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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. My girls rarely say no to anything, we are in it for the fun, and want as much fun as we can get out of it. If I started doing things that were not consented to, they wouldnt stay around for very long. Writing about non-consensual issues would have the same effect here, with no apparent control over things like this, people would just leave. Every day we hear things on the news, women getting molested and attacked, most times by some arsehole out on parole for the same or similar offence. I'm pretty sure we don't need to see or read the same material on a forum like this.

  2. Had one on the weekend, not daring or naughty but the girls got a laugh. Ever heard of the expression "never piss to windward" ?

    I was on the edge of a cliff, maybe 50 meters high, pulled it it out and let go. Wind changed and came straight up the cliff face and I got my own pee all over me. The girls fell about laughing so much, made their whole weekend, every time they looked at me they started again.

  3. I have heard from her about two days ago went she sent me the vids. In my response yesterday I did include a question about when her next camming session might be but she hasnt gotten back to me yet.

    It may be that she has been inundated with requests from several members for custom vids. Someone can only pee so many times, after all. Perhaps she is just all peed out right now? But she is still around. Why the long period without camming I don't honestly know at the moment.

    Lol, Thank you.

    This pitiful internet probably wont let me watch a cam session anyway.

  4. Mmmm, things have been a little tense here lately, selling the place, packing and endless meetings with lawyers, Maigh set out to chance that last night.

    We had finished dinner, and were sitting around fairly bored, the satellite internet has been killed, using a flakey ADSL service for a while is not all that fun. Maigh was supplying Mary and myself drinks, beer for me, Mary on cider, with water tossed in as well. As you can guess, this had the desired effect and an hour later we were both pleasantly full. Maigh didn't waste anytime, as soon as she knew were were ready, she was getting her gear off and pushing us into the bathroom.

    She got into the shower, and with a couple of squeals propped herself in a squat against the cold glass wall. This position looks amazing, she is on her toes, knees apart, her back against the shower and nothing is hidden, her beautiful body open to gaze upon, waiting for us.

    Mary went first, wriggling her jeans and panties off, placed one delicate foot on the wall and smiled down at Maigh. She started peeing, and slipped her fingers down, used them to aim her stream, hitting her breasts then moving up to splatter and arc into Maigh's willing mouth. Maigh was also using her fingers, teasing and fingering her pussy, while hot pee was filling her mouth and running down her body. Mary finished after a while and moved back a little, watching Maigh work on herself, both of them had a hot, sexy look on their faces. Maigh was on her way to making a different mess and waved me over, groaning somewhat lustily.

    I was ready and pointed it at her, when she grabbed me and started sucking, her fingers working harder and she moaned softly as she came. Still holding me, she told me to piss on her face (she only talks like this when really turned on) and I obliged, letting go completely, watching as my pee foamed out of her open mouth. She was still working away and I felt her come again, and leaned forward and sealed her lips over my still squirting cock. After a couple of gulps she let me go, and then Mary was on her knees taking some of me too. She still had her jumper on, and it rapidly got darker as it got wet, sighing as I dribbled to a stop.

    Maigh sorted this out by pushing Mary to the floor, shifted over a little, then let loose all over poor Mary's face. She struggled gamely, then just gave up and let it froth up and pool under her head, soaking the rest of her clothes, coughing and gagging a little before Maigh had finished. This was a fairly intense start and things only got better.

    We all showered then piled into bed, Mary on her back, Maigh on top, her gorgeous butt in the air, and I wriggled in behind her. Maigh slowly went to work on Mary, biting, licking and teasing, until Mary grabbed her hair and held her face between her thighs, her hips moving gently. I was inside Maigh, moving slowly, as she backed into me getting as much of me inside her as she could. Her fingers were working again, making herself come, reaching under to feel me moving in her. Mary was starting to thrash around a little, and with a long drawn out sigh, came hard. I followed soon after, and we collapsed in a sweaty heap.

    Another shower and we all snuggled in bed, and I thought we were done for the night, but Mary woke me around 2 in the morning, sucking me to sufficient hardness, then wriggled up on top, taking me deep, and with sensual slowness, made me come in her too.

    I must be getting too old for this, I slept until 11, ladies have gone to do the weekly shop, leaving me home alone. I also have some skin off, I'll leave you to guess where, lol.

    • Like 3
  5. Saw lawyers on Tuesday, most times it's a a phone call, or a nondescipt minion is sent to the house. The girl handling our account is gorgeous, Maigh and Mary looked at each other, with Mary doing the biting knuckle thing, and just sat there in awe. She was dressed in black, jacket and pants, but it was the best little butt I've ever seen and the front view was just as spectacular, with the barest hint of a camel toe. Maigh and Mary admitted to me later that they didn't know what she was talking about, just lost in looking at her.

    Disbursements have all been sorted and the remainder (considerable amount) we've just split three ways, everyone is happy enough, lol. The lovely Sally made a modest amount, we got her to do the work on the new place too, effectively doubling her fee.

    Seems an embarrassment to make so much money this way, so easy, buy something, fix it up a bit at a time then sell it for close on 3 times what we paid. Things are progressing nicely.

  6. So I love peeing. I love peeing on my self. I love to be peed on too. I love peeing on a girl also. I just love pee. It's sexy, primal, horny. I remember back in school days hanging out with friends and some of them being girls and after a few drinks they would need a pee and had lost all inhibition and would just pull their jeans down and panties and just squat down and pee. I had a little look at that pee coming out and splashing on the floor. And it was exciting.

    Iv'e had a few experiences as an adult too. Knew this girl who was okay for me to pee on her but she struggled to go. She tried bless her.

    You go tell that to a mainstream website and you get called discussing (she meant disgusting).

