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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. Thought I'd create a mobile technology app page, share your strange and useful apps. 

    I'll start with FlightRadar24, used it over the weekend to see where my girls were on the flight home from the UK.




    Another one I use is What3words, divides up the entire planet in to 3 meter squares, I think it's more accurate than GPS, lol



    I didn't use my home address, obviously, but you can see how close you can get.

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  2. We no longer have a bath, there wasn't one here when I bought this house. The double walk in shower can easily accommodate all of us, and yes, pee does flow, lol.

    At the old place (3 person spa) self pee was pretty regular, but even then, we discovered we were not the subtle bendy toys we used to be. We had to assist each other into the required position, a hilarious excercise in itself.

    • Haha 1
  3. 20 hours ago, spywareonya said:


    I do not like islam just as much as I don't like any religions (unless I would have not kept looking for knowledge, in the end stumbling on freemasons scientists making secret scientifical experiments about the Gods), but I have many muslim friends that ignore my occult practices, and they are delicious persons

    When one of them discovered I am a Witch, she said I was a "Sufi", a "divine madman". When other non-muslim people find out what I was after. OH SATANIST!!!!

    So ok, I acknowledge Islam is manipulated toward war more than crhistianity, but ISLAM IS NOT EVIL at all

    It is only manipulated

    I read the Qu'Ran and believe me, it's much less violent than the Bible

    All things people think that muslims believe about enslaving women ARE NOT IN THE QU'RAN

    So read instead of judging!!!

    The biggest problem with the Qu'Ran is the religious nutters 'interpretation' of these scriptures, they excel at mangling the scriptures into their perception of what is right. I've read all these things too, and nothing in there relates in any way to the current mind set that justifies the babaric practices that follow this so called religion around.

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  4. You still have everything, just keep the HD, you can still access them from another PC. I've done this so many times, you will be surprised what you can recover.

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  5. 7 hours ago, fannywatcher said:

    I like how the dirty guy has his willy out.Kind of he is the viewer in a way..

    Lol, he gets his share, he wanders about during the entire movie, looking like he's having a constant heart attack.

    Have several movies with this girl, seems like a private studio, it's the same small group in all of them, just can't put a name to her face. Grabbed these ones on the fly using VLC.


  6. Hmm, I have a couple.

    1. People who can't or won't update technology, I've had a PC repair that was still running Windows98se, and the owner was complaining about how slow it was. It was a Pentium 3 with 8 meg of ram, rofl. This same person had an old Nokia 3110 that didn't have a signal, I tried telling him that the technology wasn't used anymore. He just didn't get it, the phone still powered up, it should still work. There were several others in the same predicament, I just tell them, thanks, but no thanks.

    2. Snapchat, Instagram and Twitter. If you get these things, I don't want a pic by pic story of your Mc Donald's meal being slowly eaten, I don't care if it is your last fry, or if there is only ice left in your cup, find something better to do with your time.

    3. Smelly people. Don't people wash anymore? I had to use public transport for the first time in ages, and peak hour commuters , really? Does the stale smell of sweat turn people on? Not just guys either, some of the ladies smelt awful too. You would think that they would be considerate of fellow travellers, but no, just sit there marinating in your own foggy miasma, no one will notice.

    I have some more, lol.




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  7. My ladies hate them too, they can never figure out why ladies are so gross in public toilets. Makes you wonder if they do this at home. There have been a few times when we've been out, and they had one look at the ladies loo, then asked me to watch the door while they used the men's room, lol. Pretty easy here, not a lot of people where we live.


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  8. I don't think we ever wanted not having it, like we didn't want to do it at all.

    There have been some instances where the planning has fell to bits, everyone was peeing battery acid and no matter how good you felt at the time, there are limits to what you can stand. After a couple of 'this is so bad' comments, you just give up, get in the shower and clean up. Last weekend was the last time we fooled about, started as a random wetting thing and quickly escalated to a mutually agreeable ending. I've asked when we are going to do it again (based on this thread, to see what happens) and all I get is 'meh' or 'whenever'. The three of us being happy together seems more solid than trying to fix something that isn't broken. 

    Can you get to a point where the once intense fetish takes a back seat in your life? We know we can do it anytime, and we also know that we will enjoy the moment, but we don't need pee to make some magic happen. Someone walking about the house wearing tiny knickers and a midi tee shirt is enough for 2 of us, lol.

  9. We finally have our house back, tonight, we will all sleep together after nine days of sheer hell, lol.

    Let me explain: I have an estranged sister 4 years younger than me, and she is one of those churchy dogooder type persons, the whole 'wrath of God' thing. Her priorities are a little bent though, apparently peeing all over each other is ok, but a threesome relationship is not. I'm doomed to live with the devil, according to her, anyway. 

