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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. Merry Christmas to you, Mary and Maigh. I hope you're all well and have a good day. Don't eat too much :tongue:

    (I apologise if I have completely butchered this!)

    Nollaig Chridheil. Tha mi 'n dòchas gu bheil thu gu math

    All the best x

    Yes, we're all good ...... thank you.

    A bit scary here, check the pics in the clean thread.

  2. It's Christmas Eve in the Land of Aus, just want to wish everyone all the best, and have a crazy New Years Celebration. Had a good year, and it's been great to have a place like this to spend some time in.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

    And from Maigh and Mary .....

    Nolliag chridheil agus bliadhna mhath ur


    We hope Santie brings you everything you wished for.

    Scot_Lover, Maigh and Mary

  3. Where do I start, lol

    Computers, building them to order.

    Internet Security, building and maintaining firewalls, installing them as well.

    My PS4 and the 10 or so games I'm into at this time.

    Love a good movie, snuggled up on the couch, or watching an epic sunset, walking in the forest with my ladies.

    As you can tell, I have way too much free time.

    • Like 1
  4. We've been together for over 9 years, and pee fun was intensive right from the start, now when we have to pee, we have to, no question on holding anything. Hard to explain, but try these: if we know we are going out in the car, we don't drink anything for a couple of hours before we go, or if we go to a football game, 2 beers is enough to get you going. One night, one of the girls had to walk 20 blocks with a jacket around her waist walking back to hotel.

    I'm not sure if metabolism comes into it, or if it's a physical thing, everything works as it should, we all pee about the same quantities, and we all pretty much taste the same, all clean and clear. It's just then when we drink, be it water, coffee, beer or cider, we end up going every 15 min, not a lot mind you, maybe a beer glass at a time, but easily every 15 minutes. Maybe a better word would be incontinence? I don't know but if we ever make it to a nursing home, they are going to hate us.

  5. Yeah, it's a headache, the current recognised bible is The King James (KJB) and it was commissioned in 1604, completed in 1611. The first ever recorded version was supposedly written in 1409, this is 1400 years A.D. There was no paper available before this date, I have no idea how it was recorded before this. Another thing I found was that in the 1500's, some people didn't like what was written, and went off to write their own versions, Geneva was one city that grew from these "splitters".

    We did toy with the idea of picking something significant and following it back, but that kind of fizzled out, pretty much anything after 500 years is murky.

  6. Ok, I'll concede the point, I've not been with enough women to verify this either way.

    Only Maigh does this, and it will take a couple of orgasms to get it started, and when she does it, there is not a lot, it's just something that happens with a lot of stimulation. Mary will just come a couple of times until she's had enough, she gets cranky if she has little or no control, it gets a little difficult to concentrate when you're being abused in that Scot voice. Most times we pull out the plastic sheet so it doesn't really matter, if pee happens, everyone gets wet and slippery, it's all part of the fun.

  7. I quite like the idea of going back in time and being able to set practical jokes, then retreating into my extra-dimensional bubble that allows me to observe without being observed.

    I'd put whoopee cushions on Caesar's throne, plastic fake dog turds on Queen Victoria's bed, and shit like that and laugh at the responses.

    Rofl, this is probably the cause of some notably famous executions.

  8. Hi all. Another interesting discussion come up last night, thought we would toss it into the ring and see what happens.

    When you have any kind of pee fun, alone or with someone, do you clean up as soon as you're done ?

    A few times now this month, we have soaked some clothes several times, and after the naked romp that follows, we have gotten back out of bed to clean up. Wash down the bathroom floor, toss all the clothes into the wash, shower our bad selves down, and hit the sack again.

    A couple of times we have just left everything, usually if we have a pee session, have a shower and fall into bed and just sleep after loving each other. This appears to upset the girls sense of cleanliness, the smell of clothes after marinating in pee, the dank pee smell of the bathroom, all of this makes them think that this is not a good idea. Once it's all cleaned up they are all fine and happy again, so I think it's just the thought of leaving it that is the problem.

    Strangely enough, getting soaked while wearing clothes is not an issue, they can pee pants and leave them on, sprinkle over each other and not worry about it too much, or let me hose them down. When it starts to "turn" as they call it, they will walk through the shower, then dump the wet clothes in the wash. On one of these days, there was 6 complete changes of clothes on the line, and it was noticed by one of their friends, quick thinking saved some embarrassment.

    Do you clean up after you're done?

    Do you like the smell of pee to linger?

    Do you get grossed out by what you've done, later?

    None of this affects what we do, we just do it and have fun with it, just on one day it was not cleaned up until the next morning. I couldn't help laughing at the look of disgust on Mary's pretty face as she tried to pick up clothes with a toilet brush handle. Pointing out that she did it didn't make things any better, lol.

  9. Squirting is pee, I had to get a mattress protector for my bed, if you make your girl come hard enough and long enough, she loses control.

    This is not a bad thing, mind you, I love it when it happens, and so does Mary, sometimes we just take it in turns, making Maigh orgasm just to make her lose it. We've put her to sleep more than a few times doing this, lol.

    The only way she can describe it, is that it's peeing without any control, not like a standing over you and peeing deliberately, that is something planned, something she has to think about. After 2 or 3 orgasms, she sez everything changes, and it turns into a whole body sensation, and a squirt will just happen, even if she doesn't feel like she has to.

