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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. I have a couple of things the bother me, not exactly phobias as such.

    Drowning: This is my main one, can't swim a stroke, but it doesn't stop me, I still go out on boats, jet skis, surfboard (full floatation wetsuit), every now and then I think about it, but not much.

    Lightning: Only because I've seen the damage it can cause, when something so powerful can shred a tree, it's to be respected.

    Spiders: These get caught and relocated, we don't kill them for what they are.

    Snakes: These too, are relocated, or we just move aside and let them do what they need to do. If you don't mess with them, they won't mess with you.

    There are lots of them here, lol, you get used to them.

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  2. I don't see any Google or Microsoft phoning home, everything is locked out and handled by a $50 PC using a UNIX firewall. This does cause some problems with web pages that refuse to function without a response, but this site is not one of them.

    Have you looked at Opera? It has some impressive anti phishing tech built in, it is also used here.

    (I know, I have every browser you can think of, lol. Web programming needs to be tested on everything)

  3. How can we get more people to interact? It just seems like there are 25 or so people who actively post, react, comment on posts and everyone else is just here as a name. For a little while, there were more new members saying g'day, but lately, even this has tapered off, and those new people posted once or twice, then faded away.

    Take the chat for instance, I don't know how many times I've been on at 7.00am said hello, then said G'nite at 9.00pm the same day, with no one saying boo. I know my Timezone is backwards with the majority of the planet, but this can happen for 3 days before I get a bite.

    How do we get more interest? 

    Mary bought up an interesting point, she was thinking that because of societies taboo on the subject, maybe people are still reluctant to talk about this, join the site, but are too embarrassed to share, could this be the problem?

    • Agree 2
  4. 1 hour ago, fannywatcher said:

    I cant really think of anything i dont like.I think im not a fan of the ones where a camera is directly under the toilets,where they actually piss on the camera as it were.

    Mary has done that on my GoPro, lol. She sent it to Maighs phone too. Don't ask, it's long gone ....... 

    Our current pet hate are the girls who squeeze their mouth shut so tight, they look toothless.

    • Haha 2
  5. This is amazing, I don't know what to add, but I'll be watching this thread. 

    All of us value life, doesn't matter what it is: a spider will be caught and put outside, a snake is just prodded with a broom with an occasional "Fook off out of it" thrown in. We hit a small kangaroo one night, didn't hurt it much, just knocked it aside, but the girls were devastated, cried over the poor little bugger, it's just the way we are. As for a 'God' we are on the fence, neither believe or disbelieve, but if there is 'He' is well overdue for a visit. All three of us think we'll meet E.T first, I know we are not alone in the universe, time and distance work against us out here in the "suburbs" of our galaxy.

    The last week has been a bit harsh on us all, I have been diagnosed with a degenerative bone condition, trying to take medication for it made me feel worse, so I gave them up. A care plan has been set up, I need to do some work to slow it down. Another thing happened that highlighted the frailty of us humans. A guy we knew, a 50 year old, had had a mild heart attack, he was treated and cleared to go home. A couple of days later, his wife found him dead in his garage after mowing the lawns. We know death is part of life, but geez, how much closer do we have to get? 

    As for drugs, nothing apart from a drink or two, none of us have smoked, none of us have taken weird chemicals, no interest in it. We may look like babes in the woods, so be it, lol.

    We have a game we all play, it's on PS4 (2 of them) and on PC and Alienware luggable, called No Man's Sky, it's the closest thing to exploring a galaxy, we all have our own place, name our discoveries and generally get lost in it. This is what we'd like to think the galaxy is like, travelling, exploring and meeting new species. 

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  6. I'm nor sure on the logistics of this, a lot of places in Japan that used to be available are now not there. Has Japan implemented some sort of Internet control? China is now impossible to reach, even the English speaking parts of Hong Kong Island have dropped off, when was the last time anyone saw webpage with a country code of .HK or .JP? 

    Another example of China: I buy a lot of electronics from China using eBay, I used to deal with a Chinese company, now that has changed to someone in Sydney, Australia. Same products, same service, now using a 'middle man' that separates China from direct contact. 

    I'll wake up my Dark Web PC today, and see if I can get anywhere.

    Dont give up, Sathuta. Sex sells, as long as it does, Japanese Fetish videos will be available.


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  7. My Mrs managed to pee in the hand basin of a 747 at 40,000 feet over the Pacific. If you've ever seen one of these hand basins, you will appreciate the contortions required, rofl. (I also joined 'The Mile High Club' when she did this, lol)


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  8. 6 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    He built me. Learn from me how to build woman like me, and you will have a woman like me, you too

    We 'built' Mary, she used to be the most shyest person you could imagine, easily at home in a library sorting books. With some work, and patience, we turned this poor sweet girl into one of us, never sez no to anything, and none of us has any regrets.

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  9. This is the kind of thing that happens here, a change comes over her and she just gets right into it regardless of where she is. We've had to hustle her into the car and put a blanket over her a couple of times. The slightest touch can set her off, it's safer to get her alone and get her calmed down. Remember the post about Black Snake Moan in chat box? She is not as bad as Christina Ricci portrayed, but there have been moments. 

    There is medication, estrogen or a testerone blocker, that can help, but we both love her hyper sexuality, and help her with it. 

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