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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. The worst has happened, have a couple of pissed off ladies here after an accident on the bed. It appears that when we wrestled around on a well peed plastic sheet, it had moved somewhat, and a rather large amount of pee soaked into the mattress, and for a while before we noticed it.

    The girls stripped the bed, and we man (and woman) handled the thing out side, and attempted to clean it and left it in the sun, to try and dry it out. Didn't really work, we're in bed now, ladies tell me it still smells, stale and yucky were their words. This is a king size mattress, has a layer of memory foam on top of it, so it can't be just turned over, i don't really want to throw out a $2000 mattress that's only a year old.

    Any ideas in getting the smell out?

    We've turned the mattress around, affected part is at the foot of the bed now, but it is faintly noticeable. Bed is dry, no dampness, just smells.

    Girls want to dump a bottle of Chanel No 5 into it, but I thought I would ask in here first. Not a very happy house at this time, pee fun on the bed has been outlawed until further notice :frown:

  2. Maigh and Mary have quite different tastes too, either of them will do anything I ask, but Maigh will not go near Mary's fanny after I've done my business in there. She tells Mary to get her arse in the shower before she pays her anymore attention. Mary on the other hand will happily munch away after I have come in Maigh, from the moans we hear, she loves it. We've both asked how she does it, and she pretty much sez the taste doesn't matter, it's what she's doing that does.

    Both Mary and I have caused Maigh to throw up, morning pee is something she loves, even her own has made her crook, but again, she sez the taste is not the issue, it's what she's doing that gets her off. We don't like hearing the industrial retching sounds but she tells us not to worry, it's all part of loving pee. This doesn't happen all the time, we can go months sometimes, with nothing happening, then out of the blue, blah, clean up in the bathroom.

    We have been together over 8 years, and while we experiment, the limits we set years ago are still there, we know what we can do and what we can't and don't try to change them.

  3. My wife and girlfriend are unashamedly Bi, while I'm straight as an arrow. The girls have never thought about it, they just say it's natural, to them anyway. They have indicated that if I wasn't around, they would happily live in a Lesbian relationship.

    (Maigh, reading this too, sez it will never happen, they have no plans of killing me and dumping the body, a comforting thought)

    As for pee fun, I don't mind if I get my pee on myself, the girls love watching it actually, but as for another guy doing it? Nope, does not interest any of us. I accidentally downloaded a torrent that was gay porn, title was misleading, and was just grossed out. Maigh and Mary watched about 3 minutes, and we all looked at each other and with a unanimous "nah" hit delete. I don't know where they find these guys, slabs of beef with 12 inch truncheons, was an American thing too, so you could understand them, but no, it, and it's torrent file got the bit bucket.

    This the kind of thing you wanted?

  4. Hey all.

    Yesterday, Friday our time, my ladies done the weekly shop while I stayed at home and done the usual things I do when they are away. Checked the battery charge on the two battery installations, made sure the things are venting correctly, tidied up the yard, played Destiny and Project Cars, and done some washing.

    Normal Friday, until they came home........

    Around 4 I heard the cheerful beep of Maigh's Barina and went downstairs to help with the shopping, lugging it all upstairs, then drove the thing into the garage, still something she cannot do, lol. They had coffee made and were giggling and laughing as they put everything away, something I still can't do, apparently. Messed up some washing again, too. Any ladies reading this, please tell me how washing something on gentle cycle works, but when washing on heavy duty cycle makes things into barbed wire, I just don't get it.

    Anyway, they were both wearing warm jumpers and attractive pleated skirts, dark tights with high heels, and both looked gorgeous as they fussed about the kitchen. One the drive home, both of them had drank a litre of Mount Franklin water, and when the coffee hit, the squirming began. The giggling stopped and I watched as they both started to cuddle and kiss, restless hands feeling and grabbing, getting fairly intense, then broke apart, staring at each other. With a mutual nod, both of them were up and away into the bathroom, I followed but was pretty much invisible to them, I just wasn't there.