    The taste is also a giveaway, or mostly the non taste, her orgasm tastes stronger and when a pee squirt happens, it's completely different.

    The three of us had a laugh over this, all the people in the world believing they have a squirting girlfriend, and thinking how grossed they would be if they were told it was pee.

    This is all pretty pointless anyway, it all comes down to doing whatever feels good, keeping everyone happy, keeping everyone interested in you. Just go with the flow, lol, after all, it just washes off.

  10. Again, we were woken by a thunderstorm, you would think they would be more considerate, and come over in the daytime ....... really though, I cant remember so many storms in one month.

    Anyway, we managed to sleep some more and dragged our weary bones from the bed around midday, 35c, bugger all wind, and humidity around 80%, felt like being smothered in warm cotton wool. Girls were bored and started teasing each other, grabbing bits and pieces of each other, generally having a sexy touchy / feely kind of day. I love them like this, watching 2 girls have innocent fun that turns into one of the sexiest sights ever. This was on a couple of sun lounges on the back deck, 2 and a half hours ago. They didn't get naked if that's what you are thinking, but hands were up tee shirts and down shorts ....... still sexy as fuck.

    This kind of weather takes all the energy out of you, and we had been into the water pretty solidly, at least 2 liters each going on the empties we dropped over the side (into a bin). When the fun stopped and I noticed them looking at me, I knew is was in for a treat, and sure enough, the massage slide was dropped onto the decking.

    When I was waved over, I didn't hesitate (I maybe a mere male, but not a stupid one) and lay down in this thing. They were wearing those tight gym shorts, made of something invented by aliens that hugs them perfectly, you can see a panty line under them, they are so tight. Mary positioned herself on me, her pussy on the bulge in my shorts, Hands on my chest, looking down at me. She done a cute biting her lip thing, then I felt her warmth flowing over and under me. This went on for a surprisingly long time, and when she was done, kind of rubbed herself on my soaked shorts. She sat up straighter, and I looked up to see Maigh above me, and watched as she slowly squatted down, stopping 2 inches from my nose. I didn't have to wait long, this filmy material does nothing to impede the flow of pee, and she let loose, hitting my chin and splattered everywhere. I tilted my head back a little and heard Mary sigh as warm salty pee filled my mouth. Again, this seemed to go on for a while, a rather large puddled formed under my back, and as Maigh slowed and squirted to a stop, she placed her wet pants on my face, grinding slightly. They left me there to soak a little as they told me, then sat on the lounge again, wet pants and all. I had to get up eventually, the multitude of flies gave me no choice, and their giggles followed me into the shower.

    They cleaned themselves up and made an interesting dinner, and now are waiting on me, plying me with mid strength beer, whispering sexy things.

    I'll be back tomorrow with part 2.

  11. So what happens if we inadvertently post something you recognise ? I found a couple today on Thisvid.com and posted them to the gallery. Do we get in the shit over it or do you send a message telling us not to do it again?

    In the past, I have found members video's being shared, and where I could, I advised that member.

  12. This not desperation as such, but I remember a couple of fun times.

    3 of us went to Marseille once, London to Paris on Eurostar, then Paris to Marseille on a TVG. Maigh and I just had to try the toilet, and with lots of laughing managed to squeeze into the tiny thing. It was an excercise in engineering, Maigh sat on the tiny potty, while I was propped up on the minuscule sink, balanced precariously as this thing was belting along at 320 kph. Maigh done her thing, hissed loudly into the chemical smelling commode, then struggled to get her jeans back up. With more laughing and wriggling around, it was my turn. We couldn't stand up in this thing, not together, so I had to sit to pee while Maigh struggled to hold on. It was funny at the time, got some weird looks from some of the other passengers. Mary went later and asked us how we did it, lol.

    The other one was on a Qantas 747, 40,000 ft over the Pacific, coming home from L.A. This was a little bigger, but not by much, and in this one, we joined the Mile High Club. I went first, and Maigh held me as I peed into this thing, licking me as I finished, then it was her turn. When she was done, I told her not to wipe, and tasted her (salt lick, lol) then gently bent her over and got into her from behind. The sheer sexiness (or naughtiness) of it got me off pretty quick, and I was done. We cleaned up (those towel things are not made for private parts, stings a little) and left the thing. The stewardess was glaring at us, she knew what we were doing, and kind of angrily waved us back to our seats. I managed 5 hours sleep after that, snuggled into to Maigh's warmth. When we got breakfast in the morning, the same stewardess was smiling as she served us, she knew and she must have seen it lots of times, on one of the trays, we found a single playing card, an ace of hearts. Apparently it was the cabin crews way of acknowledging your effort. I still have that card, lol.

    • Like 3
  13. Maigh - light blue

    Mary - bright yellow

    Same kind of silky, lacy thing that Sophie posted. I watched them put them on:woot:

    G-stings are rare, they tell me is like dental floss for your bum.

    Me - black, but I guess I don't count.

    And no, not the same thing as the girls are wearing :wink:

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  14. With an UHD (4k) TV you should be able to play the 4k files simply from an USB memory stick directly plugged on TV. You don't need a computer to play the files, just to download them.

    Yes, this does work on the 4K monitor, TV is only a large Bravia, getting a bit old now, just waiting for some prices to drop a little. A couple of weeks ago, I saw a Samsung UHD Curved screen jobbie, think it was 80" for $8000, this week, same tv was $6000, I like the way things are going, lol.

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