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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. I don't need to wish for anything, lol.

    People are wishing for more money, it is true that you don't have to worry about anything when you have lots, but then again, you worry about what you do have. Anyone want to pay my tax bill?

    Everything I wished for I now have, and to top it off, more pics of the beautiful Vikka, my ladies say thank you, lol.

  2. Last night we had a nice little love in, Mary was in one of her sexy moods, and we played along, as anyone would.

    Picture this: Maigh on her back, legs spread, with Mary propped between them slurping away, and yes, slurping is the operative word, she gets into it and doesn't stop. In this position, her gorgeous butt is in the air, looked so good I had to have some as well. After a few minutes of her prickly pussy grinding on my face, she takes time out to tell me to get in in her. I had fixed Maigh up earlier in the night, so I had already cum once, and knew that this one would take a bit longer.

    I assumed the correct position behind her, and eased in slowly, and just left it in there, her tight pussy hot on my cock, muffled moans coming from her as she started a slight movement on me. I have to be careful, I can hit bottom this way, something that appears to be uncomfortable to say the least, so I let Mary control how deep it went. Watching this from my point of view is fairly fucking sexy, my cock, wet from her sexiness, looks fantastic slipping into her, tight little bum hole winking at me, Maigh, looking up at me, grabbing handfuls of Mary's hair, pushing her face into her thrusting hips. After about 10 - 15 min, I came for the second time, Mary squealing softly, one of her hands was under her, I could feel her wanking as I came hard in her.

    Anyway, after we all got our collective breaths back, Mary said that she had skin off, you can guess where. I don't know how this happens, she was wet enough, no problems there, and when I added my slippery mess, was even more wetter, so much that the natural tightness of her squeezes me out.

    Is this a common thing?

    Is it something she needs to get checked?

    I can't feel anything different, she is the same smooth sexy girl that I've always been into, and last night wasn't all that physical, I'm not rough with her or anything, just the odd time she tells us that she has skin off. I should add that she has just finished her time of the month, could this make it more sensitive?

    Any ideas appreciated.

  3. I've never had an issue with credit card payments, usually all handled by a 3rd party billing companies.

    Another option we use (yes the girls like some of these too) is MFC. Work out the details, make required payment in tokens, then swap Skype details. Seem some truly epic pee fun on some nights, leading to epic fun here, lol.

    The big problem is finding someone to do it, it's not exactly advertised on the girls profile.

  4. Surprisingly, I was never a sexually active person when growing up, maybe I didn't get the messages that girls were sending me, no idea.

    When I was studying, going through uni I was always too busy, then when working, again, too busy. Think I must have been over 30 before my first, just didn't seem important. I kind of retired when I hit 40, and things changed, with nothing to do I needed other people, so took to touring about, and when I landed in the UK, my life changed forever.

    I don't need to put a number on it, 2 is all I have now, and 2 is all I will ever need.

  5. Are you trying to download the actual file or just watch the video content ?

    Apple does not play well with flash based web sites and some file types have also recently stopped working.

    I only have an iPad, phones we use are Samsung and Sony, so not much help there, sorry.

  6. None of these, lol.

    The pure sexiness of it, love the feel of it hitting my skin, love the warmth of it, the taste of it and knowing that it comes from somewhere deep inside and is shared with you.

    We do not use pee to dominate or belittle each other, this is an intense loving moment, we feel so close to each other when sharing and I'm probably not explaining this very well.

    Maigh is the same, we are both as equally depraved, like I'm a clone in a girls body, or she is in mine, our interests in this are so similar it's scary.

    Mary, on the other hand, was trained into doing what we want of her, she loves it too, but sez she only does it to get into Maigh's pants. I don't believe her all that much, she happily does things with me when we're alone.

    So, are we the odd ones out?

  7. Maigh and I spent a couple nights away, with Mary on a bit of a downer and wanted to be left alone.

    Maigh wanted a bath and I surprised her with this:

    Needless to say I had a good night :wink:


  8. Not many, Thisvid for any new stuff, heavy-r for the same. High Tide when I need to buy something, love the English girls in these movies.

    And here, I don't even go on the alternate site (PS) anymore although the girls checked it out, still the same thing.

    I did sign up with Eroprofile, but the Internet speeds from that site suck, it can't even stream video let alone do cams. Just dreadful.

    • Like 1
  9. If this can be a sticky.

    I am a woman like many others here. Before joining this site, i was like you, hesitant, shy and felt embarrassed about asking questions or sharing experiences.