    She is also in the employ of The World Health Orginization as a virologist, studies all kinds of wierd diseases, travels the world following flu outbreaks, that kind of thing. Most times, she lives in Geneva, but she arrived (with 2 hours notice) 9 days ago to stay with her big brother.

    This messes up our happy life considerably, I have to set up a bed in the computer room, Mary is banished to her solitary bed, and we can only pee in the toilet. It truly is horrible. She left today, driving to the airport for a night in a hotel before she flies out tomorrow, her organisation skills are frightening, in her life, things are done to the second, this is just one example.

    My ladies do not like her very much, lol. I'm hoping they'll talk to me sometime today, now that she is gone.

    Has anyone else's life  been turned upside down by a relative or friend who just decided to visit?


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  10. I had to look up DJ kahled, I didn't know who he was, what a moose, lol. Did he have anything to add when he was called out for being a pussy?

    I love doing it, the taste, the thought of it, the enjoyment she gets (after a couple or several times, she will sleep for 6 hours) and I just love to get in there. I have the added bonus of having a second one to nibble on, and in certain positions I can alternate between them. They like each other's too, which does interesting things to me when I watch them. 

    I have no idea why someone would not want to do this, yes it can smell, but that's part of it. If it's too much, she  will go and have a shower, although I'll not hesitate to go get a warm face washer and clean her gently if she doesn't want to move. Really, how can you love someone, have sex with them and not do something as loving as this? 

    I had a laugh at some of your references and descriptions too, very nicely written.


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  11. 30 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

    Fetish and perversion are two different things

    a perversion is when a class of desire becomes the hole through which anguishes and problems found expulsion

    is not safe, and can be diminished by eliminating the original problem that chose the fetish as its puppet

    a fetish which is not a perversion is a desire that is not used by an uncoscious problem as a puppet, thus is not destructive

    this is very important: a powerful twisted desire and a DESTRUCTIVELY powerful twisted desire are NOT one and the same, NOR they aimply are the envenomed form of one another: no family car reaches 300mph no matter how much you push it; if it does, it was NOT a family car in first place

    if a fetish is too invasive, then maybe it is used as a puppet by a problem: the enemy is not the fetish, is the problem which is using it

    if a fetish is just an enrichment of sex life, trying to eliminate it would be actively WRONG: the original fracture in people's psyche (the one called by scientists "pre/post-genital catastrophe"), which is the source of ALL human problems, racism, sexism, ALL paranoias and phobias, ALL psychosomatic illness, violence, envy, rape, stalking, war, imagine something signaling our difference from a happy child, name it is it DUE to that, was born between 6 months and 2 years of age, because our unconscious absorbed our parent's unconscious embarass toward the totality of carnal experience. We feel unconsciously wrong putting all things in our mouth, our feeling pleasure when we poop, so we add this info to our unconscious and slowly become repressed. We do not feel how much traumas this unleash, but it works this way.

    We must, as a race, as Society advances, surpass all of this and return to be, as a race, pan-fetishists.

    A fetish must be kept under control only if it turns out to be a puppet of an anguish, like when a lesbian is not really a lesbian (personal experiences, I've fucked many) and indeed is only secretely traumatized by a bad relationship with her abusive father, making her to unconsciously hate men

    in this case, the problem is not  the fetish: its invasiveness comes from it being "possessed", and what must be solved is the problem, and the fetish will stop being that invasive

    all other thoughts are anti-human at core: we are born, built by Nature, to explore using all five senses at once, to touch and understand existence: all manifestations of physical and psychical activities are safe in themselves, and acting against them, or simply failing to realize their inherent holiness, is against the human race, is against THE HUMAN on an archetypical level; scientists all knoes that. You know I have powerful friends in private circles and they all confirmed me, the DSM (the book of psychological illness list to be clear) is 99% built on Health Insurances and other economical operations and there is little scientifical about it, indeed guess what? evey year it changes, and misteriously, it changes along the most common cases… strange, isn't it?

    True psychiatrists knows better, and they told me what I wrote in the beginning of the post. Humans are inherently stealth creatures: none of us is built to be clumsy, even less psychologically. When a desire misfires, it is not the desire in itself which is the problem, is what we hide behind it. Sometimes is just embarass and repression: sometimes is a more complex disorder, and true psychiatrists explore THIS.


    This is outstanding, love the way you explain everything so clearly, and with feelings from your heart. 

    Thank you.

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  12. I think you can learn to live without it. When we were first married, the pee aspect was so intense it was like we couldn't do anything without it, and when Mary moved in a year later, it started all over again. We are now coming up to 13 years together, moved house 3 times (hopefully, never again) and while the fetish is still there, we don't do it as much anymore. 

    We still look at it online, pics and movies, still talk about it, still get turned on by it, but it just doesn't seem as 'important' anymore, get what I mean? We still have the odd random pee session, the unexpectedness of them when it happens makes it special, and there are a few times where we've actually planned a night with excellent results all round. While they are fun, it just seems that we really didn't need to go to the effort. We will never give it up completely, the 3 of us just being with each other is more than enough. Pee sex will always be with us, just not all the time.