    Shoes were kicked off, tights were shimmied down and also kicked away, then Maigh was sitting on the floor (putting a towel down first) tilting her head back looking up to the ceiling. Mary stepped over and stood with her feet apart, over Maigh, who sighed deeply at the view. Mary smiled down at her, leaning forward to see her face, and asked if she was ready, and got a nod in return. Mary started peeing, just a steady trickle, that dropped straight into Maigh's open mouth, causing an impressive groan of lust over the tinkling sound of Mary's pee. Maigh just let it bubble out of her mouth, running behind her neck and dripping onto the towel, sighing as she gave into what she was doing. Mary stopped and lifted her skirt, still with knickers on, and giggled that she had made a wet spot in them. Maigh sat up a little and had a lick, getting a squeal from Mary about cold wet hair, and back away quickly.

    Maigh struggled up of the floor and grabbed Mary, pushing her down, muttering about wet hair, sitting her in the same position. This time, Maigh lifted her skirt, eased her tiny knickers aside, and started spraying poor Mary's face. Pee hosed out of her, I could see it splattering of Mary, and could hear it it hissing out of her. Mary sat up a little and just let her hair get soaked, sometimes looking back up to get a face full, but mostly getting it all over her hair. She was soaked, her eyeliner gave her an Alice Cooper look, pee was all over her top, front and back, and was dripping from her hair. Maigh backed away, admired her handiwork and got a couple of towels, then helped Mary up of the floor. A slow undressing session followed, then they left and piled onto the bed. I was surprised that they didn't have a shower first, just towelled themselves dry, and we're straight into a sexy 69 on the bed. I asked if they wanted the clothes washed, and got a pillow thrown at me.

    I left them there and went back to Destiny, one of the coolest things of a PS4 is the ability to plug headphones into the controller, I didn't have to listen to the frantic sounds from the bedroom. This is not strange, we all love each other and we can all get tuned on, having a bi wife and girlfriend is just amazing,

    They made up for ignoring me during the night, a couple of times, lol. I had some skin missing this morning, stung a little when I went potty. We have people over today so I have a chance to recover, getting lots of cuddles, from either or both of them, as we get ready for tonight's dinner. I'm sitting in the sunshine as I write this, roast pork is well on the way, girls are busy in the kitchen, and some slow blues music is oozing from the stereo.

    I just love it here.

    • Like 1
  5. Everyone here has, depending on mood (or horniness) but not lots, I can do a mouthful as can Mary, usually more than that makes us feel yuk, chucking up yuk, though it never happens. Maigh is different, she can't get enough, mine, Mary's or her own, and she has been sick, mostly from morning pee, to much of that and she's calling Ralph.

    We don't like it when what we do makes her crook, but she tells us that she has to have it, get on her case long enough, it comes to tears. We have just learned to accommodate and hose her off when needed.

    This is rare, ok? Most times she's smiling, even laughing when we pee on her, just odd occasions something is off, and she tries to fight it, but the body sez nah, no way, out with it, and out it comes.

    Sorry if it's gross and sounds bad, we live with it, so it's all ok, really.

  6. Question for the ladies on site:

    Do you like to see or watch male wetting?

    Something came up last night, quite a lively discussion resulting in about 7 changes of clothes.

    We know that the site focuses on girls peeing, but my girls like to see things too, which started this whole thing off. I did what they asked, and got a lot in return, we now have a day of washing, lol.

    What do you think?

    Anyone else like to share?

  7. Question for the ladies on site:

    Do you like to see or watch male wetting?

    Something came up last night, quite a lively discussion resulting in about 7 changes of clothes.

    We know that the site focuses on girls peeing, but my girls like to see things too, which started this whole thing off. I did what they asked, and got a lot in return, we now have a day of washing, lol.

    What do you think?

    Anyone else like to share?

  8. Things have been a bit quiet lately, so I planned a romantic evening, heated up the house, ran the bath and left scented candles all around through the bathroom. The ladies had made dinner, roast chicken, fresh vegetables, and a strawberry cheesecake for dessert, and were cleaning up noisily, giggling and laughing (yes, they had been on the old Rekorderlig), pleasantly pissed.

    When the bath was ready, I called them in, slowly undressed one, then the other, getting some help both times, and gently eased them into the bath, then slipped in with them. Bath is a spa, a triangular thing, sculpted to put your bum in, so all the jets are in the right position to pummel you. We ran this for a while, foamed up the water then turned off the industrial racket the thing makes, and lay back soaking up the warmth.

