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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. Did it once, but I didn't wash it off properly and I got a horrible rash on some parts of my chest and groin. Never again, thank you very much.

    What did you do wrong? I have worn pee soaked clothing for half a day (not my pee) and it's never done a thing. I had to change eventually because the smell got too bad in hot sunshine. My girls also laze around in wet clothes, nothing happens to them either. The only time a rash developed was when one of them walked 5km home with wet jeans on, and I think the jeans did it, not the copious amount of pee she did in them.

    Did you have the rash checked out by a Dr?

    Just interested, ok? never heard of anything like this happening before.

  2. I used to live next door to a young lout with big noisy V8, every time he went somewhere, he just had to do a burn out, tyre smoke all through the flat. This was an older car, big ornamental fuel cap that was conveniently hidden when he parked his car, and I took the liberty of "topping up his tank". It took a couple of days, then I heard it start, bellowed into life, then stall out. It had to be towed away, and never returned for a week, it was heaven. When he did get it back, he drove it quietly, was more considerate to the other tenants and it also had a lockable filler cap.

    To this day I've always wondered what the conversation was between him and his mechanic.

    This was way before my pee fetish started, and as far as I know, the only thing I've ever done that cost someone money.

    • Like 4
  3. It surprises me how many people are unable to change a tyre, because it's soooo easy to do!

    I know, showed my ladies how to do it, mobile reception in the sticks is a bit flaky here, I hate the thought of them being stuck on the side of a dark country road. Thankfully, this has not happened yet.

  4. I've been in this relationship 10 years now, and the hypothetical question has been mentioned a few times, how would we feel if the pee fun just stopped, didn't want to do it anymore? Pretty much all 3 of us said it was not much of an issue, we still have each other. We feel that we've done everything we could ever imagine, and those times would be with us forever. Thankfully, it was only ever talked over, and again, we all agreed that we couldn't just stop, we love it and what it does for us too much.

    Would I do it again if we broke up? No, I don't think so, too many fantastic memories, I would rather remember the good things even though it was lost.

    Maigh indicated that she would probably keep it secret again, for the same reasons. Mary is kind of middle ground, if it happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't. All of us can't bear thinking about ending anything at this time.

    All of us are sorry for your break up, thinking of you.

  5. This whole religion / racism gets me, you can't be called a racist over religion, you can be called out for discrimination, denying or using religion against the person concerned but racism is not in the argument. Both religion and racism are man made anyway, there is only one race on the planet, the human race, humans made racism but making some people less than themselves, they way they lived, where they came from and how much money they had, it grew from there. This didn't happen overnight, it took thousands of years, and just look where it's left the world.

  6. We have moved, somewhat haphazardly, and with general grumpiness all round, but we have finished. Now just need to make this house a home for us.

    Internet is a bit flaky, been off for over 12 hours, only came back on about half an hour ago.

    Working on new furniture, will get it sorted over the next week or two.

    Love the new house, already met the neighbors, a single mum on one side, and university students on the other. The backyard is private and enclosed, all roses and ferns, we don't have to be "careful" at all, lol.

  7. One week to go. Pc and servers will be pulled down during the week, will be on mobiles only (phones and iPads), will be back after the 15th. Take care everyone.

  8. I use VLC to cut out the relevant scenes in a movie, not sure if it resizes or crops as such. Just Fast Forward to the scene you need, hit record (Playback Menu) and stop when done.

    Just checked it out, has a crop function, but just preset values, 16:9, 4:3, 1:1 and such like. If you know how this works, it may do what you need.

  9. I was on a Train Station on one of my trips to Melbourne, this girl came running down the stairs, and her dress was lifted in the rush of air as a train came in. Her perfectly maintained "landing strip" was flashed to everyone. Easy 100 people saw it, made that peak hour memorable.

    Here's a thing, when ladies wear no knickers, why do they look so pissed when their bits are accidentally put on display?

    I mean, not putting panties on is a conscious thought, right? Not exactly something you forget in the daily grind of things.

  10. THIS is the ultimate hypocrisy on sites like chaturbate, which i hate. They allow, even encourage, "squirting", but prohibit pee like it contains anthrax.

    Whether or not you believe that "squirting" is "ejaculating", one thing is painfully obvious: the carrier fluid is pee. There may (or may not) be a few drops of prostatic fluid in there, but 99% of what gets your sheets wet is pee. No organ in the female pelvis can hold that much fluid other than the bladder. Skenes glands my ass, theres enough fluid in those to make a wet spot the size of a 4 nickles.

