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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. I have been packing up and throwing out junk (amazing what you find) and have found a stack of old magazines, Sex Bizzarre, Clark and such like. Can I snapshot these and add them to the Pictures thread? What's the guidelines for something like this? Any copyright issues?

    I cant pack and Mail these things to someone either, it gets into even murkier waters.

    What do you think? I can do it if you want, and then the things will be tossed into the industrial grade shredder.


  2. Lol, about time this definition came up.

    My definition of naughty peeing is peeing in or on clothes, what ever you are wearing at the time. When one of my girls does it and sez " I've made a wee mess" it always makes us all laugh. This is about as naughty as it gets, the rest is just plain sexiness, a naked girl or two in bed, or in the bathroom, just peeing on someone else, or getting someone else's pee on you is just such a turn on. Geez, there has been a few times where we've just lost ourselves in it, hard to explain, just have such an intense time that physical sex is not needed, and we end up in bed as one big cuddle.

    The other thing is the randomness that happens, you could be having a normal day, working in the yard, or being inside on a pc or ps4 and something wild will present itself, I don't know how many times Destiny has been interrupted by a peeing girl, or how many times I've interrupted the girls on Drive Club, it has to go down as the most creative way of getting someone's attention. I've even been in chat, or writing something on here and just left, when it comes to pee fun, pee fun wins all the time, anything else is put on hold.

    We are a little worried about the move we are making, going from no neighbors and doing anything we like outside, to a small town where we have people on 3 sides and not being able to just do it outside. Maybe this could add another element of naughtiness, lol.

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  3. Careful what you do on a "smart phone" most phones do not delete anything, they just attach .nomedia to the file to hide it from the operating system. This includes kik, snapchat and messenger. Security is kind of a hobby of mine, I know how to "recover" these files, a $4 app is all you need. Lose your phone, and all these files are available to anyone.

    We don't use any of these apps on our phones for this reason, call it paranoid if you want, but it's our phone, lol.

    Once a week, we plug them into the pc and clean them all out.

  4. Just had a quick look, 2 years jail, and depending on court, may have option of home imprisonment to community service orders.

    No mention of fines, but could be applied. Penalties are more severe if the person being filmed is under 16. I assume this applies to anywhere a camera can be set up.

    Police are looking for one in Sydney now, posted his picture on FB, apparently filming 13 year olds with a camera in his shoe. His antics were noticed and when challenged, ran off.

  5. There was a protest on one of the city beaches, it was supposed to be closed to let these people have access to a beach, a stupid local council idea that was never going to work and back fired spectacularly . There were about 200 women show up at this beach, all in bikini's, a fair few topless, and some even naked. The point to the exercise was that 'this is how Aussies go to the beach". All of the pro-Islamic people vanished like a fart in the wind, protesting to the police did nothing, they were standing back enjoying the show. They did move in after the protest fell apart, but it was a fun day.

  6. This pic made the news here, for a couple of reasons. Australians think it's offensive, propping themselves against Federal Parliament dressed like this.

    The Islam community want all Australian women to follow this example, I don't think that will go down well.

    Are we wrong to resist this?


  7. Naughtiest - I don't have one, or at least one that matches most definitions of Naughty. I did stand in front of Mary once, in public (beach car park) unzipped hers and my jeans, wriggled my willy into her knickers and let go, hugging her (or stopped her from running away), lol. She was like 'wtf?' and then added hers to mine, fun at the time, but we paid for it later.

    Real Life - I was doing my thing at an outdoor urinal, middle of the city, 10.00 pm at night, when this leggy chick came in, obviously half tanked, hitched up her mini skirt, eased what little knickers she was wearing aside, and hosed down the porcelain. I was beside her, another guy on the other side, and she just smiled at us both as she hissed away. The moan of relief and the giggle as she finished up was priceless. Thinking back on this, it may have woken my sleeping giant, I'm pretty sure she was the first. Maigh and Mary have both done this since, but only when I'm alone in there.

    Fantasy and Porn - These two go together, the Porn one that gets me going the most is about 20 girls taking turns peeing on a guy, one after another, an endless procession of them, all shapes and sizes. Understandably, this is one of the strange Japanese videos I have. This is also my fantasy, had a few intense dreams of something like this. My girls know about it, and have tried to help, but it ends up in a giggly mess when they run out of pee.

    Most Extreme - Giga Mania, Japanese again, 50 guys and one hapless dressed female in a bath, totally soaked. They could easily get 6" of pee in this transparent bath, and the girl stayed in it, held under the pee, truly a drowned rat look. Japanese Government shut this down a long time ago, was a bit too much apparently.

    John Thompson (666 or GGG) come in a close second. There are worse ones I've seen, but they include more bodily functions and fluids.

  8. Well hydrate pee no different than water. How that be any better?

    It is still pee, it comes from deep inside the person you are with, it doesn't smell, it doesn't burn eyes and it does not taste bad. We hydrate as much as we can for all of these reasons.

  9. On the odd times I've had a video made, I just asked if she could do what I wanted, and if she said yes, let her do it. I'm not a director, I just say what I want and let the girl work out the fine points and send the finished video. This doesn't always work out as expected, but I've always paid the agreed amount, regardless.

    • Like 1
  10. My ladies watched some of this, we didn't get in there until 2am, Kimberley's time, and she was winding up for the night. As soon as I started following the conversation, joining in and interacting with her, I didn't mind paying at all, didn't need to think about it. She was like a ray of sunshine on a dull day, lol.

