and as you can guess, water needs to come out at some time. Towards the end of one of these days, I was trying to drag a large tree with the quad bike, and it really wasn't working, so Mary was sawing away at this thing, and we noticed that her work pants were steadily getting darker, and just watched as Mary let go while wrestling with her mechanical nemesis. She regretted this a little later, sweaty pee soaked pants are not good for delicate skin, as she put it.

    I made the mistake of mentioning that with all this pee going on, I was getting nothing, and was promptly dealt with. I was dragged into the bathroom, and pushed to the floor, still clothed, with Maigh and Mary both kicking their jeans off, I knew I was going to have a taste or two. Not quite. When we have pee fun, it's usually a sexy loving thing we all share, but this time was different, first one of them just squatted over me, and let loose, soaking my face and hair. Stinging, bitter slippery feeling pee was all over me and as I was still coughing, one sexy butt was replaced with another, and I was coping more hot liquid. This was a little better, didn't sting as much, and tasted a little less salty, but was done pretty quick. By the time I had wiped my eyes, both girls had their jeans back on, and Maigh, smiling slightly, nudged me with her foot, and told me "no complaining, laddie" and left me to clean up. I was treated a lot better later that night, that more than made up for it.

    These are just some of the random things we do, other times are candles, nakedness and cuddles with a pee soaked finale, but it just shows that the variety never wears off, there is always something new to try.

    • Like 3
  7. Hello from down under or Australia :)

    I am a long time lover of watersports/piss play/ holding/ wetting and all things in between.

    I have had the luck to find a few ladies to experience this with over the years but never enough to sate that need!!!

    anyways nice to be here and hi all.


    G'day, you're not alone here, lol.

    • Like 1
  8. Gentle Machine Wash, and I do add a Fabric Softener on the final cycle. These are not expensive, think it's like $15 AUD for a pack of 5, maybe the material doesn't like our water (collected rain water, and the pump to the house has an integrated filtration system built into it).

    Most of the water we drink is bottled, we buy a couple of 24 x 1 Liter slabs each week. We can drink the house water, but it just tastes a little flat. I'll get our tanks checked out, and the water tested, but I couldn't see anything odd about it.

  9. Bought in from off the line, must have put them on, and then I got them thrown at me. Cute little butt was nice as she walked away. I found out later that she just wore jeans with no knickers while we done the weekly shopping. Wouldn't that feel more uncomfortable than a pair of scratchy knickers?

    This was Mary, by the way, Maigh stayed home this time, she told us she had a little solo fun while we were out, Much to our dismay, lol.

  10. These were tossed onto my desk, along with vigorous abuse that they felt like barbed wire, again.

    What's up with female body parts? Are they on several orders of magnitude more sensitive than mine?

    These feel soft enough to me at least.

    Maybe it's a plot to get me to buy more, I don't know, but woe is me.


  11. Don't rubbish the drain in the floor, best invention ever for our bathroom at least, you can do whatever you like in there, been on my floor more times than I can count, flooded by 2 ladies, and just take it all while listening to that drain gurgle contentedly.

    Clean up? Just chuck a bucket of water in after it, lol.

    Does your new house have one?

    • Like 1
  12. Have this movie, she does not look all that impressed for a large part of it, my ladies think she didn't get paid enough, lol.

    As for us doing this? ....... nah. There have been times where we have gone most of the day, and eventually it's blah, no more. Not that we tire of it, just get bored with it.

    Leave it alone for a couple of days and back into it again.

    One of the first pee sites I found on the net was Japanese again, Giga Mania. They had a girl / woman in normal clothes, sometimes themed, office lady, school girl, nurse or Police woman. She would sit in a bath, and 50 guys would come in, sometimes a few at a time, and pee all over her. No nakedness, except they guys, and a thorough soaking resulted, with up to 6 inches of pee in a transparent bath.

    Sadly it was shut down not long after I found it.

    • Like 1
  13. I can definitely understand that. Perhaps the guy would be caught on the service station's CCTV? In which case the Highway Patrol might be interested...

    We have all his details, he never asked for anything from Maigh or Mary, seems to me that this in itself was admission of fault.

  14. Car has been checked, all good. Insurance chick has been out, discussed options for the slight crease in the guard, we would have to pay the "no claim bonus" due to no damage on the 300c. I'll try and pop it out myself. Other thing that only came to light later was that the guy followed her, she turned off at a service station, best public place she could find, and he was there behind her. They had more words and she went inside, and he was gone when they came out. This I think, was the bigger shock, she has been stalked before, freaked them both out a fair bit.

  15. Maigh and Mary were a little bored during the week, so they drove to Melbourne, had dinner, went to movies and stayed the night at a hotel. Next day they fussed about, done some shopping, picked up some PC bits I ordered then left the city just on dark. Travelling in the middle lane of the freeway, a Chrysler 300c driving beside them on the passenger side, moved into Maigh's lane, hitting her car. When they could stop safely, the guy jumped out of his car and was yelling abuse at Maigh, ranting that she was driving in his blind spot, and that it was her fault. This went on for several minutes until the Highway Patrol turned up, and he turned to water and admitted that he didn't look.

    Maigh and Mary were shaken up by this, both in tears, and another couple that had stopped, got them settled down. No injuries to anyone, minor damage to Maigh's car, just shaken up by this idiot screaming at them.

    I've cleaned most of this off, just looks like the tyre of the Chrysler rubbed away at the paintwork. Maigh is still a little shaky, does not want to drive as yet, Mary is comforting her as much as she can.

    Anyone else been in this situation?



  16. Ok, upon closer inspection (after we both had a shave) I could find nothing wrong, everything is in proper working order. Maigh also checked her out, couldn't find anything either. Mary slept for 4 hours though, think our "examinations" tired the poor lass out. :wink:

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