    A few Chaturbate and MFC girls that aren't terrified of their employer will pee for you in private, often at a ridiculous price. I can't be bothered with it.

    What does Kimberely X charge? Sounds like she's honest, which I respect.

    - Peevert

    You pay her in "kinks" which equate to $1 aud each, not sure about the rest of the world. So $50 gets you 50 kinks but you can stretch these out, make them last, I had 30 left last time and just gave her the lot when I left. Yes, she is that good and I for one do not mind paying, I have never seen anyone like her on cam.

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  11. Welcome to the site, hope you like it here, and I'm sure you will do fine. Check out some of the stories, real and fiction, and see where you want to go. Great to see some more people opening up about what gets you going, new people always at some excitement.

  12. I started late, was running a small programming company, you've probably seen similar things, using a web browser to fill in forms, then create a database out of them. One of my programmers was a tiny little Russian girl, throw her in a pool fully clothed, she would weigh 45kg dripping wet.

    This girl was a genius at html, she could code site wide just by using Notepad.

    Anyway, she came to me one day, found a spider in the ladies, wanted me to take care of it. It was a huntsman, reasonable size, and it had gone under the wash basin. I expected her to wait outside, but she squeezed past me and went into the cubicle. I never knew a tiny body could hold so much, tinkled loudly for what seemed like ages, and she knew the effect listening to her did to me, smiling at me when she came out. That was the beginning, I was hooked from then on. I had access to a "backbone" to the Internet (still new in Australia at the time) and looked for as much as I could find. Who can remember "alt.binaries.erotica.urine" ?

    I met my dream girl in Scotland in 2005, married her soon after, shipped her over to Aus, and a year later, bought her girlfriend over too. We have been a 3some ever since, and both of them are as perverted as me. Things have been a little "dry" lately, in the process of moving house. They have teased me about "christening" the new shower, but that's as far as things have been so far.

    • Like 4
  13. August 9 is census night here in Australia, we've all be told to enter correct religion details on the census form. So many Muslims and their families have been allowed into this country, we could be declared a Muslim state. This just an indication of how crazy this country has become, it used to be called the lucky country, I think the country will be lucky to survive. My ladies want to return to dreary old Scotland if this happens, I'll be going with them.

  14. Hey Guys and Gals!

    I want to first apologize for my recent absence

    I have been battling a particularly nasty infection after a recent tooth breakage and removal :tongue:

    it seem's after practically living on antibiotics as a child for chronic ear infections, it seems my body has created a bit of an antibiotic resistant strain of bacteria (how lovely)

    So far I am doing alright, I have simply been hung up on getting this knocked out and taken care of.

    So far, heading into round 4 of antibiotics, fingers crossed that "4th time's the charm"

    HOWEVER, in better news, A Lovely new camera is heading my way and once I get some practice, you shall all reap the benefits of a better quality camera!

    WHOO HOOO!!!


    Woohoo, welcome back. Sorry you've not been well, I was only asking around a day or two ok if anyone had seen you. Get better soon.

  15. Most of the webcam sites I know of - Chaturbate, Myfreecams, don't allow peeing. There's possibility on Adultwork but I was wondering if anyone knew of any token-based sites where women, and couples, put on pee shows?

    I have done it with girls from MFC, you can arrange it if you are careful. First, you need to find someone, not as easy now as it used to be, then arrange a token amount (last time I done this, it was 1000). If you can get this far, exchange Skype details, and let her go offline on MFC so she doesn't lose her job, and calls you. Out of all the times I've done this, only one girl has done a runner with the tokens, MFC gods took care of her, lol.

    It maybe easier to use the cam site on here, look for Kimberley X, she is well worth your time and "kinks" as the tokens are called.

  16. Dude, maybe you should say hello first, get to know some people.

    Coming in this way, with your first post is like walking into a bar and asking every girl to "drop em".

    My wife asked me to comment on this, her reaction was really? Someone I've never seen before and just blurts this out?

    Look, it may work out for you, if it does, good luck. Just that my girls reaction was "nah, not likely"

  17. What is it like when a man pees into your mouth? What does it taste like? I've yet to try it. I love it when a man comes in my mouth and I love to swallow. Do you swallow the pee?

    Most times there is no taste, just like warm water but you need him to be well hydrated, ie: drink lots. I've been told I can go from warm water to battery acid, but remember, however bad it is, it will always wash off. Just taste it, and go slowly, see how you go.

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