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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. Hmm, has anyone acted on your protests or complaints? I don't think this would be allowed here, regardless of circumstances, it just wouldn't be considered in the first place.

    The only thing I can relate to is public toilets high on a mountain in our snow fields, There are 15 - 20 cubicles arranged in an arc backed into the mountain, all have locked doors, ladies and men both use these, you go in, remove all of your layers, and do your thing, then get dressed again and leave. These are quite large, considering, you need room to move about, but you can share them, as many people do. Safety? Mutual protection? Something more fun? My ladies didn't want to go in alone, they just shared.

    Anyway, this works well enough, it's a little surprising to see men and women washing hands together when you enter, but you make a beeline to the next vacant and get on with it. Because of the way these things were built, every one of them shares a vent high up on the wall, you can hear everything that happens on each side of you, and the couple of times I used it, there was some muttering about the various smells, and lots of girlie giggling from the other, from what I gathered, one was showing the other one how to 'hover'. I'm not sure if people like this, it's sprung on you as you enter the toilet block, but when you have to go, you have to go. There are multiple language signs all along the hiking track, with stern warnings on not to pollute the environment, with a $500 penalty if you are caught, would one outweigh the other?

  2. Please come back, as fannywatcher has said, it's sad when friends leave, for whatever reason. My ladies felt an empathy with you, Maigh told me you were going to leave, she knew before it before this thread, and I had no idea. Come back to the people who care about you, come back to your friends.

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  3. Isn't this what the forum is about? A group of friends sharing a common interest? Everyone has something else that they do outside of the forum, I build servers, plan networks and have a few clients on an Azhure platform, some people see this as sorcery too, lol. We also lose ourselves in games on the PS4, so bad that we have 2 of the things. While this is a big part of my life, I still make time to come here to hang out because of our shared interest. 

    So glad to hear that you may return, looking forward to more discussions with you.

    Thank You.



  4. At the moment, everything works fine, iPad and phone are both ok. Will test PC later, but it should be ok too, same wifi through the house. Mary said you load faster than Facebook, lol.

    Country Victoria, Australia on a half hearted broadband network.

    • Like 1
  5. Hog heaven time again, love my girls.

    It was my birthday yesterday, and we all went out for dinner, usual thing we do on birthdays, but this one turned out a bit different. Maigh and Mary we going fairly hard on the apple cider, and water that was on the table. They kept supplying me with pint glasses of the local brew, nudging me to get them down. Lucky we have a pub only a block away, an easy walk home. 

    Anyway, dinner was done, and we made it home alive, and had a few more drinks as we watched our current Netflix obsession (Altered Carbon) then I was told it was time. When I saw the plastic sheet on the bed, I knew I was in for a surprise. 

    Mary asked me to lay down and shook her head when I asked if I should get undressed, pushing me onto the bed, smiling sweetly. Maigh was on the other side of the bed, and I saw her hustle her knickers off, waving at me to hurry. I assumed the required position and watched them move about. Mary lay beside me, then moved down, unzipping my jeans, reaching in with her small hand, her head an uncomfortable weight on my full bladder. I told her not to press hard, and she giggled, pulling me out, and murmuring softly. Maigh, in the meantime, had got up on the bed, kneeling on her right knee, with a shapely left leg across me, her foot nestled into Mary's back.

    She slowly pulled up her dress, getting slower as I watched, a little gyration teasing me. When her gorgeous pussy was bought into view, she smiled at me, watching me look at her. Mary had taken me into her mouth, and was driving me nuts with her tongue doing lazy circles around the head of my cock, moaning softly. She put her hand on my stomach and pressed down lightly, I knew what she wanted, and let a little out. I cannot describe the incredible feeling of me peeing with her tongue going around in circles as her mouth filled. As I was enjoying this, Maigh let loose her powerful steam hitting my throat, and quick aim adjustment, was hissing into my mouth, her pee tasting neutral, like warm water, letting my mouth fill and overflow. 

    Mary was letting my pee out of her mouth, I could feel the warmth pooling under me, with an occasional gulp and a few soft moans, she was taking all of me, not stopping at all. This felt so good, pissing into someone's willing mouth, while mine was being filled. I think I stopped first, and when Maigh done a last couple of squirts, I held what was left in my open mouth, for some reason, Maigh loves looking at me like this. Mary wriggled up beside me as Maigh stretched out on my left side, still looking at me. I gave her a little surprise by swallowing her last mouthful, hearing her gasp, then she was kissing me roughly. 

