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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. I'm not afraid, we are thinking about you, we care about you and we don't want to upset you with intense personal feelings that we inadvertently uncovered. 

    We don't want you turning to the dark side (guess what movie we watched tonight, lol)


    • Haha 2
  2. 3 hours ago, steve25805 said:

    Oh yes, of course. I never stopped to think that our discussions here are public to all.

    Like of course I knew that yet became so wrapped up in what I wanted to ask it was almost like a PM. I was not thinking about whatever neutral observers might think. I forgot about them in the heat of my typing.

    I will bear them in mind in future much more, and anything with the potential to be misunderstood in a negative way I will discuss privately only.

    Apologies for being less thoughtful in that respect than I might have been.

    @spywareonya, that goes for us too. 

    Can we continue the god discussion now, I think we got up to Odin's brother?


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  3. Lol, a thread revisited.

    Sims 4 is fun with a lot of mods available, and yes you can make them pee. They just turn green and make disgusted noises until you run them through the shower. We played about with some sex mods, managed to get girl on girl, but one of them didn't like it, lol. Walked off making the same disgusted noises.

    I've fooled about with modifying / making mods, but the spectacular crashes kind of put me off. Windows is so fragile, it doesn't take much to hurt its feelings.

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  4. 10 hours ago, spywareonya said:



    this is so much true

    you have to understand, that nobody should take these matters lightly

    anybody who talks about violence should be treated with a bit of suspect, and I feel comfortable with people being a bit troubled about what I say

    I am not a bad person, the point is that I do not want to live side-by-side with unconscious, I want to know, de-censor, and control everything

    I don't wanna hide behind moral, laws, prohibition

    I wanna understand, constestualize myself in the Greater scheme of things

    I do not use the violence I talk about: you know me, I Always spread sincere love

    but I don't wanna got stucked into shunning it again like I did before understanding, because it would re-start turmoil in the unconscious

    I have no problem in theory about that person trying to spiritually analize my stuff, my fear, better described, is that the analisys of things so deep and visceral MUST be utterly emotionless

    because our emotional part, though being the core of our sensitivity and gentleness, is programmed in itself to shun these things, and label those who explore them as dangerous

    if somebody who cannot manage to be utterly emotionless would ever read this, the genetical programming in him/her would compel him/her to find all the "hidden signs" about the fact I am Dangerous

    this is my fear, on the very technical stance

    Indeed, the funny thing is that though these Entities are really friendly to Humanity, the doubts They stir in the minds can really be Dangerous!!! Unless you manage to be utterly firm, not "without emotions" which is a cold and sad thing, I said "emotionless" in the guise of not-lead-by-them not even in the unconscious

    and sincerely, witch or not, I never ever ever ever found anybody during all my life who managed to be emotionless enough to avoid getting scared by the stuff I work with

    only people four times my age, witches or freemasons for 70 years, now dead of old age

    that is the point

    my heart would be broken if somebody would convince you to back off from me because he/she misunderstood me due to that (almost un-avoidable) programming

    I coudn't even hate that person, because I would understand what would be going on in his/her unconscious

    but it would be wrong nonetheless, They are good, whoever got scared/tricked into thingking elsewhere will obviously will not judged but will lose an opportunity to expand toward how to control and master the totality of his own unconscious

    visit and remember the marvellous thread about the Awsome Grandeur of Nature: impressive and scary doesn't necessarily mean Dangerous, and dagerous doesn't necessarily mean evil



    Please understand that we care about you, Maigh was the one who told me to slow down, I think she knows more about you than you know, just by reading this thread. She told me that some of the things I was getting close to were upsetting you. This was not my intention, believe me. She read this, and was in tears, she does not want you to open 'old things' and 'get cranky', I guess you know what she means. The very last thing we wanted was for you to get stressed out, turn in on yourself and leave this thread.

    We are not going to try and use any of this knowledge, the knowledge of the gods itself is all we wanted, the witchcraft is just too close to your heart to even try to share. Just the knowledge, ok? If we inadvertently touch on something too hard, too personal, say so, we will understand.

    We know you are a kind, loving person, certain people project violence, you are definitely not one of those people. I love the spiritual intensity you show, and while I'm a long way from understanding it, I stand in awe at your command of it. 

    We love what you do, love what you have shared, and love you for who you are.

