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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. It is excellent, I've had Playstations from day one, love the variety of games, and the ladies here have their own games they play. 

    You will need PlayStation Plus for multiplayer / online play, be warned. If you get one, find something you like and try to show some interest in what he plays. Don't let it seperate you.

  2. I've been a bit moody lately, and today, Mary cheered me up.

    I heard the screams from outside, a spider had been sighted in the toilet, a thing that compares to the end of the world. I followed the yells demanding my attention, and found Mary sitting on the potty looking a bit hot and bothered. I asked where it was, and she pointed toward the wall next to her. As I knelt down, she kind of rocked back a little, and hit me with what felt like scalding hot pee, soaking me from my chest to my knees. She had this intense look on her face, her tongue caught between her teeth, an a strange half smile as she splattered me. I new this was a setup when she burst out laughing, I told her not to cry wolf too much, or I wouldn't be rescuing her from a real one. She stood up, wriggling into her undies, and smoothed down her dress. She stood on her toes, gave me a quick kiss and said "Shower, laddie. You smell." She giggled prettily and left me standing there.

    I peeled off my wet clothes to the sounds of merriment in the kitchen and had the said shower, should I plot some fitting revenge?


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  3. Oh god, lol.

    I was banned from a Facebook page for making a comment, some people foam at the mouth when it comes to royalty.

    All I said was: You can't tell me that they haven't got down and dirty before they got married, and boom!

    Kicked off a Facebook group. 

    • Haha 2
  4. PS4 (2 of them) take up a large part of my free time, electronics that integrate with computers also have my interest,  I'm currently working on an Arduino processor that tracks eye movement which will replace a computer mouse, so far it's working, kind of, its just so sensitive that it works too fast, lol. That, and the fact that it's so bulky, not exactly portable, if you know what I mean.

    I also fly drones, aerial photography from these can be amazing (no, I don't fly over houses looking for a perv, I'm licensed and qualified to Au standards, at least). Again, Arduino has been used in this, the standard GPS left a lot to be desired, so I built a new one 🙂. The standard camera is next, I need 4K, lol.

    Bush walking, beach walking, carpentry and just general things we do together are also enjoyable.

    I love being semi retired, so much time to do things, lol.


  5. This is a bit like me when I'm on YouTube, I go looking for information on building a coffee table and 5 hours later I'm learning the social etiquette of Sea Lions.

    I do see your point though, I picked 10 random people out of the online user list, and not one of them had the visitor list enabled. Enabling it one by one gets pretty boring after the first few. Is it paranoia? An inherited fear of someone following you?

    I can't see the point of having it if it can be disabled.


    • Haha 2
  6. On 16 May 2018 at 9:08 AM, Scot_Lover said:

    We love the slippery feel of it, when it's all over you, and you slip and slide over the skin of the person you are with.

    We love the taste of it, from burning battery acid to sweet warm water, it's where it comes from that makes us want more.

    We love the sexiness of it, making love in it, then stopping for more, and going again. 

    We love the giggly fun in the shower to clean it all off and the feeling of waiting to do it all again.

    Lol, we told you.

    Mary wrote this, the songwriter in her comes out sometimes, although we can't imagine a song about pee making a Number 1 hit anytime soon.

    • Haha 1
  7. We love the slippery feel of it, when it's all over you, and you slip and slide over the skin of the person you are with.

    We love the taste of it, from burning battery acid to sweet warm water, it's where it comes from that makes us want more.

    We love the sexiness of it, making love in it, then stopping for more, and going again. 

    We love the giggly fun in the shower to clean it all off and the feeling of waiting to do it all again.

  8. On 24 April 2018 at 3:32 AM, fannywatcher said:

    I could never get why Ridley Scott thought that an upskirt of her climbing into her space suit was necessary for the plot of Alien...🤔

    Think about it, alone in a spaceship, a billion km from anyone, and you're concerned that someone will see you? 

    That scene was going to be cut but Sigourney told him to keep it in, it apparently added more realism.

  9. On 11 May 2018 at 8:50 AM, Flapnjack said:

    Wow I started reading up about networking just out of random interest its fascinating. I want to learn more about UNIX and OS in general, currently running ubuntu 16.04.  I'm currently learning full stack developer, my degree is not related at all but I must say it does help with opportunities.

    Yeah, I've run into that before, seeing a job go to someone else who has a degree in something totally unrelated. I had MCSE and MCPA at the time, but this wasn't good enough, yet someone with a Degree in Vetinary Science got the Network Technician job. I then formed my own company and ran it sucessfully for 12 years.

    My field is FreeBSD mainly, with OpenBSD and NetBSD following closely. This is mostly server based work, using older low tech hardware I can pick up for next to nothing. My current server is running about 100tb, it lives in the garage because of the noise it makes, and has no keyboard, mouse or monitor. It's basically my own version of 'the cloud'.

