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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. Okay.

    We are disgustingly healthy here, no regular medication, drink once or twice per week (we don't just drink for the sake of it), plan our pee episodes to make it more pleasant (drinking a lot of water, beer, cider) beforehand.

    The 3 of us just got to talking in bed, and somehow turned to what we like about it, each of us talking through it, very enlightening, even after 7 years of being together.

    We thought we would compare our thoughts with other people, see if our experiences were the same.


  2. So what do you like about pee, when you taste it, just a question that was bought up here after yesterday's unexpected session.

    Does it gross you out? The thought of piss in you mouth make you feel queasy? If you watch a girl pee up close, do you get a compulsion to taste? What do you do if it is bad and disgusting, do you cover your reaction?

    I have to admit, that all of these feelings happened to me, and my ladies have felt the same way, but we got over it, rather quickly considering. Most of our pee is like warm water, no taste, but there are some throwbacks, a coppery metallic taste, Maigh has morning pee, full of melatonin, which starts producing at 2.00 am, stopping when daylight hits the eyes. This, in her words is "pretty disgusting" but also sez that the rest of the day just gets better.

    So, what do you think?

    Scot_Lover and his Two Scot lassies

  3. German movies, pee is spectacular, the endless "oh ya" gets me, I usually turn the damn sound off. (Or listen to Enigma sez Maigh)

    The other thing, though I've not seen it for a while, is the obvious fake pee, guy holding something behind his dick out of sight.

    The apparent disgust some chicks show, you're making a pee movie ffs, is it so hard to show a little enthusiasm?

    Maigh wants me to add Japanese chicks too, sounds like cats getting strangled, lol


  4. Hey all ......

    I woke this morning with a pee hardon, usual thing, until my wife found it. She went down on it, painful in a nice way, so hard in her throat. She came up for air, and told me to get my arse into the shower. I smiled at this, knowing what she wanted, and helped her from the bed. Mary was awake, hair a mess, yawning hugely, watching us with bleary eyes, as I left for the bathroom. Maigh was waiting, kneeling on the shower floor, looking a little cold in bra and knickers, and moved I in with her. She was panting, grabbing me, telling me to piss for her, make her disgusting, make her dirty. I relaxed and let go, the taste must have been horrible, she was coughing, gagging and spitting, with a couple of dry heaves thrown in. Her white underwear turned a pale yellow as my morning pee poured down her body, splashing on her knees. I finished up with a couple of squirts and she just kind hunched forward, hands on knees, still coughing and spluttering. I felt Mary come in behind me, and she asked in her quiet voice, what had I done this time.

    Maigh looked up at this, smiled weakly and asked if there was more. Mary nodded and slipped her tiny knickers off, and stepped into the shower, kind of nudging me out. "Cover me." Mary whispered.

    (For those that don't know, "cover me" means to open mouth wide and cover the pussy lips, both girls do this, it is amazing to watch.) Maigh complied, and I heard her struggling, eventually backing off, mouthful of pee being spat back out, then leaning in for some more. This went on for a minute or two, I could hear her gulping, then sighed as Mary stopped. Without warning, she burped a froggy croak, and threw up on the floor, which, unfortunately, happens a fair bit with morning pee. Mary was cool, just helped her up, turned on the shower, and started washing her down. I left them to it, going to make some coffee and breakfast, bringing it into the bedroom. Both of them had been crying, Mary hates making Maigh sick, and Maigh hates being sick, she thinks it's a waste of a good pee. We got stuck into the breakfast, raisin bread and coffee, and had a giggle over the pee incident, then drove to Melbourne to watch Noah, not a bad movie, maybe a bit harsh for the bible toting people, but we liked it.

    Hope everyone else's Sunday was this good.

    Braveheart, Maigh and Mary

    • Hot 1
  5. Hmmm, murky grey area ......

    I know another girl, apart from my two wonderful lassies, who is a straight up lesbian, that I can stay with anytime I want (not often) when I visit the city where she lives. She is fairly liberal with her gorgeous body, walks about the house naked, doesn't care about nakedness (hers or mine) and is just great to be with. She is obviously not a man hater, but she knows I will not fuck with her, and she won't fuck with me. She respects this relationship between us, but it would vanish instantly if I was so stupid to ask her to do what you suggest.