    Thank you, MFL, for teaming up with this site, and thank you Admin for making it happen. It adds something special to our interests.

    • Like 1
  11. Oh yeah, I could tell you were still on your high when you wrote that, but it still puts you on the floor with you. You have found your destiny, lol.

    I have 2 girls too, but there is no Dom/Sub arrangement, we just do it because we like it. Those gif's you put up really don't do the feeling justice, you have to be there.

  12. The butcher thing was scary at the time, but so much has been let slide, I don't think it will ever be the same again. Kids at school can't sing the national anthem anymore, it may "offend" someone, xmas carols are not played in public places anymore, it may "offend" someone, the Anzac Day march has even drawn protest, it "offended" someone. We cannot win here, I'm glad I moved away from the city when I did, and when I sell this place, we are moving to a small country town where no one knows a Muslim.

  13. I don't know what it's like to live in the UK at this time, but Islam and the Muslim way of life is getting increasingly difficult to live with here. When the Prime Minister can't go to a military service to honour dead soldiers, but can have dinner with The Grand Mufti at a Ramadan dinner, something is drastically wrong.

    These people are managing to enforce Halal certification onto everyone, supermarkets, restaurants, you can't get bacon on a Mc Donald's burger anymore, you have to ask for it, and it has to be cooked in "Pork Products Only" microwave.

    Mary made an innocent mistake once, by asking for a pork roast at a shopping centre butcher. She was screamed at in some hideous sounding language and had a meat cleaver waved about in her face, scared the shit out of her, and being a Scot, arced up, in Gaelic. The situation only being diffused by us being told that it was a Halal butcher. This was pointed out to us, a small sign, written in Arabic, on the display case. I had no idea what the thing meant, and told them that, didn't seem to make any difference.

    The communities where they have set up camp are places where normal Aussies do not care to visit, local clerics are campaigning to have Sharia Law implemented in these areas, further closing these communities off. An entire swimming pool complex and gymnasium has to close to the general public for a day just to cater for them. They just do not want to be Australian, no desire to be part of our way of life, dragging their fucked up way of life into ours. They take to the streets, openly declaring themselves as 'anti racists' to protest that their way of life is not being heard, up to 10,000 at a time. When Australians march against these rallies, it always ends up as a running street battle with everyday Australians made out to be the bad guys.

    Found this Facebook post, sums it up nicely:

    Muslims must understand that they must obey Australia's laws adapt and integrate into Australia's multicultural community its customs, traditions, its way of life, because it was the country that you have chosen to emigrate to.

    They have to understand that you are the ones that must integrate and learn to live in Australia.

    They need to understand that they have to change their life style, not the Australians who so generously welcomed you.

    They must understand that Australians are not racist or xenophobic. We accept many immigrants, from many countries with different cultures and religions, contradicting to many Muslim countries which do not accept non-Muslim immigrants.

    For this reason, the Australians are not willing to give up their identity and their culture.

    Finally, they have to understand that in Australia, with its Judeo-Christian roots, Christmas trees, churches and religious festivals, ANZAC day celebration and religion must remain in the private sphere.

    The Australian population has the right to refuse any concessions to Islam and Sharia law.

    For Muslims, who are not in agreement with the Australian culture and religion and do not feel comfortable in Australia under their laws and customs , there are 57 beautiful Muslim countries in the world, most of them under-populated and ready to receive them with open arms, In accordance with Sharia law.

    Simply get on a plane or a boat and leave.

    We used to be called the lucky country, I don't think this applies anymore.

  14. Well, they'll notice I keep logging in to leech off the pics in their galleries, posting the best ones here ultimately, whilst actually contributing nothing there myself anymore. So they really might as well just ban me now and be done with it, lol.

    Lol, all they were ever concerned with was the "15 post" rule. Once people made the obligatory 15 posts, you never heard from them again. I could probably count on one hand the people that actually said something that related to the site.

  15. Yes and I can find you plenty more examples of terrorist behaviour, could write pages and pages filled with examples of disgraceful behaviour by people who associate themselves with Islam. Does that cover every single man, woman and child who are Muslim though? Honestly, does it?

    No, it does not, the militant arsehole ones are doing that themselves, doing it to the religion in general.

  16. The actions of those "few" though are what's doing all the damage, creating and increasing people's mistrust of the religion. We've had women, dressed in a burka, beat up on suburban trains, mosques have been fire bombed and some suburbs have been ostracised because of the actions of those "few".

    Man Haron Monis, the Iranian who bought Sydney to a standstill was one of them, wanted on 40 counts of sexual abuse against women, was on bail at the time. The weapon he used was a 50 year old French shotgun, the only thing he could get his hands on and only because the thing was an antique. You may not be able to buy a gun here, but there are plenty of other options available with no questions asked.

  17. Government here has also been concerned, now that Isis is self destructing, they will take their war to the streets and if they're prepared to die for it, then who will be safe. How many more "cleanskins" are going to be brain washed into doing something like this? Some pro-Islamic forums are foaming at the mouth now, and Isis is only one of the bad eggs, there are 50 more high profile groups also hating the western way of life.

    We have nothing against gay, lesbian, bi or transgender people, but that's not the point, no one should go out to have a good time and expect to get slaughtered.

    Our thoughts go out to the people of Orlando.

    Scot_Lover, Maigh and Mary

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