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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. Lol @ messed up.

    I couldn't do it, neither could my wife or Mary, pee is for fun, no to piss someone off. Something like this could turn the whole thing around, make it an evil thing.

    There are better and more subtle ways of doing "payback is a bitch"

  2. We arrived back home today, a 3 hour drive, great to catch up with everyone, had a fine time. We unloaded the car, taking our bags up the back stairs of the house, Maigh leading, Mary following her, with me struggling with the last 3 bags. I was looking down, watching where I was going, and noticed that some of the steps had drops and dribbles on them, and quickly looked up. Mary's jeans were soaked, glistening wet pee dripping from the bottoms of her jeans, high heels not faring much better. Mary sighed as she made the top, and I heard Maigh murmur something softly, coming over to get Mary's bags, then hugged her tightly, as I eased passed them at to top of the stairs.

    Mary giggled and looked down at herself, "I couldn't wait" she smiled. Maigh looked admiringly, gently cupping Mary's soaked pissy jeans, making Mary squirm a little, and murmurmed something else. Mary nodded and knelt down, and Maigh lifted her skirt, resting one leg on a lounger, and eased her black knickers aside. Mary sighed, and moved in closer, and abruptly, pee hosed out of Maigh, splattering on Mary's chest, soaking het tee instantly. I love wet clothes and the purple bra showing under Mary's wet tee turned me on, piss pouring down her front, soaking her jeans even more. Mary leaned into the stream, opening her mouth, moaning as her mouth filled. This didn't last, she quickly gagged a little, and spat it out, then just let it wash over her. Maigh squirted to a stop, looking down at a thoroughly soaked Mary, then stepped back slowly.

    Mary smiled weakly, then looked up at me, "More, laddie, I want more."

    I didn't have to be asked twice, and dropped the bags I was still holding, moving over to her, unzipping, and pulling my fairly hard dick out, pointing it at her. I had to concentrate a little, but managed to start peeing, soaking her some more, and she leaned into my pee, letting it wash over her hair, her hands grabbing at her breasts, cupping them, letting pee pool in her hands. I dribbled to a stop, Mary smiling, holding her hands up for me to help her up, hugging me to her, making my shirt damp, and kissed me slowly, and thoroughly, tasting me pee on her face. She eased inside, and we heard the shower running soon after. Maigh and I looked at each other, awe mirrored in each other's faces, then went inside. Mary came out of the bathroom, naked, and flopped onto the couch, declaring that she had had enough of being proper and circumspect, and of being polite and correct. She then lay down and slept for 2 hours, naked on my couch.

    Maigh and I busied ourselves, turning the various power systems back on, vented out the battery plant, made some easy dinner and woke Mary gently, giving her a long tee to slip on. Interesting things may happen tonight, both of them are in the bath having a soak, I'm on here, sipping a beer, waiting to see what happens.

    A fun home coming that I just had to share.

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  3. No pee in this one, it happened before and after ..... lol

    Picture this, Mary comes out of the shower, drying off, easing around to her side of the bed. She lays down, on her back across the bed, under the ceiling fan, perky breasts poking up delightfully. Maigh comes in, drying her hair, smiles down at Mary, drops the towel, and slowly leans down, taking a nipple in her mouth. Have you noticed that breasts are placed perfectly for this position? Maigh had one nipple, and Mary had one bumping her nose, a slight move and she was licking away .......

    I left at this time, showered and pottered about the kitchen, made some lunch, listening to the soft moans from the bedroom.

    I love this, no words can convey how much.

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  4. Thanks guys, this whole thing started with a discussion on Ellen DeGeneres holiday cd, ironically full of Christmas songs, stupid thing to have a conversation about, I know.

    It's just getting out of hand, no carols in supermarket, kids get in the shit for saying Christmas time, latest thing here is kids getting pics taken, no longer allowed to sit on Santa's knee. They've been relegated to a wee chair in front of him because some political do gooder thought it was bad.

    Sorry if I offended anyone.


  5. Hey

    What's the go with the world, seems people cant say Happy Christmas anymore, it's now all Happy Holidays, or Holiday Season. One of the biggest nations in the world, 3rd or 4th most religious (not sure here) per capita, and they cant say "Christmas".

    Is there some underlying reason for this?