    Mary made the first move, getting up slowly and moving over me, one soap streaked leg up on the edge of the bath, and hunched down a little, perfect pussy about 8 inches from my nose. She slid a finger down her slit, under and in a little, sighing softly, then sighed again as she started peeing. I leaned into it, letting the tart taste fill my mouth, just holding it, then slowly let it out, then refilled again. Mary watched this, a hungry look in her eyes, and as she dribbled to a stop, I looked up at her and swallowed the last mouthful. She gasped a little at this, knowing I don't drink a lot, but I had to have some of her in me. She slipped a finger into herself and stared down at me, and sure enough, the slight shudder hinted that she had come hard.

    Maigh had got up by this time and moved Mary aside, getting into roughly the same position, murmuring that that was sexy as fuck, and let loose with a powerful stream. I thought I was drowning, mouth was full, piss was foaming up and running over my chest, she didn't taste any worse, but it felt hotter, and she just kept going. All the time she was pissing she was murmuring "Yeah, yeah" over and over. She stopped abruptly and again, I swallowed the last mouthful.

    I started to get up then, and Maigh moved back to Mary, snuggling together in the bath, water lapping just under their breasts, looking up at my soaped up body. I hard a fair hard on after this excitement, and felt a hot mouth on me, taking me deep, then another had a go, deeper this time, making noises in her throat. I backed of a little and started peeing, and two open mouths were there, and I had fun filling one then the other, not much was wasted from either of them, I could hear them gulping. When I finished, they both stood, hugging me hard, then went to the shower, and done their Nivia skin thing, smells nice and makes them feel silky smooth. I let the bath water out, washed it down and joined them in bed.

    There rest of the night was a blur of boobies, bums and fanny's, eventually sleeping the night away, naked and all snuggled together.

  9. Steve, really think this need to be mopped up.

    We have a tiled bathroom, and it is noticeable if we fool about and not cleaned it, all of our wet fun is now followed by a clean up. Floors are mopped, wet clothes go in the wash, even if they go through the shower first, plastic sheet on the bed, if used, is hosed off too. Strangely enough, we can all be soaked in pee, roll around and wallow in it, and think nothing of it, but when we are done, the cleaning bug kicks in and we do what needs to be done.

  10. My football team lost on the weekend, to make it worse, we all went to see the humiliation first hand.

    We all went potty before leaving the ground, and headed home in the dreary weather, Maigh driving her little buzz bomb, Mary and I as half tanked passengers.

    They still don't get Aussie Rules, as much as I try to explain it, just never gets the point across. Anyway, 90 minutes later Mary and I untangle ourselves and stagger up the stairs as Maigh puts her baby to bed (car in the garage under the house). I stumble over to the sun lounge and flop untidily onto it while Mary unlocked the house, turned lights on, and started the heater. She came back out as Maigh climbed the stairs, and looks down at me, a grin making her face even more beautiful. Maigh comes in for a cuddle and Mary whispers to her that she feels sorry for me and wants to cheer me up. Maigh smiled back and said to go for it.

    Mary kneels over me on the recliner, her bum on my dick, and i suddenly got a lot hotter, what felt like hot water soaked me delightfully, pee dripping onto the deck under me. This did cheer me up, been somewhat dry here lately, and watched as Mary stood up. Surprisingly, she didn't appear all that wet, maybe a tennis ball sized wet spot, I was soaked from waist to mid thigh, and was still dripping. Maigh smiled and murmured that that looked like fun, and it was her turn. Same again, knelt across me, and went a gusher, this was much more, just as hot and seemed endless. Loved it, the randomness of it, the sexiness of it, I pulled her down and kissed her thoroughly and as I was holding her like this, I let my full tank go. She giggled and wriggled her fanny on me, kissing me more as squirted to a stop..

    Rain interrupted our cozy snuggle, and we headed inside, showered and tossed everything in the wash, then had a brilliant night, Maigh finally over her "penicillin" thing and made up for it several times with both Mary and I.