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  5. 6 hours ago, steve25805 said:

    One other thing that troubles my mind occasionally. You know I have a very close female friend in real life whom I have known for much longer than you, and who is herself knowledgeable about this sort of thing. I trust her almost completely. I do not discuss any of our discussions with her though, because you have asked me not to. Thing is, I just know that some of the things we talk about here she would tell me to back away from, and I feel torn a little in keeping it all from her. I do so out of loyalty to you and our friendship because I have promised you that and am a man of integrity in that way. I will not break my word. But the friend I am talking about is a real life friend as well as an internet one and someone I have known longer than you, and who knows about this sort of stuff too. And is psychically gifted as well. She senses a lot of stuff. So our discussions are not something I would like to keep from her forever. And the fact that she would I suspect tell me to back away from some aspects of our discussions, and be more wary in general, does play on my mind a bit and fuels a sense of unease in me. It is in no way mistrust in you, just wariness about all I am told because I am always second-guessing what my best friend would be telling me if she knew.

    I felt the same way with Maigh, but in the end, I shared everything. She has an 'uncomfortable' way of just knowing things. I was just easier to give her the Ipad and let her read the entire thread. Most of the things I've posted are from us talking them over, three people on it works well, and when all 3 of us go our different ways searching for things, some weird and wild things are found.


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  6. 2 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    the Norse Blot was ALSO a hormonally shaking way to make people feel crazed before battle and strenghten the ties between the tribe with some loud action, but I am NOT talking about it in these posts of mine, here I do explore sacrifices under the use they can have in supernatural, not in sociology

    Ok, got it. Think I may have derailed the thread a little. 

    Bear in mind, three people are inputting thoughts here, we talk about this a fair bit, and we thank you for the knowledge you share.

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  7. 9 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    first of all you are not butting, you have been part of this thread since its beginning, so ask anything you want, anytime

    now, about the question, it's not a replacement, this is terribly complicated

    basicly (I'm not complaining, just notifying) you guys are asking me to explain to you stuff that only people with ten years of training are able to accept!!!

    Pee is not a replacement in the meaning that everything that gives energy is OK so theorically it CAN be a replacement, but the use of urine in magick comes, quite funnily indeed, from the deepest currents of Occults, those who strive to  re-shape humans in the guise of an (APPARENTLY) emotionally-uncaring Nature, and practiced human sacrifices like breathing air, hundreds of years ago


    Urine can bring along (but I am not describing it now, it's too deep stuff, maybe I will, but only later, really much later and only maybe) magick with a power that even surpass blood offerings, but the ways this works is NOT about replacement

    now read carefully and strive to understand:


    Urine brings along the same spiritual PH of the most extreme acts you ever did on the scale of de-censoring the great taboos of humans

    usually, these taboos are "Work too much or too heavily", "Be sexually extreme", "understand and utilize violence beside acts of anger"

    there are also other obviously but these are paramount

    let's make an example

    imagine a girl peeing down the streets after a party

    and now imagine peeing down the streets a woman who recently attained world-acclaim for being a Medic who worked 120 hours in a week because of a terrible accident that occurred near her little town, now she is walking down the streets without almost remembering her name and decided she got the god-given right to pop a fucking squat there and then

    the second situations brings along one billion time the charisma of the first situation, isn't it?


    and now, imagine a girl peeing openly from her chair in a pub: maybe she is drunk

    or maybe she is a she-devil, leader of a terrible gang of vigilantes who kill drugdealers in Sout America

    the second situation gives ten thousands time more thrills


    So, Urine gives energy and that energy can theorically substitute blood offering, but the amount of energy given depends on how much your morality is trained to be not-immature-anymore, so the piss of an evil woman, cheating on the economy of the Corporation she runs so to fire people, will not stir any sexual thrill (I'd just kick her in her face), as much the piss of a mild girl simply on the verge of wetting herself is cute but not "powerful"

    evil and innocence are but useless for evolution, a real grown up soul is somebody who is willing to get his hands dirty and then find a peaceful way because he loves peace, not because he fears the unknown depths of violence


    my urine is as powerful as a blood offering because the day of my Initiation, when nobody told anything of what would have appened, I was told at a certain point to "Give something to the Gods", those who told me that expected an adfirmation of trust and love, maybe a song or a poetry, or maybe wanted myself to tell Them I was happy to meet Them, instead something enormous and terrible sourged in me, I took the ceremonial dagger and sliced my hand, then put the blood on a little tissue, and lock it into a little empty perfume bottle I brought along to be filled maybe with pee or consacrated water, and gave it to Alex as a bond of love

    all was amazed by this act of mine, and I obtained respect and even fear, for the willingness and boldness of that action