    What do you people say, just interested in responses, The Land of Aus is all about Christmas, joy and celebration, things that are starting to disappear. The world is slowly becoming a sad dreary place.

  6. Lol, totally agree with this, just nuts. I even heard one report of (unconfirmed) gunfire at one of the USA stores. Really? Let's go shopping and don't forget the automatic weapons. I suppose guns going off would make for some pee related accidents, but still bloody scary.

    We have an annual tradition of the Boxing Day sales, but it's tame compared to this madness, barely makes the news, and if it does, it's usually in the comedy relief.

    I agree with MissP with the online shopping bargains, when I bought my phones, ordered online at $650 each, rrp was $850. I had to go pick them up, but made a day in the city out of it. Ps4 was bought online too, even with delivery to a country location it was cheaper than Kmart or Target, we buy everything online now, just so easy. (Unfortunately, our nearest supermarket shows a reluctance to deliver 120km from the store, don't know what's wrong with them, lol)

  7. Hi guys ....

    After this weekends pee epic, we had a quiet chat after the frantic finale, as to wether we were losing interest in pee fun, or worse, with each other. I pretty much said that I can do it anytime, and got the usual "you're a male" type answers, and as for losing interest in them, no way. This got a couple of smiles and they both agreed we're in for life, as for pee fun, every time we do it, it is fun, just doesn't seem as "important" anymore.

    This doesn't mean we stop completely in the off times, some fantastic spur of the moment things happen quite often, it's just the big epics that we plan are getting less frequent.

    We have all been going fine for 8 years now, still love each other to death, and it would not be the end of us if pee fun stopped. All of us agreed on that one too.

    This happen with anyone?

    Does anyone get bored with it over time?

  8. G'day all.

    Been a while since I had some pee fun and today the drought has ended, finally.

    I started the day mowing and clearing the property, When you live in the sticks, you have to remember that they burn. Anyway, my ladies left early to do the weekly shop, while I pottered around, run the water pump for a while, tested all the fire fighting bits and pieces, made sure everything was working well.

    When Maigh and Mary returned, I helped them unload the car, carted all the groceries inside, noticing 2 empty 1 litre water bottles on the floor. This could be fun, I thought, smiling inwardly, as I grabbed the last of the bags and lugged them into the kitchen. Maigh and Mary were in the bathroom, giggling a little, murmuring softly together, while I put some stuff in the fridge and freezer, on a 30c day, there are some things you need to do first. It wasn't long that I got a call from them, asking me to come into the bathroom.

    Wow, both of them were standing near the bath, with nothing on below the waist, said nothing, just pointed to the floor at their feet. I didn't waste anytime, kicking my boots off and dropping to the floor. At first I sat there, looking at them, but Maigh raised a shapely leg, lifted it to my shoulder, and gently pushed me down so I lay on the hard tiled floor. Mary stood over my face, legs apart, I was looking up to an incredible view and I felt Maigh move into position in front of her, seeing her from another fantastic angle. They both cuddled a little, kissing each other slowly and deeply, then, as if some hidden switch was thrown, they both started peeing.

    I truly had no hope, nearly drowned, so much so fast, splattering all over my face, soaking my hair, filling my mouth over and over. It was a deluge, sweet and bitter at the same time, I had to keep my eyes shut, stung a little as the hot rain splashed onto me. After what seemed forever, they slowly dribbled to a stop, Mary first and a few squirts later Maigh stopped too. When I could see again, they were looking down at me, smiling radiantly, then stepped off, leaving me in a sodden heap on the floor. They wiped off quickly, hustled their knickers and jeans on again, and went into the kitchen.

    I lay there for a couple of minutes, then got up, dripping all over the place, undressed and showered, then went to join them putting the food away. Maigh came over to me, snuggled close, told me I smelled better, and did I like what they bought back for me. I kissed her hard, hugging her tight, then Mary was with us, the three of us holding each other. I didn't have to say a thing.

    They are now pushing beer and water on me, telling me to pay back the favour, the Rekorderlig is making them giggly, so tonight will be good, but I'll get back to you on that.

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  9. My ladies tell that it's more fun doing it themselves than reading about it, this doesn't mean they don't read. Some things they have read have been turned into some mind boggling true to life experiences, others have turned into giggling messy failures. When they huddle around the laptop, you can tell when something gets their attention, it just doesn't make it to the person who posted it.

    I will have a word, lol

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