    Mary was struggling to get up, finally standing, a bit unsteadily, one side of her skirt was soaked, her pale green shirt was wet also, outlining her black bra, pee drops blinking in her hair. She pulled the skirt up, reefed her knickers aside, and started spraying us both. Maigh loved it, leaning into it, getting as much as she could, with me getting splattered by what was left, she tasted a bit more earthy than Maigh, still bearable though. I was soaked, my backside felt like it was in a pool, my shirt was wet from my collar down, the rich smell, the slippery feel of it, loved it all. 

    This only took about 15 minutes, although it seemed like I was marinating for an hour, the rest of the night was just as frantic. We had to stop at one point to get a couple of towels, we already killed one mattress, we were not going to drown another. I'm now 51, Maigh is 49 and Mary is the baby at 40, we all look slightly different now, I'm starting to spread, Maigh has said her breasts don't look as good, and Mary has just stayed the same. We still love each other, but we all know that this craziness doesn't happen very often, but we are making an effort to bring it back.

    • Like 4
  6. Tainster had a couple of pee sites, I was with them for a while. Bought a few videos from Hightide, but poor internet speed and large d/l size made that a bit hard. Pornado.co is one site I go to a lot, and its sister, pornhub.com (this one is ok, you can d/l their video)

    I'm also on a dc share, but that's probably a grey area. 


  7. You can't help the Christmas / New Year period, every forum will take a hit when everyone is on holiday. I have been down lately, due to the loss of a friend, and haven't been in here much. Does all these posts imploring you to return mean anything?  You are truly missed here, you made such an impression, is it a wonder that people want that feeling to continue?

    You were so good here, the posts you made, the willingness to jump in to any conversation, your presence alone was a breath of fresh air. I know you need more than that, but that was the impression you made to everyone.

    I miss you, I miss you being here, I miss the spirited conversations, know that much at least, ok?


    Take care girl.


    • Love 1
  8. Lol, thank you. It's pretty much been a case of "been there, done that, and bought the tee shirt", not sure if we'll bother to use them again. Several other sessions have been just as memorable without any 'help'.


  9. He's gone, cameras failed at about 1 million km. 

    David Bowie's Sapce Oddity said it all .....


    "Ground Control to Major Tom"

    "Your circuits dead, there's something wrong"

    "Can you hear me Major Tom"

    "Can you hear me Major Tom"




  10. Lol.

    Last reported location was 430,000 miles (693,000 km) from home, and heading away. 

    Petrol stations are a bit sparse out there hope he can hold it, rofl.



  11. Weather has been hot here lately, consecutive days of over 40c, and while it is draining our energy, it does make for some interesting clothes choices. Bra's in particular are not worn around the house, very nice to look at, lol

    We had to do some shopping, got the ladies dressed properly and we were away, supermarket first, which was fairly uneventful, then we visited a local farmers outdoor market. All the time we were out, the girls were swapping a litre bottle of spring water between themselves, and both of them needed to go. As Mary got out of the car, she quickly hid behind both car doors and wriggled her spiderweb knickers off. She wrapped these around her wrist a couple of times, and it just looked like a bright yellow hair tie. Maigh raised an eyebrow, and they both laughed as we walked into the market garden. Both girls were wearing ankle length skirts, made of some filmy semi transparent material, they tell me it keeps them cool. Maigh is a redhead, she has to be covered from our evil sun, she can get sunburnt inside, lol.  They both had shirts on, made from the same filmy material,  

    Anyway, we walked up and down the rows, getting carrots, tomatoes and what ever, and all the time, they were sneakily peeing as they walked, the poor old farmer never knew his grass was being fertilised. They never told me they did this until we were back at the car, when Maigh hustled her wet knickers off. I lamented the fact that I never saw anything, they laughed some more and told me to wait awhile.

    We made one more stop on the way home, visited the chemist to pick up some medication, and while we were waiting in line, some long nosed old girl made a not so subtle comment about the knickers on Mary's wrist. She had forgotten to take them off, lol, and this old girl knew what they were. Maigh and Mary both heard the comment, and just looked at her, then they turned on the gay girl thing, cuddling and kissing, groping a little. The old girl was close to a heart attack, and she walked away, muttering and grumbling, with the girls laughing at her. 

    I held Mary's hand and snuck the knickers from her wrist, stashing them in my pocket, getting a cuddle in return, smiling at the old biddy that was still looking at us. I thoroughly enjoyed the attention, the girls are not always like this.

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