    As far as I know, she has no interest in pee, if she has, it is well hidden, just as my perversion is kept away from her, and what I do with my ladies. They all know each other, and will talk together, but they don't get along, no one can tell what it is, but it doesn't work, just happy to chat on Facebook.

    Just be careful, relationships can be wrecked easily, with people you care about or not.


    • Like 1
  6. Does anyone use a partners car at odd times?

    I had to take my wife's little busy box Barina to get a scheduled service, and there was all kinds of stuff in there. Floor was littered with shoes, don't know how many, 5 packets of tissues, all of them opened and I'd say 12 of those smelly dangly things, and 10 of them didn't smell anymore.

    I asked my ladies about it, they just shrugged, said they knew where the shoes were, what's the problem?

    They told me to leave them where they were. The mechanic gave me odd looks when I returned to get the thing, and gave me one of those "yeah, right" smiles when I told him it was wife's car.

    Anyone else experienced this or something like it?


  7. Whatever we are wearing at the time, lol.

    Peeing is so much fun to worry about rushing off to change into "wetting clothes".

    This is just a few of the things we have wet:

    Countless pairs of jeans, wetting them, wetting on them, pulling out the waistband of your partners jeans, and peeing into the gap.

    A satin ball gown was drenched once, both Mary and I hosed Maigh down, thing was ruined, was never the same again.

    Always full underwear under their clothes too, it's the way they like it.

    Shoes and socks also get a share of wetting, nothing escapes.

    We love pee fun more than worrying about clothes, even naked pee fun, would not stop just to put something on, lol

    It can be awkward, we had people over for dinner one night, and one of the guests questioned the 6 pairs of ladies shoes on the clothes line. There were also 6 changes of clothes, but this, thankfully, wasn't noticed.

    Wet look is the other fascination, pee is not enough, after they are soaked in pee, they'll happily have fun in the shower or bath fully clothed, then chuck everything in the wash.

    I am truly in hog heaven, and I love it.


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  8. Ha, I have two to choose from.

    Wife has the finest, silkiest and softest hair which is very thin, and yes, it is red, her natural color.

    Mary, on the other hand is clean, razor is out every 2nd day, she kind of does it sneakily, we don't see her do it. She has hers shaved due to the amount of hair she has, embarrassing is the word she used, hangs out of everything, and uncomfortable as well.

    Braveheart, Maigh and Mary

  9. These are mine, probably relate to my ladies too

    1) Peeing on a partner = 10

    2) Being peed on by a partner = 10

    3) Peeing in your partner's face = 10

    4) Having your own face peed on = 10

    5) Having your partner drink your pee from the source = 8

    6) Drinking your partner's pee from the source = 8

    7) Watching your partner piss all over the carpet = 0

    8) Yourself pissing all over the carpet in front of your partner = 0

    9) Wetting yourself while your partner watches = 10

    10) Watching your partner wet him/her self = 10

    11) Having your partner hold your dick/part your labia while you pee = 10

    12) Being totally desperate in front of your partner = 0

    13) Seeing your partner totally desperate = 0

    14) Pissing in full public view = 0

    15) Watching your partner or any other sexually attractive person piss in full public view = 0

    16) You and your partner watching pee porn together = 10

    Nicely done Steve, very cool.

    Braveheart, Maigh and Mary

  10. We had drunk lots so pee was clear, no taste, no smell, no evidence it happened. Only sore point was one of the girls slept in a wet spot, and we suffered endless complaining. Mary and I made up for it the next morning, gave her something to start the day well.

    I have looked at a mattress protector, but this bed is big, king size, and has a thing called feather top on it, very comfy, but makes the mattress tall. What we have works well, it just moves if we get too rough, and this time we didn't notice until it was all over. I have put a strip of plastic on my side of the bed, so we can walk into the ensuite without an issue to the carpet. Just an accident, we've had worse, just not on the bed ;-)

  11. Hi guys.

    Our pee fun caused an accident last night, not a happy place this morning, lol.