    Stick with it, even if you can't make a job out of it, you can still learn lots and do some pretty impressive things with it.

    • Like 1
  10. 51 minutes ago, fannywatcher said:

    not seen that but i hope she enjoys her condition

    Lol, it's a curse, but we all love it. Helping her with it is a big part, understanding the condition and working with her to get over the rough parts makes a world of difference.  

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  11. On 14 May 2018 at 3:01 AM, sathuta said:

    Hello to everyone ! I am interesting in pee sex. Especially I am into watching female peeing. Please feel free to ask questions and share your ideas related to pee sex. Feel free to visit my profile and pee club too. I like to share interesting pee stuff here for all of you.


    Umm, I think your version of pee sex is a lot different to ours. What do you want to know?

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  12. One of my ladies has a medical condition, best explained by watching 'Black Snake Moan'. Not as intense as Christina Ricci plays in the movie, but it is there. Several times we've had to hustle her out of a shopping centre, or a public place so she can 'take care of herself'. One time at the movies was particularly interesting. Thankfully, this has gone away somewhat as we get older, but it is still there. 

    No sexual imagery is need to get this started, she describes it as an itch that needs to be scratched now, not ignored and taken care of later, but now. The sight of a grown woman doing an Al Bundy (Married, With Children) anywhere she likes can scare people, but she is also fun to be with, lol. 

    We have sought medical advice, and the medication to stop this kind of thing also stops her regular enjoyment, kind of an all round sexual repression, we didn't like that and never went ahead with it. We love her just the way she is. 

    Fannywatcher, Maigh sez you are not the only one, and she said that with a smile.

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  13. So I guess selling your 'soul' in an effort to be a billionaire, for instance, would be a bad thing, going on the period of servitude before rebirth. Would you be aware of this? Some people have claimed to have caught glimpses of their previous life, like a waist gunner in a bomber over Germany, fragments of a previous reality, would you also relive the period of darkness?

    Understand that I'm not going there, ok?

    I have everything I need, and with money, I could have better things, but it's not like it's the end of my world if I don't have them. Some people I know always want more, the best phone, the best car, the best house and the best place to live. It's like an obsession, one person has even got on my girls case, saying they could have better things. We get blank looks when we say we're comfortable with what we have, lol.

    I'm also guessing that there would be an inherent danger in this, for someone untrained, right?


    • Agree 1
  14. 1 minute ago, spywareonya said:

    I like the idea to compete over her ahahahahah

    we just should find a competition over which we are even

    maybe we could like her pussy and see who make her cum faster...

    no, bad idea, this is not that even... I can do things with my tongue that are a little not exactly normal...

    Rofl, I have been told to concede defeat, there is a possibility that she wouldn't like two girls at once. 

    • Haha 1
  15. 8 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    I love the three of you

    now, waiting until she's already been used, well... you are giving me some problems...



    So have a shower with her, rofl. She looks like the kind of person who could go all night. 

    Or you could go first, and we'll get her in the shower, lol

    • Haha 1
  16. I have some, and all of these have featured in some pretty intense dreams.

     Taylor Swift although she is somewhat young.

    Charlize Theron, of course. Sorry spywareonya, you would have to wait until we are done, rofl.

    Zooey Deschanel, before she fell off the planet. 

    Mila (Milena) Kunis, is also yummy.


    My ladies like Andy Murray, the Scot tennis player. 

    Joel Selwood, Patrick Dangerfield and Tom Hawkins from the Geelong Football Team also objects of their desires.

    Google search them, you will understand, lol.

    • Haha 1
  17. On 10 May 2018 at 9:46 PM, spywareonya said:

    looks  like he's sayin

    "Bitch I'm fabulous" ahahahahaha

    Lol, the cockatoo has taken over the job of the seagull, these things have learned to open rubbish bins, haunt you unmercifully when you are trying to eat in the open, and the noise that several hundred of these can make is beyond belief. 

    This one was actually saying 'I'm here, where's the food', rofl.

    • Haha 1
  18. 3 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    do you know why?

    because they are so friendly that they got hurt when you go away and try to follow you and change their lifestyle

    I swear, I read it on a newspaper!!!


    how cute should a creature be to be mandatory to avoid contact with it??????

    People try to feed them human food, and the poor little things die because of it. Their diet and water requirements are so finely balanced that any change will have a bad effect. They are fearless and so curious that they will come right up to you, but the authorities frown on contact. There is a $300 fine, and if cruelty is proven, a $50,000 fine with a five year jail term.

    On the mainland, snakes and domestic cats have taken half of them since 1992. On the islands, they have no predators.

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  19. 9 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    but the cutest creature in existence (once again in Australia...) is

    the QUOKKA!!!!!


    Risultati immagini per quokka

    Lol, these are too cute. Rare on the mainland, only seen in a zoo. Rottnest Island off the coast of W.A is the best place, although there is a prohibition on interacting with them. 

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