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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. All of these points are valid, I know what interests me, and mostly what interests the ladies. I love to watch a petty girl walk across the street, so do my ladies, even to the point of honking the car horn at her, or wolf whistling from an open car window. But watching is all I do, I'm not going to rugby tackle her in the street, If I know some girl is going up a lane way to sneak a pee, I'm not going to follow her even though watching someone pee is one of the sexiest things I can imagine.

    Is it a fetish? I don't think so, I think it's some male thing that's been there since the caveman days, we just don't knock them out and drag them away by the hair anymore. The girls think the same way, all through history there must have girls who liked girls, and guys who liked guys. All aspects of something "immoral" were smacked out at an early age, and this covers the harmless things that we call "sexy fun". Was it our parents? Where did they get it from? Who told them it was bad?

    Most things can be attributed to the church until the 50's, but lately it seems every politician has also taken on the job as morality police. Who told them what is good for the population? Who decided what we can or can't watch? And the most damaging of all, who told all of the credit card companies to refuse transactions on things we like to see? This underhanded attack is aimed solely at cencoring what the population can access, regardless of who you are, where you live or how old you are.

  2. Maybe this is a one off, or just us, I don't know, lol. That's why I'm posting this.

    Do your partners tease you in public? Say things to you that get you going? 

    As an example: The three of us were at a restaurant on the weekend (Queens Birthday Weekend here) and while we waiting for food, Mary leaned in close to Maigh and whispered in her sweet voice "I want you to eat me" causing Maigh to spray her drink all over the table. It took a minute of gasping and coughing until she was under control again, Mary just watching with a smug smile on her face.

    Both of them have said similar things to me, "I want to feel you in me" and "I want to suck you, taste your pee" at the most strange times, almost always in public. These last two gems were in a crowded cinema on Sunday night while watching The Mummy. I got one in each ear, lol. Sunday night was the last night away, someone has a job making that bed, lol.

    Do you do this to your partner? Do they do it to you?

    • Like 2
  3. Gawd, another one? What's the user base at eroshare? Must be 1000's of people.

    I wish that the same effort in this "back door censorship" was applied to terrorism instead, the world would be a safer, dirtier place for us all.

    • Like 3
  4. In our case it's not a preference, is the sexy fun of it. Neither Mary or I like to drink lots, don't mind filling mouth, but mostly let it run out again. Maigh has a good try of chugging it down, but she can't keep up either, maybe a quarter will foam and froth back out.

    If there was a choice, I think the potty would win most times, we don't have a dominating type of relationship, but when we are 'in a mood' anything can happen, and usually does.


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  5. We were shopping yesterday, didn't go well, couldn't find what the ladies were looking for. Walking around the shopping complex, miserable and raining, girls were not happy, we decided to call it quits and head home. 

    We were still 20 min from home when they said they need to go potty, well, one of them did, the other followed, lol. I told them to hold it, but they were getting a little uncomfortable, telling me to drive around the bumps in the road.

    We get home eventually, and both girls run to the door, squirming now, cursing me now as I unlock the doors slowly, then clatter inside with indelicate haste heading for the bathroom. When I heard the shower door close, I had to check them out. Both of them were peeing in the shower, still clothed, sighing dramatically as their jeans slowly turned black, looking down at themselves, watching.

    When they were done, they turned the shower on, and had a shower, clothes and all, so I left them to it, and put the car away. When I came back in, the washing machine was grinding away and they were sitting in the lounge as if nothing had happened.

    Love the randomness they continue to surprise me with, love everything they do.

    • Like 4
  6. Wow, um, an interesting thread.

    Although I've looked at scat online, people doing all kinds of bad things with it, it's not something I could ever contemplate. My ladies know about me looking, they kinda sniffed and walked away, went and had some fun on their own, but I was told in no uncertain terms "not to get any ideas, laddie" and it was left at that. 

    Really, even an occasional skid mark in undies calls for rubber gloves and tongs, I wouldn't be surprised if they were disposed of without being washed at all, lol.

    I can look at it, preferably from half a world away, but I couldn't do it, the people who do play with it are braver then me.


    • Like 1
  7. Lol, all the time ..... 

    Whenever  we all go out for a hike, at some point one of us will stop, while we keep watch, err watch. They have lustful thoughts when watching, but don't do anything, public places, getting into the car to go home, and just being uncomfortable in smelly wet clothes.

    • Like 2
  8. I've done mine, so much more I could have added, lol. Peeing on floors and furniture doesn't do anything for us, we may love pee all over ourselves, but only in the bathroom, or in our closed off back yard. That whole section was pretty much missed.

