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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. 1 hour ago, spywareonya said:



    Well, you must fix this thing:')


    We want some pics!!!:17_heart_eyes:

    Please don't, I am 50, Maigh is 40 and Mary is 38, you do not want to see us, lol. I can post anything, but our one rule is no pics. There is an underlying reason for this, the person involved was only released from prison last year. It still brings back bad memories.

  2. Mmmm, I like real ones, not man made idols.

    Have you ever wondered how religion started? Was it a bunch of old guys sitting around a samovar, drinking evil coffee, then shaking hands, and saying 'If they believe this, they'll believe anything', lol

    • Haha 1
  3. This thread is amazing, your award for best newcomer is well deserved, you have bought a ray of sunshine with you, all three of us love it.

    We are glad you are being careful with what you do, don't get on the wrong side of the law, no matter how harmless it seems, we have severe penalties here too, and have skated close to a couple of them. The Gov'mint and Police really take a dim view of peeing in public places.

    Maigh and Mary have watched that American Horror Story, I think it's The Coven?  They have a thing for Stevie Nicks and could still do bad things to her. We know that what's on tv has no real correlation to what you do, so don't jump on us for that, the girls just like the 'scenery' lol.

    • Love 1
  4. Does anyone monitor this board? Applied for a username/password days ago, and nothing received. Starting to look like I sorted and stored 700gb of stuff for nothing.


  5. Wipe, all the time. Even I wipe when I'm out (uncircumcised), we carry a roll of potty paper in the car.

    The only time we don't clean up is when a planned wetting happens, usually there is too much for mere toilet paper, lol. 

    If it's unplanned, well, then you're left to marinate in it.

    The stale pee smell is a turn off, none of us like it, and we don't like the idea of others smelling it either. 

  6. The peeing in the shower one makes sense, we do it when we can.

    The other thing we do to save water is when we pee in the potty during the night, we don't flush it until first thing in the morning instead of 5 or 6 times in the night. This for pee only, anything else is flushed immediately.

    Past and present water bills show the difference already.

    It may only be a small bit of planet saving, but we try, lol.

  7. Both Mary and Maigh have what they call 'innies', no protruding parts whatsoever, and has not affected them in anyway as long as I've known them. Mary can guide her stream using 2 fingers, she can steer it where she likes, she is that small and compact.

    The only other girl I've seen, a lesbian I previously knew, had large paddle like things on either side of her opening, she was embarrassed by them, and she did think about having them removed. Not sure what happened, we drifted apart and I've not heard from her again. 

    The human body is an amazing machine, with so many variations on that one thing, it's no wonder that men (and a lot of women) want to look at it all the time.


    • Agree 1
  8. It does work, doesn't it, lol.

    This all came about when we were buying groceries, we got to thinking that there must be an easier (and cheaper) way to do this. When alcohol in the shopping trolley totals $120, basically bought for this one purpose, it begins to dawn on you that this is getting a little out of hand. 

    To put it in perspective, 100 of these innocent looking pills costs $6.50, now can you see why we wanted to try something different?

    Are these pills any worse than a six pack of beer? Or 8 half litre bottles of Rekorderlig? 

    What is the lesser of the 2 evils?

    I think Mary was right, I shouldn't have bought this up, lol.

    • Like 1
  9. Again, I know.

    There are 100 pills in this prescription, 97 left now, and these will probably go out of date before they are used. It would take us a year to get through them even if we do it again at all. We tried it, got the result we kind of expected, and probably won't go there again. Beer and Rekorderlig is way more fun.


  10. 7 hours ago, spywareonya said:

    Face and hair are my personal preference about golden showers:p

    Same here, I just put it that way in keeping with the clothing reference, I've had my girls looking like Alice Cooper when dissolved makeup is running down their faces. It's always good for a laugh, but then again, to see one of them, smiling down at you with your own pee (or someone else's) dripping from her hair, makes the sheer sexiness of it so much more intense.

    • Agree 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, spywareonya said:


    I like to be pissed on, Alex and I started dating when we were still teenagers, and we didn't possessed all the comforts we have now:11_blush: In those days, we used to meet only thanks to friends who had a car, still used condoms bought at the very last moment, and pissed on each other while making love in public park, hoping not be seen by anybody. Oh, those days!