    We had all been drinking, and decided to get slippery on the plastic sheet on the bed, think I peed twice, ladies at least once each, naked slippery giggly fun. My hair was soaked, so was the girls, and in the ensuing entanglement, somehow the plastic sheet moved, soaking the bed on Maigh's side, carpet on her side of the bed had a sizable puddle too. Needless to say, girls were not impressed, bed has been stripped, trying to dry out the mattress, and cleaning the floor in the bedroom.

    Quite funny, in the end we all had a laugh over it.

    Braveheart, Maigh and Mary

  12. Hello, this Maigh, posting on Braveheart's account, than you so much for allowing this.

    I do all of the above, and have 2 wonderful people to help, the only thing I don't is have pee inside my pussy, never been done, have no interest in it.

    I love it all over me, tasting it, drinking it, the intense feelings I have when this is happening to me have left me shaking at times, scares me too. I have been violently ill from this, Braveheart is wonderful when this happens, comforts me, holds me, and cleans me up, takes care of the mess, but I cant help it, i need it more and more.

    Is pee time this intense with anyone else?

    Maigh, Mary and Braveheart

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  13. Follow up to Saturday with Mary, posted below.

    Maigh announced that she would like her hair washed later on in the day, the special treatment she missed out on, giving Mary and I time to plan and get it happening. We fooled about in the house all morning, washed last nights clothes, cleaned and vacuumed the place, made the bed, wrote up a shopping list and paid a few bills online.

    Usual homey boring stuff. Weather has been muggy here, oppressive, smoke haze has reduced visibility to 2km, smell of burnt grass and trees is everywhere. No fires close to us, but some places have been razed. We decided to do our 10km hike down to the ocean and back, and headed off just after lunch. The sea was still there, calm, but a fairly full tide, scary when there is only a 1 meter wide strip of sand to walk on. I've seen waves crash into this cliff so hard, that spray is thrown over the top of it, 12 meters high. Predictably, Maigh managed to get wet, strange how she falls in when we don't, walking in front of her. She also took the opportunity to have a wee pee in her pants too, do you sense a plan here ?

    Anyway, we headed back home, Maigh now grumbling that the sea water was itching her as her clothes dried. It was 33c so she dried off pretty quick, as we chatted as we walked. We cover up when we walk this path, close to the sea, there are tea tree like bushes, then it's taller gum trees in the national park, sounds nice, but there are bitey things in there. Big ants, spiders, a snake or two, don't know what kind, didn't get close enough. Mary backed into a large spider web, then went all ninja trying to brush it off. We got back to the house around 4pm, Maigh disappeared to have a quick shower, then we lazed about, taking it easy on the balcony.

    After an hour or two, dinner was decided on, fresh salad, thick ham slices, frozen desert was left out to snack on later. The fridge was well stocked, so I got drinks for everyone, beer for me, pear cider for the ladies, and enjoyed a peaceful dinner outside. The old koala was back, barking grunts coming faintly from the forest, and during the meal, our kangaroo family came bounding into the yard. Ground is dry, grass is near dead, the lead kangaroo looked at us, almost as if we killed the grass deliberately. Mary got some left over iceberg lettuce and and dropped it off the balcony, the kangaroos all came over to share it.

    Anyway, enough of this, Maigh was looking gorgeous in the half light, and I wanted to see more of her and asked if she was ready, she told me to wait, and slipped inside, came out a minute later, and announced the bath was running. "Running where?" Mary smiled looking over at us from the rail, she was till watching the greys in the yard below. "Ha ha Miss Smarty Pants." Maigh murmured, going over to stand beside her, snuggling a little, one hand cupping a butt cheek. Mary snuggled back and murmured something, Maigh laughing back at her, nodding her head.

    We moved inside, heading into the bathroom, Mary adding cold water to the bath, Maigh peeling her clothes off slowly, Mary watching this process with interest. She can never get enough of a naked female form, I've sprung her looking at girls on the internet more than a few times, much to her embarrassment.