    The whole emphasis on the poll seemed to be aimed at "naughty peeling" which, again, does nothing for us, we are in it for the sexiness of it. Turning a sweet smiling girl into a hot wet mess has to be experienced first hand, words can't describe it, lol.

    Just our thoughts, what do you think?


  9. I don't want to rain on your expectations, but I found mine in Scotland (I live in Australia).

    Funny thing though, it was totally accidental, I overheard some locals in a bar taking the piss out of some poor girl, and just happened to make the right comment at the right time. Word of what I said got back to this girl, and the rest is history.

    It was that easy, lol. We were married a year later, and that was 12 years ago.

    I could have said nothing at the time and we never would have met.

    • Like 2
  10. We walk about the house naked too, nothing wrong with a bit of skin showing. Even been naked in the back yard (fully enclosed, totally private) watering the garden which turned into a water fight. Coffee in bed is usually served by a naked body, seems to start the day well, lol.

    When we go to the beach, getting the wetsuits on and off is done beside the car. Took a while for the girls to accept this, but they gradually came around, they used to do it as quickly as possible, but found that sitting in damp clothes was more uncomfortable than a couple of minutes extra to dry off properly. They will hold a towel up so other people can't see, but they don't rush to get dressed like they used to. On several memorable occasions, they even had a quick pee if there were no people around.

    We keep it private though, no public nakedness, just around the house, only what we're comfortable with.

  11. Hi.

    Chat box disconnects on ipad, maybe an issue with ipad software (Safari) appears to happen when you go off the home page to a sub-forum, and then return back to the home page.

    Bottom of the Chat Box shows "Chat Box Disconnected" with a retry button. Reconnecting works, just a minor pain to reconnect each time when navigating the site. 

  12. 10 hours ago, UnabashedUser said:

    Prob is: some of the websites may contain 'beacons' which send your info back to the owner of the site, or to others who've put these beacons on that website. They're 1 x1 pixel jpgs with no content hosted from a foreign server. Additionally hey will stay in your files (unless you scrub you history, and .dat files regularly) thus indicating that you were on that site at that date/time. If your HD were to be imaged by some agency these files would serve as evidence.

    Best stay out of the dark web IMHO.

    Thats why I use a bootable CD, nothing is downloaded to pc hard drive, everything you do is on a ram disk, cleared when you exit Tails. FreeBSD, on the other hand, gets along fine, web pages don't know what do make of it, lol.

  13. I found nothing, lol. Well, nothing that wasnt available to Google.


    A couple of things though, I used a FreeBSD (UNIX) desktop to run my Tor client, no viruses to worry about, and tried to be anonymous as possible. From Australia, my exit point for the network showed me I was in Amsterdam, but I have seen London, Sophia, St Petersburg and Moscow. Searching is a hit and miss affair too, most search engines list sites that have gone, or have no route to the host. I have discovered vast libraries of text though, so if you want to read, or build nefarious devices, anything is available. Anything is available to buy too, but I wouldn't do this, just because high powered weapons are available, it doesn't mean you can get them. Picking up a package at the airport and getting met by a SWAT team would ruin anyone's day.


    If you plan to use a Windows PC, check out Tails, a bootable cd that contains all you need, nothing touches your PC, and when you shut it down, no trace of your activity is recorded. 

  14. I only use Windows Defender, nothing has gotten onto the PC, have had several warnings that a web page is not safe, and don't go there. I did have Avast, but any AV will disable Defender, it's one or the other. My internet comes though a firewall (FreeBSD again) which has clamAV installed, anything that comes in or goes out is checked on the fly, and this includes phones and iPads on wifi. ClamAV also reports nothing, so I must only go to safe places, lol.


    The UNIX desktop also does Dark Web, Tor network, no problems there either, guess it all comes down to personal preference and whatever you feel comfortable with. The most dodgy thing that happened was a random phone call from someone claiming to be from Microsoft, and asked for remote access to "fix" my Windows. She got a little abusive when I offered her a guest account on my BSD system, lol.



  15. Hmmm, I've never had issues with Windows 10, works well on my home built desktop and the Alienware Luggable. One older PC is running FreeBSD, which also works well. I've put a few people onto TrueOS (formerly PC-BSD) and those people are happy with it. 


    If you want a Windows 7 style start menu (with all the settings in normal places) have a look at Classic Shell at www.classicshell.net, a small simple program that brings back Windows 7 look and feel.

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