  11. We all seem to be over this now, Maigh still has trouble in cold air, hurts to breathe. Dr doesn't think there is any scaring of the lungs from the bronchitis, does not take much to get her coughing. Strangely enough, or predictably, news reports urged flu shots after she was sick, a bit late for the current one, lol.

    Down in the dumps because she cant do anything, keeps urging Mary and I to fool about, but nah, not going there until she is ok. Thanks for all the kind words and thoughts, much appreciated.

  12. I don't know how the flu is going aorund the rest of the world, but here it's pretty bad.

    Mary and I had it, kicked it pretty easily, 3 days total, and we were feeling ok. Maigh got it too, but hers turned into a chest infection, endless coughing, no sleep, and eventually turned into bronchitis. Stayed in hospital one night, she was that bad. Slowly getting better, with an asthma puffer, and now her second round of penicillin has near finished, she is getting back to her old self.

    When her "penicillin pussy" gets mentioned as itching intolerably, you know she's coming back to life.

    This flu does the usual head cold, sinus pain thing, with the added bonus of inner ear infection. Predictably, sinus medication that was used last time is no longer affective. Body aches and pain is also more pronounced, but thankfully goes away.

    Watch out for this thing, it's evil, affects people differently, some a lot worse than others.

  13. My one piece motorbike leathers. You can only pull them so far down because of the boots, and they have a hump on the back, and are stiff due to them having to be. Becomes quite a pain when you sit on a vibrating seat of a sports bike for a period of time and are proper desperate..

    I've had quite a few close calls, and have obviously been caught quite a few times, given the easiest way to conduct this operation, is to half squat and hold on to the bike... which means you 'pee moon' everyone who drives past... :)

    Lol, I hear ya, very attractive.

    I had a pair of Kevlar jeans, and when I couldn't be bothered to stop, would just go. Usually dry in half hour or so, you just had to be aware of the smell following you around.

    Only done this on one 5000km trip, and the desert across to Perth was fairly warm (50c), not something I would do now.

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  14. Love doing this, and my girls love me doing it to them, they will wear anything, nothing matters except pee wetness. They will happily return the favour, getting off of my best drowned rat impersonation. So much good clothing has been trashed, the more expensive, the shorter the lifespan.

  15. This is really not something I've had to think about, honestly.

    With a quick discussion between the three of us though, it has came to light that I would probably die horribly, so my girls answer is definately cheating, and on thinking about it, I wouldn't be impressed if they went elsewhere either. We also had some debate on the mechanics of a 3some relationship, but it didn't go anywhere, thankfully. Maigh and Mary talked about me jumping both their bones, and was there any "tension" in this. Maigh just smiled, said she loves to watch, which pretty much ended the conversation. I added that I like to watch them go at it and just got the standard "you're a male" response. They got quite touchy / feely at this point which ended any further discussion.

    Is this something you would do with a non pee partner?

    If you had a pee partner, would you go somewhere else to get more?

    Interesting "mess with your head" thread, any other takers?

  16. We have a plastic sheet for the bed, big thick thing, bought it at a hardware store, stiff and unyielding, you can stand on it while it's on the bed, fun for the whole family. The only problem is how slippery it gets, some spectacular accidents have happened to the detriment of the bedroom carpet.

    We also have a dedicated wet room, ducted heated for winter activities, most fun is done in there. Decking out back is treated, but it doesn't seem to like pee, has to be hosed off immediately.

    Lounge and kitchen of off limits, no pee at all, as the ladies have said, living areas, not peeing areas, we do have people around sometimes (1 couple is the local constable and his wife) and we cant have a lingering pee smell in the place, just not done :wink:

  17. I watch certain scenes over and over, simply because it's so good. I mentioned 100% Waterproof the other day, so I'll pick that one.

    The first scene in this video is so hot, guy pees for ever, girl cant get enough, and she is so into it, smiling most of the time. Its also in slow motion, an added bonus. Still have it on VHS, video player died years ago, lol.

    There are several movies we revisit, find that some get us in a better mood than others, if that makes any sense.

    Video's never get tired if they continually keep your interest, and if they do go off, then there is the challenge of finding something no one has seen before.

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