    "What was that about, then?" I asked Mary, as we watched Maigh ease into the bath. She just smiled at me, sexy and dark. She had on light blue jeans, a white shirt, a vest over the top, and looked like a red bra under it all. Socks and runners made up the rest, looked fantastic, hair slightly wind blown, and just looked so happy, so contented. She snuggled into me, as we watched Maigh, turning pink from the hot water, soaping up slowly, gazing back at us.

    "Go on, laddie, go wash her hair." Mary murmured, giving me a shove. I need no further urging, my back teeth were floating, and moved over to Maigh. This bath we have is a large triangular thing, 3 person spa, as long as you don't mind tangling legs with each other. So, 2 people are near the wall, and the lucky (or unlucky) 3rd has the room behind you, and this was where Maigh had propped. She looked wonderful, boobies just starting to float, her patch of red hair visible in the shimmering water, her long legs stretched out. I heard a slight clattering beside me, and watched as Mary emptied her pockets, phone, keys, some loose change, and knew what she was up to. She flashed me another sexy smile and sat on the edge of the spa, watching.

    I unzipped slowly, Maigh smiling up at me dreamily, sighing softly as i started to hose away. She lifted her hands and massaged her hair, both hands getting a soaking, eyes closed as she felt my hot pee in her hair. I got no indication that she wanted pee anywhere else, just content to let it flow and for her do what she wanted. As I was dribbling to a stop, Mary came back to life, and slowly got into the bath. Maigh gasped at this, wet clothes, remember?, and watched as Mary stepped over a leg, then knelt between Maigh's thighs. She was still fully dressed, jeans now black, wet up to her butt, kneeling and sitting back on her sneakers, looking down at Maigh, my pee dripping from her hair. Mary leaned forward, kissing Maigh, murmuring something softly, getting a smile, and some of her vest / shirt wet.

    Mary turned and got some shampoo, and attempted to wash Maigh's hair, this didn't seem to work so well, would not lather up, to her frustration, probably something to do with alkaline type shampoo and acidic pee. She solved this by dunking Maigh and having another go with better results. This rapidly degenerated into a giggly splashing mess, Mary ending up on the bottom, totally soaked now, with Maigh propped over her face, wet pussy an inch from Mary's mouth. Poor Mary, never had a chance, Maigh pees so hard she hurts, and had filled Mary instantly, pee foaming up and splashing back into the bath, Mary gagging and struggling to stay in place. She was done pretty quickly, gagging and pushing Maigh away, getting her top sprayed in the process, Maigh cracking up in laughter. Maigh soaped up and got out soon after, Mary just laying back in the bath, looking relaxed. Her vest was open, white shirt almost transparent, light blue bra easily seen, smiling up at us. She giggled a little and told us she peed her pants, in the bath, pee feeling warmer than the water, then stood, starting to peel her sodden clothes off. I gave her a hand, dropping everything into the bath, then wrapping her in a towel, then heading into the bedroom with Maigh. Girls night again, obviously, so I left them to it, joining their sweaty bodies half an hour later, making them more sweaty.

    Another brilliant night, I love them like this, we have been doing this for 7 years now, and even though the pee fun is not every day, when we have one, it is more special.

    Thanks guys, sorry it was so long winded.

    Braveheart, Maigh and Mary

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  14. Hmmmm, strange topic in "Watchgirlspeeing" forum, lol.

    I have, much to my ladies amusement, they can both self pee, and badgered me into having a go. They like the pee wet clothes look, and usually follow my effort with more of their own.

    Braveheart, Maigh and Mary.

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  15. Wet clothes, strange as it may seem. Maigh got me onto it, she loves getting soaked, Mary jumped in too, she does anything Maigh asks willingly enough, has never complained. Some rather expensive clothing has been wrecked by both of them. This is part of the peeing / wetting thing, who cares what is wet and what with. We had people over for dinner last week, and the wife of the couple commented on the 6 pairs of runners on the clothes line. Maigh and Mary looked at each other, kind of grimaced, and quickly said "smelly feet."

    I'll post a story of one of our days last week, you'll see what I mean. The 3 of us will get together and have it up tomorrow night, my time.

    Thanks guys

    Braveheart, Maigh and Mary

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