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  13. Yes, when I was the owner / manager of my little tech company. I used to stay back after my staff left each night, had a quick clean of the offices and the toilets. Not a lot to do, the people I employed were fine, they all looked after the place. I went a few times in the ladies, nothing sexual, I just needed to go, lol.

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  14. On 24 July 2018 at 3:17 AM, spywareonya said:

    I have this kinda feeling

    Something like "I'm here now's your turn"

    I like this kind of feeling too. It's sad that so many people just don't realise its happening to them, and the whole good feeling just falls apart. How does the person feel, after doing all they can to signal their availability, have it ignored simply because it's not seen? 

  15. Lol.

    This has upset the cabin crew mostly, it's not like she did it in the main cabin. The question I asked was who filmed it? Was it an elaborate set up? 

    I've never heard of a toilet being locked when an aircraft is being refuelled. Last time we stopped at Dubai, the entire aircraft was emptied, we were herded like a flock of sheep into the terminal for 90 min.


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  16. I can understand some of what you say, we have left our share of puddles at more places we can count, and we like doing it, but due to the very nature of pee, after a few hours, or one rain shower, it's pretty much gone. Our backyard has had lots too, we have people over, walking on the very grass we peed on, and we are thinking 'if they only knew' lol. There is no smell, no evidence of what we did is left behind, but we still know what happened.

    Is this the same kind of feeling that these girls got? Knowing what they left behind, and not the rudeness of it? The other thing that Mary asked, was it just one of them? What are the odds in a group of 4 that 2 of them are having a period?

    We don't go out of our way to let our 'feel good' activities impact on other people's lives, if we think someone could see us, or sees something that could be termed dirty or disgusting, we will go somewhere else to have a little fun. One time, poor Maigh 'lost it' while trying to walk 20 city blocks, made a delightful mess in her jeans, this was bad enough, but the comments some people made caused her to rethink what we were doing, now, we are more careful in public places. She does have a way with people, no one can resist her puppy dog eyes, or her Scot accent, and can always get access to a toilet where normal mortals cannot go. 

    Ahhh, it was just something I never would have expected to see in a National Park.

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  17. We've been away, trail walking in The Grampians (the Victoria Australia one) and decided to do a 4 hour hike to a waterfall, 2 hours in, make the appropriate ooh ahh noises at the rather spectacular waterfall, then a 2 hour walk back out again. Everything was fine, lots of wildlife: small wallabies, some Eastern Grey Kangaroos and a multitude of the most noisy birds on the planet. Weather was cold, but no rain, and we saw several  other groups at different times. We were about 20 min from the waterfall when we met a group of 4 girls walking back out, they started giggling and laughing as they passed us but we thought nothing of it. We guessed what their problem was when we arrived at the picnic area at the end of the trail.

    Totally grossed, there were a couple of sanitary pads left on the table, they were filthy with what I could only call a very heavy period, you could have wrung the things out, they were that bad.

    Why do people do this?

    Is it some weird sexual buzz thing they get?

    Do they go back to their hotel and have a wanking session over the mess that someone else finds?

    Maigh and Mary were so disgusted they got a couple of sticks and managed to get the things into the forest away from the picnic area, they couldn't leave them there for some family with kids to find.


    Anyone else come across something like this?


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  18. Hmmm, at the risk of being belittled, I need to use viagra at times, keeping 2 people happy is hard work, and there have been a couple of memorable times where I've had to pee when I've been 'charged' up, lol. It can be done, you just need to think about it.

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  19. 5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

    This is a scene from the arty German mainstream film Tag der Idioten, set in some sort of asylum for the insane.

    An actress is standing with her legs apart and pissing on the floor, when another crawls underneath to seemingly enjoy being peed on. The pissing in this scene is real. The actress is actually pissing for real. And her co star is being peed on for real. 

    Check this out.....

    And it's gone already, no longer available, lol.

  20. 15 hours ago, steve25805 said:

    So Lilith is a goddess of several layers, but a primary theme is love and eroticism?

    Lilith is also - whilst being goddess of all things erotic - at the same time the goddess of all forms of beauty and love? Is it the combination of all forms of love and beauty, with eroticism on every level, which together equates to a kind of ultimate sexual perfection? Where pure love and full on eroticism come together? 

    If ever there were a goddess to love, She sounds like the one for me, lol.

    Ours too, but we don't go into the hard humiliation aspects. Ours is more like where it comes from, sharing from so deep inside a person, something truly from the inner warmth.

    Some intense feelings in there @steve25805, some powerful thoughts too. Makes us feel kinda bad that our lives have been fairly rosy. You have shown some inner strength to overcome everything thrown in your path. 

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