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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. Someone should do a study on this, lol. Everyone is so different, people can have this from day one while others can go half their life until something snaps with a "Ooh fuck, that's hot" moment.

    Maigh had her interest sorted real early, before high school, mine was one of those things you see, and grabs every appendage you have. Mary thought it was gross and disgusting, but we soon made her "one of us". One time we had Mary in a tub, while both of us were hosing her down we chanted the "one of us" thing. Quite funny, Star Trek and the Borg was the thing at the time, we had a ceremony making her 3 of 3.

  2. What do you mean by irritate? A painful feeling or the bladder / urinary system just getting rid of it?

    I usually stop beer intake at around 6 stubbies, anymore and things get hard to rise ( think about it, lol) but I keep the water going. I found that too much water makes me feel uncomfortable, not painful, just uncomfortable. When this happens I stop water intake too. Another thing I noticed was that different brands of coffee work differently. If we have Inernational Roast, we find it makes more pee than Nescafé for the same quantity of coffee taken. Again, is there something in the coffee? Tea does not seem to create any more or any less either.

    The girls Rekorderlig is in 500ml bottles, and they share, one glass each from each bottle, and alternate with water. Four bottles of the alcohol and they are in a giggly mood, and fun things soon follow. We only do this about once per week, but there are some random things that happen, and these are fun due to being totally unexpected, and these ones, understandably, are some of the more intense, more tasty ones.

  3. The ladies and I did one of these questionnaires, and apart from being totally anonymous (27a, 27b and 27c) they had more interest in the 3some relationship than in the GS part. It was mentioned, when we were alone and as the group, but not much was said ...... just basically "errr, ok" and kept going back to the 3some, it just seemed that this was harder to get heads around than pee activities. That, or peeing was more common than 3 people getting into bed together. This is pretty much the reaction as per the previous post, only we think pee is weird and 3somes are normal.

    We've mentioned our "problem" to our Dr, and she has indicated that apart from drinking copious amounts (I never know how much copious is, lol) it is harmless, and nothing is required to be done about it. I cant help thinking she is interested though, gets a sparkle in her eye when talking about it.

    Nice thread, interesting read.

  4. No, I couldn't and wouldn't do it either, I have everything in my dreams here (well, giggling in the kitchen) and would never do anything to jeopardise that, no matter how good it would seem at the time. Technically, I'm only married to Maigh, but for all intents and purposes, we all see us as being married to each other.

  5. Still on Destiny, Level 40, Light is 298 ........ Call of Duty III, Star Wars Battlefront and Guitar Hero Live have all been added.

    Another thing, PS4 is pretty much useless without a Play Station plus membership, I have been paying for Eve Online (PC) for as long as I can remember, didn't mind that much, but PS4 and Plus membership ($69 AUD) adds so much more, it's hard to imagine the game without it now.

  6. I literally stumbled across the woman who became my wife, first night I met her, we discovered that she was just as perverted as I was, even a little more. There is nothing she will say no to, we know our limits, and respect each other as to how far we can go. As EGwalrus has mentioned, if you go slow, show a lot of patience, and give something in return, you can go a long way. Mary's vice is my wife, she will do anything to get in her pants, and we made a "monster" out of her. She now surprises us with what she can come up with, and there is nothing she will say no to either.

  7. I met my wife by sheer accident, and we pretty much knew we had both met our match by the first night. Mary fell in love with Maigh, and because of that was willing to try anything to stay with her. We "trained" Mary to share what we liked and all of us have been going fine for 10 years, almost 11.

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  8. Most places I've been to, be it a bar or restaurant, usually have some disclaimer indicating that the management have the right to not serve anyone at anytime. In a pub for instance, if you're obviously legless and can't stand, no one will sell you another drink. This usually turns to violence when the refused drunk arcs up and lashes out at anyone. Several people have died in such places over the years. A restaurant can refuse you if you don't meet their dress code, or again, if you're pissed, even McDonalds and KFC refuse to serve people at a drive through (people walking up to the drive through window, cited as a health and safety regulation)

    Been following this thread since it started, and have realised one thing, we live in a good part of the world, lol, and have some insights on what kind of things governments are doing to their own people. We made this tree change about 6 years ago and all 3 of us do not miss the city, fine to visit every now and then, the rest we just watch on the news. Thanks guys, been interesting.

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  9. Both of them said "it's not one without the other"

    In our situation it's a whole sexy thing, all 3 of us love to give and take, and probably because of this, it seems a little weird that one person could take it all, and not return the favour. We know that some people gladly will have pee on them and the other person is just as happy to provide that pee, but then doesn't that come back to a dominant situation? Having power over someone? I know it may not be intentional, but just say you pissed that person off, and then they refused to do want you wanted. In that scenario, all of us agreed that we would be pissed off in return.

    Argh, I'm not making much sense, the responses from everyone are so different, people are so different, and we all like different things. I think we are a lot weirder than most, lol.

  10. Getting back to unacceptable business thing, is Facebook and Twitter an American company? You would expect the "government" to put pressure on these to stop the Isil (Isis) recruitment, sucking poor deluded people into their cause, but no, can't do that. Our government has made noise to both of them to stop them from suckering people into it here (60 cases so attributed to Facebook alone), but nothing is done. Harmless pee sites get run out of business, yet Facebook and Twitter practically support terrorism.

    If these people do leave the country to fight for Isis and try to return, they are charged, 10 years in the pen, one girl left here with her boyfriend and when she got there was expected to provide favours for up to 20 men. Tried to get out and as was never heard from again.

  11. I don't agree with you on kids growing up in a gay relationship, be it male/male or female/female. I know one family that is a lesbian relationship, 4 girls aged from 18 to 22, 1 set of identical twins, the others born a year apart. (met them through one of my ladies support groups). Only one of the girls has shown any lesbian tendencies, and this is even in doubt, she has had both, boyfriends and girlfriends, a better term would be bisexual. The other 3 have moved on with their lives, all in normal relationships, all happy, no worse for being bought up in an all female household. One thing I did pick up is that they are more caring to their partner, Maigh pointed this out, women seem to have an instinctive way of just knowing what works and what doesn't. Maybe this is a one off, no idea, my ladies are bisexual, if I was not around, they would be happy with each other, but that is not what this is about.

    Here, gay people are supported, not treated any differently from anyone else, but there are support groups that help them live their lives as normally as possible. These are all non profit, no one is exploiting their life style preferences, there are there to help. I can't speak of what happens in other countries, but from my involvement with what happens here, they are still people.

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