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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. Never tried it.Its generally a bad thing to drink urine at all.Just saying folks,not judging.:thumbsup:

    I know that drinking massive amounts is not a good thing, too much salts for your body to handle or something, but the little we taste when playing around is nothing. Most times, if anyone gets some pee on their face, intentional or not, it's just spat out again. Tasting pee is what does it, not chugging down copious amounts of it. The worst that happens is that you just chuck it up, poor old Maigh has been sick so many times, but it never stops her. (Just morning pee, I'm talking about the first one of the day, it's something she has to do, regardless of what happens)

  2. So is this just voyuer sightings? In my situation, pee is sex, one goes with the other.

    Classic 69 is fairly intense, with her on top, me looking at her gorgeousness, then gettting hosed down. Both girls tell me that in this position, there is not much control, it basically just pours out. Standing pee in the shower is also a turn on, but that's usually a morning thing.

    Anything they come up with is just so good, I can't get enough.

  3. Maigh woke in a strange mood this morning, and when she felt my pee hard boner, she was pushing me out of bed, and into the bathroom. She sat me on the potty, I was looking slightly ridiculous with this thing sticking up, and she folded a towel and knelt in front of me. Holding me tightly, she was telling me to pee, give it to her, piss for me etc ......

    I was full and when I let go, it splashed everywhere, almost to my neck, until she pointed it to her sweet mouth and just let it fill and overflow, running down and under me, splashing noisily into the toilet. I could smell it, hot and metallic, and knew it was strong, but she kept going, licking me as I was peeing, murmuring softly, with an occasional gag thrown in. When I was done, she sighed and started sucking me, taking me deep, grunting with the effort.

    Mary came in then, sleepy eyed, hair a mess and smiled as she watched, then said that it was her turn. Maigh let me go and Mary took my place, sitting well forward, with one leg over Maigh's shoulder, as Maigh crouched down a little more and started licking again. Mary asked if she was ready, and I heard a muffled affirmative, and Mary let her have it. I could tell that Maigh was having trouble with this one, gagging and retching, but she kept on taking it, Mary sighing and holding her hair, the obvious relief on her face was cute. As she slowed, Maigh swallowed the last mouthful, and went back to licking Mary.

    I turned on the shower and was getting another towel when I heard Maigh tell Mary to move, and as she scrambled out of the way, Maigh grunted and tossed out what she had swallowed. Wasn't very much, but it definitely tasted worse coming out, she dry heaved a couple more times, then was leaning against the bath, crying. I went out and put the kettle on, then had a quick shower, then made a coffee as they cleaned up.

    Back in bed, we had her in the middle, and calmed her down, apparently her dreams had turned her on, and she needed what we could do for her. I slipped into her as Mary toyed with her pussy, and I wasn't long until she was over it, and so was I ....... another fantastic random morning, slept until 11.

    We don't like making her chuck, it's not something that happens a lot, but she loves morning pee, mine, Mary's or her own, normally she will just dip a finger in, taste and pull a face. Times like this morning really affect her, crying, moody all day, saying sorry all the time. I done some work on the new fence and left them to amuse themselves. Smiles all round when I got home, so everything appears to be fine.

  4. My wife used to be able to up end and splatter her pretty face, but as she has said, she is not exactly a "bendy toy" anymore, so Mary an I help her get into position. It's truly fun to watch, and yes, everyone here has had their own, mostly warm water but sometimes you cop a battery acid squirt, all part of the fun, you never know what you are going to get.

  5. There are some "natural" type water retention concoctions going around, supposedly used to rid the body of excess water, never tried them, though. Just doesn't seem feasible, given the way the urinary function of our bodies works. Our amazing Dr, who knows a little of what we do talked to us about it, and although diuretic drugs are available, she has advised us not to use them, the balance of liquids / salts required is just too delicate to fuck around with. We have found that the way we do things works, with no harm to any of us, lite to mid strength alcohol and plenty of water creates enough "fun" for what we need. We don't do this every day either, if we want to fool about, we plan it, seems a little cold and clinical, but the anticipation is worth it.

  6. Anyone for a Foster lager ?

    Fosters is a sore point with us Aussies, made by Sottish & Newcastle but still tries to associate itself with Australia. They don't actually say it's not Australian, but they don't actually say is a UK brand either. They lost the F1 Gran Prix and The Melbourne Cup sponsorship over this so its a pretty big deal for someone. Latest report is that the entire thing is now owned by Heineken. More wine is drunk here than beer is anyway, despite whats advertised, UK and USA drink more been than Aussies do, lol.

