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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. I done computer studies, certified PC technician, with a couple of MS, Cisco and UNIX certs on the side. This never ends though, I get technet stuff everyday that I have to read, Microsoft is always evolving, you have to keep up, have to keep current.

    Most things were accomplished online, you don't need to attend a university to get a degree.


  2. This is all fine, but what about the odd ones out? Some people have no idea what they are suppressing or they can be trained to like something that previously went against all their upbringing.

    I can still, to this day, see Mary in the bottom of a bath being splattered by both Maigh and myself, with Mary laughing and coughing that "This is really gross." Maigh just laughed and said "Yeah right, fine just move over a little."

    When we first met her, she was the sweetest girl you could hope to meet, prim and proper, knee length skirts, blouses that covered her up to her chin, a librarian type of girl. She was horrified at what we showed her, but within a month, she was, in the best Borg tradition, one of us.

    Does this mean that she had something deeply hidden away and we woke the sleeper in her? 

    Or did we just give her something, no matter how distasteful (lol, sorry Mary) that she grabbed onto and kept it ever since?

  3. Please do not apologise, Sephora. I've been in a similar situation with my ladies, they actually left for a week over something I posted. We have rules now, everything I mention about my home life is 'approved' by both of them. 

    We are still here for you.

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  4. Several years ago, we visited the South American jungle, toured the ancient Incan and Aztec sites and we were affected by the insane bloodlust that happened to the slaves and captured enemies, just being there put us back in time and we could almost see and hear what happened.

    You have just done the same thing, in a different context, but still as effective. 

    Loved it, exceptionally well done, we can't wait for more.


    • Thanks 1
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  5. My ladies pronounce awe at your victory and applaud you silently. That was so hot and sexy, you put us right there with you. The picnic table should now have shrine status for pilgrims to come and pay homage......... Until it rains, but it will always have memories for you.

    Loved it, so happy that it all come together so well for you.

    • Love 1
  6. We have, accidentally, and it was rather expensive, lol. We had a massage slide on top of our king size bed, and had a fairly wet session, all three of us had already gone once or twice so it was sloshing about a bit when one of the girls put a high heel through it (don't ask, it's what we do) but we didn't know when it happened. The entire contents was avidly soaked up by the mattress, and it couldn't be cleaned. It soaked up so much, I think it put on an extra 100kg. Turning it over didn't help, damp spots had already appeared on the opposite side.

    I was on the phone the next morning to get a new one delivered at earliest possible delivery. The old one we smuggled into the local landfill without asking anyone for help, and we slept the next three nights jammed into Mary's double bed.

    The massage slide has not been replaced as yet, not a lot of interest to get a new one, rofl.

    • Haha 1
  7. I've had my share of morality police getting on our case, I'm legally married to one of my ladies, just not both of them. They can't explain why they are with me, just shrug and say "You just say and do the right things". I'm only average, 185cm, 80kg, relatively active and I'm trying to keep in shape with a torture rack (gym) in the garage. I even look old for my age, lol. The thing is though, they are happy to go off and do their own thing, or either of them are happy to do things with me. When the 3 of us get together, everything always goes well. 

    Is this the alpha thing you mean? 

  8. 11 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    a good and sincere advice I feel like giving people is that though it could be wise to pick up a partner who already is into piss play, the truth is that everybody can be invited into it, it just requires a little talk....

    And lots of love and patience. It can be done, sometimes more easily than you would expect, but yes, you can do it.

    • Love 1
  9. 6 hours ago, travelguy said:

    I have two questions. 


    1) I don't know if its my regular internet connection or not, but I use a VPN for a lot of my browsing , especially with adult websites, as I'm sure many others do, the only way I can access the site lately is though a VPN connection, has anyone else had any issues with this?


    2) When ever I login it tells me my connection to the site isn't secure , can anyone explain whats going on with that?

    Cannot help you with VPN.

    Site is not secure, only just noticed this.

  10. Yeah, I know. I've managed to reduce a lot of traffic from it, my internal network is in a DMZ, seperate from modem and the rest of my network. DuckDuckGo is my preferred search engine inside the network, PC and server (this is also a mail server for all accounts) in the garage can use anything, they are both running FreeBSD. I also have a Tor network in place, to add to the tracking merriment, if I can't beat them, I'll confuse the crap out of them. I know I cannot stop all forms of tracking, it's the nature of the Internet. I more concerned on what the phones can do than I am about stuff at home.

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