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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. 1 hour ago, spywareonya said:

    no, in an alley near it, I think

    This was in an alley, her same friend also did the deed in ikea at a different time.

    The fine here is $500 AUD, and in some cases, you will get a criminal conviction added. Imagine, every time you were stopped by the police, they would ask if you peed anywhere you shouldn't have. You would carry that baggage forever, rofl.

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  2. Don't know what to make of this one, lol.

    There has been a few times where I've had a feeling something was going to happen, like driving in traffic and get an overwhelming urge to get off the highway, like Turn here now. If I get these, I just do it, and think about it later. Other things that happen pretty regular are hits of déjà Vu, lots of 'I've been here before' type of things. Unfortunately, nothing to do with several million dollars of lotto winnings though, rofl.

    • Haha 1
  3. 4 hours ago, lov2citfly said:

    Another PS expatriate here.  Looking for a place to chat and find similarly interested people.  The west coast, USA is not exactly riddled with online pee fanciers, at least not in my experience.  Given that I need to keep this interest discreet in the Real World, and off my phone - I for one would like to find a place to chat about pee and peeing.  Any suggestions, if this chat isn't well suited for that?

    The chat we have is fine, the one that is being referenced to, is something off site. 

  4. I don't think you need to worry. I'm 51 and was concerned that my changing body was going to turn pee into sulfuric acid, but it's not the case. As long as you are well hydrated, it's fine, no changes have been noticed so far. I have noticed no changes in my partners either, just that we are all getting a bit softer and a bit more rounder.


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  5. There was a series called 'paarfetisch' (I think) that centred around a girl wetting her jeans in very public places. The camera would follow her about, doing normal things, shopping at a supermarket, for instance. When she bought her stuff back to her car, she would pee copiously, incredible amounts, soaking jeans or pants completely, leaving trails and puddles of pee where she stood. The sound was completely natural, traffic, trains in the background, kids crying and people talking. People would be walking past her with an 'omg' look on theirs faces. There was no crazy pee dance of desperation, no moaning, nothing, she just did it while walking, looking into the camera with a slight smile. Sometimes I had to rewind to catch the start of it, it was so unstaged.


    It appears that she has quit doing this, there is no record of her anymore, unfortunately. This was the way I liked 'naughty peeing'.


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  6. My moral issue is nothing like this, not even sure if it fits in with the theme of this thread. I'll post it if you want, and you can maybe interpret / decide?

    I was from a fairly large family, and my father died when I was young, he was in his late 50's when I was born. I had a procession of aunts and uncles who passed through our lives to help my mother. She is still getting around ok, fit and healthy and 86 years old. I was taught to cherish all life, plants and animals as well as people. This has had the same affect on me as what @steve25805 has posted, no interest at all in inflicting hurt on any living thing. I've even shed tears when old trees have been bulldozed, it's the way I am.

    I have no idea where I fit in with this thread, am I noticed in the scheme of things? Would I know if I was?  

    Keep this going @spywareonya, I'll be here until the end.

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  7. No anal for us, lol. We are just straight and boring, well as boring as this many arms and legs let us. Mary almost always needs some one in her, our favourite position is Maigh laying on her back, Mary gets in between her legs and starts eating away, while I come in from behind. She also loves the reverse cowgirl type of position, although she controls it, it can be a little painful if I go too deep.

    Another thing, Mary asks me not to use deodorant, she tells me she loves the 'smell' of  Maigh on me, although I don't notice any. If Maigh and I do something at night, Mary will stay in bed with me the next morning, just snuggled into me. 

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  8. All three of loved this, even though you didn't need to explain who you are, we felt that we 'knew' who you are. Make sense?

    Mary can wear the most amazing outfits, she does fishnet stockings, garter belts and all, so well, that it never fails to get either of us going. Her perfectly formed legs, her gorgeously pert little bum, with or without knickers just begs you to follow it around.

    Even though she dresses like this, (not often, it's saved for special times) we don't think of her as anything but sexy.

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  9. 1 minute ago, spywareonya said:

    The Egyptian Ammut is a symbol of what happens whan you chose the path of black magick ten lives in a row. You become impossible to save. I chose this name for Her as a "bouncer" against evil. If you prefer, use Sekhmet.

    The image of Ammut was a symbolical one, those three animals has spiritual symbolisms, and all of this is not that fitting with the entity I am describing, or maybe is, I don't care that much. I never said She is Ammut: I only said I would have used that name, like I did with every other God and Goddess.

    Ah, ok, ok. I'm trying to relate your names with my research. Sorry for the mix up. 

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  10. 2 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    I used the name of Ammit to describe Her, and yes, Ammit of the Scales of Justice, yes.

    Obviously She doesn't devour souls, I chose to use the name of Ammit simply because Ammit was the ultimate filthgrinder of the Egyptian mythology

    For what concerns my world... yes... thank you from the heart...

    I'll get back to you on this later. There is so much that I keep going back to the beginning of the thread.

    I know Ammit never devoured the soul, she ate the heart (or cast it into the lake) consigning the poor unfortunate to endless restlessness. The soul wandered lost and alone, unable to meet Osiris and continue to the afterlife. This was the ancient Egyptian cast on things, is it still similar now?

    She was pictured as a crocodile/hippopotamus/lion creature.

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  11. @spywareonya

    Wow, I'm starting to understand the world you are living in, well, understanding how it affects you in this world. I will heed your words, believe me. 

    Is this the same Ammit as the one at the 'scales of justice'? 

    The eternal restlessness 'to die a second time' that was heaped upon the unworthy sounds dreadful.

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  12. We do it all the time, lol. Tends to be a little expensive way to have wet fun though. 

    Some clothes don't hold up well to repeated washings, we have found that the somewhat 'disposable' clothing from KMart (Walmart) last the longest. Understand that this is not something to wear when you go to have a pee, these clothes are to wear when you are peed on 😛

    We bought more last weekend, lol.

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  13. 2 hours ago, steve25805 said:

    So it is possible to develop spiritually and in your heart and soul, on a subconscious level without being consciously aware of it sometimes?

    Can this also happen when you're asleep?

    The inherited cause of bad dreams and nightmares because we cannot understand them?

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  14. On going through this thread, I'm struck by the similarities with the striking resemblances to some movies and books.

    The Spider - Lord of the Rings

    Conan, The Barbarian

    Even a loose link to Harry Potter (Unicorn is eaten, not a deer)

    Have all of these authors been associated with this too?

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  15. On 21 June 2018 at 9:29 PM, spywareonya said:

    Witches which are not practicing are maybe uninterested in piss, yet allow me to notify this to you: for Witches (before actual initiations in the Mysteries of Holy Water) consider piss more like a normal part of sex

    Probably if you ask her about fetish, she would tell you she do not cares that much

    But you fuck her hard AND THEN at a certai point took it out and piss on her, she would offer herself to your stream without problem

    Indeed, piss is not my only fetish


    I can verify this one, I cannot remember how many times I've done this, or how many times the girls have done it to me, getting so into it, then being told to stop, and go on her. The feeling is almost overpowering, and the orgasmic finale is always the most intense.

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  16. 6 hours ago, spywareonya said:


    The war against porn is a war about civilization

    A society who cannot understand and apreciate porn on a phylosophical stance will build a great degree of unconscious, ultimately resulting in violence

    I know, right?

    If it wasn't for porn, the Internet would not have grown as fast as it did. 

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