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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. 23 minutes ago, P-Spud said:

    Damn! I had plans to splash around in the surf until I spotted a pretty girl on the beach. I would shriek and come in from the water moaning about jellyfish stings!

    Me:  "Help me, I've been stung by a jellyfish!"

    Her: "Sorry, I don't have to go."

    Me: "Oh. Here, I have some bottled water. Drink up and tell me when you're ready."


    Go for it, rofl. I doubt if will do anything for the excruciating pain though. Jellyfish are bad, even the Sharks leave the beach when these things swarm.

  2. 5 hours ago, P-Spud said:

    Was any reason given? I'm curious about whether it's actually bad for the stings, or just ineffective.

    I think it was mostly ineffective, no medical grounds, or if you had some infection, it could react with toxins and make things worse. Most people I know think it's just old wives tale, never heard of it being done to anyone.

  3. Not too sure on this, lol.

    Us Australians have been told not to pee on jellyfish stings, and there are lots of jellyfish here. We all wear a full wetsuit in the ocean when surfing, but still leave the water when an infestation occurs, like to be safe, not sorry. Recommended treatment is sea water or vinegar, we have a 2 litre bottle of vinegar in with our surfing gear, never had to use it yet.


    As for acne, never had it so I can't comment on that either. 

  4. I can't re-create these errors, no Windows XP here, when an Operating System is no longer supported or maintained, I give them up. All of my pc's are Windows 10 or FreeBSD 10.3, using all browsers I can find, I need all of them when testing my programming, 

    Site works fine on all of my devices, Sony phone, iPad, Samsung S6 and S7, even the BSD firewall recognises the security settings, indicating that there is no issue with connecting. 

    I don't know anything about XP, but given its age, could this be the issue?

  5. 6 hours ago, likesToLick said:

    Hi Steve.  

    You are definitely not alone in this.   The forum has been close to unusable for me ever since the change over to the new forum software.  Threads with pictures take AGES to load,  and the browser freezes while they are loading.   I am using a quad core processor at 2.5 GHz,  the latest Firefox update and a 12 Megabit broadband connection.   Everywhere else I go works fine, but this forum is so slow it drives me batty.

    I find myself coming here less often,  and doing less when I am here, since it is so frustrating to sit and wait minutes for a frozen screen to come back.

    Sorry you are having problems, can I get some more info on what version of Windows you are running. Clearing the DNS cache may work, sounds like your PC is not resolving the address correctly.


  6. "Quote" copies the post you are answering, and includes it with your post,

    The "Dislike" was not included, it was being abused, people disliked a post just for shits n giggles, it got way out of hand.

    The new software may not have that function, not sure, but no one liked the old "Dislike" anyway, just way too negative.


  7. Hi

    Is anyone concerned about what Russia is doing? I guess that most Brits on the East Coast will watch 11 warships and an aircraft carrier cruise through the Channel, even I would like to see it. The Aircraft carrier is partly de commissioned, but everything else is fully loaded. All of these will tie up in The Med, apparently to assist Syria. The other concern is that Russia has recalled all diplomats and families that are currently over seas.

    Add Trump into the mix and we have another cold war all over again.




  8. Hi

    Is anyone concerned about what Russia is doing? I guess that most Brits on the East Coast will watch 11 warships and an aircraft carrier cruise through the Channel, even I would like to see it. The Aircraft carrier is partly de commissioned, but everything else is fully loaded. all of these will tie up in The Med, apparently to assist Syria. The other concern is that Russia has recalled all diplomats and families that are currently over seas.

    Add Trump into the mix and we have another cold war all over again.


  9. On 2 October 2016 at 5:12 AM, MissPiss said:

    As a mother of 5 children I can say yes of course I have peed in front of my kids. Moms have to do alot of things in front of their kids because there is never any alone time. haha

    Lol, I know someone with 4 kids under 5 (twins and and the other 2 are a year apart) and she never closes the door, says her kids would destroy the house before she came out, lol. Strangely though, she always closes the door when I'm there, one of those things that make you say hmmm.....

    • Like 1
  10. So what happened this time? Things are a little slow in the colonies, does some have a link I can read up on it?

    Is this another update of the one bought in last year? (I think)

    I'll not be leaving either, not by a long shot.

    Can we charter a bank? Cater for anyone who wants to look at naughty things?

  11. If you want to make a mess, it usually takes some effort to get the desired result. Yes, you have to get a full tank, and yes, you have to time it so you're good to go when the camera is.  For me, it's the wet jeans /  pants that does it, not the over acted desperation that leads up to it. In this case fast forward is my friend. 

    Come to think of it, at all the places I've seen ladies lined up to go potty, be it football, airshow or car races, none of them have acted that way. The most you can see is foot tapping, arms crossed, occasional side step, nothing truly outrageous. They just patiently wait in line.

  12. One of our hard rules was no pics online either, not even clothed. Nothing on phones, no sneaky pics, nothing. I accepted this when both of my ladies requested it, and as mentioned, we also have enough memories to keep us going for ever. The girls are not members of this, or any other site, they tried once, and the endless requests for "nudie pics", turned them off an online presence ages ago. We do have our usual family pics and of memorable places we've been to, but no one needs to see them. 





    • Like 1
  13. Pete, you're not the only one. I've not been in a lot lately, both ladies are losing interest and I've been asked not to share our experiences for a while, christening the new house was very nice :wink:

    Chat on - site does not work for me, timezone is all wrong, but I'd be willing to meet up on this "pool" you refer too. You will have to slip me a link though.

    Consensus of opinion here is that you would be missed, there are not many people on here that can debate like you, I've been in a couple, lol.

    Hang in there, pm me if you need to, but don't just walk away. Ok?

    • Like 1
  14. I really hope that this will fizzle out soon, I'm finding that I'm not here as much as I used to be, even my ladies are reluctant to log on and look around due to the negativity and in fighting. How many other people have just dropped off and quietly given up on the site?

    Please people, enough, were are all here for a common purpose, a common fetish, can't we just enjoy that much without who is doing what to who? I've learned to "hush my mouth" when I see a post I don't agree too, I don't need to add fuel to a fire, can't you just think, take a breath before posting, and just leave it to avoid conflict?

    The mods are here to keep the site running smoothly, not to be attacked and and pulled into a public brawl, as has happened too much lately.

    Please guys, just think about it.

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