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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. We had a little fun yesterday, it was so hot and muggy we tried to cool off somewhat. It didn't exactly work out as planned. I kind of wore most of it, the girls ganged up on me, several coffees and a fair bit of water and we all got wet in some way.

    After we had had enough, I had some mild heartburn and Mary complained of cramping in the tummy, she ended up with a bad case of the farts, nothing major, just a little uncomfortable and embarrassing. Maigh was fine, but she has cast iron innards, nothing makes her feel off. 

    Just wondering if we over did it, or that we need to get used to it again, we hadn't been this intense in a while, I mean we were soaked, hair, everything we were wearing, our jeans were shiny from being so wet, we dripped when we walked about. We were well hydrated, there was bugger all taste and smell, yet both of us suffered a little. Maigh thought it was funny and jokingly told us to do it again today, but we'll see what happens, lol.

    Has as anyone else had anything like this?

    Did you do something that made you feel a little off?

  2. Last night, lol. We had some dinner on the way home yesterday, and the girls had a large coke with it, and after a 45 minute drive, they were bursting. Maigh got the house unlocked and made a bee line for the potty, Mary following and instead of waiting, just got into the shower and let go, turning her blue jeans black. The groans of relief were fun to listen to, and seeing Mary, in the shower, hands against the glass with a huge smile, was worth it. Maigh laughed at her and helped me unload the car while Mary cleaned up, it was a fun way to end the day.

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  3. No problems at all with the site. 

    Just want to thank Admin for saving the site from a near death, and the people that helped at the time, without this kind of assistance, we wouldn't be here today. Thank you for the fantastic work you have done to make this site what it now is.

    Have a great Christmas and all the best for the New Year.


    Scot_Lover, Maigh and Mary.

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  4. Both of my ladies can, easily, although they are relatively small.

    Depending on what shop you go to, they are size 4 through 10, or if weight is an indication, 55kg and 50kg with Mary being the lightest.

    When standing with feet apart, both can splatter the floor (or someone), just in front of them, if mess is not a worry, pee forms a nice spiral down thighs and legs on it's way to freedom. Either way, it's always fun to watch.

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  5. Nothing wrong with what you like, although my ladies and I are completely opposite to you.

    We all like the sexual feeling of it all, with or without sex.

    There are a lot of people similar to your tastes on here, you will do well if you continue to write as well as you do.

    Welcome to PeeFans, enjoy your time here, and glad to have you aboard.

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  6. My neighbors don't, rofl.

    The P.A I'm using used to be for a drummers feedback in a band. The whole thing ran 10,000 watts and was driven about on a semi trailer.  Basically an instant sound reinforcement package, a couple of us ran it quite a while ago, and it was declared just too loud, so we disassembled it and sold it all off.



  7. Lol @ time machine ....

    My girls say no, but only because we're all in a relationship, if circumstances were different, and if it could be controlled properly, then maybe. They also indicated that no recordings would be made, it's people's nature to just share something to death. One video made for one person can turn into 1000 videos over night.


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  8. 3 hours ago, Sophie said:

    I'm into hobbyist electronics. Circuit design, soldering etc that kinda stuff. I've always been a city girl but would love to be more outdoorsy. I've always wanted to go somewhere where it's just me.


    I'm also a pianist :)

    Nice, Sophie. Have you looked at Arduino or Rasberry Pi? You can make anything you can put your mind to. I built a Bluetooth player for the P.A. I have in the man cave, connect any Bluetooth device and have it pumping at over 1000 watts per channel.

    I'm now looking at various other projects for the house, burglar alarms, remote door locks and a weather station. Interesting and fairly cheap, Mary is into it too.


  9. Living life as much as I can. 

    Hobbies are keeping up with technology, have half a dozen clients on a Microsoft Azure server, I buy a block of access then charge clients to keep back ups and databases running smoothly. My two ladies are also my hobby, keeping then both amused can be fun at times, we just had a week in a national park, never saw a soul. Some special things happened along the way, lol.

    I build Gaming PC's and high end servers too, I don't need to do a lot, just enough to get by, I own everything I have, no mortgage, no credit cards, totally debt and stress free.

    i also have 2 PS4's to help kill time, all the latest games, currently working through Destiny 2 and GT Sport (can't wait for the solo mode that's out in December)

    Is this what you had in mind? 



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  10. Been away all week, walking some national parks. Second day in, Mary decided to leak a little, and while it looked somewhat spectacular, she ended up red raw. Don't know if it was the pee, the walking in wet jeans (they were not wet long, 35c day with no wind dried her out thoroughly) or a combination of them both, but she was hurting, neither of us could kiss it better  in the tent that night, lol. She has never been this uncomfortable peeing while walking, even in these tried and tested jeans. A liberal application of some Nivea Skin Care fixed her up, the next day she was fine. We had lots of water, Maigh and I have no problems, just weird for Mary.

    The bag of clothes we bought back didn't fare well either, after 2 washes there is still a faint smell to them, lol.


    Has anyone else had a problem like this? 


  11. 18 hours ago, fannywatcher said:

    This goes way above a simple case of sexual harrassment.This will become an attack upon our civil liberties,to speak,act,and watch what we want.Yes,punish men that do rape,or physically abuse women,but lets banter,feel up each other,try look up skirts etc,without fear of prosecution?

    I don't know what anyone else thinks of this, but I have 2 very pissed off ladies after they read this. Banter, within reason, is ok, but groping someone? Trying to look up skirts? No, it's not a done thing, in both cases Maigh and Mary have indicated that blood would flow and they would be happy to front court to defend themselves. I guess you've never seen a Scot go off, when both of them have a go, I have to breathe for them.

    Not a good thing to make fun of, fw. Not a good thing at all.

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  12. 16 minutes ago, pantylover said:

    Personally I think it should be mandatory to answer what gender you are. Maybe a drop down window with options and you must pick one to sign up. ... just a thought from a newbie

    You do know that this will still be used incorrectly no matter what the choices are. Some males will still pick a female gender, or not pick a gender at all. I've been on a few forums, one even went as far as showing sexual preference. This led to 'gay bashing' wether it was girls or guys, people still got hammered for showing what they were.

    Gender is shown on the users profile, so it is available, is this what you meant?

  13. My ladies pretty much asked me this a while back, same kind of thing, I like seeing them pee on each other, and love them peeing on me, but when the male peeing thing came up, I didn't know what to say. They we laughing at me for days over this, and while there is no intention of bringing another male into our lives, we kind of established a 'maybe' lol.

    Interestingly though, they have no wish to watch two males having sex, the mere mention of it bought on some cute shudders, they couldn't explain their feelings on this apart from no, just no. It's like Steve said, if someone wants to do it, fine, just leave us out of it. 

    Another thing, we are in the middle of a referendum here, the gov'ment sent out a vote form for same sex marriage and we all voted 'yes'. When I asked them about all the gay men we said 'yes' to, I got more cute shudders, but they said it was the right thing to do.

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  14. Some nice points there Steve.

    I don't mind it, although I don't go looking for it them. Each to their own I guess. Just bear in mind, you may think it looks good and attractive, but when my ladies see one and you hear "Oh, for fucks sake" you can bet they move on and don't follow up on the poor guys post.

    Strangely enough, female body parts are accepted, no comments at all.


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