    not that I wasn't afraid or did not felt pain: but the desire to surpass myself was greater


    from that on, my blood offerings had been through my menstrual blood, and when I buy meat to be cooked, first I mop the blood and the burn the bloodstained tissue in the garden during a ritual

    but when confronted with criminal I enraged in the past years (a Witch can't look the other way while drugs spread in a block previously pure and good for families), I prepared myself to die, to die for real, and to make my eventual Death as an offering for Them

    it didn't happened, but that counts, because it was sincere

    and now my urine brings along almost the power of a human sacrifice

    but MY urine

    the one of somebody else will bring along THEIR personal list of achievement on the scale of "de-censoring what is usually taboo for humans"


    and beside all of this, Scot, LEARN TO FUCKING MENTION/QUOTE ME, so I'll answer you eagerly, unless I could fail to see it!!! ahahahahahahahahaha!!!


    Lol, sorry. It's a bit cumbersome doing it on iPad / phone but I'll try.

    This all ties in with the human sacrifices that happened in South America and to a lesser extent, the blots that occurred through Europe. Most of these were carried out by the Church, basically 'let's teach the population about our God' and thin the crowds in the name of this god. Killing people seemed to be universally accepted, using something harmless as a sacrifice was not.

    Were the people that perpetrated these things just psychopaths that came to power? Or did some 'renegade' God run amuck and brainwash some weak minded people into doing it?

    Based on the historical evidence, I'll guess we never know, but some of those purges were epic, epic enough to make history.


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  8. Sorry to butt in here, do you know when pee as a replacement for blood was introduced? I'm guessing that this was started because of the dim view of knocking people off. 

    Was it just accepted as a suitable replacement? 

    I, for one, don't like inflicting pain, and you can guess what I prefer to receive 😊



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  9. 22 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    I knew of the Dream Time

    we Witches usually do not talk about this

    it's our Paradise Lost


    You don't have to answer this one, it's basically some observations.

    I don't think your Paradise is lost, not entirely. Some changes that I've seen in my 50 years looked a bit strange when they we announced, but it makes sense now. There are some places in our land that were readily accessible to anyone, these have now been closed to the public, Ayers Rock, for example is now called Uluru, the original spiritual name. There used to be pathways up the side of this thing, so you could climb it, and marvel at the scenery. I did this once, as part of a school trip back in the late 70's, these have all been removed, there is no access to 'The Rock' at all. You can still go there, drive around it, and take pics of it, but you can no longer walk on it. 

    There must have been a significant reason for this, it closed several hotels, an airport, and the small community that served the tourist industry, all gone. I didn't mind this happening at all, returning the entire site to the original owners was an excellent idea, keeping tourists (and their senseless graffiti) off the rock was another. Have a look at Google Earth, you can see where they used to be. 

    Did someone discover the real reason to keep the tourists $$$ away?

    I've been to a few cave painting sites, hard to get to, some require an overnight stay, and when you're alone with them, you can feel, best I can describe, is a presence, something is there, and it knows you are there too. It's a creepy feeling, but it's a good feeling, a feeling of calm and peace.

    I think your Paradise is just waiting.

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  10. 5 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    I knew of the Dream Time

    but it delves into exceedingly deep mysteries

    Scot, you know I adore you but believe my words if I tell you that this shit is really serious

    for you maybe fascinating, for me, it could be like for a Christian talking about a theorical time when God wasn't born yet

    The Australian Aborigen were genetically isolated, but their culture comes down anyway from the original Indonesian stemming of the Dravides (India), but in a time of which anthropologist are just making discoveries now

    obviously there was for sure some original indigenous tradition, yet the Dreamtime is NOT related to it, it was shared among all the world in those times but it survived only in Australia while elsewhere was forgotten

    The Sumerian had something similar, Aztecs and Egyptians too


    The Dream Time refers to a time when the Gods were just born

    it was a time when the Collective Unconscious was still virgin and undispoiled by human activities, because so few men were alive, that the gods could control their emotional state and make sure they feel ok, like in a never-ending trance where nothing was detached from anything else, like a living DREAM

    it was what Christians consider Earth before the Fall of Adam

    in those time, our eyes could see spirits like you see the girls in your house, and talk to them like it was the most normal thing of the world

    we Witches usually do not talk about this

    it's our Paradise Lost


    Got it, I think, lol. So what I'm after is way after this time period.

    This is great stuff, I've told you I've been banned, been called Satan and the devil for asking too many questions. I think people don't know what I'm asking and just ban me because they don't know themselves. 