    There is nothing wrong with you for participating in pee play as fun. I do it and many others as well. Most people here are males and they are a big help to makes us feel comfortable to open up.

    I speak for myself, my boyfriend loves golden showers and i came here for advice. It is not a gross thing, I am simply sharing something with whom I care for. I personally enjoy watching my boyfriends reaction, how his eyes get a glaze of desperation and this is actually a turn on.

    I have allowed myself to share my experience and some pictures, at a certain extent because I do not wish to be identified. I have had only but respect and helpful advice from everyone and I am sure many would care to help you all in opening up. I am also available to help out or advise someone that has more knowledge.

    We are very welcome here.


    This has to be the best post if seen on here for a while. Thank you, Sephora

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  10. Yeah I know the problems associated with it, family Dr is amazing, she would not prescribe it unless she spoke to all of us, didn't bat an eyelid but just smiled and saw the point. Trial and error found the best balance, and I don't use it that often.

  11. Most times pee and sex go together, always an intense relief for everyone. We do the odd bonk pretty often, me with either of them, or they have a slow sexy session, pleasurable for everyone involved. Half a Viagra lets me pay attention to both of them, but even then most I can do is twice in a session, then sit around looking like a tipped tripod until it wears off.

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  12. Sephora's post pretty much said it all, respect for each other is the most important part of the relationship and in my weird arrangement, even more so. My ladies have not taken any offense at anything posted, if they don't like something, they move on, about the strongest comment you get from them is "gross, yucky or not going there". Everything I post is run by them first, they can add or remove anything they feel is too much, and some have been too personal and just get deleted outright. As to describing themselves, well, pretty sedate, both have "innies", Mary is clean shaven and Maigh has the softest red fluff you can imagine. I did get in trouble doing the Minion "it's so fluffy" thing, lol

    • Like 2
  13. It wasn't the Internet for me either, or just a male thing. When I met Maigh in Scotland, it didn't take me long to find out she was more perverted than me, she did things that I had never dreamed of.

    The internet really showed us how many people were into this, like we were a minority and suddenly we we in a group, a rather large and diverse group. Some things we have seen we have tried, some turned out to be a disaster, some resulted in uncontrolled hilarity, but everything bought us closer together.

    I am a member of that other site, but go there rarely, this is where I want to be, everyone is just perfect here, all with a common interest.

    Thank you WGP.

  14. What country did this happen in? There are still some pretty stupid laws in some places of the world, here in Australia, peeing on someone, with or without consent is still an offence, it just has to be proven :wink:

    Was he left tied to the bed? That may be an issue, held captive or some such thing. No idea really, check the local laws.

    If she had pictures of the bite marks, she could turn the whole thing around, press charges on him.

  15. Thanks guys, this has been resolved, said a teary goodbye and have gone our separate ways. Maigh and Mary were somewhat surprised that it happened so quickly, but it seemed like a proper moment. We will still keep in contact, meet up every now and then, but the keys have been returned.

  16. Hey

    Something broke in the Merc, requiring me to bring the thing to Melbourne so the Mercedes gods can work their magic. A part in the semi auto transmission has gone off, gear changes are a struggle. Covered under warranty, just a bummer it's been a couple of days.

    Anyhoo, been staying at my lady friends harbor side apartment, when she unexpectedly returned home last night. She clattered in, all long legs and high heels, dumped her bags in the entry way and made for the toilet, saying she was busting. This apartment is a total open plan, the only thing with a screen is the shower, and that's just to keep water in. I had been sitting at the kitchen counter, and turned just in time to see her drop her knickers and plop on the seat. The hissing / tinkling sounded quite loud as you would imagine, she gushed away for maybe 30 seconds, and tinkled to a stop. She sighed deeply, had a quick wipe, and smiled over at me.

    When she stood up, she lifted her skirt, and looked down at herself, murmured that she needed to clean that up ("that" was a beautiful mound) a little more untidy than I like, but still incredible to see. I kind of got interested in something on the laptop as she headed for the shower. Why does a girl, normally so graceful, look so awkward when shaving down there? Kind of made me want to offer my services, but nah, it would not have been appropriate.

    She left soon after, Maigh and Mary got me on a video call and we had a laugh, but I think my days of crashing here are done, thinking of leaving the keys and a note on this counter when I head off. This just doesn't feel right anymore, I don't feel right if that makes sense.

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  17. There is no competition, its more of what you can do or have fun doing it and it can make a good story for some to read. :tongue:

    Lol, ok then, lets just say we won't be posting pics of a beer glass. You are right tho, it is a fun thing to do ....... already 2 pages on this thread.

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