  7. Alcohol is a diuretic. What this means is, when you drink alcohol, you produce more urine. This happens because alcohol suppresses release of arginine vasopressin or anti-diuretic hormone (ADH), the hormone that allows your kidneys to return water to your bloodstream. The effect is additive, so drinking more alcohol increases the level of dehydration. Another part of the reason you visit the bathroom more often is because alcohol also stimulates the bladder, so you'll feel the urge to pee sooner than you would ordinarily.

    This is what also causes the hangover effects the next day, when we are done for the night, we have a couple of glasses of water to re-hydrate and wake up less crappy then we normally would have. We may wake up ordinary looking, but no blinding headaches anymore. Know how your body works, then you know what you can do with it.

  8. My wife and our live in girlfriend, lol.

    Don't have a lot, a massage slide - a vinyl sheet with inflatable sides, plastic sheet for the bed, and whatever clothes we have on at the time. Really no preference, if we want to play in what we are wearing, we just go for it. Is a completely tiled bathroom with a drain in the floor classed as a "toy" ?

  9. A slow teasing classic 69 position does it for me, but I make her come a couple of times first, then she soaks me, and we start all over again. Just make sure you have something comfortable to lie on, hard tile floors are not comfortable on your back or on your knees. And have the room warm, getting too cold to do anything is also a mood killer.

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  10. Petrol prices have taken a dive here, lowest price for over 10 years at .94 cents per litre.

    Just interested to know what the rest of the world is paying? Don't worry about trying to convert it, I'll rough out a calculator, and work it out.

  11. Not sure if anyone has mentioned this but plastic on the floor / furniture showing how rigged it all is , apologies if it been mentioned already,

    Lol, I use plastic sheets on my bed, it's to protect it, the thing cost $2000 and we're not about to mess it up. Even so, there have been some memorable accidents, have you ever noticed how slippery pee on plastic is? Think frictionless surface and go from there, rofl (literally)

    • Haha 1
  12. So what do people think of the Internet as it is now? Chaturbate has this "ohmibod" thing, supposedly vibrates to the sound of tokens. The 3 of us have been in hysterics at one poor girl, a couple of guys hammered the token button, poor girl looked like a stabbed fish, thrashing about on the floor. How much further can that go?

    I have a couple of Server 2012 R2 installations that I can manage using a web browser and powershell, from anywhere on the planet, from my mobile phone, kind of scary when you think about it. Several others have a VPN log in, requires me to go off line to log on. I even have a couple of Servers on an Azure Datacenter, something unheard of a couple of years ago. Being a security consultant is a nice little number, what little work I do can be anytime from anywhere.

  13. History is fascinating, but could you imagine the smell of people back in the 1300's?

    I cannot survive without a shower at least once per day, sometimes I'll have another as I'm getting into bed, but these people had 1 bath per year, traditionally on your birthday, or Christmas. A bath was thought of as a way to let evil into you're body, and an open window was an open invitation for diseases. Can you imagine the central hall of a castle, 50 or so people all sleeping together on the straw covered floors? Sheep and cattle also lived inside during winter just to add to the merriment.

    I know that progress and the industrial revolution bought running water, bathrooms and flushing toilets, but these things have only been fairly recent in history, for a long time people literally lived in the dark ages.

  14. Mary didn't like pee when we met her, we "trained" her to like pee, it can be done, just takes a little time. The people motioned, these so called actors are just in it for whatever money they can make, but when you meet a real pee girl, or train one to our mutual liking, you know the difference. To hear a girl, getting piss all over her pretty face, giggle as she splutters, is something to admire, or to see her standing over you, raining her sweet pee onto your body, and see the sexiness in her eyes, no one can fake that. We have something truly special, we have all been in tears, we have all made up, but we have always been together, nothing will ever change that either.

    A lot of things seen in so called pee porn, are undoubtedly staged, or they are done on a ridiculous budget, meaning still cameras are on set, hoping to make some extra cash by selling to a magazine. It kind of gets to the stage where we don't look anymore, well not as much as we used to anyway. We can do all we need to turn ourselves on, we always find ways to spice things up, to keep it alive.

    Everyone has their own thing and everyone likes different things, some things we do, gross people out, but we are happy with that, it's what we like, and that's all that matters.

    Megapooptech didn't appear to say anything wrong here, look at everyone else's comments, someone has already said some of the things he mentioned, I even posted a couple of those points, everyone has their own opinion.

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