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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. Same here, I paid for it and barely used it, think I uploaded 15 or so videos. My main reason for not using it was the speed of it, it was so slow to upload, and watching online was also slow and cumbersome. I think a couple of us tried to get webm support (way smaller file sizes) but this didn't happen. 


    Videos are are all over the Internet, with a little time and some thinking about it, you can download any of them.

    • Like 2
  2. The ones I visit mostly are: thisvid.com, heavy-r.com, search for pissing and be aware there is other stuff there. 

    4chan.org gif/ has some amazing webm's every now and then, but sites like that are not everyone's cup of tea. 

    Xvideos.com, xnxx.com and pornhub.com get honourable mentions, just not updated all that frequently, again, search for what you're looking for.

    • Like 3
  3. Yes, a person can be converted, but it took a while.

    Mary, who is a bi girl, fell in love with Maigh, my wife. Rather than break a heart, we took her in, she has been with us for 12 years now. Initially, she thought the pee aspect was gross, but with constant exposure, and the fun she could see us having gradually convinced her to give it a try. 


    She is now just as perverted as we are, and although the pee aspect has dropped off, when we do have a session, it is just as intense as ever.


    We have talked about reposting our story again, will clean it up and give it another go.


    • Like 1
  4. The thing is, when we do this in the privacy of our house (even the backyard is private) it is a good thing. We have fun with it, never used to show dominance, or to put anyone down, just a loving experience we all enjoy. The change that happens in a normally quiet and shy girl has to be seen to be believed, she tells us that she loves doing this because of this change. It releases something inside her (her words, best she can explain it). The day after one of our sodden sessions, Mary even told us the she embarrasses herself, lol. We just gave her a hug and told her we love it.

    In our situation, how can something so good be made out to be so bad? 

  5. Who hasn't done this, wetsuits included. It maybe summer here, but the ocean is still cold, and when you're sitting astride a surfboard, hip deep in water, what's a better way to warm up? The naked huddle behind an open car door is also a good time, peel the thing off, have a quick squirt, then dry off and get dressed. The ladies wetsuits are a little on the small side, and the ensuing hilarity that happens while shedding their "second skin" just prolongs the fun.

    • Like 1
  6. On 30 January 2017 at 9:00 PM, new2this said:

    Yes, let's all talk about how great our fetishes are, but shit on other peoples, because that's totally what this thread is about.

    Lol, keep it cool, we are not bashing how weird other people's things are, everyone gets off on something no matter how awful it comes over to you. This was an attempt to pass on how other people view our fetish, not that I tell other people though. My estranged sister knows, but no one else that I'm close to has any idea. My 2 ladies have kept this completely  seperate from their normal lives, even at home we can be 'normal' for weeks at a time, then something incredible will happen. 

    We did did participate in a university study that we were invited to attend, we were approached while attending Sexpo  one year (Google the Aussie version), and told the poor girl everything. She just blinked and wrote it all down, never said a word, lol.

    Do we really need to care what other people think?

    • Like 1
  7. Recent bad weather has polluted a lot of our city beaches, high e-coli counts, high fecal matter counts, high "bad things in the water" counts ........ 

    We have a beach close to us that is not bad, you just need to share with jelly-fish and sharks, although usually not at the same time. There is no body down this part of the coast, no chance of pee sightings at all, if we do go to the beach, it is all ours.

  8. 1 hour ago, steamlover6 said:

    Well, as you will know I arranged a party in Birmingham in December, starting with serious beer drinking at the German market. A few guys were very interested in joining but no other girls joined us and I had insisted on 1 F to 1 M. So once again it was me and my fantastic enthusiastic g/f having the time of our lives, thinking it would have been great to have a foursome or sixsome, sharing the pleasure. Girls and guys you are missing out so much, do join us for the next one sometime soon, just p.m. me.

    Realistically, would this work?

    My ladies have indicated that they would not think of doing something like this, no matter how strong the fetish was.

    Any other ladies want to add something?


  9. This is another one the gov'ment tried to do here. They wanted mobile phone data too. When it was mentioned that you needed a data centre the size of Google or Facebook, and a billion dollars, the gov'ment backed away slowly.

    Telco's also made noise that everyone would have $50 added to their monthly bills, and given the high price of data and phone calls, it died a quiet death. It still maybe in the background, I have no idea, nothing has been mentioned since the public outrage, but our gov'ment is like yours, they could just as easily back door something in.


    George Orwell would be howling with laughter over this.

  10. Gawd, I read that thing and it gave me a headache. 

    If the site has age verification in place, does that mean it's allowed?

    Given the nature of the Internet, I can't see how this would be enforced. If the data came through a major telco, for example, and the whole domain was blocked, wouldn't this affect hundreds of other people not looking at porn? Has this 'age verification regulator' been set up yet?

    ISP's are supposed to block content here, 4chan.org was a prime candidate for blocking. It has not happened, torrent sites have not been blocked (friendly ISP's will send you a letter telling you not to do it again) but that's as far as it gets.

    Really, short of taking an axe to the main internet cable into the country, how would it work?

    This will not stop underage people from looking at porn either, every kid on the planet over the age of 12 has a mobile phone, what's to stop them making their own? There have been some juicy scandals over this on our news, even the armed forces had a go, lots of outrage, but nothing was done to stop it.

  11. I use a Multiple Exit VPN when I need to, it just doesn't play well with Microsoft Azure.

    Wouldn't Cloudflare be directed to kill access? This makes me want to build an onion site (Tor Network) for this kind of thing. First the movie companies in the USA tried to own the Internet, this didn't work. Then governments cripple credit card companies to limit access to porn, and now this. The only thing I could find was this Independant thing, came up empty anywhere else, is this a valid report? Is it a slow news day and they had nothing better to print? Let's hope so ....


  12. I don't think of it as being dominated, we all like to think that's it's something wonderful to be shared. 

    We, too, have lots of pee fun that doesn't involve sex, but sometimes it just happens, and it is more intense because of it.

    There is just something about laying in hot pee with an equally hot girl on top of you, lost in her enjoyment, that makes me lose it quite easily. Add another girl into this, and you get an idea on what I do to myself, lol. I get skin off in strange places, but it's so much fun being in hog heaven.


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