    Anyway I would love to meet a real life lass who shared that same fantasy. So am I WIERD?

    No you are not weird, I have 2 ladies here that are like this, I don't mind either, although we are into a more sexual aspect of it.

    Welcome to the site, you will love it here.

  7. Just been told today that new owners have finance and want to move in 2 weeks earlier than planned (who goes on a trip around the world the same day you do settlement on a house?)

    15th of August we are into a new place (bought it already) the people we bought that from are ok with the date change too. Things will get a little busy, so we will not be on much, have a lot to do.

    We will catch up when services are reconnected, take care guys n gals.

    Scot_Lover, Maigh and Mary

  8. Ok, I'll try this one:

    A. Smell - We try to hydrate as much as possible so smell is not much of an issue

    B. Sight - This has to rank fairly highly, watching a girl pee on another girl is so hot, especially in front of you.

    C. Sound - Mmm, the tinkling sound of a pee filled mouth, or the splattering on a plastic sheet, love it.

    D. Feel (drenching) - This is our biggie, love soaking or getting soaked, the slippery feel when naked is also intriguing, sexy hot fun.

    E. Psychology/Desperation - No, we cant do desperation to save ourselves, and seeing desperation does nothing for us.

    Maybe taste should have been included, it is, after all, one of the senses involved, lol.

  9. The only thing I can add to this is that Steve said it was "psychopathic and somewhat disturbing" to him personally, his personal feelings on the subject in question. I am the same, some things I don't like, or don't like doing disturb me too. I have learned to " hush my mouth" when it comes to expressing my feelings, and just don't bother adding input on things I don't like, or what other people like.

    Does this mean a mod cannot show personnal feelings and expressions in the context of a post? Or does every comment a mod makes be open to attack and be distorted into something out of context entirely?

    Being a mod is hard enough, but being a mod that has every post dissected is getting a bit tiresome.

  10. Hi

    We had a fairly intense session a couple of nights ago, everyone got into everyone else kind of thing, and at the end of it just went to sleep, the bed full of arms, legs, butts and boobies, in a sweaty mess. Next morning I had to go outside to attend to some irritating banging, and as soon as I came back into the bedroom, the smell hit me. Not a bad smell, just surprising that there was a sweet musty scent in the room, the kind that makes you think "what did we do, and how many times did we do it". I didn't go back to bed, had a shower then made coffee and breakfast for the girls.

    It didn't take them long to get in the shower either, then the bed was stripped, sheets, pillow cases and doona covers all bundled into the wash. Even the window was opened (9c outside) to air the place out. They were mortified, worried that lawyers and prospective tenants were going to notice.

    Has anyone else woken to the smells of the night before?

  11. Whats reasonable though assuming the FBI isn't going to hire someone to hack your phone ? Just curious thanks :)

    I'm in the Land of Aus, getting phone hacked is nothing, all our phones are secured. I'm more worried about losing a phone, you know, leave it on the roof of the car while getting into and driving off, then have some unscrupulous footpad sell all your info. It's easy to get off the phone, and seeing pics of yourself online would be something of a shock, lol.

  12. I voted remain for many other reasons than the ones you have mentioned however your ability to travel between the UK and Europe on a single passport won't be affected in the slightest.

    Yeah, you may be right, it's just travel agents are now aggressively targeting Europe from Dubai, it's like why go there when you can get to it from here. Not looked at this in depth yet, moving house is our priority at this time.

  13. Seen the protests on tv, a million unhappy people want to go back into the EU, while Brussels is already cutting ties. As it stands now, even if there was a change of mind, it would be doubtful the EU would let you back in. Made a mess of the way I traveled, I used to use the UK as a base, then visited anywhere we liked all on the same passport (with minor exceptions, Russia and the Baltic states are still weird). We looked at going to Paris and have already seen specials on Europe that bypass the UK altogether. Spend a night at a Dubai hotel and you can go to any city in Europe for $99. Even this negates the devaluing of the pound, and drops $400 off a return airfare. There was obviously a reason for leaving the Union, right? I mean I liked staying in the UK, met the loves of my life in the UK, but in a year or two, it will never be the same.

  14. We pee in shower at other places, hotels, friends houses, but only in the course of normal showering, we don't hose down any personal items that may happen to be in there. If anyone stays at our place, we usually take our stuff out of the shower and just leave it bare, everyone who has stayed here has bought their own bathroom needs anyway.

    Our pee activities are private, and we don't feel the need to leave any lingering traces for anyone to pick up on. Hotels we stay at are all paid for by credit cards, we do like to stay at them at some future time, and besides, cause any perceived damage, they can deduct your card without any authority. A lot of places will not take cash for this reason, if your stupid enough to make off with the tv, bed linen or towels, you will pay for them, lol.

  15. Ok, this is what I have:

    Sex Bizarre - 24, 28 (no cover), 49, 54, 63, 64, 66

    Clark - 1 (Magazine by Dino, maybe a film studio tie in)

    Pissy - 1, 3 (Again, film studio - Silwa)

    Downtown - 4, 6

    Extrem Erotik - 3, 5

    Anita F - 2, 3

    Pirate - 9, 10

    Like I said, these are very old, most are in good condition.

    • Like 1
  16. Your name has been mentioned in discussions with Admin, and has already confirmed that he would be happy for you to do it. So it really depends if the option is still open when you are ready.

    Yeah, just so many things going on here, had 2 meetings today, need to see lawyers on Tuesday, getting kind of fed up with it. Everyone seems to know we are moving, power company wants to know who is taking over, satellite company wants their ground station back and the government wants the lawns mowed. It's truly crazy .......

    Thinking of packing the girls into the car and heading away for the weekend. Sorry, just not a good time for me now.

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