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  11. Ok, this is all good so far. 

    The sticking point is the ancestors of this country, the Austalian Aborigine. They have 40,000 years of history here, some 500 odd tribes of two distinct groups, people who lived inland, and people who lived on the coastline. All of them have one thing in common, The Dreamtime. Only the name is common though, every tribes interpretation is different, rivers in Western Australia were made by a giant snake, the cliffs and valleys of Kakadu National Park were made by a crocodile that was on fire. There are even legends on how kangaroos, koalas and kookaburras came to be. There is no reference to a 'God' as such, eternity is real life, the life one person leads is just a gap, then you return to eternity again. 

    This is something I copied: 

    The experience of Dreamtime, whether through ritual or from dreams, flowed through into the life in time in practical ways. The individual who enters the Dreamtime feels no separation between themselves and their ancestors. The strengths and resources of the timeless enter into what is needed in the life of the present. The future is less uncertain because the individual feels their life as a continuum linking past and future in unbroken connection. Through Dreamtime the limiatations of time and space are overcome. It is a much observed feature of aboriginal life that knowledge of distant relatives and their condition is frequently displayed. Therefore if a relative is ill, a distant family member knows this and hurries to them. Often the intuitive knowledge of herbal medicine is gained also.

    Another thing, members of the tribe never separated their daily activities, eating, sleeping, sex or working, everything was all-at-once, not one-thing-after-another. This made each member a valued contributor to the life of the tribe. If, after some major discretion, a member was banished from the tribe, that person went away to die. 

    Can this time period fit in anywhere with what you are saying?

    Is Australia the only continent that didn't have some kind of cultural interaction with the rest of the world?







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  12. 8 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    there is something deeply erotic in what you described...

    Lol, it didn't last long. Clean underwear and shapeless non-flattering track suit pants were on pretty quickly, it's cold here.

    • Haha 1
  13. They want to get inside your house, see what you have, things like tv's, computers, phones, that kind of thing. People have been robbed, they watch and wait until you leave the house, then come in through a window, grab things they can carry easily, and sell them somewhere.

    We have powered shutters on all of our Windows, and the expensive security doors. All of this was on here when we bought it, it was one reason Maigh wanted it, due to the previous thing that happened with her. We are safe, lol.

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  14. That was about it, two girls maybe 20 years old, on the door step with one of them doing a pee dance, pretending to be in distress. Mary said she had a little fun with them, told her to pee on the steps so she could watch, lol. This may have been the cause for the vigorous abuse. No idea if they are watching the house, Mary said that they walked away, no car in sight. Local police have had reports from other small towns in the area, and local council have posted it in their weekly notice.

    They may get the hint and move on, it's the kind of thing you can only do once or twice.

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  15. Ok, so where did all this start? Did someone make 'contact' and became enlightened?

    I've been reading about the ancient Indo-European pantheons (language groups), and all of the people, even though widely separated by distance and language, all have the same basic thing in common. Thunderstorms (Big Bang in the air) and lightning, and to a lesser extent, hammers/axes and oak trees. All of these figure predominately, in a multitude of languages, from Ancient Greek, Ancient Roman, Finland, Celts through to Iceland. Thor/Donar/Thunar is also the common name here, and stayed this way for ages. Jupiter/Zeus were among the first of the 'kingly' gods, placed on top of mountains to rule over the land, and although they threw lightning bolts, they left hand to hand blood work to the lesser gods Ares/Mars.

    Most of this comes from Prose Edda, and it's pretty much taken with a grain of salt. There was no writing this long ago, and the only thing to survive from this time period was stone carvings, no wood, no fabric of any kind, only stone. Consequently, stone is the only thing we have to go on, everything else is traced back to what it may have been like, based on the stone work that survived.

    Coincedence? Or was it some phsycological thing that primitive people needed to believe in, something that explained a force of nature, something they could name to lessen the fear?


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  16. I was out with Maigh, leaving Mary at home alone, and Mary rung us about someone wanting to come inside the house. Mary refused them entry, closed the door and called me straight away. We paid a visit to the local police, and apparently, there are some people knocking on doors claiming they need a toilet. If they gain access, it's really to check the place out, then come back at a later time to break in and rob your house. 

    Mary was relatively calm about the whole thing after it was over, we have CrimSafe security doors that work well, she just told them to go to the toilet in the park. She closed the door on their vigorous abuse, and let them rant away. We have seen the police patrolling the streets, it's happened to a few places around town, not just us. 

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