    Later on, our piss-obsession subdued a little because it was fully satisfied (after three, four years of Golden showers and piss drinking) but obviously it didn't disappeared, uh!!! It simply became less aggressive. He still piss on me on various occasion, but it depends on my clothes, and on how much time did I spent making my makeup!!! I love to use natural make ups, and take a lot of time doing it, it is almost a ritual for me, and after an hour of endevour, I'm not gonna have it washed away too soon!!!:')


    I don't allow anybody else to pee on me (unless I'm over the roof with passion or almost-in-love) because pissing on somebody could be seen as an act of dominace and that's why I pee on my girlfriends though do not allow the reverse. Anyway, it happened that  I drank lovers' piss but more as lioness do with their cubs, pretending to be hurt by their little bites in order to make them illuse themselves they are powerful and get used to courage and aggressiveness, in my case I mean I did that so to make them feel special and loved, not because I endorsed an hypothetical equality:p


    Full clothed pissing is one of the most arousing thing in the world. One of my personal fantasies (so personal that to write it here is an act of deep trust), is to climb the social ladder through working (only an emplyee by now but I'm ambitious) and one day got invited to luxurious party, hook up with one of those so-marvellous-they-look-almost-fake rich girls, make her get drunk, and later perform piss play with her while wearing thousands of dollars of clothes and jewels...


    Do you like to be pissed on by girl too (or are curious about it) or you are exclusively straight?:p

    This sounds so much like my situation that it's scary ....... 

    12 years ago, when my pee fetish was awakened by the 2 most sexy women I have ever known, we did it day in and day out, could never get enough. Over the years it has gone off a little, but there are still times where we get back on the bike and surprise ourselves. Both ladies love to get hosed down, by me or each other, in what ever they are wearing at the time. Some expensive clothes don't handle this well, becoming shapeless or just fall to bits from washing. We tend to buy Kmart or Walmart brands now, it just has to last a few washes, then we buy more. The only thing different from the shown pic is that the ladies like everything, full underwear included. They didn't like Tainster.com for this reason, the girls never wore enough, just wasn't realistic enough.

    You, at least, can understand the feeling of hot pee hitting you just under your chin, feeling the wetness work it's way down, soaking into you, or laying on the floor with 2 sexy ladies just letting go on you, we love it, and to fit in with our New Year's Resolution, we plan to get into it a lot more.

    Thank you for being you, we don't feel so alone now.


  12. Yeah, I know. 

    We had a read about it, knew what we were in for, and our very cool Dr did prescribe them, although I think she's onto us, lol. 

    1 per day is the dose, but like I said, we tried it and will put them away until we feel the urge again. There are a lot worse drugs that people take for fun.

  13. Hello. Has anyone used a diuretic to make pee? 

    If you did, can you remember what you used?

    The three of us tried one today, we were bored, nothing to do, and this is what we found:

    Frusemide (also marketed as Lasix) 20mg. We didn't eat, just had water and coffee, and had one pill at 1.00 pm. By 2.00 pm we were making puddles every ten minutes, with all of us going at different times, it was pretty much non stop for a solid hour. It literally swamped our massage slide, we had to bail it out. Apart from the fun we had, there were no side effects noticed, no bitterness, no smell, no color, we were just hungry from no lunch. The girls got into it so much that they are now asleep, totally shagged. I don't know how many times they orgasmed, but it was a few. This is our thing, it maybe a bit intense for most of you, but this is what we like.

    At 3.15 I'm still going potty, after having a shower and washing the wet clothes, I'm still feeling it on just one little pill. It has a gentler effect then lots of coffee, with no queasy feeling of drinking too much.

    We don't plan to make a habit of this, too many of these pills do bad things to the body.

    Thoughts anyone?

  14. Does your friend know of your interests? 

    We have a neighbor who comes over a fair bit, a single mum with 3 kids, think she needs a place to escape to, lol. Anyway, we were all having a drink the other night and she said she needed to pee, and said she could go on the lawn if we didn't want her inside. Mary took her to the bathroom and returned with another round, and laughingly said "If she only knew".

    We are not looking to go any further, lol, it was just funny at the time.


    • Like 2
  15. Seen this last night, strange movie, lol. 

    They have a scene (shot in the cleanest Gladstonbury I've ever seen) where Eggsy goes into a large tent with a girl. He says he has to pee and the girl tells him "You can go on me if you like"

    Totally out the blue, both girls got it and burst out laughing, strange that we were the only ones that laughed. Elton John is  in it too, also very funny. 

    Check it out, and if your sense of humour doesn't match ours, sorry, lol.

    • Haha 1
  16. Have you ever wondered?

    Have you ever been at some large public event and just gazed about the crowd, and wondered how many are into it? I've done it several times, at football stadiums, picture theatres, a busy restaurant and even the Christmas shopping crowd at a large shopping centre. Even the girls play along, "she will, she won't, that one will be grossed out", and so on, lol.

    The other thing that inevitably happens is questions on how to get them interested. Mary has a tee shirt, think she got it from Patches Place or something, that has "I Love Golden Showers" screen printed across the front. It was bought as a dare and she wears it around the house, but has playfully hinted at wearing it out several times. Mary has indicated that she doesn't care who knows but I'm not so sure. Maigh was horrified at the thought, going on about "What would people think". We laugh about it, but it doesn't go any further.

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