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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. 4 hours ago, Brutus said:

    To bring this back to the original post, it is a slippery slope to start criminalizing porn because the powers that be could come here next. It's a crazy train that has no brakes and could easily reach the point of speaking out against anything as illegal. A hefty fine for upskirts is something I'm okay with. A sexual assault charge would be appropriate for maybe repeat offenses. Maybe for uploading, there could be a requirement to blur faces and of course, no minors, which most sites are already against. I'm just suspicious of anything that approaches censorship and threatens freedom, and freedom involves offending people sometimes. 

    This is already happening here, police and courts are going after the 'revenge porn' posters, especially on mobile devices, web pages are a little harder to get convictions, but people have gone down for considerable penalties. Some sites have been blocked by our 'nanny state' government because these sites degrade women, one day I'll be denied access to this one if someone reports it. (I have a paid up VPN already)

    • Haha 1
  2. On 21 June 2018 at 9:42 PM, owlman76 said:

    There is a film, it's quite old now, 80's, called 'preaching to the perverted', it's based on a true story involving members of the British government and Prostitutes,  it's quite interesting if you can get hold of it, I could tell you more, but I'm quite enjoying life at the minute, and don't fancy disappearing one dark night.

    I have this movie, and it's soundtrack on cd, it's brilliant. Actually from 1997, and it's still on IMDB.

    Preaching to the Perverted

    Promotional video and a view pics on there to give you an idea. I'm guessing that something like this will never be remade.


  3. Does any other country have issues with this stupid mind numbing game?

    I had a look at it, ran it, and deleted it 10 minutes later, biggest pile of trash ever, and the players? So touchy, I made someone cry in the first 2 minutes.

    Kids here, some as young as 7 are addicted to it, to the point of not eating, not sleeping, not even getting up to go the toilet, just going where they are sitting when playing. 

    Everyone is blaming the game, not the parents of the kids, who allowed them to play a 15+ game in the first place. Some parents also have several hundred $$$ bills to their credit cards due to the 'pay to win' mentality, and having their cards exposed to the store.

    What are your thoughts?




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  4. @greedyneedygirl What a brilliant piece of writing, loved every word.

    We have those creeps here, tiny cameras in the toe of a shoe, or the more blatant mobile phone under a skirt of someone who is just going home on the subway. The ugliest one that made headlines was someone taking pics of school girls.

    These were the ones who were caught and dealt with by the law, considerable jail time too, if I remember. Another one that I heard of was warned off so sternly, he needed stitches and a couple of plaster casts, possible blood transfusions too with his share of blood he left on the floor. No charges were ever laid, but the police did remind the population to let them do their job.

    @spywareonya I can also understand your point of view too, my ladies have been bare under long dresses at The Melbourne Cup, the freedom they felt, the daring of it, and the knowledge of doing it in a crowd of 100,000 people. The fact that they also sashayed along the grass, tinkling as they went, was never mentioned, lol. 

    Doing it in a controlled manner, in a place you can control is no problem, as you said, zombies came after you in one of your places, someone 'stealing' pictures of you, without your knowledge or permission is just wrong. Having those pics shared to anyone is also just wrong. 1 pic can easily be seen by 100,000 people in a night, such is the power of the Internet.

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  5. 38 minutes ago, fannywatcher said:

    If youre from England,why do you use the date notation for 21 August 1991 in the American style,8/21/91 which is confusing.In UK surely we put 21/8/91?


    Geez fw, you could have welcomed the girl instead of calling her out over some minor detail. Maybe the locale setting on her PC is incorrect, and she is not aware of it.

  6. On 6 June 2018 at 8:42 PM, spywareonya said:

    easier to win the lottery than to complete that game

    wonderful uh, but it really teach you how to profane loud and proud

    Don't throw the controller, lol. Really, I knew someone who had broken 3 PS4 controllers, and smashed a $2,000 tv, just because he lost a game. He sold the PS4 and his PC because of it, which was a good thing, I was tired of fixing things.

    • Haha 1
  7. January 13, 2014.

    I was invited to come in for a look, may have been steve28505, or Sophie, just not sure anymore. It was during the time PS was being a bit wierd, flame wars over the slightest comment, pressuring me to get the girls signed up, almost to the point of banning me. As soon as I saw this new place, I was hooked, and have never looked back. 

    Yes there has been some sadness, losing Kevin so abruptly, people moving on, either by choice or forced to leave (thankfully, this hasn't happened for a while), and the sudden closure of the site left us all wondering. When I was offered a chance to help resurrect this forum, I never hesitated, just knowing what it meant to so many people was enough. 

    Accepting a moderators position changed the way we were posting, Maigh and Mary just can't log on and post anymore (this was the bone that PS wouldn't let go, sharing an account was a no no, although couples could do it freely) for obvious reasons. They don't mind this happening, but there are 3 people here, so opinions may seem a bit strange.

    Thanks to Admin and Founder for keeping this amazing place going, I'm on here more than I'm on Facebook, lol. Just love it here with so many friendly people.

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  8. Maigh doesn't get it at all, all of her reproductive pipes were removed foe medical reasons. Mary gets cramps usually the day before it starts, then she is away to the spare room for 3 days. She gets so grumpy and moody, she prefers to sleep alone. 

    She uses pads, sez it's 'easier' to manage, may make sense to someone, lol.

    When she is finished, she is so horny and 'sex starved' as she calls it, that neither of us are safe. We love it.


    • Thanks 1
  9. 3 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    What about granting access to the forum only after completing the profile, giving actual options to be chosen?


    I know it is one big bad nasty change but I sincerely think it could make clear for people that this forum is about sharing, not only taking

    In this theorical scenario, people "had" to chose between various choices of birthdate, gender,  leaving free-writing for what concerns the most interesting thing according to their tastes though having to write something, like when you fail to write a title to a new thread and an error message notify you that you have to write something unless the thread will not be submitted...

    maybe the hottest pee experience could remain facultative, as much as employement (I utterly uderstand that somebody want to keep it private), but gender, age, and preferencies, and some little infos about oneself, could push people to expose a bit, surpassing that kind of shyness which is not useful nor to us, nor to them, as it keeps them shy, allowing for a wrong attitude to take place


    in my theorical proposal, also a brief introduction would be mandatory, notifying somehow newcomers that it is important for them to consider writing it, because people failing to writing even a few words would be considered pointlessly rebellious and have their account flagged


    I know this looks like Nazi propaganda, compulsive and brutal, but I think that after a little complaining, it could prove harmless and indeed useful, making newcomers understand that this is not a place where people can pop up without even understand what this forum is


    I like this idea, you would have to talk to Admin though.

    You may have to add a provision that this information is only read by members, otherwise it starts to look like Big Brother is watching.

    • Agree 1
  10. Mine started with am old Sex Bizarre mag, remember them? As soon as I saw  it, I knew what was missing. When a built a small Internet company, I suddenly had access to a world of content, and one of my employees went potty while I was fixing a lock on another door. She splattered noisily, and had a smile for me when she came out, she knew I liked it. Sadly, she moved on, don't know what happened to her.

    Later in life, I met my soul mate, she is more depraved than I am (we found out later that she has an over active sex drive, we didn't opt for the medication to 'dumb her down', love her as she is), and within a space of 2 weeks, both of us found Mary. We have all been together for 13 years now, with our share of up's and downs, and, of course, with copious amounts of a certain bodily fluid.



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